Stupidity - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 years ago

This has got to be the most nonsensical thing I’ve ever heard; how stupid can you be? Even if it were true that skinny people eat more than fat people on average it’s most likely because skinny people who work to stay fit work hard to maintain their bodies, so they need to eat more to make up for the calories they lost while doing that work.

I have no problem with fat people or being fat but I do have a problem with people spewing bullshit and trying to discredit other people’s hard work because they don’t want to work hard to lose weight themselves.

Additionally don’t say there are many scientific studies that back up your point if you can’t site that research.

Thin people actually think they’ve ‘earned’ their bodies. They honestly believe their thinness is a product of their own hard work, restriction of food and exercise. People who were just born thin, eat a normal diet and go to yoga twice a week think that that’s what it takes, and cannot fathom that there are fat people out there doing the same amount of exercise or more, eating the same or (in a lot of cases) a more restrictive diet and yet remain fat.

When offered a brownie thin person would joke “oh you want me to get fat” (let’s not even touch on how they think it’s somehow bad), but they honestly think eating a brownie or liking sweets and having them every day would actually make them fat.

Like, honey, you’re a size two. You can live off brownies for a month and not move and you’ll gain at best a couple of pounds. That’s how your body works. Some bodies work like that. Others don’t.

There’s a scientific study out there that found that thin people on average eat more than fat people. Yet they remain thin. They work office jobs, and go to yoga twice a week, or they’ve romanticized going to gym for a booty blasting workout and they think that this is the hard work they’re puttig in, and that if they stop, they will pretty much overnight, automatically rocket into size 20.

Even though there are plenty examples of thin people not liking exercise while being foodies and remaining thin, they will still claim that ‘it all burns off in the hard work of taking pictures for Instagram’. Or some shit. They continue to eat fast food on the same exact rate as fat people, and they drink alcohol, which is extremely high in calories, yet they think that yoga and kale salad and a smoothie the next day solve all their problems, and fat people are just too unintelligent and lazy to do exactly that.

There are thin people being foodies and hating exercise and drinking and temaining thin, and there are thin people being gymrats and counting calories and being vegan and remaining thin and thin people an mass still don’t see anything contradictory to their gospel in those kinds of thin people coexisting, while completely disproving everything we are told about diets. It’s not about a diet, diets don’t work.

Models will claim in interviews that they have to restrict themselves severely and workout dawn till dusk just to keep up the rare body type the lottery of genes has granted them and has no intention of taking away, workout or no workout. And then they die of malnourisment.

Thin people turn to fat people and tell them to follow the diet and workout for years, because they believe, ultimately, that all the body types stem from one thin one, or a couple of types of a thin one, so there must be a way to reach it. If they have that body type naturally, they feel entitled, they feel like they tried hard enough to reach it, even if by doing virtually nothing, and other fat people are not trying hard enough.

It’s akin to a person born rich telling a poor person to try harder to win the lottery of capitalism. I’m not even talking about billionaires, it’s the same mindset in upper middle class, who believe that by being born, stepping into all the doors that are open to them and literally not bankrupting themselves in a system built to prevent that, they’ve done some hard labour and deserve that pat on the back, and a brownie, that’s their guilty pleasure, alongside cocaine or some shit.

It’s an untrue, entitled mindset that’s harmful for everyone involved, including models and thin people who feel guilty for eating, and to fat people who often themselves think the same way, that if they work hard enough, they can win the lottery of genetics.

And it takes so much hard work to break free from that mindset.

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6 years ago

You’re kidding me right. Wanting to stay in shape is in no way hateful or cruel; you’re just taking things to personaly. Also if all your friends are striving not to look like you, they are not the problem. you are

my-own-worstenemy - Just Random Things

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6 years ago

You must not know what revolutionary means It’s not like there weren’t fat people before now

You Must Not Know What Revolutionary Means Its Not Like There Werent Fat People Before Now

The act of simply enjoying life as a fat woman is revolutionary. Everyone expects you to hate yourself and to be full of a desire to meet their imagined level of adequacy. When you actively refuse to loathe your body and your life, you draw the line in the sand. You demonstrate that you will not allow yourself to be dehumanized and controlled.

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6 years ago

You do realize that most normal people think being anorexic is just as unhealthy as being overweight or obese and view them in the same light. The only difference is that most people talk to people suffering from anorexia in a more sensitive manner because they are usually suffering from other mental health issues that cause their anorexia such as feeling unloved or unwanted; however, fat people eat a lot and never attempt to exercise hard to manage their weight and get upset when people love them and feel “oppressed” when they are too fat to fit in an airplane seat or sit in regular chairs.

You Do Realize That Most Normal People Think Being Anorexic Is Just As Unhealthy As Being Overweight

-My Own Worst Enemy


-Fasts for 48 hours

-Constantly smoke cigarettes for weight loss

-Overdoses on laxatives

-Purges by regurgitation

Fatphobes: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fat girl:


-Eats the reccomend amount of calories

-Eats healthy food

- Literally just eats one pizza

Fatphobes: God you’re so uNheAlThY!!! Why don’t you eat a fucking salad, fatty!!

^^ Shit like this is one of the primary reasons why weight loss eating disorders exist in the first place

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1 year ago




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1 year ago

I swear the normalizing of swearing at each other has made some insults so much less funnier. Like yeah I could call you a god d**ed b****ed but then you would understand that I was saying that thou were born out of wedlock and are hence forth sentenced to be tortured for the rest of eternity in the greatest depths of the underworld as sentenced by God themselves. Wich I feel is a relatively big loss

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1 year ago

What a year this week has been.

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1 year ago

Okay ive grown up on Tumblr and I've NEVER been targeted by so many bots. What did I do? Is it the cat pictures? Does my milkshake bring all the bots to the yard? Are my shitposts that attractive?

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12 years ago
An Old Page From A Mini-comic I Made While In Glasgow.

An old page from a mini-comic I made while in Glasgow.

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9 months ago


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6 months ago
Me Anytime I See Stupid Females Defining Womenhood As Purely About Sex/attractiveness/makeup/social Media/POP

Me anytime I see stupid females defining womenhood as purely about sex/attractiveness/makeup/social media/POP culture references and feminine gestures.

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