Stupidity - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

Albert Einstein

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14 years ago
SC # 9: The Scorn Of Porn

SC # 9: The Scorn of Porn

Artists Comment: "I guess for some people it's just too late, you know?"

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13 years ago
SC#40: Life Is Strife

SC#40: Life is Strife

Marriage is a beautiful thing. Don't take that shit for granted, or else you'll turn out like this guy. What's he gonna do now? He ain't got no friends. He has no one left but himself. But little does he know, he's the coolest guy ever! Why didn't anyone tell him? How come no informed him that he is so very cool! It's a shame. No, its worse than a shame. It's a tragedy. And there's nothing we can do. :'(

(sorry for the black and white ending. it will be fixed tommorow morn before the first cock crows)

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4 years ago
Last Wednesday The Sheeple Descended Upon Warshington Like Locusts. Our Democracy Requires That The Sane

Last Wednesday the sheeple descended upon Warshington like locusts. Our Democracy requires that the sane among us step their game up and work towards a better tomorrow, cause these nut sacks ain't going away even if Trump is gone from deh picture. 🧙‍♂️🧜‍♀️🕴🤺🤸‍♀️🤹‍♀️🦴🦵🤖🦛🍼

Btw I will be increasing my kofi commission fee by the end of the week. So if anyone wants to get in a request for cheap, time is almost up.

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11 months ago

I swear that religious nuts talk about the rapture like it’s their dad who went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back

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10 months ago

👏People walking away from you when you’ve hurt them is not ableist👏

👏People walking away from you when you’ve hurt them is not ableist👏

👏People walking away from you when you’ve hurt them is not ableist👏

Your diagnosis does not mean that everyone has to put up with your abusive/manipulative behaviour and let you hurt them in whichever way you please. Your illness is not an excuse, and you make other people with your illness look bad by using it to justify your mistreatment of others.

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10 months ago

Can’t get over the time when I was talking about my Hazbin Hotel ship opinions on Wattpad, and when I talked about the reasons why I love Radiorose, some idiot left a comment saying, ‘But I simp for Alastor!’ Ok, and? Am I not allowed to like a ship because you simp for one of the characters involved with it? I don’t have a problem with self inserts but you don’t have the right to claim that the character you simp for belongs to you and only you. If you see something you don’t like, no one is forcing you to engage with it.

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9 months ago

If you go into someone’s fic to insult their ship, and ask them why they’re not writing about your ship instead, you’re wet human garbage, pass it on

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8 months ago

If you go into a fic with a pairing you don’t like, and you give the writer shit for not writing about the pairing you like, you’re hot garbage and you should never be allowed to participate in fandom again.

‘NOOOO WHERE IS MY (Insert ship)’ SHUT UP.



‘YOU CAN’T SHIP (insert ship) BECAUSE (Insert ship) IS CANON’ DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?

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7 months ago

“But how do you know you won’t like it it haven’t TRIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIIIIT?” I don’t have to try drinking gasoline to know that I wouldn’t like it. Let’s use our brains here. I don’t have to have sex to know that I wouldn’t like it.

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7 months ago

The people who say, ‘I let the intrusive thoughts win!’ are the same people who think that they’re ‘crazy’ when they’re wearing socks that don’t match.

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7 months ago

Love at first sight doesn’t exist, that’s just attraction that allos lie about to make it seem more ✨special✨

Aro culture is not believing in love at first sight and then being hit with reality that some people actually do fall in love at first sight

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6 months ago

The Venn diagram of people who think that they’re ‘crazy’ when they dye their hair or wear mismatched socks and people who unironically say that they ‘let my intrusive thoughts win’ is a circle

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3 years ago

I am truly quite sure, that if I ever commit an act of manslaughter or murder, it will be due to my exhaustion and their stupidity.

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11 years ago

THIS IS SO TRUE! I hate Apple customer service (and devices) at the store. Yes you are a moran who does not know about the technology you sell but wasting my time so you can sell me another worthless piece of crap.

Honest Apple Employee Manual[Click For The LAST STEP]
Honest Apple Employee Manual[Click For The LAST STEP]
Honest Apple Employee Manual[Click For The LAST STEP]
Honest Apple Employee Manual[Click For The LAST STEP]

Honest Apple Employee Manual [Click for the LAST STEP]

Sometimes the employees of a company are so consistent in the way they perform a certain task, it seems that’s how they must have been trained. Let’s take a look at Apple’s employee manual… probably.

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1 year ago
motheyesofnight - motheyesofnight

(from "normal people")

who don't know how to close eyes

and to play dumb in front of injustice,

who don't talk about greed, but justice,

who disclose the unreasonable matters

that have no bearing on their own comfort,

who are not useful to themselves, above all,

who recoginize the slightest hint of their stupidity,

they never forgive those at all.

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5 months ago
(from "a Cave")

(from "a cave")

a cave

with lively bats

those covetous eyes

fat sly claws

greenish bellies

full of sour old pride


or stupidity

the only knife

that can be embedded in their hearts

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7 months ago

The algae virus

"A virus that infects human brains and

makes us more stupid

has been discovered"

"The algae virus, never before observed in healthy people, was found to affect cognitive functions including visual processing and spatial awareness."

"Of the 90 participants in the study, 40 tested positive for the algae virus."

It's official, a virus that 'makes humans more stupid' has been discovered
The Independent
A virus has been discovered that affects cognitive abilities in healthy people


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Life advice: don't do anything with your life that you wouldn't be happy explaining to the paramedics

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