Supernova - Tumblr Posts

Centre of milkyway galaxy🌌

Hubble classic view of Orion nebula🌌

Andromeda galaxy
Credit : NASA

Supernovas like Supernova 1987A, seen at center, not only enrich their surroundings with many elements, but also trigger the formation of new stars. This image was captured by Hubble for the supernova’s 30th anniversary:
they way dick and the kids ran after her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Let’s be honest tho--if Adrian Everhart (or any guy or gal I was interested in) asked me that with romantic intent, would I swoon? Yes, yes I would, 100%.
And then they both transition and they start a t4t relationship
Jason after Kon died: I never liked that kid. He always hated me for no reason. Always trying to start a fight.
Dick: ... Jay, he hated you because you tried to kill Tim.
Jason: oh my god i forgot about that

"supernova". artist exellero/f3lc4t
Am I just stupid or something because I really didn't see the Magpie thing coming 😭🤚🏻
person in renegades fandom: lmao here’s a theory but like it’s just a random thought i had haha watch supernova destroy this theory lol
supernova: *confirms a lot of our theories*
everyone in the renegades fandom:

I lovw the way this aged and I L O V E this Evander slander
Upon rereading Renegades and Archenemies, here are my Stances:
If Max or Simon dies, I riot
Fuck Evander Wade I Hate The Man
Please let Max wake up and get Adrian, Simon, and Hugh to understand that Nightmare wasn’t the one who hurt him. That would open up so many doors.
The Council is corrupt but not necessarily on purpose (I’m looking at u Evander u might be on purpose)
I agree with Danna, Thunderbird freaks me out a little bit but I also want more of her. And Tsunami. Not Evander though.
Danna better kick some serious ass in Supernova also I love her
I really hope Narcissa comes back because her power is awesome and also she has so much narrative potential
Oscar and Ruby are…perfect
Frostbite’s team got what they deserved. I cannot wait until people find out that she would have rather watched Max die than lose her powers.
I’m personally hoping for Max v. Ace Anarchy round two: Ace actually loses this time
Also, if we don’t find out what happened to Lady Indomitable and if it’s connected to Nova’s parents, I’ll riot
They better find some way for Simon to visit Max since Nova has the vitality charm, the man needs to hold his son!
Dude, this looks fantastic!

Bright New Supernova Blows Up in Nearby M82, the Cigar Galaxy
…this is the brightest, closest supernova to appear in 27 years since 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud exploded into view in February 1987. Read more:

Group Name- SUPERNOVA (formerly known as KQ LADIEZ)
Group Name Meaning- A supernova is "the biggest explosion humans have ever seen. Therefor the girls are meant to be the "biggest/most popular girl group the world has ever seen".
Group Introduction/Greeting- "Crash landing, hello we are supernova!”
Group Concept- Space, aliens/non-human
Group Debut Date- January 3rd, 2024
Group Debut Song- Crash Landing
Group Colors- Lilac & Off-White
Fandom Name- Cadets
Fandom Name Meaning- Cadets are students that are training, mainly in the military. Therefore, SUPERNOVA's fans are named CADETS because they are training to be "the biggest fanbase the world has ever seen."
Members- Eunjoo, Chaesol, Daeun, Jeewon, Jangmi, Nova, ZoE and Nina
Entertainment Company- KQ Entertainment

Release Date: November 8th, 2023
Title Track: Jet
Jet Instrumental

Album Release: January 19th, 2024
Album Type: Mini Album
Title Track: Crash Landing
Blood Moon
Know Now


Simeis 147: Supernova Remnant
The supernova remnant has an estimated age of about 40,000 years, meaning light from the massive stellar explosion first reached Earth 40,000 years ago. But the expanding remnant is not the only aftermath. The cosmic catastrophe also left behind a spinning neutron star or pulsar, all that remains of the original star's core.
Image Credit & Copyright: David Lindemann

While appearing as a delicate and light veil draped across the sky, this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope actually depicts a small section of the Cygnus supernova blast wave, located around 2,400 light-years away. The name of the supernova remnant comes from its position in the northern constellation of Cygnus (the Swan), where it covers an area 36 times larger than the full Moon.
Image Credit: NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

Su-su-su supernova