Rhodey - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Tony: Do you remember that horrible roommate you had back in college?

Rhodes: You mean you?

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6 years ago

Infinity War Spoilers!!!

Can we just talk about how sad it was that Sam (Falcon) died alone, he died before Rhodey found him. He followed Cap after Civil War and now he followed him to Wakanda without even douting his decisions. I think Falcon is such an underrated character. He deserves more.

Infinity War Spoilers!!!

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7 years ago
Heres Some Ironhusbands Art For My Instagram Friend, Starstiel!!

here’s some Ironhusbands art for my instagram friend, Starstiel!!

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2 years ago

Adorable!! 🥹🥹


FRIDAY: Actually~~~ ‘kittens’ is the word to refer to baby cats, therefore you wouldn’t need to add the word ‘baby’ before ‘kittens’.

Rhodey: *is filming* Shut up, FRIDAY.


Sorry 😭 I just IMMEDIATELY thought of the proper vocabulary reading this 🥲


Irondad Prompt #122:

Tony, carrying a baby kitten: Oh, he’s gonna love this!!

Tony: Peter! Peter, wake up~

Peter: Hm?


Peter: B-baby!! Baby kitty!!!

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5 years ago

no one:

literally no one:

rhodey, an intellectual:

No One:

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6 years ago
Couldnt Hold Me Back
Couldnt Hold Me Back
Couldnt Hold Me Back

couldn’t hold me back

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6 years ago
This Lone Gunslinger Act Is Unnecessary. You Dont Have To Do This Alone. (x.)
This Lone Gunslinger Act Is Unnecessary. You Dont Have To Do This Alone. (x.)
This Lone Gunslinger Act Is Unnecessary. You Dont Have To Do This Alone. (x.)
This Lone Gunslinger Act Is Unnecessary. You Dont Have To Do This Alone. (x.)

this lone gunslinger act is unnecessary. you don’t have to do this alone. (x.)

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6 years ago
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey
Mcu Meme [7/10 Dynamics] Tony & Rhodey

mcu meme [7/10 dynamics]→ Tony & Rhodey

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6 years ago
Give Me Back My Rhodey
Give Me Back My Rhodey
Give Me Back My Rhodey
Give Me Back My Rhodey
Give Me Back My Rhodey

give me back my rhodey

1k celebration: @electrictony asked -> tony & rhodey

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6 years ago

rocket, walking up to the guy with the biggest gun: you. i respect you. i’m sticking with you.

Rocket, Walking Up To The Guy With The Biggest Gun: You. I Respect You. Im Sticking With You.

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8 years ago

Some visuals are perfect

100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man
100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man
100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man
100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man
100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man
100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man

100 Picspam Challenge - #10 Team Iron Man

“We need to be put in check! And whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”

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5 years ago

Tony: Hey. Hey Rhodey. I guess you could say...


Tony: ...I wear my heart on my sleeve ;)


Tony: ;)

Rhodey: you really yanked the arc reactor out just to make that joke huh

Tony, 8 seconds away from cardiac arrest: maybe

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Y/n: I'm a moralsexual. It means I'm attracted exclusively to dumbasses

Bucky: *tries to beat Thanos with a gun*

Y/n, already taking her clothes off: Bucky you're so stupid

(I'm so sorry)

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4 years ago

Best Of Friends

Pairing: No pairing, just soft Tony ;)

A/N: Takes place somewhere between Iron man 3 and Avengers Age of Ultron. I haven’t posted this one on Watty yet soooo....


"So, what are we going to do while Rhodes and Pep are gone?" Tony looked up from the fashion magazine he was skimming through, clearly uninterested in the clothing and only paying attention to the models. "We could watch a Christmas movie?" Natasha was bored out of her mind and Christmas movies with a nice cup of hot cocoa sounded relaxing. 

Tony threw the magazine to the side and got out two mugs, he knew exactly how Nat liked her cocoa. "Jarvis, heat some water please," he pondered for a moment "and turn on the fireplace as well," 

"Of course, sir," The AI obligated to Starks command, Jarvis also knew that Tony would like the TV on for later. He knew his boss too well. 

Natasha walked out to get cozy blankets and socks, she loved being warm. Tony chuckled when he saw her try and make it down the stairs, blankets and pillows were stacked on top of each other, blocking her view. Once she got to the bottom she lowered them just a bit and shot Tony a soft smile. 

Tony placed down the hot chocolates on their rightfully owned coasters Definitely not the Black Widow and Iron Man ones. Natasha threw the pile of comfies on the couch then jumped on it, giggling like crazy. 

In the compound, she felt like she finally had a family, a family she never had before. She could be herself, or she could be complete grumpy pants and they’d still love her. Sure, she acted as though she hates the boys, but in reality, she couldn’t imagine her life without them. 


Moments had passed and Pepper, Rhodey and one other were making their way through Tony's doors. 

"We're back" Pepper singsonged, voice filled with amusement. But she didn't receive a response, which filled her with worry. "Tony?" She called out as she walked to the kitchen, Rhodey and the little surprise following close behind. 

"I believe Boss and Ms. Romanov are in the living room, sleeping," Jarvis called, spooking the little Harley the two had snuck in. "Thank you, Jarvis," Rhodey offered Hayley a cookie from the McDonalds they got on the way back.  

Pepper walked into the living room, you could hear her shoes click on the tile floor. Once she reached it, she cooed at the sight. Tony and Natasha were curled up in a blanket next to each other, the fireplace and Home Alone on, cups of hot chocolate now abandoned on the coffee table, most likely cold.  

Harley soon sauntered to where Pepper, Tasha and Tony were. He took the last bite of his stale fast food cookie and brushed past his mother figure. A small smile grew on his face as he lifted part of the blanket to snuggle into the mechanic. 

The little gesture lightly awoke Tony from his slumber. Normally, he would be grumpy

But realizing it was his kid next to him filled him with joy. Tony then looked to his other side and saw his little widow snuggled into his arm. 

To say he felt safe around these two would’ve been an understatement. He loved both Tasha and Harley unconditionally and nothing can change the fact that they were like his own children. So, he hugged both of them tighter and slowly fell back into his little nap. 

“Jarvis, could you take a photo?” Rhodey smirked from behind Pepper. Soft Tony was only around his loved ones, possibly a wall-climbing spider in the future but whatever breaks its way into his heart is a mystery. 

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6 years ago

Pepper: You're ignoring all of your problems.

Tony : Yeah, I know.

Rhodey: You know that's an unhealthy coping mechanism right?

Tony: Yeah I know, I'm ignoring that as well.

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6 years ago

Marvel (MCU) ask game!!!

Bucky Barnes: Do you have any regrets?

Natasha romanoff: can you defend yourself?

Peggy: have you punched anyone before?

Steve Rogers: are you patriotic?

Sam: do you like to fly?

Tony stark: do you like electronics?

Vision: favorite electronic?

Wanda: do you believe in magic?

Pietro: do you like to run?

Bruce banner: favorite science field?

Pepper: could you run a buisness?

Jarvis: how friendly are you?

Rhodes: how supportive are you?

Scott Lang: are you short?

Cassie: Are you young?

Hank: are you prepared?

Hope: are you ready for anything?

Luis: do you like to talk?

Thor: are you strong?

Jane: do you like the stars?

Darcy: do you own a taser or pepper spray?

Loki: do you like pranks?

Valkyrie: do you have a lot friends?

Grandmaster: are you crazy?

Shuri: what’s your favorite subject?

T’Challa: would you like to be king?

Erik: do you deserve to be king?

Peter p.: do you like bugs?

Michelle: do you like to read?

Ned: do you like Star Wars?

Liz: are you popular?

Karen: do you like school?

May Parker: are you the mom friend?

Gamora: do you have siblings?

Nebula: do you like your siblings?

Mantis: are you innocent?

Drax: do you like to laugh?

Peter q.: do you like music?

Groot: do you like nature?

Rocket: are you funny?

Ego: how much of a doucebag are you?

Feel free to use!!!

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6 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Five times someone wanted to take/tried to take/took revenge on Tony, and one time someone took revenge for Tony.

A 5+1 in Rhodey’s POV for my @tonystarkbingo square S2 - Revenge, which means I got a full bingo!!! I hope you enjoy reading it!

For now, I will be logging off Tumblr for the 17th, but I hope to see you again after.

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1 year ago

Secret Invasion Spoilers

Episode 2

Maria Hill is on a mission that’s why we can’t see her

I hope they bring Quake in on this

Fury is right, even if we wanted to help we can’t. Humans can’t get along with each other why does Talos think they’ll get along with Skrulls. Not to mention the discrimination they’d face

Also wasn’t Carol looking for a plant for them? Why is it taking so long?


I love that man and I always will. I love how practical he is

I will always be on Rhodey’s side. He’s the one who’s always done what’s best and hasn’t given me a change to complain

I like that British women


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