That Feeling - Tumblr Posts
That feeling when you feel that you can’t be in love with a person any more than you’ve already been, then you find yourself falling in love into the person even more than you were before.
Personal quote
That feeling every time I have to end a conversation with him on the phone.
Can't I just talk to you all night long?
Do you know that feeling when you really like somebody’s company, that you get a little bit attached to it, because they are so comfortable to be around with, and then when it is not their company you feel a little bit sad and gloomy, because when they are not around, you start to miss their presence and wish they were here instead of anyone else’s company.
Personal quote
I can't do anything right when you keep messing around with my head. You are always there in every curve of my brain. You are under my skin, I can't move an inch without feeling you are here. You are messing too much with my body and soul. It hurts sometimes, but it feels good. I need you... just please stop messing around... I need you.
Forbidden Thoughts
Do you know that feeling when it is too much to bear, that you start to question everything you have ever wanted or wished in life, like every decision you've made lead to a very long road and you don't know what is waiting at the end of the road. It feels like the more you do, the less things are done. You know you are not alone, but it feels so lonely being in this journey. You start asking is this what you really want, if this is really what you want, then why you want this to be over as soon as possible, why you start missing those days you left behind?
It is hard sometimes to feel anything so deeply. Like whenever you have to leave in the morning, I feel the sting of pain inside, the pain of missing you so deeply. Or whenever we have to end our late night conversation on the phone when you are not around, and I start to feel something heavy inside my chest. I want you so deeply. And I don't know how to handle this.
That deep feeling
I want to be where you are right now, where you sleep tonight, where you wake up in the morning, where you go in the evening. I just want to be there, seeing you, touching you, and feeling you. This feeling is real every time you leave in the morning. I never thought that being married could make me even more attached than I already was before. Perhaps this is a good sign. :)
This feeling though
that feeling of having no responsibilities and being free to spend your day however you like
i miss that feeling
that feeling when your appointment gets cancelled and suddenly you can stay at home all day
when you are alone in your room with a cat sleeping in the corner, their simple presents is just so relaxing and peaceful
a chassidic tale- a young boy woke up every morning hours before he needed to be awake just to go into the woods before school. when he got home, his mother would ask him what he was doing awake so early again. he told her “i go into the woods to talk to Gd”, to which she replied “you don’t need to go to the woods for that. you know Gd is the same everywhere, right?” and the little boy said “i know. but i’m not.”
You know that feeling when you have a crush
That you don't have a chance with? That feeling like you're dying on the inside and just wanna stop existing and everything is so horrible and exhausting? ISN'T THAT SUCH A LOVELY FEELING?!?
i want someone that makes me feel the same way my favorite songs and books and poems and movies and art pieces make me feel. that’s what i imagine a soulmate would feel like
Feels overload
that feeling when you’re sitting in the car or the train or the bus or riding home on your unicorn whatever and you’re just rethinking your life and stuff and then suddenly THAT SONG COMES ON and it’s normally not even that good like yeah okay but now it just absolutely matches your mood like it was made for this moment and you wanna scratch the words in your heart and you don’t know what to do with all the feelings because it’s just too PERFECT Do you understand me