The House In The Cerulean Sea - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
The House In The Cerulean Sea By TJ Klune I Am Smitten With This Book

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune 🌻 I am smitten with this book

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8 months ago
"I'm Sorry," Linus Whispered Into Arthur's Throat, Never Wanting This Moment To End
"I'm Sorry," Linus Whispered Into Arthur's Throat, Never Wanting This Moment To End
"I'm Sorry," Linus Whispered Into Arthur's Throat, Never Wanting This Moment To End

"I'm sorry," Linus whispered into Arthur's throat, never wanting this moment to end

Arthur held him tighter. "You silly, delightful man. There is nothing to be sorry for. You fought for us. I could never be angry with you for that.

How I cherish you."

Linus felt his heart settle in his chest.

I love them so much, their dynamics and chemistry are everything ⭐️

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8 months ago
Meet The Best Bellhop On Marsyas Island Or Just Chauncey! He Is So Cheerful And Full Of Energy, That

Meet the best bellhop on Marsyas island or just Chauncey! He is so cheerful and full of energy, that I couldn't contain a smile, while drawing him. He's so adorable 😊

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10 months ago

I am normal about this

Waiting like a typical human being right now



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La indudable asombrosidad (está palabra existe?) de T. J. Klune.

Despues de leer Green Creek, The house in the cerulean sea, Under the whispering door y Tales of Verania, he llegado a la conclusión de que no puede ser legal el nivel de talento que tiene Travis John Klune.

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3 years ago


I just finished " the house in the cerulean sea " and it's BEAUTIFUL

It has everything you could ask for:

Found family

Hilariously chaotic family

Grumpy/sunshine trope

M/M romance

Almost zero angst

super happy and fluffy ending

I am SO happy this book exists , I really needed something so sweet, cute and soft that made me cry only happy tears I- 🥺

The only reason why I'm heartbroken is because it's over and I'll miss it SO MUCH

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3 years ago

* when Lucy gets his first crush and asks for advice *

Arthur : just be yourself

Lucy : "be myself"? Dad I have one day to win my crush over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me ?

Linus : couple weeks

Phee : six months

Talia : jury's still out

Lucy : see, dad? " Be myself". What kind of garbage advice is that?

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10 months ago

Hi everyone just gonna go throw this in the void and then run but I'm back to my jewellery making bullshit so if you want any kind of affordable fandom inspired jewellery or generally custom made stuff you can find me as ameliaa313 (fake name so the vinted gods don't ban me for selling handmade stuff again) on vinted and check out my other stuff on @deposito_bracciali on insta

Love you byeee

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6 months ago

oh my gosh but Aziraphale as the ophanage inspector working for the stringent by-the-book organization who's just realizing that the system is a mess and bravely sticking to his principles

and Crowley as the protector of outcast children

and LUCY

true story I was at a talk with the Cerulean Sea author and somebody asked if it was based on Good Omens. He said no, and that the similarities were a coincidence. (He also said, of Good Omens, "you guys think they're gay?" to which I tiredly replied "yes" [as in, yes, of course, I'm not going through this again, they're ineffable, and ineffable is a much gayer word for gay*].)

*gay [expansive], not just gay [homosexual]

Oh and totally seeing Michael Sheen and David Tennant as Linus & Arthur. But then again I see them as every pairing in every thing 😍😍😍

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10 months ago

Finished The House in The Cerulean Sea today and I now have a new favorite book.

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8 months ago
I Have A Big Ball Of Sunshine In My Chest. Thank You, Dear Linus And Arthur. Please Get Married Now,
I Have A Big Ball Of Sunshine In My Chest. Thank You, Dear Linus And Arthur. Please Get Married Now,

I have a big ball of sunshine in my chest. Thank you, dear Linus and Arthur. Please get married now, I love you guys.

The House in the Cerulean Sea: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

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4 months ago

We need more of The House in the Cerulean Sea content!!!!!

House in the Cerulean Sea head cannons:

Phee- Loves singing, will sing lullabies to the other kids if they bother her enough.

Lucy- Sneaks into David's room to have midnight feasts sometimes (Talia found out and was very annoyed that she wasn't invited)

Chauncy- Pretends to be a pirate. Idk why, he just does.

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Hi! Does anyone have any Book recommendations for someone who just finished The House ln The Cerulean Sea and is super sad because it‘s over? (It’s me. I’m someone.) I‘m talking Found Family, Magic and that feeling of being wrapped in a big blanket. Bonus Points if it‘s Queer!


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Is anyone else deeply afraid, that if a House in the Cerulean Sea Movie ever gets made, Hollywoods first Impulse will probably be to cast James Cordon as Linus? Because I am.

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4 months ago

Currently reading The House in The Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune and I just had a thought. The reason why Talia is so obsessed with murder is because her parents' deaths probably weren't accidents. I could see the insinuation that they weren't but I never made the connection between that and her behavior T-T.

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4 months ago


Currently reading The House in The Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune and I just had a thought. The reason why Talia is so obsessed with murder is because her parents' deaths probably weren't accidents. I could see the insinuation that they weren't but I never made the connection between that and her behavior T-T.

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