There Is No War In Ba Sing Se - Tumblr Posts

this is fine everything is fine
The Last Airbender is Anti-Fire Nation Propaganda
The Fire Lord, Ozai, is dehumanized due to his portrayal as a one-dimensional, evil Overlord.

The Fire Nation citizens are portrayed as brainwashed, and any support for the beneficent elements of the Fire Nation is disregarded as brainwashing. This is another attempt by the Anti-Fire Nation Kingdoms at propagandizing for their war against the Fire Nation.

The Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, and Air Nomads have their positive elements exaggerated and their flaws are downplayed to enhance the image of the Fire Nation's 'evil'. Conveniently forgetting, of course, that:
The Water Tribe is sexist.

But the Fire Nation treats Women with respect, and allow Women into what would be considered male-dominated industries. Like Prison Guards.

The Earth Kingdom is terrorized by a secret police of Earth Benders.

Created by the Avatar herself.

Who has her own Kyoshi Warriors enforce an isolationist policy that kept Kyoshi Island from developing beyond a tribal society or community. A society which worships Kyoshi as a Goddess.

The Earth Kingdom's state of hierarchal dominance and stratified living persists decades into the future and is never fully eradicated despite the passing of however many Avatars there were since Kyoshi.
Furthermore, the Benders of both the Water Tribes and the Earth Kingdom either oppress the Non-Benders, or enforce policies that oppress the Non-Benders. Master Pakku and the Dai Li are two of the more prominent examples of such oppression.
This contrasts the Fire Nation which values both Benders and Non-Benders. Azula's most trusted associates are both Non-Benders.

While two of the most dangerous people/groups in the Fire Nation, Master Piandao;

And the Yuyan Archers are Non-Benders. Indicating that there is some form of Meritocracy that operates within the Fire Nation. A meritocracy that is almost non-existent or heavily biased in both the Water Tribes and the Earth Kingdom.
The Air Nomads have no Kingdom of their own. This means they do not have a population from which they can draw Airbenders to replenish their numbers. Since the Airbenders are also Monks as a whole, it is very likely that the Air Nomads take Airbenders from the other three factions to fill up the Air Temple.
Further considering the fact that the Air Temple Monks are willing to force Aang into his Avatar training against his wishes. So much so that Aang preferred to risk his life in a storm. It is highly likely that the other three nations have no say when the Air Nomads come looking for Air Benders amongst their citizens.
Now, am I saying that the Fire Nation has its pros and cons?
I'm saying that I'd rather be born in the Fire Nation and that all the negative aspects we are shown in the show are due to propaganda published by those who fear the challenge of the Fire Nation, and its progressive ideas, to their individual power.
And Remember.

"in fact overachieved so hard that he got an invite to meet the earth king (whose city he, again, once FAMOUSLY LAID SIEGE TO) which he fucking? accepted????"
To be fair, the Earth King is in fact the only person in the entire kingdom guaranteed NOT to recognize Iroh.
Siege? What siege??
best thing about uncle iroh is that if you pay attention he is actually just as much of an idiot as zuko but has just mastered the art of coming across as a wise old man. the even better thing is that zuko is the only one on the planet who somewhat realizes this and no one would ever believe him because he’s zuko
cliche movie tropes pt.2- they fucked up the book plot beyond repair
when they take a plot, combine it with a low budget and horrible actors, toss it in a dumpster on top of a train and set the dumpster on fire while the train falls to the bottom of a cliff and bam
out comes the movie
prime examples include: the spiderwick chronicles, artemis fowl, percy jackson
avatar: the last airbender may also fall into this category