This Is The Best Thing - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

ok THIS IS MY LAST REQUEST OF THE NIGHT so please take your time if you can’t do it rn but i’ve genuinely LOVED seeing your prompt fills this is so so so fun and im so happy

okay this time it’s jj’s turn to be whumped because he has had it far too good for far too long (for 2 fics)

a scenario that immediately comes to mind is jj with a NASTY fever. i’m talking an utterly debilitating fever that he has to push past for some reason, and morri only notices/realizes when they find him asleep at his desk/wherever makes sense, looking absolutely exhausted and practically delirious because his body just… couldn’t keep up anymore

preferably fluffy if you’re in the mood, but it it takes angst to get to that fluffy ending it’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make

my deepest apologies bug it turned out more angst than fluff. however. you are totally right and JJ needed the worst fever known to man.

here you go!!!


The worst part about it all, is that he's alone.

Journey is a team player, usually. Especially before he was iced. JJ was a confident leader, a warm director, he knew people's strengths and how to protect them. He always had someone to fall back on. But the Cages were stretched thin, and they needed information, desperately.

Breaks aren't common when you're the Hero of the City. So Journey persists, and JJ shivers uncontrollably in his jacket.

He walks as quick as his legs will let him through the halls, pleading the forces that be to keep everyone else away from him--he wouldn't be any good at acting like he's meant to be here.

Morrigan would be better at this. Morrigan would be unbothered by the heat trapped between his jacket and skin, and how it does nothing to soothe the wracking shivers down his spine. Morrigan would be in and out, no problem, like they've done a thousand times before.

But Morrigan had a different mission. So JJ is alone.

Terribly, horribly, alone.

His breath hitches. God, he wishes he was at home right now. But he takes a left, scurried down a hall, and meets the first door.

He pulls up a stolen keycard from the guard he knocked out on the way in, and it buzzes. He pushes through into a connecting room, with plain white chairs like waiting rooms.

JJ moves onward and to the right, and pulls out a burner phone. The next door opens when he presses the fake code of an eye into its lense--something Morrigan cooked up on their own--and he swings it open, pulling the jacket tighter around him and shaking his head against the sudden onslaught of dizziness.

Glancing around, he finds the desk.


This is a science officer's desk. There's a diploma hung on the wall, signed with scribbly writing, and there's several papers and clipboards sprawled about the poorly lit and moderately cramped room. He stalks over, and begins snapping photos of as many pages as he can.

Morrigan would just be scanning them. They'd have the information downloaded.

God, he's fucking useless.

"Keep going," their voice whispers. "The only way out is through. You're almost through."

He wants to cry. His hands are shaking. He can't take a breath. Everything's too cold and too warm and he's dizzy and he just wants to go home, go to Morrigan, go to sleep.

He snaps the last photo.

"Okay. Out. There's a service elevator."

If it weren't for the fear pressing against his throat, JJ would be worried about hearing voices. But he can't help the wave of relief he gets and the thought of maybe, maybe not actually being alone.

Service elevator. Check. With raw and desperate strength, he pries it open and carefully grabs the cables, wrapping his legs and arms securely. The journey down is a long one. But he's never one to shy away from something difficult.

Even if he really, really wants to.

By the time he's sitting on top of the elevator car, there are tears in his eyes, his limbs are completely numb, and he nearly collapses when his legs give out. But somehow, he pulls the emergency door open. Somehow, he slides down into the car.

"Almost there," someone whispers, and he can't tell if it's him or Morrigan.

He presses the ground floor button. The rocketing of the car makes him want to vomit, but he grips the handles as tight as he can, and waits it out.

The doors open. JJ tries to put on a brave face.

Marching through, as quick as his wrecked limbs carry him, he keeps his head down and takes gulping breaths. Fresh air would be so nice right now. So would being at home. So would...

"Sir, are you alright?"

It's the lady at the front desk. She's standing, watching him approach with concern.

He nods shakily, not stopping. "Peachy."

"Wait, hey! You look really pale, you should sit down, I can call someone--"

"I, uh, live not far from here, I'm fine," he tries to reassure through the thick tongue in his mouth, "I'm going, I'll be out of your hair soon."


JJ picks up speed and throws open the doors to the big city. The fresh air is nice, pushes away some of the vertigo, but the horrible trembling that takes over his body is much, much worse.

"Left turn on 17th," Morrigan's voice urges. "You're out of the hard part. Now you need to get home."

The walk to his apartment is arduous. It's long. Chicago is not a small city, he knows this, but he'd give anything to be living in some bullshir farm in South Dakota again, where the market is three blocks away from his house, where his brothers could carry him, where home is.

When he finally stands in front of the door to his apartment, he doesn't know where he is.

A scramble for his keys, a few more steps, and the warmth of his living room finally catches the cold off guard. For a small, brilliant moment, he is finally warm.

The exhaustion hits him. His legs give out.

"Morrigan," he whispers. He clutches the side of his couch, eyes fluttering shut against the sudden spinning of the room. "What do I do now?"

Something inside him reminds him--he has to report back on the mission. He's not done. God, when can he be done?

JJ furrows his brows, grits his teeth, and forces himself up off the floor. His feet drag. He places both hands firmly on his desk, and collapses into his chair, pulling out the burner phone and locking it away in the drawer.

He grabs a pencil. His eyes blur. He begins to write.


Morrigan has blood on their cheek. It's not a big deal, certainly not theirs, but it's quiet obvious and hard to hide. They'd wipe it off, but JJ has a sink they can wash their face in.

They're closer to his apartment than their own underground room. And they have a key, anyway.

The door is unlocked.

Morrigan shifts their posture into something defensive, and gently pushes into the room. Their eyes dart quickly around, cataloging the untouched mess of clothes on the couch, the handful of dishes drying on the rack--

Oh, JJ.

"Hey. Jace. Wake up." They're by his side in less than a second, shaking his shoulder, hot to the touch.

He moans, and shifts, but doesn't wake, instead revealing the notepad on the desk. Written in messy handwriting, repeatedly, is, "I want to go home."

Oh, Jace. What did you do?

Morrigan throws open the bedroom door and shoves off a pile of clothes, pulling the covers back. They find a glass and fill it with water, and grab a bottle of Tylenol to set on the nightstand.

Returning to the living room, they hoist JJ up into their arms in a fireman's carry.

Jace is warm. Too warm. They can feel the muscles twitch in an attempt to reorient himself, help Morrigan carry him, but all it does is send a wave of trembling down his body.

Morrigan tucks him in. "Journey, report."

It's a cruel way to wake him. It works nonetheless. JJ's eyes snap open, and the dilated pupils blow wide. He glances around. "Sir."

"Tell me what happened."

"Mission successful. One witness post-seizure. Burner phone protected. No injuries, or property damage. One guard neutralized, no fatalities." His eyes are glazed over, and he mutters it with slurred words, like he's said these things half a million times.

Even five years asleep can't get rid of thorough training. Morrigan's chest hurts.

"JJ, you're home safe. You don't need to be Journey right now."


The sound is heartbreaking. It's partially a whimper, like he thinks it's too good to be true. Like it's a test.

Morrigan threads their fingers through his hair, as gently as they can manage through the sweat-soaked strands. "It's me, Jace. Come back, okay?"

JJ leans his face into their hand and whines. "Not here. You're not 'ere. Just imagining it."

"I'm right here. You need to take some medicine, okay?"

"'Kay, Morri." JJ starts to get up.

"Hey, no, I have it here--" Morrigan pushes his chest back into the pillows, and grabs the pill. "Here. Open?"

His jaw drops. He looks up at him, dumbstruck. "Morri?"

They hum, grabbing the water too. "Yes, JJ?"

"You're really here?"

"In the fabricated flesh."

There's a hitched breath. Morrigan glances over, and sees a tear fall down his cheek.

They nearly drop the glass, reaching over to take his face in their hands, looking them over. "Jace, what's wrong?"

"Don't feel well," he mutters. It's as honest as he's ever been. Which is deeply concerning.

"I'm here," they soothe. "I'll take care of you."

He grabs their hand, tightly. "'Kay."

"Now take your medicine, and then you can go to sleep."

"Won't leave?" he asks, looking up through already half lidded eyes. "Please?"

"I'm not going anywhere," Morrigan promises. "Not for the world."


i don't usually do POV switches but this one felt necessary. this was so fun to write. i love my guys!!! i love them so much!!!!

thank you for the asks bug!!! always feel free to send more, it's so much fun to trade guy rambling with you! :DDD i am sorry it wasn't as fluffy. but JJ seems to be very sad when he's sick. morri cuddles him later. i decree it so

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4 years ago

The Mandalorian theme really has me grooving

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3 years ago


kawata twins <3

Kawata Twins
Kawata Twins

— [note] black and white may be requested :)

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4 years ago
 Ninja Beach Shouyou

     “ninja” • “beach” • “shouyou”

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2 years ago



When the auction music plays I think of Ren

swooshing his tail to the beat like uuhhh carameldansen

now this is all I'm gonna think about lmao

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1 year ago
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1 year ago

Queen and non-binary, if you want! I really really love your art too lol. Its a really cool style!

Queen And Non-binary, If You Want!I Really Really Love Your Art Too Lol. Its A Really Cool Style!

yes !!! I've actually never drawn queen before this was nice.

and thank you so much!!!! tyty u are so nice :D

(requests are still open !!)

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

An old and homely grandmother accidentally summons a demon. She mistakes him for her gothic-phase teenage grandson and takes care of him. The demon decides to stay at his new home.

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1 year ago
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@cringelordlikesplaz you said do it so I did it

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3 years ago

Holy crap I can't stop looking at this — I'm dying

Ok So I Have SO Many Doodles For A PMD AU Because I Literally Have One Reaction To Getting Into A Franchise
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Ok so I have SO many doodles for a PMD AU because I literally have one reaction to getting into a franchise

(Marco is an OC who would’ve been that “playthrough”‘s partner btw)

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