Tw: Sexual Harassment - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

This makes me think of something that happened earlier this year in my country, and all the ways antis would either be in danger or mess things up if they’d been in the same situation.

TW: Mentions of child molestation

A 13-yo boy who had hurt his foot was approached by a 66-yo man he knew. This man was well-loved in their neighbourhood because he was always kind and friendly,  would do things like grill hot dogs for everyone, and could calm down even the rowdiest kid with just a whisper. The parents praised him for being good with children, especially the younger ones who’d flock to him. Some even considered him a family member.

However, the teen had noticed that the man acted strange around kids, and that some of the kids acted strange after being alone with him. So when the man offered him money to be allowed to massage his foot in his apartment, he firmly told him to never ask him again before going to his mom for advise.

His mom, a therapist who had had her own suspicions about the man, advised her son to talk to the other kids. Slowly, bits and pieces, they opened up to him. The man would buy them clothes, fix their bikes, give them lemonade and sweets and candy, let them play video games at his apartment, give them massages... One of them finally told him everything, including that he hadn’t dared to tell his parents because he’d been threatened by the man.

The mother tried to convince the parents of the victims to call the cops, then did it herself when they wouldn’t believe her. The cops arrested him that afternoon. He confessed. There were photos and movies, and rigged cameras by his bed. He had been doing this for 20-30 years.

Later more victims and parents came forward, with several thanking the mom for making sure none of the parents ended up in jail for murder. Because unlike what antis seem to think, “I murdered a child molester” isn’t a “get out of jail”-card, and having a parent in jail would be yet another traumatizing thing for the children.

Would the minor in the screenshot gone with the man to “get him”? Would they’ve even picked up on the signs in the first place? The more you think about it the more terrifying it becomes.

Sure love that anti culture is now encouraging minors to talk to people they believe are pedophiles/child predators in the name of baiting them for online vigilantism. Because that's definitely protecting minors and keeping fandom safe.

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7 months ago

Men are so sick and disgusting. I was watching a video about sex trafficking and about porn actresses dropping like flies due to suicides and drug overdoses because the industry they are in abuses them and rapes them(sometimes at gunpoint) and drugs them to do certain scenes and overall treats them terribly, and how these women are distanced from their families because of their profession, and how some of these victims are underage girls, and what were men doing in the comments section? Complaining about Pornhub being "dry" and not having enough good videos and how they were trying to find more videos of a particular actress to watch so that they can fry their brains with more of the shitty degradation of women. Just fucking goes to show you how gross and self-centered and depraved men are. They don't see women as human. They see women as non-sentient, inanimate sex objects who exist to perform and be fuckable to them and satisfy their vulgar fantasies. They couldn't give less of a shit about our feelings and struggles and humanity. If all women died tomorrow men would only care that they aren't getting any. Because we are just fuckdolls to them, to abuse and denigrate and degrade and objectify and then, discard when we are no longer of use. This is why I hate them and wish that they would no longer exist.

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1 year ago

I have to share this about Shiny too… and I think it will put a much worse perspective on them…

[TW for predatory behavior and sexual harassment….]

I didn't want to talk about it… but I think it's important. unfortunately this happened a while ago, I don't remember when and I don't have chat anymore to prove it but… Shiny said they had feelings for me… after I showed a picture of my sister…

It was my mistake, I shouldn't have exposed myself like that! but I wanted to try to help them feel less ugly by pointing out that we're not suitably attractive. But I think they had a different reaction… detail, at that point they claimed they were already dating. so imagine my shock and sheer discomfort when they, after some time, come up to me and say "I fell in love with you"…

I'm not surprised anymore… it's because of uncomfortable and creepy reactions like this that I will never show my face online! I've been sexually harassed by several people because of my appearance! and worse, THEY KNEW I WAS ASEXUAL AND DIDN'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP!!! they were at least decent and gave up on it once I made it clear that it made me uncomfortable….but I was a fool and continued to be their friend… and another thing, they are 23-24, I am 19 years old…

Now that many are opening up about their experiences with them, I wanted to share the one that made me the most uncomfortable…

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5 months ago

please please pay attention to what is happening to women in south korea. it was revealed that men had chat rooms where they share photos of women in their family while they groping them and were sexually harassing them and feminists in south korea on twt are asking to spread the word about the crimes done against the women in the country since the media in korea won’t report on it and a lot of international media isn’t covering these issues that have been coming up

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2 years ago

Tell me the script was written by a man without telling me the script was written by a man

Boerne hält eine Rede und lächelt jemanden im Publikum an. Er sagt: "Mit Veronika hatte ich meinen ersten Orgasmus."
Boerne ergänzt: "Aber sie weiß nichts davon, sie war leider nicht dabei."

Sooo... let's talk about sexual harassment, shall we?

[You don't have to read further if you feel like it would harm you in any way. Take care <3]

Da hat sich der gute ... [checks notes] ... Benjamin Hessler wohl sehr lustig gefühlt, als er diese zwei Sätze zu Papier gebracht hat. Gemessen an der Reaktion der Partygäste nehme ich jedenfalls an, dass es sich um einen Scherz handeln sollte.

Lachende Party-Gäste.

[Look at them, having the time of their lives, thinking about Boerne and his silly fantasies]

Schauen wir uns Boernes Aussage also mal genauer an. Was sagt er denn da eigentlich?

Mit Veronika hatte er also seinen ersten Orgasmus. Daraus folgend vermutlich auch den ersten Sex (nicht, dass das beides zwangsläufig zusammenhängen würde). Nun gut. Man darf sich natürlich die Frage stellen, wie angemessen das Ausplaudern eines solchen intimen Details vor einer Gruppe von – für Boerne zumindest überwiegend fremden – Menschen ist. Insbesondere dann, wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass darunter nicht nur Freund*innen von Veronika und Friedhelm sind, sondern auch Kolleg*innen. Bis dahin also noch keine Pointe, nur eine merkwürdig private Anekdote zur Untermauerung von Boernes These, dass er Veronika (und Friedhelm) "länger" und "besser" als alle anderen Anwesenden kennen würde. Kommen wir also zum zweiten Teil der Aussage:

Aber sie weiß nichts davon, sie war leider nicht dabei.

Ah, da ist sie – die unerwartete Wendung der Geschichte. Boerne hatte gar keinen Sex mit Veronika, den Orgasmus hatte er ohne ihre Anwesenheit! Haha! Ja, das ist wirklich lustig, weil, das bedeutet ja, dass ... also, das könnte ja heißen ... ja, also er hat sich halt einen auf sie runtergeholt.

Aber worüber soll ich denn jetzt lachen? Dass er damals masturbiert und dabei an Veronika gedacht hat? Dass er es eigentlich gut gefunden hätte, wenn sie auch dabei gewesen wäre? Dass er offensichtlich nie vorher mit ihr darüber gesprochen hat?

Boerne erzählt ihrem Bekanntenkreis ohne ihr Wissen von seinen Sexfantasien mit ihr und ich soll das witzig finden?

Er degradiert sie vor Publikum zum Objekt der Begierde und brüstet sich noch damit. In welchem Universum kommt jemand auf die Idee, so eine Aussage könnte ein angemessener Bestandteil einer freundschaftliche Rede auf einer Abschiedsfeier sein? Und dann wollt ihr mir noch erzählen, dass Thiel und Alberich – die jedes Wort der Rede mitsprechen konnten – diesen Teil nicht kritisiert hätten? Dass Frau Klemm, Feministin der ersten Stunde, das einfach hingenommen hätte?

Nein, Boerne. Du hattest deinen ersten Orgasmus nicht mit Veronika. Du hattest deinen ersten Orgasmus alleine, was du anscheinend bis heute nicht verkraftet hast.

Nennt mich altmodisch, aber ich könnte nicht darüber lachen, wenn ein Kindheitsfreund mir im Kreise meiner Bekannten eröffnen würde, dass er im Gedanken an mich gekommen ist.

Das ist nicht lustig, das ist übergriffig.

Der Vollständigkeit halber hier eine Definition von sexueller Belästigung der Polizei-Beratung:

Als sexuelle Belästigung gelten nicht nur unerwünschte körperliche Berührungen oder sexuelle Übergriffe, sondern auch verbale oder nichtverbale Äußerungen, die einen sexuellen Bezug haben. Dazu zählen anzügliche Bemerkungen oder Witze [...]. (Quelle)

Weiß Boerne Benjamin Hessler, wie fest die sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt gegen Frauen* in unserer Gesellschaft verankert ist? Wie viele Frauen* regelmäßig von Nachrichten belästigt werden, in denen fremde Männer ihnen unaufgefordert schreiben, dass sie sich einen auf sie runtergeholt hätten? Wie insbesondere solche Darstellungen diese Übergriffigkeiten als "Scherze" verharmlosen und damit salonfähig machen? Und wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass er was von seiner Arbeit versteht und um diese Probleme weiß – warum schreibt er dann trotzdem solche Szenen?

Da spielen auch freundschaftliche Maßstäbe keine Rolle mehr. Erstens hat Boerne den Satz offensichtlich nicht mit Veronika abgesprochen und kann lediglich von Glück reden, dass sie darüber anscheinend lachen kann; zweitens sind viele andere Gäste anwesend, die nicht nach einer solchen Information gefragt haben und bei denen ein solcher Kommentar Traumata triggern könnte; drittens greift es derart frauenfeindliche Stereotype auf, dass ich diese Szene nicht nur auf einer innerfilmischen, sondern auch auf einer außerfilmischen Ebene kritisieren möchte. Es ist ja nicht nur Benjamin Hessler, der diesen Satz mutmaßlich geschrieben hat. Es ist die Regisseurin Janis Rebecca Ratteni, die das nicht nur übernommen, sondern auch als Scherz inszeniert hat; Jan Josef Liefers, der die Szene gespielt hat; und wahrscheinlich noch Dutzende andere, die genauso oder sehr ähnlich am Produktionsprozess der Folge beteiligt waren.

Wenn diese Frau also über Boernes "Scherz" lacht, können wir uns fragen, was das über sie aussagt. Wir können uns aber auch fragen, was das über unsere Gesellschaft aussagt.

Nahaufnahme einer lachenden Frau.

Stay safe, folks.

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5 years ago
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming
Donald Trump And Republican Supporters Of SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Have Engaged In Victim Blaming

Donald Trump and Republican supporters of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh have engaged in victim blaming Kavanaugh’s accuser. They insist that if Kavanaugh really did something wrong, then his accuser would have immediately come forward to report the crime.

#WhyIDidntReport is a hashtag where survivors of rape, sexual assault and molestation are sharing their reasons why they didn’t report their assaults.

This happens far too much, and it is heartbreaking.

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3 years ago

hes trying to come back on youtube so i just want to say. everyone look out for nick robinson. hes an ex polygon employee who was fired for sexually harassing his coworkers. hes trying to blend in with the documentary style video trend.

Hes Trying To Come Back On Youtube So I Just Want To Say. Everyone Look Out For Nick Robinson. Hes An
Hes Trying To Come Back On Youtube So I Just Want To Say. Everyone Look Out For Nick Robinson. Hes An

i got him in my reccomendations just now. his handle on most websites is babylonian

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