Victor Vektor - Tumblr Posts
It's finally 2021 and I want to make an announcement:
Thank you.

Viktor strikes me as a person who:
would find that one button up that finally fits and buy three of each available color because 1. he that huge the buttons in other shirts hold onto each other for dear life and if he breathes there is possibility of shooting someone with a stray button 2. he just doesn't like change
gives great bear hugs
wears two different socks (don't ask why, I just know he does)
would wear colorful nail polish if Misty and/or V would want to paint his nails and wouldn't give a fuck about it (lets be real - he would own it)
likes doodling - some days at the clinic are boring, he's not in the mood for watching boxing matches and he will just doodle whatever he feels like at the moment
plays the "im old" card to avoid gatherings and likes to say he's older than he is (you have not even one silver hair on your head Viktor you ain't foolin' me)
would genuinely tear up a little if someone (V, Misty or Jackie) surprised him out of blue with food on his working day - like really went to get food for him because he works so hard to save lives and is an amazing friend and deserves to be spoiled from time to time (A L W A Y S)
likes quiet rainy days at the clinic - no emergencies, no patients, just him, coffee and sound of rain resonating through his little slice of peace in this chaos of a dumpster that Night City is
Lately i've been thinking about him a little too much hnnnnnnngg... I love this senior citizen...
Thats what DLC should be like tbh
V chooses “quiet life” over “blaze of glory” in their conversation with Dex and it results in them politely shaking his hand, exiting his car and returning to Viktor to tell him “hey you were right that guy seems like bad news can I just help out around here instead?”
Rest of the game’s just passing medical tools to the big hunky back-alley doctor while he regales V with boxing trivia and stories from his trauma team days.
and he got me like aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

cdpr: i spelled doc's name in 20 different ways

I feel like I am the only person who takes great delight and amusement at the fact that there are like 19 different spellings of Viktor's name.
I actually think that Viktor and Misty met through Jackie, since Misty grew up on the same streets as Jack and Vik was training him.
Jackie introduced them to each other when he found out Viktor was looking for a place to open his clinic and he just happened to know Misty - sweet owner of the esoterica with a perfect place to rent for Vik.
Viktor’s generosity? Didn’t come from nowhere. He was kinda broke when he was looking for a place to rent and Misty told him that he can just pay her later, when he’ll have enough money. She even gave him golden maneki neko - for luck with gaining said money. Viktor learned a thing or two from Misty about trust and kindness.
Even though Vik doesn’t believe in spirituals he still goes to Misty for his weekly tarot reading. Gotta know what fate has planned for you, right?
Misty is the one to check on Viktor when he’s staying in the clinic late and bring him essentials. Blanket? Check. Takeout? Check. Herbal tea? Check. Gentle lecture about taking care of yourself because Vik might be a workaholik? Check.
It was actually Vik that set Misty and Jackie together. He brought Jack back to earth from “im the best every gal wants me” kinda thinking and pushed him towards Misty who liked Jackie for quite some time but knew that Jackie... isn’t the most constant person when it comes to feelings. Viktor had quite a heart-to-heart with Jackie about it and Jack stopped putting up that “tough ladies man” persona so much. Then Jackie talked to Misty about feelings and it turned out that it was match made in heaven... I mean in Viktor’s clinic.
MISTY PAINTS VIKTORS NAILS AND YOU CAN’T TELL ME OTHERWISE. It usually happens during weekly tarot readings along with drinking tea and gossiping.
Viktor actually started doubting if there really isn’t any greater force when he was loosing a patient and Misty showed up, seemingly out of nowhere and helped him save the guy bleeding out on the operating chair while keeping her cool like a champ. He still doesn’t really know if there is something but he knows for sure that Misty is an angel.
Ok so I really wanna know how the whole Viktor, Misty, and Jackie friendship happened????
Like I kinda imagine that Viktor and Misty knew each other first (though I can't even begin to imagine HOW they met, that would be something fun to think about....) before Jackie got involved.
Jackie sure as hell wasn't expecting to get one of those 'You better not fucking hurt her' talks from Viktor, but damn if he wasn't gonna take that to heart. Even after that it still took Jackie almost a whole year to show Misty that he was worth her time.
More Viktor headcanons because I’m trash for this beautiful man:
There are some Vik/V too... Hope there aren't many errors... anyways. ENJOY.
We know this already but this guy is H U G E - 6'3, whoopin' healthy 219lbs and bUILD LIKE A TANK.
I think he's around 48-52 years old.
"I can't, I'm old."
Look I know what I said about socks but hear me out... Vik 100% has a collection of those silly ties with cartoon characters like pokemon etc... he likes that blue one with cats best...
He knew V was special when he finished installing their first implant after they first met and shot him with "So, do I get a lollipop for bein' a brave patient, doc?" with that cheeky smirk of theirs... even if just for shits and giggles Vik actually gave them their lollipop the next time they visited his clinic. "Fine, you my fave doc now, won't go anywhere else."
He has Hamsa and evil eye tattoo on his left pectoral, Misty told him that it meant protection from evil and he thought it fitting as a symbol of starting his career as a ripperdoc - he saves lives after all.
Viktor smokes. Not very often, sometimes he can go several days without cigarettes but if the day at clinic is hard or gods forbid he lost a patient... he smokes like a chimney. By some mysterious coincidence he started smoking even more when V came along. I wonder why?
He genuinely enjoys V's company. He LOVES when they just sit at the clinic and talk or even just sit in silence. Their presence is really refreshing for this old doc.
Once Viktor, Misty, Jackie and V went to actually eat IN the restaurant. Misty and Vik casually sat and talked but, of course, Jack and V had a sword fight with chopsticks and Vik asked the waiter for two regular menus and for two menus for kids. After V called him "dad", "pops" or... wait for it... "daddy" for the rest of the evening, Viktor never made the mistake of going out to eat with V. Both V and Jackie still bring it up sometimes much to doc's dismay. Takeout is much safer option now.
Guess who is the one to always pick up horrendously drunk merc duo at 4am in the middle of the week. Yup. It's Viktor. Usually they wait for him outside, sitting on the pavement, arms on each others shoulders, singing love songs. Sometimes they burst in tears when they see Vik "coz youre the best friend I've had Viky", "yea, doc, there no other like ya".
Dad jokes. That's it.
UNGODLY ALCOHOL TOLERANCE. THIS MAN CAN DRINK AND DRINK AND DRINK AND SAY HES JUST TIPSY. Jackie? Under the table. V? Babbling something about "hopin' there is real afterlife" while hugging toilet bowl. Viktor? Checking if Jack still breathes and holding V's hair if necessary. "Amateurs" he thinks.
One of his most beloved possessions is a teddy bear. A gift from V. A they had put it "for caring for people around you and so you don't feel too lonely here in clinic and, well, for being you". Little fluffy fella has a special place in Vik's heart as well as on his couch right beside the boxing gloves.
No one keeps secrets like he does.
He takes GREAT pride in being the only person who knows V's real name.
Also he's the person who saw V at their most vulnerable. Bleeding, bruised, beaten, drunk, crying.
As true to their promise as they are, he thinks V's loyalty is amusing and rather sweet but also dangerous bUT V JUST WON'T GO TO ANY OTHER RIPPER. Found some new chrome somewhere else? They bought it and had it delivered to Vik's. Small repairs? Go to Vik's. Bleeding out somewhere in Pacifica? Go to Vik's. He swears he will strangle them himself one day.
Nicknames. Doll, Sweetheart, Champ, Captain, Big Guy, Charmer, Knock Out, Honey, Sweet pea, Cupcake, Pumpkin... I COULD GO ON FOREVER.
Usually it's Misty to find him sleeping on his desk but when it's V and Jack... well... let's say sharpie can be pain in the ass to wash off from your face.
Jackie got him pink gauges with daisies. As a joke. HA! Jokes on you Jack. He wears them. P R O U D L Y.
My man loves whisky. Nothing like late friday evening and a glass of liquid gold with ice.
Once, when V was keeping him company at clinic after he closed, he tried to be smooth (we all know the way he moves with that chair on wheels of his)... long story short he misjudged the distance from chair and he fell on his ass with a loud *T H U D*. He sat like that for some time. "Oh my god! Vik, are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, just... give me a moment..." And that was the end of "Smooth Vik".
Officially Misty is his emotional support spiritualist. Unofficially V is his emotional support idiot merc, but also, like, the cause of most of his frustrations. JESUS V TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IS THAT YOUR ARM THAT YOURE CARRYING IS THAT ANOTHER BULLET WOUND FOR FUCKS SAKE HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE ILL KILL YOU MYSELF I SWEAR. Smeone just give him a hug please.
I support it. I love it. Vik indeed gives MAJOR grill dad vibes. BEAUTIFUL.
Vik totally likes to grill he not like Night City's greatest but he makes a pretty good burger. Every so often he asks the kid and friends (V, Jackie, Misty etc.) invites them to the roof of his apartment or something like that and they have a small cook out just for them.
Cool beer, a few friends and a good time.

still can’t get over him…

obsessed with @ddeadbot’s bbq headcanon and the thought of vik just wearing dumbass aprons (vik pics from @dustysalmon)
v x vik headcanon brainworm: vik wears the ever-typical “kiss the cook/chef” apron specifically so he can get mess with v but then it backfires on him, smthn like
vik: “aaaaand here’s one perfectly-seared hamburger for my favourite scraggly merc!”
v: “ha, ha, very funny. now give it here, thank you!” *goes to take it*
vik: “ah - not so fast. you forgot one thing...” *points to the “kiss the cook” apron while clacking tongs, holding plate just out of reach, definitely half-joking, definitely also hoping they will*
v: “...are you serious right now?”
vik: “sorry, v, i don’t make the rules. gonna need a peck riiiiiiight here—“ *points to his cheek with raised eyebrows* “—if you wanna get your hands on this hamburger.”
jackie in the background: “actually—“
vik: *in a mocking voice* “oh, woe is this hamburger, brought into this universe only to be rejected, just like its cook!” *stops dicking around, starts to hand the plate to v* “okay, nah, I’m just messing around with ya, v, here y—“
v: *smirking, kisses vik deadass on the lips, taking their plate from him as he stands there, just blinking and trying to process what just happened* “thanks for the hamburger, viky!” *walks off*
vik: “huh. o-okay.” *proceeds to barely be able to function around v for the rest of the night*
Even if we don't get Viktor romance (the pain, the struggle) I think they should add random calls and texts from him. I mean, come on, they are close friends. Viktor 100% would call or text V to ask how they feel, if the Relic acts up and to remind them of their appointment. Give us some stupid inside jokes, maybe some texts giving some insight on their dynamic, memories of some stupid things Jack and V did. Doc would also text V to be careful and V could reply with something along the lines of "ok mom" or something like that.
You know what I really want from cyberpunk? Drunk texts. Let V get wasted and then text everyone some random stupid shit. Let Johnny just stand there and look at V with utter disappointment.
63 with Vik (ofc) and V 👉🏼👈🏼
63. “Stop running from this. I know I’m not the only one who feels it.” i’m. really sorry.
Vik follows V through his apartment, rubbing a hand over his neck as he watches her collect her things. They'd spent the night together; one thing leading to another on his couch, sipping wine and sharing a laugh. Next thing he knew, he was buried inside the girl of his dreams. Vik knows he wont soon forget the relief-filled smile V had shown him, breathing the word finally against his mouth. All in all, pretty fantastic evening.
The next morning, however, offered a chance for him to really think it through, falling deep into his own melancholy as he sat next to the open window, smoking one of her cigarettes and watching her sleep in his bed. Vik knew he wanted to wake up to that sight every morning for the rest of his life, but -
But this is V. She's young, and beautiful, and has her whole goddamn life ahead of her. No way was he gonna shackle her to an old ripper like him. He loves her, so fucking much. He won't be responsible for holding her back.
When she woke up and he gently nudged her in the direction of maybe we keep this a one-time thing, she took exception to that. The heartbreak and rage lighting up her face and making her chest heave will be seared in his mind for a long time, he knows.
Presently, V shoves herself into her boots, turning towards him with a shake of her head. Her eyes travel over his torso, still shirtless from bed. She quickly shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "One time thing. Right. So, what, exactly; you just wanted to get your dick wet?"
"What? Christ, V, of course not. You know you mean more to me than that," Vik responds with incredulity, running a hand down his face. He has to make her understand, somehow.
V snorts loudly, holding her head in her hands. Her stomach is near her ankles, she thinks, turning towards the door and picking up her bag. "Right. Yeah. Silly me, thinking you don't want me after dropping a bomb like that."
"V -"
"Am I not - enough?" Her voice is near a whisper as she stares straight at the door, shoulders hunched. "'Cause I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. I know I'm not only seeing what I want to see. You feel it, too. So are you saying this, because I'm - I'm too much to handle, or not enough to love?" I will not cry, I will not cry.
"Because you deserve so much fucking more," Vik says, sounding desperate. V turns on her heel, incredulous, and Vik looks at her with a pleading expression, shaking his head. "You're moving up in this world, and got a hell of a life ahead of you. You're gonna want so much more from this life, sweetheart."
"You're so fucking blind, you know that?" V throws her hands up in exasperation, chuckling without humor. She can feel her heart sinking, eager to join her stomach. "None of it means shit to me, none of it - not my rep, not the eddies; all of it is fucking worthless. What matters to me is sharing my life with the man I -" Her throat closes, and she turns from him with a shake of her head, breathing hard.
"You can do so much better than an old man like me," Vik says after a minute, palm pressed to the side of his face as he watches her.
"I've never cared about that. I care about you, I want you." V runs a hand back through her hair, looking at him with a hard glint to her eye. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want me, and we can drop this whole thing."
He's silent as they stare each other down. Both too damn stubborn for their own good. The longer the silence stretches, the more her heart sinks. V finally laughs, breathless and without humor, as Vik's hand curls into a fist at his side. She bites down on her tongue, hard enough to taste copper, as she turns from him to head to the door.
"I only want what's best for you, sweetheart."
V shakes her head at his words, swallowing down her tears as the shame and rejection bubble to the surface. "You are such a fucking coward," is all she calls over her shoulder before slamming the door.
He doesn't follow.
*screaming in silence*

am dead? heaven this? me screm?

early morning
"Not all men"
You are right. Viktor Vector would never.
Ok, here's a thing I've been thinking about for a very long time. We all know how weak V is near the end of the game. Coughing blood, fainting, headaches - full package. Let's say V got rid of the chip (what happens with Johnny is up to you, preferably he gets his own body because even if he's an ass he's our ass) but instead of your canon endings, V stays under Viktor's. Meds, maybe some brain implant to expand V brain space - yanno, your typical recovery stuff. No more merc shite, no more gigs. Chip just wrecked her body too much and now her days consist of days at clinic or Misty's shop, doing small jobs like fixing guns (or something else V is good at but doesn't requires running into gang nests and shooting things) and helping her friends with mundane tasks. V finally gets to grieve properly with Mama Welles, Misty and Vik. V and Viktor get really close, they talk about feeling and shite and romance between them just feels so natural. I really think V deserves some domestic life with someone who knew her for a long time like Viktor. Let. V. Recover. In. Peace. In. Viktor's. Arms. CDPR YOU COWARDS.
bro I vibe with you so hard rn cause that's literally my canon ending with my V im. like deadass my mari doesnt get with vik til post-ending cause they're both dumb and dont realize the other feels the same way until he's helping her recover from mikoshi
ABSOLUTELY YES V is gonna be a-okay and johnny has his body back and everyone helps them get through their physical and mental hiccups (esp in regards to getting used to the fact they arent connected anymore) and V finally gets to Rest

Viktor: Care to explain why your leg is in your hands? Again?
V, crawling into clinic with her leg in one hand:

Wow people out there really get mad at Viktor simps coz he ain't fucking Ryan Gosling or other Brad Pitt level pretty. Jeez. Ya'll really romance characters just because of the looks and not because they are well-written characters? I mean whatever floats your boat but still. I have this problem with Takemura - he pretty, he fun, but he's loyal to Arasaka. Same with Johnny - pretty rockerboy, fun (and he's Keanu haha) BUT HE'S A FUCKIN TERRORIST. ALSO, the only arguments against Viktor I see is:
He's old when he's probably a tad bit older than River who's in his 40s, Takemura with all Arasaka tech could be around 100, Kerry is around 80 REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE AGE DIFFERENTLY
He's ugly. I'm not even going to comment this one because this argument is ✨invalid✨
Yes, I'm going to die mad about it and so are you.