Wwdits S5 - Tumblr Posts
no cuz did guillermo actually ran naked on the treadmill??? How did Lazlo get so much of his sweat to make it into a sunscreen???
Guillermo not having been to any pride event and slowly enjoying himself and letting himself loose on the pride parade, Guillermo holding a ‘gay guy” sign, guillermo in his lil rainbow scrarf and beanie is EVERYTHING.
I love Nandor’s thought process, like Guillermo didn’t even say anything about the space thing and just nodded along, infact it was Lazlo who was disagreeing, but in his head he was like Guillermo doesn’t believe me and therfore i shall prove it otherwise, so he went to space to IMPRESS Guillermo, then when he was up there, he was like “ Why did Guillermo make me do this?” like SIR IT WAS YOU.
Like he was convinced that Guillermo was being seduced by Lazlo’s intelligence rather than strength(him), so he started talking about how being strong is superior to being smart.
like Nandor dude you seem pretty whipped on Guillermo.
Wwdits pulling a voldemort and squirrel head, freaky friday shit isnt even the most unexpected thing to ever happen in this episode...
no thoughts just Nandor and his ‘eyyyy im bein’ gay over ‘ere’’ shirt, that he probably tucked or folded inside to make it a crop top...
So, I just finished watching Pride Parade. The best way I can describe it is I never would have guessed which directions this episode was going in… yet it all made perfect sense in the most chaotically stupid way.
I think it might be my favourite episode of the season so far.
“i know when i’m not wanted & this is not one of those times” nandor babe ur so delusional & detached from reality for that
okay but Nandor not even realizing he was jealous of Lazlo and guillermo hanging out, and was just like lazlo is jealous of me having a familliar like Guillermo so he’s trying to take him using his intelligence and being like “sorry what?” when guillermo pointed out if he was going to space just to impress him and having his little moment on the interview if he was doing it just to impresss guillermo and then realizing YES, YES HE IS is just so stupid and so himbo of him and we love him
get yourself a man who would go to space to impress you and get your attention cuz you started hanging out with his roommate more then crash the first pride event you attended by falling out of the sky naked from flying out of space
lets talk about Guillermo just chilling in his makeshift coffin- footlocker-bed end box thingy that was given to him by nandor, like does he just sit there and hang out most of the time? does he actually sleep there? does the others notice? if they did what did they think? if Nandor notice does he just think guillermo likes it so much he just sits there?
in light of Nandor admitting without fuss no nonsense that he will fly on space just to impress guillermo, at this point anything can happen.
I won’t even be surprised if he makes an offhand comment about how hot or sexy guillermo is and the camera would pan to guillermo’s face just frozen from shock or smthing.
no thoughts just two neurodivergent vampires counting rice...
Reminder that Nandor is trying to befriend a bird in his room, he named it Matthew. Reminder that Nandor was upset by something his bird friend, Matthew, did that he is not speaking to him at the moment.

Cold war in Staten Island
Stickers, prints and Hawaiian shirts available at my Etsy shop!
Look, when I heard Nandor was going to space, I expected either a simple photoshopped pic of him on the space station a la his Wisconsin travels, or a throwaway gag of Nandor strapping himself to a rocket.
Somehow what we actually got was weirder and dumber than I could’ve imagined… and I fucking loved it 😂
Wheres my lgbt-lmnop peopl @
Lo and behold THE SUB-TEXT IS NO LONGER A SUB!!! its now A TEXT!
lowkey i just want Nandor to grovel and just be pathetic and petty this season, I want the moment he finds out Guillermo is bitten by another vampire to go ballistic on Derek, i want him to be relieved that that Lazlo and guillermo arent fcking or something, i want him to realize that Guillermo is turning into a vampire or is already a vampire and already got what he wanted(though he wasnt the one to do it) but still stayed.
obsessed w the fact that basically what nandor just said was “i know you like that laszlo is smart or whatever.. *demurely twisting shoe against the floor* but I think being strong and tough is way more impressive… if you even care….. probably not…”