The Guide - Tumblr Posts
Sometimes family is a pair of bisexual goths in an open marriage, an ancient baron who fucks them both, a soldier from the Ottoman Empire, one of his 37 reanimated wives who’s been mind controlled, the ghost of one of the goths possessing a doll, a familiar-turned-vampire-killer in a homoerotic relationship with the soldier who kinda wants to murder them all, an unnamed guide who’s fallen in love with everyone, and a musical theatre nerd child that burst out the chest cavity of their old dead roommate. And I think that’s beautiful
Just namjooning #namjoonthingz
Imagine going on a long vacation and traveling around the world with your boyfriend Namjoon...

I haven't been able to draw anything digitally in a while
can we talk about how Guillermo tells bedtime stories to nandor probably on a daily basis??? like he tucks Nandor in his little coffin and just tells him stories. like how cute is that. But like its probably all off cam and the only reason we get to see it cuz the crew is more bold now or they just got more comfortable with the crew over the years. This really adds another layers to those time guillermo leaves..... and just how much of theyre relation progress and everything that we dont really see cuz they happen off cam.
im freaking excited for ep 3, hints of lazlo and guillermo trying to figure out whats happening to him, Nandor noticing but being a himbo he is completely missing the point on why theyre spending more time together, and possibly being kinda jealous. Sean’s pride parade and just More sean moments in general. Plus the Guide and Nadja’s progress.
Is no one gonna talk about why Nadja is looking for a spouse??? Like in the trailer she was in a bunch of these dates and mentioned a small simple dowry and she's all theirs??? Like what was that about?? Did something happen with her and Lazlo?I know they have an open relationship but they have never like wanted to have another wife/husband, Or is this just one of those stupid one brain cells solutions of hers for the curse and has something to do with being more open and stuff? or did i miss something? Can someone please explainnn
Sean and charmaine giving the biggest ‘theyre a little confused, but they got the spirit” vibes and Im here for it.
Wwdits pulling a voldemort and squirrel head, freaky friday shit isnt even the most unexpected thing to ever happen in this episode...
The Guide just randomly appeared in this episode with her lil nurse outfit for absolutely no reason but I'm not complaining.
ok but Guillermo living with vampires for so long that he's used to all their shits that it doesn't even faze him anymore at this point- like I don't know how anyone can come back from that gawdawful hybrid experiments- but when vampires plan something he usually is quick to say no or be the more reasonable voice, but now he literally just sat back and let them do their ridiculous brainstorming ideas and just go along with whatever they're planning cuz Lazlo is upset and they wanna just cheer him up.

new obsession acquired lol
more sketches to come soooonnnnn

guide drawings lol
do any other wwdits fans feel like the hex on nadja was just made up by the guide to get her to be nice to people???? like the way she was shaking the sticks when she found the painting???? i cant tell if im delusional or if she’s just tricking nadja into like… going outside and reconnecting with her culture so she’ll be A) a better person B) maybe become her friend
going slowly insane over season 5 so here’s a year old season 4 edit
what they do in the shadows is listen to ABBA