Yandere Monster - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 months ago

Yandere! Husband who thinks of you every single moment of the day, spoils you rotten, makes sure you feel loved 24/7 with letters, gifts and his presence. Being married to you is a privilege and he makes sure he shows you that.

Who does the little things like making sure you never open any doors by yourself. “What the fuck do you think that ring of yours means? Get your hand off that handle!” proceeds to climb over the car to open the car door for you

who randomly squeezes your hands with a vulnerability you almost never see from him. muttering things such as, “i can’t even remember life before I met you.” or “i love you so much. leave me one day if you must, but know that i’ll never be the same without you.”

yandere! husband who always makes sure you take care of yourself, personally appointing days where you have to go the salon to get your hair or nails done. yandere! husband who always has a fun new date idea to keep things fresh in the relationship. yandere! husband who studies your body for hours on end so you’ll never have to look for satisfaction elsewhere.

so that you’ll never question why he’s changed so much. because he was never the man you married in the first place.

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Yandere! Dragon! Knight! x Princess! Reader

TW: Noncon, dubcon, flogging, knotting, choking

Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?


Once upon a time, a princess was sent to a tower far away as a young maiden. With her entrapment within the castle came a ferocious beast with red scales. Now she's a young woman and ready to explore the world.

You made your plans to perfection. Once Eduardo was asleep, you'd slip out the tower window and venture into the woods for a fun night. Now, your dreams are about to come true.

"Goodnight, my darling," Eduardo says, kissing you on the head. 

"Night, Eduardo," You reply, putting your head on his chest. 

You loved to lay on Eduardo's chest. His body is always warm, and his heartbeat always soothes you. But now's not the time for relaxation. The night is young, and so are you. Once you hear Eduardo's heartbeat slow, you slip out of bed and climb out of the tower using the vines growing on the stones. You land on the soft, wet grass and take in the smell of the land.

You run into the forest and take in the darkness. The fireflies glow and float near you. The stream glimmers as the moonlight hits the shiny rocks and fish scales. Everything seems so peaceful to you, even if the night is beginning to get a bit hot. You squat down and look at the fish swimming in the stream. The fish swim to your hand, then suddenly swim away, confusing you. A pair of big, glowing, yellow eyes are in the stream's reflection. You turn around and see a skyscraper-sized red dragon with smoke pouring out its flaring nostrils.

"A-A-A-AAAAAAHHH!!!" You scream, trying to get away from the beast.

You feel its claws slam you onto a tree, and the pain paralyzes you. 

"I'm sorry if I ventured into your territory! I'll leave right away!" You plead, looking into its golden eyes.

The dragon bursts into red light and reveals the very pissed-off Eduardo. 

"Eduardo-" You stammer.

"Why did you leave our tower?" He growls, holding a firm hand on your neck.

"I just wanted to have fun! Promise! I was going to return!" You squeak, trying to not anger him more. 

Eduardo lets go of your neck, letting you fall to the ground. 

"So you wanted to party with the commoners, huh?"

"Only for one night. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Since you want to be a commoner, I'll punish you like a commoner."

Eduardo throws you over his shoulders and snaps his fingers, teleporting you to your room. He throws you onto your pastel pink bed and shuts the window. 

"No one will hear you scream, cry, yell! You're stuck with me!" Eduardo growls, his face turning red. "You'll always be stuck with me! Me, your knight in shining armor! Your prince! Your lover! I'm the only one who will love you! Especially since your own people sent you here, so they don't have to be with your gifts!"

It was true. You were sent here at thirteen because of your strange magic. You made plants grow during the winter, and you never seemed to be afraid of the beasts in your kingdom. This proved to be very troublesome, so your parents sent you to this tower so you could let your magic stabilize without harming others. 

"Eduardo, I'm sorry! I only wanted to get out of this tower for one night! Only a couple of hours! I can't stand being in this stone trap anymore! I've memorized every stone and made clothes out of curtains! I can't take it anymore!" You yell, breaking down into tears. "I need to be outside, please!"

"ENOUGH!! You're not going into town, and that's final!" Eduardo roars, red scales growing on his face.

You've never seen this side of Eduardo. Although he's one year older than you, he's always been calm, even when annoyed. Though, dragons tend to get more temperamental during their heat. 

Eduardo pins you to the mattress face first and shreds your underwear.

"Flogging is quite the appropriate punishment for trying to be a peasant, right? Commoners get flogged all the time," Eduardo says, squeezing his claws onto your ass. "Oh, I think that's the right punishment."

Without warning, Eduardo smacks your sensitive ass with his rough tail. You can't see him, but you imagine he's in a humanoid form as his dragon form is too big for the tower. 

"Eduardo, please-" You beg, trying to appease him.

"Sh, sh, sh, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt your ass too badly," Eduardo whispers, his hot breath hitting your ear. 

Eduardo continues to assault your ass, and soon enough, his scales leave an imprint on your butt. His tail swirls around your bare pussy and suddenly sticks a bit of itself inside you.

"Oh!" You squeal, feeling the scales inside your vagina. "Eduardo, I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry. I'll never escape again."

You cry into the pillow for a few minutes, then Eduardo flips you onto your back. He kisses you on the lips, his tongue exploring everything in your mouth. He kisses your wet cheeks and licks your tears away.

"I believe you, but just in case, I'll give you a reason to stay," Eduardo says, kissing your neck. "Stay still."

Eduardo shreds your nightgown to pieces and drags a claw across your stomach. He kisses your stomach, then takes off his clothes. His penis is red, large, and slimy. 

"Doggy or missionary style?" Eduardo asks, kissing your cheek. 

"Missionary," You answer, hoping he'll be gentle.

Eduardo laughs a little and lines his dick up with your opening. He takes his long red hair out of his ponytail and lets it hang. His eyes lovingly look at you, and he goes for a passionate kiss. You relax as your arms embrace him, and you feel his warmth.

"Eduardo, you're warm," You say, nestling your head on his shoulder.

"I know, my sweet. But you're about to get a lot warmer after tonight," Eduardo says, using this as the chance to put his whole length in you. 

Your nails dig into his back as pleasure shoots up your spine. 

"Eduardo!" You scream, making him begin his thrusts. 

With each thrust, he yells praises for you. You feel something expand in your wet sex. 

"Eduardo, what's that?" You moan, taking in all the sensations.

You hear Eduardo growl, and suddenly, he bites your shoulder. You yell in pain and try to get him off you. 

"Eduardo, stop! You're hurting me!" You scream, feeling his teeth tear into your skin.

"Sorry, my princess. I'm knotting," Eduardo whispers, letting go of your shoulder and kissing his bite mark. 

Eduardo feels his balls twitch, then orgasms, and shoots his seed into you. He continues to do soft thrusts until his orgasm stops. You cum onto his dick and yell out his name. 

"Sorry, I can't pull out. My knot hasn't deflated yet," Eduardo says, resting his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry I fucked you so roughly. I've been tense regarding you since my heat started."

"It's ok. I was never meant to leave this tower anyway," You whimper, about to cry.

"Oh, princess. I would have taken you out of this tower any day if you asked. Admittedly, this tower is going to need an expansion soon."

"You never told me why you were at this tower."

"Well, I found this tower when I left home to claim a territory. I would've gone home, but you came into my life, and that's when I knew I wanted to be with you."


Eduardo kisses you on the lips.

"Hush, my beloved. We have all the time in the world together. Especially now that you have all my seed inside you," Eduardo coos, kissing your stomach. "Oh, we'll have such cute babies. We're going to be a family." 

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8 months ago

Yandere!Monster x Reader [Asylum Spider]

A/N: This feels a little bit strange to post. It's an older OC (the drawing I used is like 3 years old) I had for a horror manga. I thought it would make a good yandere if you're into actual monsters. And the atmosphere is a lot like an indie horror rpg. :)

You wake up in a damp, dark room with no recollection of how you ended up here. Hovering above you is a repugnant beast whose appearance terrifies you into silence. Yet it doesn’t attack you. Quite the opposite, it seems to want to guide you outside. You must escape quickly, as whatever lurks above causes the creature to squirm in fear. Yet as departure approaches, a desire blooms within its ancient heart: must you really leave it behind?

TW: Monsters, horror, implied violence/abuse

Yandere!Monster X Reader [Asylum Spider]

Your vision is blurry and your head is throbbing with a harrowing, unbearable headache. You've been awakened from your unexplainable slumber by cold yet burning drops of liquid hitting your cheek at irregular intervals. You squint and try to focus on whatever lies before you. Slowly, the object becomes sharper and your eyes widen in terror. Drooling above you, a monstrosity. It looks almost human. Sharp, curved teeth are grotesquely gawking their way out. The skin is discolored, similar to the blueish tint of someone struck by hypothermia. The creature seems to be wearing a strange sort of straight jacket, tightly securing the arms and ending in a shredded rag, dangling between the skinny, crooked legs. Yet the most disturbing feature are the massive arthropod appendages that fan out from behind, suspending the abomination above ground.

The ridiculous, offensive sight drains the blood from your face and you hold your breath. You wait for the final blow that never arrives. It lowers its head and inhales deeply, trying to detect if you're still alive. Satisfied with the answer, it scurries aside and leaves you enough space to lift yourself up. The wide smile remains plastered on its face, making it look like a deformed mannequin. With nothing left to lose, you decide to risk it. "Can you talk?" you mumble, unsure about the potential response. It shakes its head in denial and you raise your eyebrows. So it can understand human speech.

You stand up and look around. There's a pungent smell irritating your nostrils, and large pipes slither their way over walls and ceilings in a maze of rusted metal. The floor is flooded and your ankles are sunken in murky water. Above the only door hangs an old plaque, eaten by mold and age. "W∎ter & Drain∎∎∎: Pro∎∎rty of ∎∎∎∎∎ Asylum". Ah. This must be the sewers, then. How did you even end up in the sewers of an asylum? Maybe someone upstairs can provide you with answers. You turn to the creature that has been obediently observing you.

"Can you take me to the main building?"

The humanoid spider screeches and trashes its appendages across the water. You jolt and step back instinctively. Is it mad? Have you upset it somehow? No, if anything, it looks afraid. You stare at its bizarre convulsions until it occurs to you the movements aren't quite as erratic as you assumed. It is drawing something using a swamped patch of ground.

Don't let find you Get out

You're choking with dread again. The ominous words send a cold chill down your spine and you shiver, helpless.

"How am I supposed to get out if I don't know where the exit is?" You demand with your last ounce of energy. 

It wobbles its way towards the door, and stops to face you expectantly. Is it offering to guide you? You're not quite sure whether to trust the ghoulish creature, but the rotting room is filling you with panic. 

Anything is better than being alone here. 

What a suffocating atmosphere. The corridors are tall, narrow and black. You can barely discern anything around you and the only sounds are the ghastly echoes of the metal creaking and bending from the water pressure. That, and your uncertain steps across the muddy flow. You glance at the creature. Its eyes are covered by a leather blindfold, so the darkness mustn't be an impediment for it. Then again, how can it tell its way within this colossal labyrinth?

"Is this where you live?" you whisper, trying to make conversation. You need something to distract you from your pounding heart.

It nods hesitantly. 

Your foot hits something and you instinctively attempt to kick it off. Perhaps some algae that begun developing in this forgotten grave. It seems to have wrapped around your ankle, so you bend down to remove it with your hands. It's a soaked sheet of paper. The ink has mostly diffused into the page, but you can still read some of the larger headlines. "Dozens have disappeared. The mystery of the abandoned Asylum, believed to be haunted by the countless victims of horrid experimentation". Next to the title is a photograph too smudged to make out.

You stop in your tracks, focused on the blurry letters. The monster patiently waits for you. Is it something to be asked? You gaze up at its features, trying to take in the details. You take a deep breath in and open your mouth. 

"Did they...um...do this to you upstairs?"

It seems to ponder your question with the same unfaltering grin that now feels painfully forced. Finally, it nods.

What a strange little creature you are. He returns your curious stare. Now that he thinks about it, you must be the very first person to follow him. When was the last time he spoke to another living creature? He can't remember. The others would panic beyond control at the mere sight of him, blindly running away and getting lost in the sewers. Later he'd find their bodies quickly decomposing under the running water, and he'd dispose of them outside. No one deserves to die here. The really unfortunate ones made it upstairs, into the asylum. He'd rather not brood over it. 

Yet here you are, asking questions and walking alongside him as if you were on a stroll. He doubts he's gotten less hideous over the years. Then again, he can't see to confirm. Just as he can't see you. Despite his lack of vision, he is overwhelmed by the feeling that you're a beautiful being. You must be. And thankfully, you won't have to worry yourself with any of the horrors lurking these cursed grounds for much longer. He'll help you escape.

Then he'll be alone once more. It shouldn't bother him this much, it's always been like this. But meeting you has reminded him just how much he missed the presence of another human, how dearly he longed for a kind voice. Is it selfish to fear isolation? 

"Oh! You're right, I can see a gate from here." You exclaim in gratitude. 

You sprint towards the rusty bars and feel a cool breeze against your skin. This must lead outside. The creature has kept its word. Soon enough all of this will be a nightmare of the past.


The monster seems to be making an effort to speak, but all that comes out is a dissonant croak. You're confused and he can sense it. 

Must you really leave him behind? He needs to let you know that he'd like to stay with you, but his throat is contracting pointlessly and there's nothing he can use as a writing surface. What is there to do? His chest is tightening with the frenzied desire to keep you with him forever.

Please don't leave him.

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8 months ago

Does the asylum spider have a name by any chance and will his story have any romance in it?

The first part was very much intended as a budding romance, but I always seem to get caught up in the story and leave out a lot of interaction. Sorry about that 😭

I initially wanted to keep this ask for some extra, longer headcanons, but as I started writing today I realized a lot of the details would be covered in part 2. So instead I’ll just tell you a little bit about spider boy. I guess it still counts as headcanons, but less ample.

Yandere! Asylum Spider Character Info

Get to know the strange creature you found in the sewers.

[Main Story]

Does The Asylum Spider Have A Name By Any Chance And Will His Story Have Any Romance In It?

He does not have a name, and even if he did, it’s been too long for him to remember. He will gladly take any name you give him, so please do consider it. He hasn’t been spoken to in many, many years, so the idea of being called again - with a name you picked for him specifically - is enough to get him to drool in excitement.

Speaking of, the drooling is sadly unavoidable. He is very much aware it’s improper, but his muscles have atrophied enough that it is now out of his control. Additionally, the teeth curve outwards and so he can’t close his mouth fully. Hopefully you don’t find him disgusting.

The blindfold can be removed and he’s not entirely blind as you expected, but his eyes are no longer used to intense light. The pale orbs are quickly overstimulated if he tries to gaze outside. Therefore, he will keep it on most of the time. The darkness also makes him feel more secure. The only thing he does enjoy glancing at every now and then is, well, you. He was suspecting you’d be pretty and he certainly wasn’t wrong, so he is indeed very grateful to have been able to take in your face.

You can also loosen up the straight jacket and, with a little bit of exercise, he will be able to move his arms. It’s probably the thing he’s most enthusiastic about, because he can finally touch you. It will start terribly clumsy; you have to understand, he’s been deprived of most senses for an eternity. His bony fingers might accidentally pull too hard or suddenly twitch into your skin, but he’s doing his best to refine his motor skills. He can also return any hug you offer him, and you should expect him to demand it extremely often. He’s now addicted to the warmth of your body.

Unfortunately the legs can’t be saved. They always drag along, crooked and weak. He relies entirely on his spider appendages. (I know there’s some of you out there probably wondering about it and no, the lower body is not completely paralyzed. You know very well why it matters.)

Lastly, as you will see, he can practice his speech and will eventually be able to use words and short sentences. Saves you a lot of time, especially upstairs where his knowledge is vital for survival. On the other hand, he doesn’t have much to say. He doesn’t remember much from his past, and what he does remember he’d rather forget. So he prefers to listen to you and loves it when you tell him stories from your life.

While he is terrified of the upstairs, he will do his best to protect you and he definitely has the means to do so. He has a gland that allows his saliva to turn acidic, his bite is venomous and he can regurgitate a thick thread of web.

You might be able to tell, he is terribly clingy. To think someone would have pulled him out of his misery. He is forever indebted to you and will never, ever leave your side again.

Does The Asylum Spider Have A Name By Any Chance And Will His Story Have Any Romance In It?

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3 years ago

dream come true ♥ yan!succubus x reader pt. 1

Dream Come True Yan!succubus X Reader Pt. 1

This short fantasy series is inspired by and dedicated to the lovely @iingezo on one of my favorite holidays—their birthday!

On the fringe of your most indulgent fantasies hides a seductive shade biding her time until she could wait no longer. The lines between fantasy and reality blur in just the right way when you wake up in a dream come true. Can you escape or will you give in to a woman too good to be true? Close your eyes and drift away. Let her take your hands and your heart.

Elegant fingers massaged your scalp with tender care. The scent of Chinese roses and tree peonies was in the air, and you could hear a low melodious voice. Your head rested on something soft and every now and then you would feel something akin to a feather brush against the tip of your nose. You could lay there forever, more relaxed than you had ever felt in your life, but you chanced a peak anyways. A long tendril of deep blue hair was the cause of the feather light touch. Navy tresses framed her heart shaped face, soft waves spilling over her shoulders. Thickly lashed eyes dark as obsidian gazed upon you as her glossy violet lips opened into a small ‘o’ of surprise. Pearl white teeth flashed for a moment, once sharp and alarming but then, normal and squared before you could react. The only things that nearly obscured your view of her enchanting visage was an ample chest clothed in an antique lace negligee reminiscent of something worn on a honeymoon. She was something out of your wildest dreams and you smiled slightly, sure that this was one.

“Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty.” The true beauty crooned. Her fingers gently caressed your cheeks as she gazed down at you with something akin to adoration. How you deserved such a thing was lost on you, but you wouldn’t deny it if she was offering. You weren’t an idiot. Her voice was music to your ears and as much as you wouldn’t mind laying in her lap this was a dream, and you would surely be well rested in the morning. You rolled over and out of her lap, not noticing how her sharp nails as black as pitch lightly grazed your skin as if she was trying to pull you back in place. Sitting up, you could fully take in the striking stranger. She threw her nearly navy locks behind her shoulder, exposing the full contours of her bust and waist. With lightly toned arms and the legs of a dancer, she was both admirable and enviable.

Finding your words, you tried to take charge of this dream. “Wh-who are you?” You tilted your head as you gazed into her eyes meaningfully. They were like the depths of the ocean—something unfathomable and worthy of both fear and wonder. She smiled as she extended her legs in front of you and crossed one over the other in your lap. The short skirt of her negligee drifted upward as she did, but you didn’t take the chance to peek which she noticed this with mild disappointment. “I’m yours,” she extended the back of her hand towards you, “But if you must, you may call me Aurora. A pleasure.”

Feeling lighthearted in this dream, you took her hand in yours, “Y/n. The pleasure’s all mine.” You placed a chaste kiss on the back of it and she giggled coquettishly.

“You learn fast.”

You took it as a compliment and looked all around you. You both sat on a plush bed with comforters made of the finest threads and scattered with Chinese rose petals. It was a canopy that floated with no strings, and you realized light pink clouds drifted all around you. The skies were streaked in peach, lavender, and canary yellow casting a warm glow that backlit Aurora’s hair and gave her a halo. “Where are we?” You looked around incredulously. You had always imagined something like this but to be here and aware was a whole new thing. A bright smile nearly split your face in two and she gazed at you lovingly.

“We’re wherever I want us to be.”

She extended her arms and suddenly you both were in a cave with glowing stalactites with colors that flowed like those within a lava lamp. Green, yellow and orange fireflies lazily drifted around you both, and you could see a crystalline spring not too far off and surrounded by glowing moss and candles. Stalagmites of white and rose gold ensconced the bed you both now sat on, and you didn’t have much time to enjoy the scenery before you were somewhere else. You now drifted in an ornate boat across a vast emerald ocean. You could see islands of lush foliage and white sands in the distance, and cute sea creatures brushed up against your floating vessel wanting to be petted. Aurora sat across from you, your legs intertwined, as she held an exotic drink in one hand. When you caught her eye, she giggled again and splashed you with the other. “Seriously?” You splashed back and her giggle became a full laugh. Her white negligee was plastered to her skin more than ever as she tossed the drink away and splashed you with full force. You couldn’t let her get away with that and continued the assault. One thing led to another, and you both were clasping hands and throwing each other over the edge.

You landed in a grassy plain beneath a baby blue sky. The scent of tulips and sweet grasses tickled your senses. You looked over at her and she tossed onto her side, one head resting on open palm. As you chuckled, she continued to gaze at you lovingly, training her eyes to not miss a single detail.

You wiped some tears and finally turned to look at her, catching her intense gaze. “I don’t know if this is rude or not…”

Her teeth were sharpened and sparkling in the light. “Anything, darling.”

You couldn’t sugarcoat what you meant. This was a dream, sure, but this woman felt more real than anyone you had met in a long time. She was an enigma and you needed to know more.

“What are you...?”

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2 years ago

Yandere werewolf head cannons

Character- Shayna Smith, my oc

•living in the woods allows her to be able to do whatever she wants with you at anytime

•gets hella more protective on the full moon nights, to the point she gets jealous if she even thinks a squirrel is looking at you( even if there are none in the area)

•she constantly tries to bring you gifts from the woods on her hunts

•whenever she is at the cave, don’t expect to even leave the makeshift bed, she always wants to cuddle

•there is never a time when she doesn’t have a marking on you, reminding you who you belong to

•goes FERAL if you ever tried to escape from her. Like why would you ever want to leave her, what did she do to make you hate her so much.


•she needs constant reassurance that you don’t hate her, you would have to learn early on in the relationship what happens if you don’t

•so delusional to the point if you break her image, get ready to be dead

•if she did kill you in a feral state, then she will never actually grieve, refusing to be hurt by someone who had their fate caused by their own actions.

•she would send your body away in the river never having a second thought

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1 year ago

yandere clawd headcannons (^o^)/

Yandere Clawd x Succubus Reader Headcanons

Yandere Clawd Headcannons (^o^)/

•The definition of golden retriever boyfriend. He’s so obsessed with you, you could literally walk him like a dog. Clawd loves everything about you from the moment he sees you. Loves all the hearts you wear, loves your demonic features and he even loves when you laugh off his affections and confessions, too used to hearing them from others. You didn’t realize that he wasn’t like everyone else that it wasn’t just obsession, it was love! That was ok though because Clawd was happy to spend all his time proving himself to you.

•Clawd follows you around without fail. It doesn’t matter if you leave school late because of detention or leave the house 3 hours early, Clawd is always there waiting for you. If you don’t talk to him then he’s fine just following a few steps behind you and basking in your company. If you do talk to him then be prepared for him to stay as close to your side as possible and be nearly knocked over by the force of his wagging tail. He rarely talks about himself unless you prod him because he’s just to obsessed with you to ever think about himself.

•Speaking of not thinking about himself, Clawd would get into a lot of fights. The only people he’ll tolerate being around you are people he knows he can trust like his sisters, anyone else who gets too close to you is an enemy to Clawd and he’ll forgo his own safety and well-being anytime to keep them away from you. He always wins, doesn’t matter who it is that he’s fighting or how injured he gets, when he has you to fight for he may as well be invincible.

•Clawd loves carrying your things or driving you places. Some people might be annoyed but not him. He’s your boy and it’s his responsibility to take care of you. Ask him anything and he’ll find a way to do it, it doesn’t matter if you’re grateful or not because the only reward Clawd needs is being with you.

•Doesn’t matter how mean you are or how much you lash out at him. It doesn’t phase him in the slightest. Call him awful names, say you hate him and he’ll just take it and then try to comfort you after. However if he were to ever say or do something to hurt you, no matter how minor that’s when he loses it. He’s whimpering and tearing up and begging for your forgiveness. Forgetting his size completely and crawling into your lap, less of a wolf and more of a puppy.

•Call him a good boy or any kind of nickname and he’ll be over the moon. If you call him wolfy once as a joke then he’ll never let it go. He starts calling himself wolfy hoping you’ll follow suit but if anyone else tries then they’re getting a mouthful.

•Definitely has thrown rocks at your window and stood in the rain holding a boombox. He’s cheesy yes but more than that he wants to give you all the good experiences he can, all the ones that other people can only watch in movies or dream about. Clawds ultimate goal is to make you as happy as he is, to make you feel as loved as you make him feel.

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*NSFW* I'll keep you warm (Yandere!Lynx Shifter X GN!Reader)

CW: Intense temperature exposure , Yandere behavior, dub-con, dead dove, imprisonment/abduction

Inspired by @lonelyafacy 's monster suggestion ❤️

Mother Nature was a cruel and indifferent witch, unforgiving towards those foolish enough to tread her wilderness. (Reader) smacked their dying flashlight, becoming numb to the harsh winter cold through their snowsuit.

The weather had turned for the worse, changing from a snowy winter's day into a blizzard that lasted into the night, separating (Reader) from their group. Their lips were stuck together with frozen blood, and their eyes could barley stay open. The snow coming down was deceptively sharp, nicking their cheeks above the slipping scarf and turning their skin into fragile paper.

Although they pushed on, trying to use the stars amongst the flurry of white as their guide, their limbs were losing their feeling, and (Reader) was beginning to wonder if it was worth the battle. The flashlight flickered again as though it could hear their thoughts. (Reader's) knees buckled, causing them to collapse by the base of a tree. They pulled their limbs in under their body, and fell unconscious, incapable of keeping themselves awake through the cold.

Am I dead?

(Reader) smelled something cooking before they realized they felt warmth. They hadn't been anywhere near civilization, so the first semi coherent thought they had was that they had died and this was heaven. Until their muscles began twitching in pain. A large hand pressed (Reader) back into a mound of furs when they forced themselves to move. The hand was warm and strong, even through the blankets (Reader) could feel it.

"Sleep." A gravelly voice commanded.

(Reader) kept their eyes closed, face mostly buried in the cloud like bedding. "Where am I?"

"My home. I found you outside." The unknown man responded while moving around the home, floorboards creaking under his weight. "Sleep more. It'll hurt less." His sentences were short and curt, but (Reader) didn't mind. Whoever he was had saved their life, so he couldn't be too bad of a person. (Reader) fell asleep again.

After thirteen hours (Reader) woke up and was able to sit up without pain, still feeling exhausted despite sleeping for such a long time. Their stomach hurt from hunger. "Hello?" They called out for whoever had rescued them.

A giant entered into view, wearing a hood that obscured his face from (Reader). He held out a wooden bowl filled with some kind of stew. "Can you eat?"

(Reader) reached out from the blankets, immediately going into shock when they saw their own naked arms. "Where are my clothes?"

"Drying. You think I'd put you sopping wet in my bed?"

Embarrassed, (Reader) turned red, ashamed for doubting their hero for even a second. They grabbed the bowl, thanking the man quietly.

"The blizzard has gotten worse. Even I can't leave right now. Once the storm has passed I'll point you in the direction you need to go. Until then, stay warm. Heal up."

"...Thank you."

"You already said that."

"That was for the food. Thank you for saving me."

Although he had his back turned to (Reader) they could see him tense under their words. (Reader) assumed he was uncomfortable with their presence, based on how he kept his face hidden. "My name is (Reader)."

"You don't need to know my name." The man's response was almost panicked, growling as he stormed out of the room.

(Reader) was left upset over the fact that they seemed to anger their savior. He must be anti social..

They finished the bowl of stew and waited under the fur blankets, unable to take care of their dish without walking around in the nude. After some time he returned, taking the bowl without a word, his hand seemed huge in comparison to (Reader's).

"Thank you." They smiled up politely, hoping he was looking. The man shuddered again, hurrying away with the bowl. (Reader) cleared their throat. "Are my clothes dry yet?"

"Your jacket was frozen solid when I found you. It took a few hours just to thaw. Everything is still damp."

"Why were you outside in this weather?"

"I was on my way back from some last minute hunting and gathering."

"Ah, I see. Thank you. Again."

"There is no need to thank me." His body seemed to relax. (Reader) smiled, hoping that this meant they were wearing him down.

"You saved my life. I got separated from my friends and couldn't find my way in the dark. I would have died out there if it wasn't for you." (Reader) spoke as sincerely as they could. "You're my hero."

He took a deep breath. "I have... lived alone for a very long time. No one knows that I am here. I almost... left you, when I found you."

(Reader's) heart grew heavy with guilt. "I promise I won't tell anyone about you." They briefly imagined that under his cloak was a kind of Quasimodo esque being, who risked his identity to save them.

Even without seeing his face the man seemed surprised, turning to (Reader) and staring from under his hood.


(Reader) gave a large toothy grin. "It's nice to meet you, Cain."

They sat together in a strangely comfortable silence, before a gurgle reminded (Reader) that, unfortunately, they were still human. "Do you have a restroom?"

His relaxed demeanor stiffened again. "It is.. down the hall." He quickly handed an oversized shirt to (Reader) before turning his back for privacy, and pointes in the direction of the facilities.

(Reader) threw the shirt on without thinking too much about it, and painfully hopped to the toilet. The building was a cozy little cabin, (Reader) was just now realizing, with pictures hung up on the wall of a family. They wondered if it was Cain's family. But the need to go was stronger than their curiosity.

They collapsed onto the toilet before realizing that there was an odd smell in the bathroom. It wasn't the normal bad stench of a toiletries, but it smelled rotten.

In the corner of the room was a pile of clothes, and other than that the restroom seemed to be empty, with nothing that could be causing such a smell standing out to (Reader). (Reader) didn't want to be snoopy, but... They finished hurriedly, praying that Cain couldn't hear them, and picked up the clothing. The clothes were heavy, torn into shreds and soaked in old, dried blood. A chill ran down (Reader's) spine. Cain didn't want anyone to know he was here. He considered leaving me to die to keep that secret.

How far could I make it in just a shirt?

They left the restroom, trying their best to appear normal. The family on the walls taunted them. Did the blood belong to one of them?

Cain sat by the fire, still hiding under his cloak. Next to him was (Reader's) clothes, hung up on the back of a chair. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. (Reader) sighed, placing a hand on their heart to muffle it's pounding. He still saved me.

(Reader) touched their shirt, feeling the warm dampness and was relieved, because it meant Cain hadn't been lying about that at least. "How long do you think this storm will last?"

"Hopefully just the night. It could last up to a week though."

They shivered at the thought. "Do you have a couch I can sleep on? I wouldn't want to take your bed. Again."

"You can take the bed."

"I'm really fine-"

"Take the bed."

(Reader) could feel the adrenaline shoot to the tips of their toes. "O-okay." Although there was a smile on their face, the previous comfort they felt around Cain was dead. They had trusted him so much simply because he rescued them that they had forgotten that Cain was still a stranger.

Cain grabbed (Reader's) wrist as they passed, his hand engulfing their forearm with his inhumanly large mits. The air became heavy, and (Reader) could feel their arm sweating in his strong grasp.

"Your hand smells like blood."

Frightened, (Reader) smacked at Cain with their free hand, knocking his hood back. Although his face looked only a few years older than (Reader) his shaggy hair was a light grey, and atop his head were two pointed ears, pressed back against his scalp. If it weren't for the coloration, (Reader) CO m wouldn't have noticed the ears at all with how flatly they laid against his head. Shocked, he released (Reader's) arm, giving them enough time bolt out the front door, back into the blizzard.

Snowflakes pierced their skin as they ran, and the warmth they had gained in the cabin was gone the moment they left it's protective embrace, robbed by the harsh environment. Barefoot, (Reader) ran in a random direction, not capable of rational thought. With fight, flight, or freeze, they learned in that moment what kind of person they were.

Between the clouds masking the stars and the onslaught of snow, (Reader) was left completely blind. Without any clothes it felt like their muscles were shredding in their legs. (Reader's) legs gave out much more easily than they had the first time.

(Reader) could barely hear Cain's footsteps above the roar of the wind. Through the trees a large grey monster stalked into view, walking on its hind legs like a man, it's terrifying size was more reminiscent of a bear's. It's ears were flattened, and there was an almost human like expression of disappointment on its face.

"What were you thinking, running off into the woods?" It's voice was hoarse, but it was recognizably Cain's.

As he approached his fur receded, shrinking back down into his more human form, still with animal ears, now naked in the snow. He bent over (Reader's) violently shivering form as they crumbled.

"Did you forget that there was a storm?"

(Reader's) eyes stung as they tried to cry. "Please don't kill me." They weakly pleaded.

"Why would I save you, only to kill you later?" His warm breath thawed (Reader's) cheek. "You were unconscious for a long time when I found you. I thought you were dead. Unlike myself, you needed shelter suitable for a human. So I took one. I didn't have time to clean up everything. I needed to bring back everything I had caught to begin preparing a meal for when you awoke and making it comfortable for when I would eventually make you mine, so I was hoping that you would understand. That I killed them for you."

Cain's hot tongue licked (Reader's) cheek, the juxtaposition between the extreme cold and his sudden warmth made their skin feel like it was being torn off. (Reader) gasped out in pain, too cold to scream.

"I really did almost leave you in the snow. Because what if you left? Found out what I was and told the other humans? But look at you... Were you even conscious when you begged me to save you? Or was that your body acting on its own?" Cain got onto his knees, his skin searing (Reader's) flesh. His fingers digging into their shoulders felt like flames dancing across their body. Each touch from Cain burned. It was neither comforting nor pleasant.

"Ah, but now you're nearly frozen, yet again. Do you want me to warm you up?" Everytime Cain shifted his weight above (Reader), they were exposed to the blistering wind. As the parts of them hidden under Cain's body warmed up in his unnatural heat, the more excruciating the exposure to the outside was.

Tears melted (Reader's) fragile eyes. "Please, warm me up, Cain." Their primitive need for survival made (Reader) beg like a pathetic coward.

The loving smile on Cain's face was brief, before his face began shifting, becoming the humanoid monster he was moments earlier. Dwarfing the terrified human, he ran his rough tongue across their cold body, purposely allowing their body to freeze without his touch before warming (Reader) back up. He relished in the needy whimpers escaping (Reader's) lips as they suffered in the deadly temperature. (Reader) grasped at Cain's fur, trying to pull him in to steal his heat.

Clawed paws grabbed (Reader's) thighs, pressing their knees to their head uncomfortably. (Reader's) eyes widened in horror as Cain revealed his cock, resting it across their exposed bottom. They didn't have time to protest before their body was folded into a mating press, no preparation for their tightened hole, no warning to help them relax. Cain pressed his tip to the opening, and snapped his hips into (Reader's), thrusting in his entire member without lubricant.

Cain's dick was already hot, but with the added pain of the sudden insertion it was like being fucked by an iron poker. The scream (Reader) couldn't find earlier now ripped through their throat, the sound of their agony drowned out by the howling wind.

(Reader) pushed Cain away in surprise, but immediately regretted the action when he playfully leaned back, allowing (Reader's) chest to be assaulted by the snow and hail pelting them from all sides. They pulled him back, cringing at how Cain chuckled in their ear.

He fucked them in the snow, pressing deep into their gut painfully, and humiliating (Reader) further by licking away their tears as they sobbed under his body, incapable of pushing him away. Cain could stop at any moment, but the threat of frost bite kept (Reader) latching onto him, begging him not to let go. Their desperate cries only encouraged Cain to continue teasing them, watching with glee as their skin chapped and bled without his touch.

"It hurts..." (Reader) moaned as they pulled him in deeper.

"If you keep whining like that you'll only make me cum faster." Cain threatened, biting (Reader's) neck to hold in a gasp when they tightened around him. Their knees smacked into their temples as his pace sped up, his twitching cock threatening to release deep inside (Reader).

"No! Don't cum inside me!" (Reader) blubbered into the monster's fur.

(Reader) felt a wave of heat blast inside them as Cain pumped his thick load into their raw hole. As they wept loudly Cain continued happily smacking his wet pelvis into his beloved's, just the action of fucking his seed into them turning him on again.

Cain was already planning their futures together, as (Reader) imagined their death. This wouldn't be so bad, fucking (Reader) like this; purposefully keeping them needy so they clung to him like they wanted it.

Maybe one day, (Reader) would love him in the same way as Cain loved them, and would beg Cain to make love to them, but for now, he was content fucking them like a desperate, wild animal.

Blood from the wind burns and from the tearing from rough sex stained the white white under their bodies. Cain turned back into a human so he could kiss (Reader) passionately, taste their mouth salty from their tears.

"Let's go home, (Reader)."

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Sold Like Cattle

Yandere Bull Man x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Non-con/Dub-con, unintentional drugging, musk kink, kidnapping, general yandere themes, chubby reader) Word Count: 5.6k This is only my second fic, and my first long one, but I hope people enjoy it! (Normally I would not describe the reader’s appearance at all, but I feel like few fics cater to chubby body types so I decided to in this one. The chubbiness is not fetishized.)   Finally! You were settled in your room. You were in a small resort on the planet Elrelda, You never imagined that you would actually be able to afford a trip off your home planet for a vacation, but here you were! You had received a coupon through your employer (technically a branch of the same company that booked trips to and owns the resorts on this planet). You got this trip for a whopping 80% off. Very generous of Synthis, the largest company in the entire galaxy.  Even with such a steep discount you could still only afford the most basic package including passage on a very crowded ship and a small room at one of the crappier resorts. It was still very nice though. Room service was included and musical entertainment provided by the Elreldians, some of the sports native to Elrelda and swimming were available on-site and activities like hiking, fishing, canoeing, and camping were available in the areas surrounding the resort.  You had no idea what you would go to do first, but right now you were happy just to be off that crowded ship, the seating was tight and you are a bit… pleasantly plump and kept getting bumped into the entire trip. The room was pretty small and relative unadorned, but the bed looked comfy enough. You finished unpacking your two suitcases and flopped on the bed. Yes. Comfiness confirmed. Holy shit, this was the cheapest resort, what bedding did the luxury resorts have?! This was way better than anything that existed on your home planet of SX-72. You could spend the whole 5 day trip right here on this bed and it would be money well spent!  But no! You had wanted to see Elrelda for Y E A R S, you could not waste it sleeping. You had to catch one night of the Elreldian’s musical performance, and go hiking, all the plants were varying shades of red! (Probably from the unique atmosphere and having a K-type star) You could not wait to actually see an Elreldian, they were like bovine/human hybrids (probably proof to the theory that some greater life form seeded the galaxy to create intelligent life).  They were well known around the galaxy for their friendliness but very few of them ever ventured out from their home planet. They did not even have very much technology, but they could get passage from other races to leave if they wanted to, and despite that they still had a huge reputation for being peaceful and friendly.  The afternoon music performance would be very soon, you could catch a later performance instead, but you were too excited to wait, so you headed down to the small lounge and took a seat in the far corner far away from anyone else. You were not a people person.  Your jaw dropped as an Elreldian male walked past you to sit in the far corner diagonally opposite from you. He was H U G E. Almost 7ft. tall! And bulky too, you can’t help but stare (rude) at his muscular frame, it looked like his clothing could barely contain it. He had large horns that curved forwards, a mostly human face, and the ears of a bull. As he walked to his seat you saw that he had a tail and hooved feet. You were staring in awe, but he caught you looking and stared back with a domineering gaze. You blushed in embarrassment and looked towards the stage like you were waiting for the performers to get on stage, but you could see he was still staring at you from the edge of your vision.  The length and intensity of his stare unnerved you. You did kind of deserve it though, being a tourist and staring at him so rudely. You felt really. Finally he averted his gaze to the drink he had in his hand and you breathed a sigh of relief. Though you could swear he kept glancing over at you intermittently… Finally the musicians took the stage, a group of 8 Elreldians with large instruments (2 string, 3 percussion, and 3 woodwind) got situated and played several decently long pieces that sounded somewhat reminiscent of an ancient Earth music you had once heard called “folk”. It was not really your thing, but it was cool to experience other cultures!  As soon as it was over you quickly left before anyone else, you had sat relatively close to the door and had no desire to get mixed in with the other people leaving. The music did not last as long as you had expected and there was a ton of time left until nightfall. You were more energized than before after sitting and listening to the music and were ready to explore.  Despite the siren song of the universe’s comfiest bed you decided that you were far too excited and restless to just sleep, the activity that appealed to you the most was hiking, you were pretty chubby, but you actually walked around your town a lot in your free time. So you packed up the essentials into your backpack and set out.  You had been in walking for a good bit, enjoying the sounds of nature with the resort a few miles behind you. You were in a more wooded area and you were amazed by the freshness of the air and the beauty of the crimson red trees. You wish your planet had such beauty, you almost wished that you could just live out here forever. Your serene thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of being watched.  You didn’t see anything though so it was probably just your imagination. You continued for another minute or two but couldn’t shake that feeling. Then you definitely heard a twig snap!  You whipped your head around and saw a red camo painted Elreldian hiding among the trees. Oh. That’s scary. Maybe he doesn’t realize you’ve seen him. Like in a horror movie or game when sometimes the monster doesn’t attack until it is sure it’s cover is blown. You turn back around and walk slightly faster.  Your pace is being matched, easily. You bolt. You run right off the trail as fast as your legs can take you, you are by no means skinny but you can still weave through the thick trees much easier than your pursuer. But speed and stamina are on his side and suddenly you are grabbed by your hips and yanked backwards.  “Let go! Let go! LET GO OF ME!! What do you want!?!”  He turned you to face him, easily lifting you up closer to his face, wait, this was the same Elreldian from the lounge, the one you got caught staring at earlier, had he been this offended about? Had you violated some unknown and important social rule that was not covered in the pamphlets?  “P-please let me go! I am so so s-sorry for staring earlier. I didn’t m-mean to offend you or your customs!!” You stammered as you tried to move your head away to avoid his way too close and way too intense stare. He simply held you with one muscular arm and used his now free hand to gently but easily grip your chin and make you face him. You bit your lip and looked down, unable to meet his eyes.  “Can’t let you go. Need heifer. You are soft and smell nice (Y/N). You need protecting. I am Arrin. You’ll be my mate, I will protect you.” He stroked your cheek gently with his thumb.  “N-no uh, no, no, no n-no no. I am a human! Not a bovine!! I can’t be your h-heifer! A-and I have a home and everything!” As you started kicking and thrashing you realize that the red painted bull-man is completely naked (though he carried a small pack of supplies), he had shaggy fur covering his legs up to his waist, his chest and abs were bare, but his arms were covered in the same shaggy red painted fur as his legs. He was exceptionally muscular and had huge furry nuts as well as a large human looking cock, thought it was considerably thicker and a bit longer and you knew you most certainly did not want to be “mated” with that.  “Th-this is illegal! This is kidnapping!!” You kicked and hit as hard as you could but it was completely ineffective. Like a mouse smacking a cat.  “See? Weak. Need herd. Need mate. Need me. So soft (Y/N).” He squeezed your butt firmly as he held you to emphasize the fact that you were very much soft and squishy in stark contrast to his large and powerful form. You kept thrashing though and he just slowly licked up your neck with his tongue a few times in what you assumed was meant to be a calming gesture.  “H-how do you know my n-name??? You can’t keep me against my will! H-humans will come looking for m-me. PLEASE!” You felt hot tears well up in your eyes and start to roll down your cheeks as you began sobbing. “Don’t worry. No one will take you. I paid a lot of rare ore for you. Paid Synthis resort. They told me your name. We have to go home.” And with that he put you over his shoulder with ease, despite your heft. You were sobbing and blubbering and pleading, but you gave up thrashing and squirming. It was useless, he was simply too strong and you were a bit broken realizing that your employer sold you like cattle.  After a while of him carrying you “home” you could not even sob or plead anymore, your voice was too strained and you were too exhausted, instead you just went limp and cried silently as he tried comforting you by rubbing your back surprisingly gently for such a large creature. “Shhh, it’ll be okay. You’re just too weak to be left alone. You HAVE to be protected, okay? You’ll see, you’ll love being my mate.” He spoke gently as if he was speaking to a small naive child who just didn’t understand the basic fundamentals of how the world worked. His words were not exactly comforting to you and you barely heard him anyway as you cried silently.  He only put you down once the entire trip to his home (and your new home) to force you to drink some water since you were so dehydrated from crying. You did as you were told, too tired, dehydrated, and emotionally broken to put up any sort of resistance, besides he was only trying to give you water, he held one hand behind your head as he tilted his canteen towards your lips. You realized that this position prevented you from being able to escape easily had you been so inclined to make an attempt.  After that he gently put you back over his shoulder and continued on the way to his herd’s home. He mentioned all the activities you would be able to do, how you would enjoy being his mate, how you would not have to work for an awful corporation who sold you, how you would love being in the fresh air as opposed to the smoggy industrial planet you had come from.  You mostly tuned him out, too preoccupied with what you were being ripped away from. No more computer or online gaming, no more playing your copy of Skyrim Superior 500th Anniversary Edition while you wait for TES6 to leave pre-development, no more of the food you were accustomed to, no more any of your old life…   Eventually, after what seemed like several hours of being uncomfortably hauled over his shoulder, you arrived at his “herd”. He walked up to the city gate and entered. And, despite your unwilling presence there, you could not help but looking in awe at the place. It was like straight out of a high fantasy RPG! A town full of Elreldians going about their lives and half-timbered brick and wattle and daub buildings, much larger than human buildings of the equivalent architectural time period to accommodate the much larger inhabitants.  Many of the towns folk stared at you, apparently never having seen a human before. That was not surprising, the settlement was just a several hours hike away but humans were not allowed to just visit most of their settlements. You heard some of them shout greetings to Arrin, calling him chief, so apparently he was the leader here. That certainly would not make any potential escape attempts any easier on you. And apparently his nude body did not phase them either, actually now that you thought about it almost none of them had very much clothing. It must be something they save for cooler weather or just when they went around humans. It made sense given all of their fur.  Arrin walked down the cobbled road (his hooves making an amazing clack that you would have really enjoyed were it not for you being kidnapped) and went to one of the larger buildings and entered it. The first thing your brain registered was the smell. It was incredibly musky. Not bad. Just musky.  He F I N A L L Y put you down gently on a couch that was much larger than what a human would ever need. Practically a bed, it was extremely soft and you sank a bit into it. You were extremely sore from being hauled like a sack of potatoes for hours.  Apparently he noticed how stiff you were because he said, “Sorry little doll, I did not intend for you to get so sore. Couldn’t be helped.”    “I am sure it was soooooo hard to not purchase a living being.” Your voice was still hoarse from screaming and crying and pleading earlier, and talking hurt a bit, but a sarcastic quip was always worth it. “Humans are small and soft, good heifers, good cows. Good status symbol for chief to show power.” He explained as if this were common knowledge that everyone knew.  “I am NOT a cow!!”  He smirked very slightly before commenting, “Not yet. Not cow until after breeding. Heifer until then. Don’t worry, will be the best cow.”  “I am a human!” At this he gently squeezed various pudgy parts of your body. “Yeah, but you are soft and close enough. Better than any other mate. That’s why you were hired in the first place. So you could be vetted as a potential mate. I picked you out!”  Anxiety filled your stomach and you suddenly felt extremely dizzy. You knew you had been sold… but this was all planned from the start?? Even a couple years ago when you had started working at Synthis? It was your fate from being hired on to go to be nothing more than cattle for this bull-man? You went silent and started crying again. He took his large thumb and rubbed the tears away gently.  “Don’t worry. I will keep you safe and happy. But right now I have to go shower to get all of this paint off. Starting to itch. Do you want to shower together yet?”  “What?! No!” The indignity and anger dripping from your voice, why would he possibly think you wanted to do that with him?    “Okay. Just offering.” He kissed your forehead before going into another room.  Apparently despite the medieval style cottage like buildings they had more modern showers and electricity as you heard running water come from the other room and noticed the lights in the room you were in. You appeared to be in the living room. It contained a nice rug, the dark red couch upon which you had been placed, a table, some lamps in the corners, and a device with a screen on it. Oh, it looked like one of those ancient television devices that they used to have on Earth! You’d read about those before.  You wanted to take note of your surroundings so that you could later escape. You did not know how you would make it all the way back so far from any trails or indicators of where the resort would be, but one step at a time. You could not just leave right now though. Your self-proclaimed “mate” may be busy, but in the waning hours of daylight there were still several Elreldians around town.  No, your best bet was to just bide your time and take the first good oppurtunity that presented itself to get out, the resort owners had sold you, but that did not mean you couldn’t flag down assistance from some other tourist. The sound of the water stopping suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts of escape and Arrin came back into the living room.  “Sorry for having to leave you alone. I know you aren’t happy here yet.” He was drying himself off with a huge towel before sitting by you and putting his arm around your waist to pull you close. He pretty much made you lean into his hold, he was very warm, it would have been such a cozy and intimate moment had it not come from someone who was holding you against your will, instead it was a sick mockery of comfort, instead making you even more anxious.     “Please. Pretty please. Just let me go. I don’t belong here…” You said it in a small and pleading voice, too tired and voice to strained to shout anymore. And you knew begging was an exercise in futility.  “Can’t. Paid a lot for you. And your people betrayed you. You belong with your mate. You smell too nice and feel too soft for you to be meant to be anywhere else than here with me! I can’t risk you being anywhere else. I knew from the moment I saw you in the list of potentials mates that you were simply made for me.” He said this with sincerity and with what almost sounded like reverence for you.  He then lifted you up easily and put you back down so that you were sitting on his lap, he held you close to him and you could not help but to blush when you realized you could feel the warmth and general shape of his cock through the seat of your pants. You could even feel it stirring. Without warning he tore off your pants and underwear and yanked off your shirt. You feared the worst and were prepared to scream as loud as your tired voice would allow you to but he only slid it between your thighs so that it popped up in front of you as he started grinding and humping slowly.  “I-I really d-don’t want this.” You blushed and stammered, obviously uncomfortable. Why wouldn’t you be?  He starts rubbing your crotch gently as he continues to slowly fuck your chubby thighs. “Sorry baby doll. I can’t really help it. I need this.” He licked the side of your neck from his position behind you and continued his grinding in between your legs as well as his gentle rubbing of you. You could not help letting out a small pleasure gasp at having your neck licked as it was the most sensitive area on your body.  He definitely picked up on that little gasp.  He licked your neck thoroughly, releasing you from the hold of one of his arms he gripped your hair and pulled your head back. This gave him easy access to assault your neck with licks, sucks, and bites. “Mmm~ Uh~ G-g-get off of me~” Your voice was not cooperating in conveying what you wanted, or what you didn’t want in this instance. You bit your lip in a vain attempt at muffling your constant stream of little gasps and moans.  “Doesn’t sound like you really want me to stop.” Arrin redoubled his efforts to hear what he could only describe as the single most beautiful sound on Elrelda. Pure ear candy. It was like it nourished his soul and gave his life meaning. He switched the side he had been working on as he well and truly fucked your thighs.  He moaned your name into your neck as he shot his hot musky cum all over your stomach, crotch, and thighs. He tenderly kissed the neck he had marked with a collar of love bites. They showed prominently on your skin and you could feel them like a brand marking you as his. “G-gross! I definitely need a shower now.” The musky smell given off by him in his arousal and by his potent seed were starting to make you a bit light headed. To be honest it kind of relaxed you. Maybe it was pheromones but you were a bit too out of it between the neck stimulation and scent to put it all together. The cum also made your skin feel a bit tingling and it was much warmer than human semen.  “Sorry. I guess it is good that you waited to take one. To be honest though, you do look even lovelier with my cum all over you…” You blushed and looked down silently, trying to avoid his gaze as you covered your cum coated crotch. He went to the bathroom and you heard the water running for a few minutes before he came back and picked you up gently, licking your sore neck to comfort you.  “Sorry if I overdid it. Had to mark you though. Keeps others away. Reminds you you’re mine.” You don’t bother responding, too tired and still too overstimulated by everything, and if you are being totally honest with yourself, despite his earlier shower his natural scent was kind of comforting, you just leaned your head against his muscular chest and let him carry you. He took you both into the bathroom where he had ran a bath, a bubble bath! A really big bubble bath if you went by a human perspective. You had not had one of those since you were a child. Arrin was kinda sweet… for someone who has kidnapped you…  “I hope the water isn’t too hot. Human skin is much more sensitive than ours. Is it okay” He bent down so you could put your hand in and check, it was a little warmer than what you would have preferred but it was okay.  “I-it’s good. Um… thanks.” He got into the bath with you pretty much in his lap. The water felt nice on your sore and tired muscles, but you were still really shy and nervous about Arrin being in contact with your naked body, not that he had not touched you and seen you already.  “I’ll take care of you, okay? You don’t need to be so tense. You’re part of my herd.” You don’t know why but that was the moment your resistance was really officially broken, something had to be in his musk and his cum because you relaxed and leaned against him, your fears and reluctance were still there but fading quickly into the background.  So what if his cum on your skin or inhalation of his were the culprits in your cooperation? Wasn’t it so much easier to give in? Wasn’t it better too? Your employer SOLD you, even if you got back to the resort your employer owns it, even if you somehow get back on a space shuttle back to SX-72 your employer is who you rent from, and where would you go to work when they have almost a monopoly on everything? They probably wouldn’t just let you live freely…  But Arrin was so sweet, he’d take care of you and keep you safe. You never had to worry about all that stuff if you just gave in… It would be easier on you. And despite your criticisms of your physical appearance he thought you were beautiful…  Arrin gently washed your hair and then scrubbed the rest of your body in what was almost describable as an act of worship, he was thorough, every inch was washed, but he was so careful to not be the least bit rough. When he was finished washing you he gently picked you up and got out of the tub, he sat you on the edge of the tub and dried you off slowly, seemingly to draw out every touch and stroke of you. You still tried to cover up your crotch when you could, you did not know why you bothered at this point though. You looked down quietly as he started to dry himself off and let the water out of the tub. “You’re being so good for me. My good little (Y/N). You’re probably getting cold, I have a present for you. I’ll be right back.” He left and you could hear the sound of his hooves pound the floor as he hurriedly rushed up the stairs and back down before coming back into the bathroom where he presented you with a bundle of clothes. “Here, I had these made specifically for you. They’re made from the softest materially we have, the resorts even get it from us.”  Well, that explained the bed you never got to experience…  You took the clothes he handed you and mumbled a thanks. You put them on quickly, they were absolutely amazing feeling, and they fit perfectly and were even in your favorite color, You assumed your previous employer/human trafficker had given the specifications. You realized the clothes smelled a lot like Arrin and the scent made you a bit spacey.  “You look so nice in them, I scented them so you’d feel safe.” You realized that the scent did make you feel warm, and tingly and safe, his smell should be classified as a drug, fuck it probably WAS a drug, you had never read about this effect prior to coming here though. You should probably be more scared about the change in your demeanor that his cum and musk had on you, but you just could not get yourself to really care at this point, you just felt so calm and submissive~  “Th-thank you for the compliment.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, utterly enraptured with how amazing you were wrapped up in his gifts and his scent. You  flushed a bit at his touch and the consuming stare of his brown eyes which seemed to take you in hungrily. Earlier it would have only served to terrify you and make you anxious.  “Hey. You haven’t eaten since much earlier in the day right? You have to eat.” It was less a random observation and more of a command. He took you by the hand and lead you upstairs to the bedroom, he put you in the middle of his g i a n t bed. You sank a bit into the fabric and all the soft blankets and were once more assaulted by the warm aroma that could only be described by you as unmistakably “Arrin~”  “I am going to be back soon with some food okay? Just rest. You need it.” “U-um o-okay…” You were feeling even warmer and were having a bit of a hard time concentrating. He left to go get your meal but after just a few minutes you were feeling extremely uncomfortable in your clothing, it was far too hot to be wearing anything and you stripped down to nothing. You rolled in Arrin’s blankets and could not get enough of his completely intoxicating smell.  You took one of the large pillows and started grinding into it with such need and yearning for your mate that you started crying desperately, letting out little sobs and wails. Before you knew it Arrin was charging up the steps and rushing into the room, apparently having heard the distressed sounds of his little (Y/N). He was about to ask what was wrong but was instead reduced to open mouth staring at the sight before him. His cute darling crying out for him as they were naked on his bed straddling his pillow between their thighs while sniffing his blankets and clothing he had scented for them. “A-arrin… pleeeease!” Tears streamed down your face the need was almost palpable, it made your chest physically ache. Arrin was instantly at full mast. He really had no idea his smell would affect you in this way. But now that he knew how beautifully submissive and needy it was making you you could rest assured that you would never go without his smell on you ever again.  He got out some lube from his nightstand and applied it liberally to your little needy hole, sliding in one large finger slowly until you were comfortable and then adding in another. When he felt that you were well and truly adjusted, and you were begging for him to mate with you even more desperately, he got in bed beside you and slowly slid his entire length into you, trying to let you adapt to his size before pounding you, but despite his careful ministrations you still let out a whimper of both pain and pleasure. He rocked into you gently giving you plenty of time to get used to him inside of you.  He did that for a while until you started rocking back against him and making little sounds of pleasure, he took that as a signal that you were ready to be properly mated. He groped your ass a bit roughly as he started thrusting back and forth into you, and although he was still being careful not to harm his precious (Y/N) he still penetrated you deeply.   The feeling of being inside his perfect, soft, warm, and willing (well… willing enough) darling was by far the best thing he had ever experienced in his life, if their was any possible guilt or regret in taking you it were certainly gone now.  He grunted almost ferally as he picked up the pace and filled you with hot white cum, you felt a wonderful fullness, but neither of you were done yet. He flipped you over and pinned you down into a mating press and proceeded to breed you significantly harder and faster than before. All the while kissing, sucking, and nibbling on your neck to coax those lovely little gasps and moans from your pretty little mouth, and to make sure you were so stimulated with pleasure that it would override any possible pain.  His large nuts made a resounding slapping noise as they smacked into you, between all the moans, grunts, and sounds of pounding it was like the lewd act itself wanted everyone to know you were being fucked and dominated by your bull. It was so nice~ Why did you need this so badly? Why did he smell so nice and feel so good? Why did you want to submit so badly to him? These questions were pushed further and further away with every thrust, as if his dick were physically shoving them into the abyss. He picked up the pace as you clenched around his shaft.  He caressed your hips as he pounded into you with less and less conscious control to impede him, relying more on instinct, he kissed you roughly and bit your lip a bit. His tongue invaded your mouth and rubbed against yours as if it were trying to dominate it, you moaned into the kiss as he growled as you both came together.  You were completely and utterly his now, his cum flooding you deeply and causing your insides to tingle, if you were perhaps a bit skinnier the copious amount of his seed would bulge out your tummy. You had never felt so content. You went limp under him after cumming, the full brunt of your exhaustion hitting you, he kissed you softly on the lips, the lingering ghost of his kiss was the last thing you felt before falling asleep.  When you awoke from what was probably the deepest and most fulfilling sleep of your life you realized that Arrin was nowhere to be seen and that you had been cleaned again with fresh clothes. You felt nice and refreshed and your head had cleared quite a bit, but you were pretty sore from all the excitement of yesterday.  You were about to hoist yourself out of bed when Arrin came in. “No, don’t try to move too much! Just rest.” He was carrying a large tray with many different plates, a few bowls and bottles, and a cup of something on it. When the smell hit your nose your belly growled quite loudly.  You wiggled back on to the bed and Arrin sat down beside you and slid the large tray of food over both of you. It did not just smell amazing, it looked really good too, you did not really recognize any of the dishes, they were clearly all Elreldian cuisine.  “You fell asleep without having eaten much. I thought it was better for you to rest than to wake you up. But I knew you would need food so I made you all the best dishes.” He held a bite of food up to you to eat.  “I can feed myself!” You reached for the fork in his hand and he pushed your hand into your lap with his free hand and gave you a stern look. “No, mate needs to rest. Won’t have you getting sick from exhaustion. I’m feeding you.” He put the food up to your lips again and glared. “EAT.”  You sighed and opened your mouth and let the stubborn bull feed you. This was your life now. And there was really nothing you could do about it…

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I imagine that reader makes clothes for the entire tribe of goblins.

Hey love, I got a question; are you down for goblins? Specifically a yandere horde of goblins? 😳

Hey Love, I Got A Question; Are You Down For Goblins? Specifically A Yandere Horde Of Goblins?

I'm not not down for it...

(I'm sorry, I'm sure I know what kind of goblin horde you meant, buuuut I started writing and couldn't stop 🥲)

CW: Entrapment, obsessive behavior, ecological polyandry/polygyny with a GN!reader, both male and female goblins, forced parental responsibilities, platonic yandere, not proofread

Madame Gilly burst into the backroom, nearly startling (Reader) into swallowing the pins they were holding in their lips. "(Reader)! Awful, amazing, terrible, fantastic news!"

(Reader) smiled nervously, sticking the pins in their cushion. "What is it, Madame?" Their boss was fabulously dramatic as always, fanning herself with a decorated envelope.

"Oh, nothing.. just a summons for one Mx. (Reader) from the Count's daughter."

"What for?"

"How should I know? I didn't read your letter!" She handed over the letter while sighing loudly. "Yet, it's so beautifully decorated.. such a shame! Another marriage proposal, ignored!" She pretended to become faint, placing her knuckles on her forehead.

(Reader) chuckled, opening the bright purple envelope with lavender tied in a ribbon. Their eyes widened, an excited gasp escaped as their legs failed them and they fell back onto their stool.

"What is it?!"

"It's.." a shocked blush dusted their cheeks, "it's a request for my services! She wants a dress for an upcoming party!"

Madame Gilly squealed, bouncing up and grabbing her protege. "Oh, that's even better than a proposal! I'm so proud of you!"

It would be roughly three days ride by carriage, packed with smaller fabrics for color swatches and texture explanation, multiple dresses (Reader) had already made with mannequins to display them, and (Reader's) portfolio of designs.

Marcus, a local man who often rode Madame Gilly around for a small fee, offered up his services, just as excited for (Reader) as the Madame. "So, this is your lucky break, huh?" He offered a hand to the young employee. "Finally gonna start considering opening your own shop."

(Reader) smiled, stepping into the carriage without Marcus' assistance. "I've never been interested in business, Marcus, you know this. I just want to make clothes."

"You should also seriously begin considering marriage.."

"My work is my legacy, Marcus." (Reader) spoke sharply with a tight smile, shutting down the conversation. They had received many marriage proposals from eligible bachelors and bachelorettes since they became of age, but didn't take an interest in any of them. Of course, (Reader) found people attractive in the past, but never felt emotionally invested in anyone to marry them, and they certainly didn't need to marry for money or connections. The thought of having children one day was also something (Reader) had seriously debated, because although the fantasy of having a child was wonderful, the process of having a baby was intimidating. Whether through being impregnated or impregnating someone else, the baby stage was much more terrifying than the raising of a child, for reasons they couldn't quite explain. The anxiety was just too much to handle.

But (Reader) didn't feel like life was passing them by, nor did they have regrets, if they ever got married then their future spouse would wait for them, no matter how many years it took to meet them.

Marcus closed the door, and (Reader) deflated, thankful that he took the hint and ended the conversation.

The change between the road and the dirt path could be felt and it made (Reader) almost wish that they had worn a dress instead of pants, just for the added cushion on their rear end.

The first day went smoothly, and boringly, (Reader) had nothing to do but think, and the night was uncomfortable, even cocooned in their blanket. But it was the next day that everything went wrong. (Reader) never saw what happened, but suddenly the carriage careened off the path and tumbled down a cliff, crashing through the woods of the mountain side.

(Reader's) entire body became airborne in the carriage, slamming their head into the ceiling, barely giving them enough time to protect their neck with their arms before being thrown like a ragdoll, not feeling any immediate pain due to the rush of adrenaline. It happened so quickly, their balled up body bouncing five times against the walls and roof before landing bottom up on the escarpment.

Out of the shattered window, (Reader) saw Marcus lying motionlessly in a tree a good distance from the carriage. They pulled their body right side up, slowly becoming aware of the stinging pain across their body. Especially their leg. Blood soaked through their right pant leg, and (Reader) couldn't bend it. It was only the second day of their journey, so it would take two days until the Duke realized something was wrong, that the journey was taking too long, and sent out a search party, which would take a day to get to the road they fell off of. Would they even notice the tire marks? And if they did, would they risk the people to search for them?

(Reader) sighed, closing their eyes. There was no point in dwelling on what ifs. (Reader) was resigned to their fate.

"I wonder what will happen first.. Starving to death, or being eaten by a wild animal." They chuckled humorlessly. With nothing to do but wait for the inevitable (Reader) fell asleep, but that was possibly a concussion.

"There's something in there."

"A dead something."

Little voices whispered outside the wreckage, rousing (Reader) from their brain injured slumber. Eyes watched them from the broken window of the door, hiding themselves from view.

"I won't bite." (Reader) offered a smile, hoping whoever was watching them wouldn't be frightened off.

A childish gasp escaped, as one of the spies scampered off. "I thought you said it was dead!" It hollered into the woods.

The child left shuffled their feet in the leaves, debating. "You promise you won't?"

"I promise."

A tiny little thing dressed in rags popped her chubby cheeked head into view, large pointy ears almost drooping under their own weight stuck out from black hair pulled back into a ponytail, her hair framed a green skinned face, making it obvious that the little girl was a goblin. She rung the front of her oversized shirt with her hands nervously.

"Hello." (Reader) cocked their head to the side in a mock bow, back and head in too much pain to attempt an actual greeting. The smile on their lips didn't leave.

"Hello.." The child mumbled in a timid way, copying (Reader's) head tilt.

"My name is (Reader). May I ask for your name?" (Reader) spoke in a low voice to appear as kind and non threatening as possible.

She took a small step forward, entering the little window without needing to duck. "My name is Vix Ix, but my brother calls me Beetle Hands."

"Why does he call you that?"

"Because I'm the best beetle catcher. At least, in my tribe." Vix Ix sat down cross legged just out of (Reader's) reach. Her large eyes wandered over (Reader's) form, mesmerized by their clothing. "What are you doing down here?"

"I had an accident. I was traveling to go meet with a potential client. I make clothes." (Reader) added that last part, seeing how the little girl's eyes sparkled while staring at the intricate needlework on their vest.

"Did you make that?" Vix Ix pointed a finger curiously at the top.

"Yes, I did. Would you like to see more of my work?" The tiny child nodded excitedly. The reaction was very human, and very adorable. "Everything may have.. scattered in the fall. But there should be a chest with a black lock, and a worn painting of a dove above it's latch. If you can find that", (Reader) fished through their pocket for a key and held it out to Vix Ix, "you can see a few of the dresses I brought for my client to look at."

Vix Ix grabbed the key, forgetting to be frightened. She ran back out of the wreckage, and (Reader) laughed, enjoying being able to bring wonder to a child in what (Reader) thought was their final moments.

They had heard so many rumors about goblins, so many stories, ranging from awful tales of mindless gnome sized trolls that murdered anything that breathed, to intelligent little creatures unfairly exterminated because of their annoying love of tricks and pranks. Sunlight glinted off of the broken shards of glass, reflecting into (Reader's) eye. How long had I been asleep? From their spot in the trees, they couldn't tell if it was midday or sunset.

Twigs snapped as the goblinette ran at full speed back to (Reader), out of breath and clutching a sparkly purple dress with butterflies embroidered at the hem line. "You made this?!"

"Hahaha! Yes I did. Do you like it?"

She was practically on the verge of tears. "It's beautiful! Is your client a princess?" Her voice was full of awe.

"The daughter of a Duke." The child waddled over, tripping on the bundle of dress in her arms, and sat much closer to (Reader) than she had earlier.

"It's so pretty!" Green fingers rubbed the fabric lovingly.

An idea came to (Reader) as they saw the joy in Vix Ix's face as she gripped the dress tightly. "You know.. I also had my sewing kit with me. If you can find that, I can trim up this dress for you."

Eyes wide with shock, her ears bounced like she had just been slapped, and asked in horror "You would cut up this dress?!"

Surprised, (Reader) felt their heart melt a little. "My leg is broken." Vix Ix looked down, and seemed startled by the blood. "I don't think there's any way the Duke's men are going to find me. So, I would have to cut off a lot of this dress to fit you, but I'd rather it be worn, then rot away in a trunk."

Tears began to drip down the little kid's cheeks, puffed up in an attempt to stop herself from crying. "I'll go find your sewing kit." She ran back out, sniffling loudly.

The moon rose high into the sky, and Hog Nose, a scrawny little boy who had an upturned button nose unlike any of the goblins in his tribe, held his ears as he was reprimanded by one of the tribe's strongest. Their tribe was small, and unusual. Decades ago their family began from a group of defectors, mostly women escaping their own tribes, wanting to create a community where they could flourish. Despite never attacking humans or causing mischief they suffered many casualties at the hands of adventurers, slaughtering them before they had the chance to explain themselves, forcing them to defend themselves. This left their family broken and impoverished. But they never gave in to "their nature" by stealing from travelers, an attempt to prove that goblins are not born evil.

"And you left Beetle Hands alone, possibly with a human?" Keegraul loudly asked incredulously.

Hog Nose whimpered, afraid of being punished and fearful for his sister. Keegraul grabbed a large dagger, almost a short sword in the young child's hands.

"She still isn't back yet, so lead the way."

The woods were dangerous at night, not only because of wild animals like mountain lions, but because of monsters that had slowly been migrating closer towards the goblins' home. Hog Nose shook as he led Keegraul through the trees, worried to find his sister hurt, or worse.

But what they found instead was that sound of laughter, emanating from a broken carriage connected to a dead horse with another corpse stuck in a tree nearby. Confused, Hog Nose ran to pile of broken wood, rushing past Keegraul who tried to stop him, knife ready for a fight.

"Beetle Hands!" He called out, not knowing what to expect, but surprised by what he found. His sister, wearing human clothing, with an injured human still fixing the bottom of the skirt.

"Hog Nose? What are you doing here?" She seemed genuinely confused, having had so much fun with her new human friend that she hadn't realized the time, standing in the dim light of (Reader's) lamp.

"I'm here to save you?"

Keegraul poked his head in after Hog Nose, curious as to the commotion. That's when the scarred man who had fought many battles with many adventurers, who never once met a human who treated him or his kin as equals, made eye contact with an exhausted person, pale from blood loss, fighting through their pain and fatigue, to make a dress for a little goblin girl. At least, that's what it looked like.

"What's going on here?" Keegraul meant to ask, but it came out as more of a demand.

Worried that they had offended him, (Reader) held up their hands. But Vix Ix beamed up at him, her large toothy grin radiating childish wonder. "(Reader's) making me a princess!"

"Oh, are they?" Keegraul released the tension he had been holding. The air smelled like blood, and at first he thought it was from the human's dead companions outside, but their broken leg was hard to miss. "It looks like they're dying."

Vix Ix ceased her bouncing, turning a terrified eye to (Reader). "Are you dying?"

(Reader) sent a quick glare to the adult goblin before shifting back to their comforting smile. "My leg just hurts, sweetheart. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Not if you don't get that taken care of." The goblin retorted, stepping closer and bending down to get a better look. He let out a noise of frustration. "I can't see anything but blood with these pants on."

Rough hands with broken nails peeled (Reader's) pants off, pausing whenever they sucked on their teeth in pain. The bone right beneath their knee was protruding from from it's flesh.

"That's a nasty break all right."

"Can you fix it?" The little boy goblin asked, still shaking from earlier, but now cradling his blade like a doll.

Delirious from exhaustion, (Reader) turned their smile to him. "What's your name?"

"Craak, or Hog Nose."

They could feel themselves about to pass out. "Hognose? That's my favorite snake. Cutest little snake I've ever seen.." Keegraul tightened their torn pants around their thigh, waking them up with the shooting pain.

(Reader) hissed, incapable of audibly screaming. "We should take you back to the hole, so that we can get that leg fixed up."

Vix Ix stood tall, arms straight in the air, with a determined look on her face. "You can lean on me!"

Keegraul sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I'll find you a large stick for a crutch, and you can lean on my head for support." Vix Ix followed him, arguing about who got to support (Reader) on their journey, while Hog Nose stood shyly, still watching (Reader) with a small grin. "Did you mean that?"

(Reader) felt feverish, and couldn't focus their eyes. "Of course. You mean.. the snakes right? Never seen a cuter snake." Their breathing was labored, pausing between words awkwardly.

There was an odd blue tint forming on his baby cheeks, but it dissipated with the arrival of his little sister. "WE FOUND A STICK!"

The goblins all stared at the human receiving medical attention, gobsmacked. Everyone was incredibly interested in seeing who was special enough to be brought home by Keegraul. Especially the children, who were entranced by the dress (Reader) fixed up for Beetle Hands.

"Are you a princess?" A young girl asked, practically glowing.

"Haha no."

"Oh. Are you a prince?"

"Alright! Everyone go to bed!" Keegraul shooed the goblins back to the sleeping room. They all went back except a woman and Vix Ix. The lady seemed embarrassed, hiding herself by crossing her arms.

"You made this?"

"Yes. I have more dresses and fabric in the woods."

Her eyebrows were knit in what looked to be anger. "Why did you make a dress for Beetle Hands?"

"I just tailored it for her. Because she thought it was pretty."

"Yeah, but why?"

(Reader) smiled, understanding that the goblins must be suspicious of them. "Doesn't she look pretty?"

Vix Ix spun around, bumping into the other goblin. "I do!"

Her face softened. "You really think she's pretty?"

"Of course?" The goblin turned blue, like Hog Nose had earlier, and shuffled away.

(Reader) would later learn that her name was Reassa, and she warmed up to (Reader) quickly as they recuperated. In fact, all of the goblin tribe were incredibly welcoming to (Reader) to the family. They helped (Reader) between rooms, and generally fawned over them. As thanks for saving their life, (Reader) worked on reworking the dresses and fabrics the goblins found near the crash site into outfits for everyone. But as (Reader) got better, the goblins became more nervous.

"Are you thinking of leaving?" Keegraul wrung his hat in his hands, big sad eyes staring at (Reader) pleadingly.

"I'm sure my boss thinks I'm dead. It would be good to return home, and contact Marcus' family about his fate. But worry not, I won't tell anyone about you or the tribe." (Reader) smiled, practicing standing on their healing leg.

"That's not why I ask." (Reader) cocked their head, confused. "We trust you- I trust you. I know you wouldn't betray us. We- we'll just miss you."

Vix Ix popped out from behind a stack of boxes, knocking (Reader) to the ground, sobbing. "You're not leaving!"

Keegraul's heart broke. "Beetle -"

"No! Ti aim kahl, pen! (Reader's) not leaving!"

Reassa listened from outside the hole, along with three other women. They didn't understand. Didn't they make their love for (Reader) obvious enough? The flowers they would weave into crowns for them, the poems they world write for them..

One of the younger women started crying, head in her hands, choking on her sobs. Something dark grew in Reassa's chest, a feeling she often tried to force away, to prove to the world that they were wrong about goblins. A darkness, a possessiveness. "Maybe we should keep (Reader) here."

"We can't keep them against their will. They aren't a prisoner."

Reassa punched the entrance to their hollow, clenching her jaw tightly. "I love them."

"So do we.. but, what can we do?"

Hog Nose dropped a basket of vegetables. He had returned earlier than the other children. "Did you just say (Reader) is leaving?"

"Hog Nose! I'm so sorry, when did you get here?"

"I don't want them to leave!"

"I know, baby, but there's nothing-"

Hog Nose pulled out his dagger from it's sheath, rubbing his thumb across the beautiful golden vest (Reader) had made him as he did so. "(Reader) never learned our language."


"What if the woods are too dangerous for them to go home? Because of the kahn piers?" The women all stopped, internally debating whether or not they could betray their fore mothers like this, lie to keep a human for themselves. But the decision was made for them, as Hog Nose slashed open his arm with the blade.

Inside the hole, (Reader) heard the women scream, and quickly wrestled Vix Ix to her feet so (Reader) could hobble to the opening. Reassa carried Hog Nose in her arms, a bloody mess, with a guilty expression on her face.

"What happened?" Keegraul demanded, watching as (Reader) pulled the little boy out of Reassa's arms to inspect the damage.

"He was attacked!" She collapsed, tearing at Keegraul's shirt.

"By what?!"

She swallowed hard, eyes flickering to (Reader), the motion only noticed by Keegraul and Vix Ix.

"Kahn piers."

Keegraul's eyes widened, realizing immediately what they had planned without discussing with him or the other men. "What kind of idiot-"

"What's a kahn pier?"

Vix Ix looked at her brother, witnessing him quickly shut the eye he was peaking out of. "Kahn piers are the most vile, evil creatures in these woods!" She cried out, grabbing onto her brother dramatically. "Hog Nose is lucky to be alive!"

Shame ripped through Keegraul's spirit, but seeing (Reader) shake with fear, imagining them doting on the children, caring for an the adults, watching them leave.

Wouldn't it be wonderful? Having (Reader) there to brighten their little home, loving the young ones as their own pen? Almost like a real spouse?

Even the way they clung onto Hog Nose's bloodied body, too broken up to notice that all his wounds were only surface deep.

Keegraul knew that everyone would play along, no one would tell (Reader) the truth. Everyone loved them so much, it was almost disturbing.

"Call everyone back home. The woods aren't safe."

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I can so see the vet face as this:😑

Monster!König when his pet started bleeding out of nowhere! And alot! What the hell. (She got her period and is nearly fainting because of the fatigue and cramps)

And when vet says it's normal, Bros just standing there, in front of her, staring, how is this normal!?. (While she is just rolling on the ground because of the cramps)

Konig isn't afraid of many things. You could be losing clutches of eggs after clutches, he wouldn't really care. You could be cursing him out of his existence and try to kill him - he would just straddle you with his tentacles and put your nasty mouth(and other holes too) to good use. But when you just woke up one day, snuggled close to him in the nest(not because he likes to have you here, definitely not like that, he just needs something warm for his tentacles to cling onto) and you are bleeding all over...he actually thinks you're dying. The thing is - every time you're bearing eggs, your body is being tricked into thinking you're pregnant. With the usual hormonal disbalance, lactation, and weird cravings - your periods are obviously stopping. Even you were surprised when, just after Konig left you without his eggs for a while, you started bleeding again - so he hauls you in his hands and forces you into the human vet office. And the vet is not pleased. Not at all. Because when the colonel is panicking, they are expecting you to come over to the office without a head - not with obvious signs of menstruation. You tried to tell your impossible monster husband that it's normal but, of course, he wouldn't listen. Vet sends you two back with a pack for menstruation - pads, sweets, even pills for your cramps because Konig won't settle for the problem that can't be cured with a few pills. You know this situation when cramps are terrible, but you also want to see just how long you would last without pills? Yeah, with monster!Konig, it's literally impossible. He can sense the tiniest bits of discomfort and will get you pills immediately, finally putting the heated pad to a good use.

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I love this and this is so cute.

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Releasing The Noctwind Brothers

Yandere Twin Vampire Brothers x Gender Neutral Human Turned Vampire Reader CW: Incest between the vampire brothers, mildly dubious consent, intoxication, reader initiated sex, threesome, spit as lube, cum as lube, biting, blood sucking, forced to drink blood, forced to turn into a vampire, bullying, bully gets killed, beating, reader has temporarily broken bones, temporary injury, overprotective yanderes, general yandere behavior, twin yanderes, surprisingly whole ending, surprisingly happy ending Word Count: 3.3k (I know this kind of fic isn't for everyone between the violence the bully receives and the incest, but I hope a lot of people like it anyway. I worked very hard. Also yes, this is a repost because the original had an accidentally gendered pronoun. I apologize if anyone read that and experienced dysphoria.)

You had made a mistake. One that would, soon enough, prove to be a fatal one. Not just for you.

In your haste to start a task you had as one of the town’s carpenters you had turned a corner and ran right into the town brute himself, Jorry. Running into him, at any time, could result in a punch from his large meaty fists, but he had been carrying eggs freshly laid from his hens. This resulted in egg yolk covering an outraged Jorry.

Jorry had bullied you for as long as you could remember, he and his friends pummeling you whenever you happened upon them while he was in a bad mood. Or in any mood really. He just really liked using you as a punching bag. Most people left such behavior in childhood, but not Jorry.

You wasted no time at all in fleeing upon seeing who you had ran into. You weren’t quite in the mood to be nursing a broken nose that day. Luckily he had to wipe egg goop out of his eyes and that gave you some crucial extra seconds to make yourself scarce.

Despite making it a good way out of your village, the angered Jorry pursued you. He was nothing if not persistent. You hesitated a bit, but decided your only hope was to flee into the cave that everyone in all the nearby villages were terrified of. No one could remember the truth of the matter, but it had long been forbidden to enter. Many superstitious folks wouldn’t even travel within viewing distance of it.

You did not put much faith in superstition though, and no matter what was in there it couldn’t be worse than how badly Jorry would beat you if he caught up to you. If you had just taken your punishment in town someone would have happened by or heard your screams and he wouldn’t have been able to do nearly as much as he would all the way out here.

Again, a truly fatal miscalculation. You damn fool.

Hoping that you were safe in the cave you crouched in the shadows. But, while absurdly violent, your pursuer was not particularly dimwitted. He pretty quickly surmised that the cave was the logical place for you to have gone. You heard him scream and call for you in the distance.

The only chance to avoid the beating of your lifetime was to retreat farther into the cave. You crept back as silently as humanly possibly. When you went as far back as you could you came across an old metal door, carved into the rock surrounding it were twisting serpents. An ancient rune of unknown meaning was etched into the door itself.

Staring at it filled you with dread and you were possessed with the all consuming urge to flee the way you had come, but it was forgotten as if it was never there when you heard Jorry again, this time near the entrance of the cave. If he entered it now he would be able to see you. Light still made it this far.

With the subtle magic of the rune no longer working on you, you slowly opened the metal door and entered into what looked like an underground mausoleum. An underground tomb long forgotten by the histories of man.

You found yourself between two large rectangles of stone. A chill ran up your spine when you realized they were sarcophagi. Evidently the final resting place for two souls left to the dark and dust of this cave. They were plain and unadorned, other than some words on the top. You leaned over and tried to make out the inscription on one when you suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of stone grating against stone.

The sarcophagus opposite of you moved before the one in front of you did. You tripped backwards in fright as the lids were pushed aside and two pale emaciated corpses pulled themselves up and faced your direction. You couldn’t quite tell in the dark but it seemed like their eyes were completely black, creating a chilling contrast with their pale skin.

The thin pale figures slowly began to pull themselves out of their not so final resting places as you got over your initial shock, got up, and got the fuck out of there. You sprinted past the metal door and back into the front of the cave.

You were so engrossed with the current task of running away from the corpses of the damned risen to do any manner of unholy things to those still living that you did not see Jorry as he entered the cave. For the second time that day you careened right into him, knocking you both out of the cavern and on to the dirt outside.

Jorry growled and grabbed your leg, pulling you over to him.

“You ran like a bitch, finally decide it’s better to face your punishment?”

“No, no, no, you don’t understan-”

He pinned you and began wailing away at your smaller body with his mighty fists. Blow after blow. Your nose was surely broken. Then he got up and started stomping on you with his powerful foot. Now some ribs were certainly broken too.

Suddenly you heard Jorry yelp and the beating stopped. Your face was swollen and bloodied, your mind consumed by the pain of broken bones. You couldn’t tell what was going on. Jorry was screaming, blubbering like a girl. The dearly departed had been slowed due to their time without feeding, but with Jorry distracted by his treatment of you he was easy enough prey.

The thin pale figures had him down on the ground, pinning him with less effort than he had pinned you. They bit into his body, ravenously drinking his blood. Not enough to kill him, but enough to reinvigorate themselves and make him weak and helpless. Barely able to move.

You had managed to wipe the blood from your face and saw what was transpiring. You tried your best to drag yourself through the dirt and put distance between yourself and them, but you only managed to get about a foot away before they finally noticed you.

“Alaric look! The one who saved us… they need tending to.”

The vampire evidently named Alaric joined his companion in looking over you. As injured as you were, you struggled to plea for mercy.

“Shhh, shhh. We aren’t going to hurt you. We’d never hurt our savior.”

“I’m Anthelm Noctwind and this is my twin brother Alaric Noctwind. We're going to help.”

Anhelm positioned himself so that your head was propped up in his lap. He bit at his wrist until blood was flowing.

“Here. Drink.”

You weren't sure what lore was true and what was merely myth, but you were fairly positive that it was universally agreed upon that turning into a vampire required the consumption of one’s blood. You struggled to turn away but you were powerless to do so. Alaric held your mouth open as Anthelm held his bleeding wrist above it.

Blood dripped in and you gagged as you were forced to swallow. It tasted the same as any blood, though perhaps a little sweeter. Shortly after you consumed it you lost consciousness. Both due to the blood itself and your rather severe injuries.

They took you and Jorry back into the cave. It would take the rest of the day and a lot of the night for you to turn and heal. Alaric carried you with the utmost care and consideration for your wounds while just picking up Jorry and tossing him in unceremoniously, causing him to cry out in pain as he hit the hard rocky floor.

“I’d kill you now and decorate this place with your entrails, but we need you for something, so just keep quiet.”

Between Jorry’s incessant pleas to be freed and his attempt to run out of the cavern while they were both busy watching you resulted in his clothes being torn from him and ripped into strips that were used to bind and gag him.

Alaric, the cruelest of the brothers, watched in amusement as their hog tied victim cried and shook in fear. The hulking peasant experiencing the fear of death for the first time. The amused vampire went over to him and pet him like he was a pet, in mock sympathy.

“Don’t worry~,” Alaric cooed, “You’ll be out of your misery soon enough.”

That prompted renewed struggles from the naked man. Alaric only laughed in a maniacal fashion as he returned to your side. They had removed their coats, still pristine as the day they had been sealed away, and used them as bedding for you.

They patiently waited for hours, Alaric occasionally taunting poor Jorry, until you finally stirred. The swelling had gone, your bones had mended, and they had licked up the blood that had covered your face. The only evidence that you had ever suffered at all were the bloodstains on your clothing.

It was well past midnight, the twins had lit a fire to keep you and themselves warm. You could see them clearly now that your face was healed. They both looked exactly alike, down to the same outfits. High class, but outdated, attire. They had pale grey eyes that observed your every movement, completely different from the black voids you thought you had seen earlier. Flawless pale skin with delicate, feminine, features. Their long straight hair accentuated their looks perfectly. They could certainly pass as women if they wore the right attire. Maybe they lured in victims that way.

You were confused and more than a bit groggy, but you managed to piece together all the events that had transpired before your rest. You jumped up and made for the door but they were quicker than anything, human or animal, that you had ever encountered. One got behind you with his hand on your shoulders and the other stood in front with his hand on your cheek.

“Don’t be afraid, dove. We aren’t going to hurt you.”

You whimpered as they each took one of your hands and guided you over to Jorry.

“You consumed vampiric blood, right now it has transformed you. Temporarily.”

“Yes, to make it stick you’ll now need to kill.”

“Technically it doesn’t need to be human, any mammal will do, but since we have this lovely volunteer we figured we shouldn’t waste it. ”

“Don’t really want him talking about us. Don’t really want him to live after hurting our dove. And, well, it spares some rodent that is more deserving of life.”

You shuffled nervously.

“I… don’t want to be a… vampire…”

You looked down at your feet, trying to avoid eye contact with them or Jorry who looked up at you with tears streaking his face.

“Sorry, but we aren’t really giving you a choice.”

“We didn’t mean to make it seem that way, please forgive us.”

“You saved us, you had enough magical power to open the door and ignore the rune. You will be a strong vampire, and we can tell a lot more about you by your scent.”

“Smell things like personality, even some thoughts. We know you will be perfect for us.”

“Uh… can’t I just stay with you and remain human?”

“No.” They both said in unison.

“Humans age and die.”

“Humans have betrayed us too. That’s how we ended up here. You broke the seal so we have to show our gratitude.”

You kept staring at your feet until you worked up the courage to ask the question you were afraid to hear the answer to.

“What if I refuse?”

Anthelm smiled and Alaric laughed as if it was a funny joke. Not that you could tell them apart yet.

“Not a choice sweetie, remember?”

“If you don’t do it willingly then I block the tomb entrance so you can’t go deeper.”

“And I guard the cave exit so you can’t leave. Then we leave you alone with your friend. Your hunger will grow. You’ll crave blood. Your senses will be unbearable.”

“You’ll hear his heartbeat, he will smell delicious, then you’ll drain him dry.”

“In more normal circumstances he could survive that, and the blood consumption without a death only prolongs the transitional period, it wouldn’t make you a true vampire. Go long enough without blood, have someone tie you up for a few days, and you’d turn fully human.”

“But he is weak and beaten. He won’t survive.”

You looked at them and stated boldly that you’d resist.

“You are more than welcome to try.”

They each took their agreed upon spots to guard against you fleeing. True to their word you did steadily become more and more hungry. Thirsty for blood. Your senses became acutely aware of the food that had been tied up for you. You tried to resist. Your body shook with the effort. You had a splitting headache and panted heavily. Jorry smelled so good, and the beat of his heart beckoned you towards him. Though you resisted longer than most, the outcome was inevitable.

You descended upon him, he squealed as much as he could with his gag as you bit into his neck and sucked him dry. His futile struggles getting more feeble by the second until they stopped entirely.

Alaric and Anthelm were behind you watching with wicked smiles.

When you finished your meal of Jorry you looked on in horror. But only briefly. You had over consumed and the effects were as powerful as they were swift. You were a bit dizzy and felt as though you were light as air.

“With his death you’ll be with us forever!”

You tried to get up but stumbled and nearly fell. One of the twins caught you. You smiled and nuzzled into his neck. There was a cute man holding you, why had you been so horrified earlier? You shrugged it off, if you couldn’t remember then it probably wasn’t too terribly important.

“Careful, dove. The first times on human blood and drinking to the point of death can be intense.”

“And we definitely let you drink too much.”

You giggled and stroked Anthelm’s soft black hair, not at all paying attention to his words.

“You’re prettier than any girl I’ve ever seen.”

He blushed and Alaric cackled at the spectacle. Until you kissed Anthelm deeply. Then Alaric looked a bit jealous.

You grinded your crotch against Anthelm and giggled at the face he made.

“Everything feels so… intense.”

“Ddon’t you want to go somewhere a bit more... comfy?

“Or romantic? We could find a town. An inn.” Added Alaric.

You ignored him, proceeded to unbutton his shirt and then rubbed your hands over his lean abs. He started returning the treatment, Alaric came over and helped him undress you. It didn’t take long for all three of you to be nude. They used the clothes to make an impromptu bed. Anthelm laid down, his erect cock on full display.

He pulled you on top of him, kissing and nipping at your neck while Alaric was behind the two of you. He pressed two spit-lubed fingers into both you and his brother. Both of you writhed in pleasure, but it simply wasn’t enough.

Alaric didn’t need to stretch either of you out, vampires wouldn’t be pained by something like a cock shoving its way in, but it would feel better with more moisture. He withdrew his fingers, making you pout, and lubed up his cock with saliva before sucking on his brothers for a moment to get it wet.

Then he guided his brother's dick into you before sliding his own cock into his brother. You pressed back against it, trying to get the girthy member as deep into you as possible. Anthelm humped into you slowly, timing his thrusts with your bounces.

Alaric gasped as his cock was gripped by his brother’s tight inviting insides, he gripped Anthelm’s legs for leverage as he drove himself deeper. Anthelm, in the middle of all the action, could barely think. Simultaneously making love to you while being bred by his twin had him drooling.

“Always so tight…”

“Alaric, h-harder.”

His sibling obliged him.

You were in a worse state than Anthelm. You were new to being a vampire and the blood drunkenness combined with your recent kill made every sensation indescribable. More so when the sensations were that of a vampire at your neck and a cock humping into you while you weakly continued to bounce on it.

Anthelm’s entire body shook as he came in you, shoving his cock far into depths before unloading his seed. He took a few moments to catch his breath, an orgasm evidently enough to tire a vampire. If only for a moment. He stayed hard and began fucking into you again.

“I think you were made for us, angel.”

The stimulation was just too much for you and you screamed as you had the most intense orgasm of your entire life. Your body relaxed as you lay on Anthelm, no longer bouncing on his cock but content to let him keep using you as long as he saw fit as you nuzzled into his chest.

Alaric gripped his brother’s legs tightly as he finally slammed in hard and filled him like he had filled you. Without missing a beat he slid out of his brother, covered his cock in the cum that pooled out of him, and slid it right into you. Both of there cocks now covered in a slimy mix of both of their loads, using it as lube as they thrust into you in tandem. You whimpered at the sheer immensity of the pleasure that was filling you.

The three of you spent the rest of the entire night, and a good chunk of the morning, engaged in a rapturous sea of sex. Eventually you all fell asleep on top of them. Given their recent centuries long slumber they stayed awake and idly toyed with your hair or caressing you as you slept soundly.

They whispered to themselves about what the plan from there was.

“There’s a stream outside we can clean ourselves off in.”

“Yeah, I can smell it. After that head to a town?”

“A large one where we can blend in. Feed on livestock outside the walls. Maybe rats too if necessary. Always rats in large towns.”

“What about humans? Always rapists and thugs in cities that need to be taken care of.”

Alaric looked at Anthelm hopefully.

“True. True,” Anthelm relented, “I suppose it won’t hurt to remove a few bad ones. On occasion.”

Alaric broke into a large grin.

“Yes! I love how our new partner gets when they are drunk on human life.”

You stirred a bit in your sleep though you didn’t wake, drool under your cheek and on Alaric’s bare chest.

“Quiet, they need their rest…”

“Sorry,” Alaric murmured sheepishly.

They continued chatting about the future until you woke up. With a clearer head you were once more traumatized by what you had done, but they calmed you down and explained how he deserved it and that you were not a monster. They would guide you in your new life.

They were eager to leave behind the cave that had held them prisoner for so long. Bidding the cave farewell with a piss on Jorry’s soon to be rotting corpse, the closest thing he would get to a burial, the brothers departed with you.

You made a life for yourselves in one of the larger cities. Anytime someone tried to hurt you they went missing quite fast. It would be many years still before you had the degree of strength and power that the twins possessed. And even once you did they’d always remain overprotective.

You quickly came to accept and love your new existence with them. Anthelm took up your trade with you while Alaric became a prominent cook and eventually owner of his own restaurant. Apparently the hypersensitivity of vampiric taste buds helped him make delicacies. There was always a need for carpentry and fancy food, so you never had any money troubles, (un)life was good. And you had an eternity to spend it with them.

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Narcissus Does Not Fall In Love With His Reflection Because It Is Beautiful, But Because It Is His.
Narcissus Does Not Fall In Love With His Reflection Because It Is Beautiful, But Because It Is His.
Narcissus Does Not Fall In Love With His Reflection Because It Is Beautiful, But Because It Is His.

“Narcissus does not fall in love with his reflection because it is beautiful, but because it is his.”

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1 year ago

If this fic was human I'd buy it a drink.

How You Fell Into Their Trap

TW/CW: Self- Destructive Behavior, Hollywood-ized Disorders, Yandere/Dark Behavior, Violence, Dubious Consent, Drugging, Slight Divergence from Source, Canon-Typical Violence

A/N: Pacing could be weird in both stories. In both, the reader is pondering the past before it jumps to the present to help with any confusion before reading!!


How You Fell Into Their Trap

You want to tear your eyes out, pull at your skin, and scream until nothing left can be heard. It would be better than the constant paranoia eating at you. The splitting headaches and the dazed look on your face as you slowly forget what day it is.

No medicine, no drug can even make you lose an ounce of these random episodes. What's worse, it that they seem to drag on longer and occur more. You wipe the bile off the corner of your mouth as you lean next to the wall in front of the toilet.

The doctors even are puzzled. They best the can sum it up to is you’re faking it. Your body is faking it. Then why can't you stop any of it? In fact, you beg your body to stop.

You can't ignore the fact that you were a sickly child. Constantly falling under nearly the same symptoms but after your parents moved, it stopped. Occasional bouts here and there, but maybe the cleaner air farther from the city helped. Your parents agreed that you eventually just grew out of your sickness, hoping to move on and forget.

But you could never forget the same figure that haunted you since a child. The same tall, white figure, faceless, in a suit. He was everywhere. As soon as you looked, he was there for a split second. And you could feel his hostile aura waiting to strike and kill you. Even as an adult, that face haunted you.

You tried to pin point what triggered your episodes. Maybe after you went to the forrest with your friend, maybe a weird bug bit you? Or you contracted an infection somehow? The forest was beautiful. Tall trees, lush grasses, variety of flaura, and the mountains raised in the backdrop. All was suppose to go well, but going there was the worst mistake of your life. The previous delusions you seemed to have increased tenfolds and it seemed you threw you friend in the same fate as you.

The two of you wandered the forest after the wind rushed and seemed to grip the map from his hands. And even better? Not a lick of signal. When night time hit, you entered a real life nightmare. The figure that haunted you as a child came back. And scarier than ever. But this time, he also saw it.

Your friend gripped your hand as the two of you narrowly escaped the almost glitching creature. Appearing behind, then in front, and then in a damn tree. When you lost track of the figure, your friend was also losing track of himself. He heaved as he gripped at his hair before pulling at it. Above your own urge to do the same, you tried to grab his hands and stop him. Your friend looked at you as he began to claw at his eyes.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." He roared as blood began to seep down him. "He told me, he told me that if I touch you, my death will be put in his hands." He sobbed out scooting away from you.

"He? Who's he?" You cried out, confused as you saw your friend trying to hurt himself.

"Him. The man. The one in the shadows. He told me that if I even look at you anymore, he'll rip my eyes out himself." He banged his head on the ground, still clawing at his eyes. "But he granted me the mercy to at least do it myself." Your friend reached for a jagged rock and brought it to his face.

Your head was filled with static to the point you passed out, and awake in your living room. You wanted it to be a dream, but it was farther from the truth. Your coworker and close friend, hung himself in the same place you two hiked at two days prior.

It was your fault, and you couldn't bring yourself to let it happen again as you hauled yourself in your apartment. Refusing contact with anyone. You were just meant to be a disease.

The apartment went on fire, and you never felt more estatic. Finally, you would greet death with open arms, and your family wouldn't live with the regret if you took your own life. Shit, maybe they could even sue to gain some money off your death. Maybe you'd actually bring fortune to someone.

You laid pliant on your bed, smoke filtering inside your room as the fire danced and spread around the room. A smile on your face before you felt its presence again.

The tall figure hovering over you this time, but no sickness accompanied with it. Faceless, except spots that were slightly sunken in that could be mistaken for one, put a finger up to his face presumably to its mouth. He then disappeared and you fell into unconsciousness with it as well.

And appeared back in the same fucking forrest. This time, surrounded by three human(ish) men.

A crazed man with goggles and a mask, wielding a bloodied axe. Next to him, was a seemingly timid one, dressed in an orange hoodie and when you tried to focus closer, all that greeted you was red, sullen eyes. A feminine mask graced the other one as he donned an orange bomber jacket.

Your mouth felt dry and when you tried to scream, it came out a pathetic groan for help. They clearly had no interest in doing so, more concerned on talking to one another in poorly hushed voices.

"You handled them too rough! If they get a bruise, he won't like it." One choked out in a worried tone.

"They're not a doll, they're fine. And besides, it's not like he told us to deliver them to him in 5-star hotel. He wanted them to be brought to the forest and we did. I'm sure he wouldn't be fond if we held on them too long, so to the floor they go." The one behind the mask spoke, steady voiced.

And another air of static rose around you, stiffening your surroundings. You fell in and out of consciousness and could barely even tell if time was moving, or not.

The men had left sometime ago, 3 hours or minutes? You didn't know. All you could feel was the mossy earth and crushed leaves beneath your slightly aching body.

Vision blurred as the man in the black and white dotted across behind your eye lids in mind as you slipped unconscious into a fever like dream. But this time, it didn't make you sick. It was replaced by a sense of, longing? What was once your nightmare incarnated, seemed softer (even for lack of facial features).

You felt as if watching yourself in third person, your figure collapsed on the floor of a velvety chapel, a heavy white [dress/tuxedo] weighing you down to the ground as you could hear a low melody playing in the background, a church hymn low in the distance as the pianist follows suit.

Pushing yourself up with your two arms, your mind follows the red path trailing to the center. You hear murmuring in the distance but as you scanned your surroundings, no one was there. Just the tall white figure dressed in the clean tuxedo.

You felt yourself gliding towards him, despite not even getting up on your feet. But when you looked down, you saw the inky black tendrils span out like tiny veins combining to makin thick ropey tentacles. They slowly brought you towards him as your hands slowly held onto the decaying flower bouquet.

You opened your mouth only to find no words were coming out. You gripped at your lips, trying to force something out to protest against whatever this was but the sweet piano was only heard echoing throughout.

Finally, you were brought to the empty pillar, but the entity's limbs never left your body. Instead, it seemed to latch onto your harder, as it expanded over your body. You gazed over the empty chapel, but the long and slender hands of the monster in front of you made you look at him.

Blank, faceless, pale, but you could feel the tension in the air as he stared at you in his own way. His stark white body contrasting deeply with his black tuxedo. You felt tears rush down your face but the monster seemed to enjoy that sight. As your face came close to his, the static in your head grew. The only word you could make out amiss all the noise was mine.

As your lips finally made contact with the blank slate of a man, you woke up in a large bed. As you glanced around, you found dust on the bed, but everything else looking surprisingly in pristine condition.

Just as you were about to scream, a large hand grasped your shoulder. The entity, that monster. But, instead of the normal vomit inducing headache and static you would feel when you confronted him was gone.

Yet, that [dress/tuxedo] from the dream still remained. As you looked down at your outfit in confusion, the monster slipped his hands under your chin to meet his gaze. The static-like voice replaced with a deep soothing, voice finally talked as his other hand made it up your back.

"Now that your officially mine, I can't find myself being able to hold back much longer."

Jeff The Killer:

How You Fell Into Their Trap

Jeffery always seemed on the brink of becoming unhinged. Ever since building up to the, incident. His family moved to the neighborhood, normal enough. His parents, his brother, all seemed well. Even at first meetings Jeffery looked sane enough at first glance. Nothing stood about him. Like every other teenage boy. His light brown hair framed his face in the typical unkempt way with his blue eyes shining against his complexion. His clothes were obviously picked out by his mother since he never cared to actually shop for his wardrobe.

He was not your first choice to be friends with. But as your parents grew cozy with his, they near forced you to befriend the quiet boy.

It was awkward. Standing next to him at the bus stop with small talk eventually landed to you two sitting on the bus together. It grew to where he would spare you an earbud to play music on his music player. Then, it turned to you actually seeking him out during class projects, not because you had no one else to, but you began to somewhat enjoy his company.

You began to come to his house, and him to your house without the prompting of your parents. Maybe you were just as strange as him which explained the quicker connection between the two of you. It ranged from drawing, reading horror stories to eachother on the ever growing "internet", running to the near gas station for a snack stop only to get brain freezes from racing eachother who could drink their slushie faster.

His interests slowly grew darker. Darker videos, interests in the occult and local murders and death, and even visiting previous crime scenes. You didn't notice at first, you enjoyed the more taboo subjects, but he seemed to take it on a different level. But like you, he was just a young adult trying to figure out the big world, right...?

As his interests grew more morbid, a group of boys began to pick on him. His brother did what he could do to halt them as you tried to center Jeffery's attention elsewhere, but you knew it was beginning to wear him down.

He fought them. Not only did he fight one by himself, but three. He was scuffed up, but the other boys more so. You felt in a daze. Although it was self defense, he would be put in the blame. He came to your house soon after, but he wasn't in a panic. He was happy. Estatic. You fussed over his bruises and small cuts as you dabbed on first aid supplies. He couldn't stop talking for the death of him. You ignored most of it as he tended to talk lots of nonsense most the time, but a sentence stood out you couldn't ignore.

"I never felt more alive."

He looked at you. His blue eyes shining threw his choppy, layered hair. He gently held your wrist in the middle of applying an antibiotic cream.

"S/o, I want you to know, if anything happens, you're coming with me. I promise that." His once happy persona faded as he stared at you solemnly. You nodded slowly and continued patching him up.

When the police came, his brother Liu took his spot and told them it was him. You've never seen Jeffery so desperate to admit his own crimes but the police left, leaving the younger brother. It changed something in him. He only trusted Liu and you. But with him gone, he was clingy and.. handsy. Always trying to have you physically touching him in some way. Either him pressed up against your side or his hand wrapped around yours. His twisted mind finally grasping the concept of how easily people can be taken from him.

To no one's surprise, he did get in trouble more at school. His parents blaming him for getting into so much trouble in his senior year. To your surprise, not too long after that fight, his parents forced him to go to a party with them as a way to "clean" up their image. Like the loyal friend you were, you went with him.

It all happened too fast. His bullies were back as ready for vengeance all the same as if they didn't cause enough damage. One grabbed at you taunting him, "No big brother now, and no [girlfriend/boyfriend] to help you either!" One cackled as they drew a knife near your throat. He never had lost his composure so fast as he saw you. In his mind, you were his and that disgusting shit touched you.

Pure chaos erupted as two boys dropped dead. Blood on both men. Police were called but none came fast enough. Tears went down your face as you tried to grab one of them to stop but your parents held you back in horror watching them fight. Eventually Jeffery got the advantage and took time to prepare his next move in state of manic happiness. He didn't mind the bleach dripping down his frame. He had murder on his mind.

"Remember my promise. I will come to get you soon!" He looked back at you before he grabbed onto the knife and lodged it into the attackers chest. You felt dizzy with the scene in front of you, finally hearing sirens from the cops.

The final movement from the attacker lifted up a match and sent Jeffery on fucking fire. A blood curling scream from the crowd erupted before you felt sick to your stomach and passed out.

He was sent to the hospital, and as much as you were trying to visit him, only family was allowed. Countless nights you worried over the health of a boy you didn't even want to be friends with in the beginning. Too weak to talk to him one on one. All information you got on his wellbeing was from his parents who were already stressed enough.

When he was finally released from hospital and was being sent home, your parents allowed you to visit him the following morning.

As the sun rose and birds chirped, you sprinted to his house with the latest music DVDs and horror movies that he missed out on. You knocked on the door as you barely contained your glee for seeing him.

The door opened. It was unlocked. And the smell of metal wafted to your nostrils. You peaked your head and opened the already ajar door.

And you screamed as blood was splattered in every corner.

But, that was years ago. No longer the dumb teenager you were, but yet it was still stained on your mind. The countless headliners for the news, the police interviews, the therapy sessions. You moved far away from that neighborhood but no matter where you go, the memories would still follow.

Although a murderer now, still on the loose which scared you to your core, you yearned for the nostalgic Jeffery. The one before the murders.

You placed the book of photos down, gingerly touching the photo where you and Jeffery clicked slushies together. It was over now though, that was the past.

That night as you laid to rest, you felt the cold breeze of the nightly wind under your sheets.

You also felt cold wet drops on your face as a hand slapped against your mouth before you could fully register what was happening.

A manic grin spread from ear to ear, scared red against deathly pale skin. Eyes a dull blue with dark eyebags. The hair was jet black and frayed in a shaggy like mullet.

His other hand held your arms in one grip as he started laughing.

"Oh, s/o, I finally found you." He cried out in-between bursts of laughter.

"But where the fuck were you when I needed you. Where were you when I told you I'd come to get you."

And your heart dropped as you mumbled through his fingers. "Jeffery, is that you...?"

"The one and only and STOP AVOIDING THE QUESTION. WHERE WERE YOU?" He begged out, his happiness dropped. "It was suppose to be just me and you. Just us against the world. I needed you to wait for me. But when I finally got my own footing, you left!"

"I fucking missed you. But now, " He shifted eagerly as he straddled your hips. "I'm myself. This is what I was meant to be, and can you even accept that?"

You look at him in shock, your whole body feels like it was dropped in freezing water. Your heart was in the dilemma of whether it's about to stop or keep beating as wildly as possible.

"I don't expect you to respond now. But you will answer me later, you whore." He leaned down and took his hand off your mouth. "I hate that I still like you even after you abondoned me."

His lips hovered over yours teasingly. "I fucking hate the fact you're still as beautiful as the day you left me. But now, you're staying with me." Despite his taunting demeanor, there is an act of urgency, desperation, in his next moves.

His lips connected to yours within seconds as you tried to squirm away. His hands still holding yours away from pushing him. His hand gripped your cheek as he pushed the back of your head to deepen the kiss.

And then you felt a foreign pill slip into your mouth as Jeff still kept the kiss connected, forcing you to swallow.

"Go to sleep." He breathes out, finally pulling away from your lips. You are hit with an unfamiliar urge to go unconscious. Your limbs feel unbearably heavy as your eyelids begin to close again. The last thing you see before your eyes shut is his insanely stretched out smile and his lovesick eyes glaring at you.


[Heyyy I’m alive guys. Work and school kicked my ass but I’m still here.]

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