Yandere Jin - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Awake? | Jin x Reader

Awake? | Jin X Reader

Pairing: (Soft-ish) Yandere Android Jin x  Reader 

Word Count: 8.0k

Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Fear, Non-Consensual Touching, Stalking (technically), Murder, Attempted Sexual Assault (Not By Jin), Choking (Not by Jin), Slapping (Not By Jin)

Note: This is based on the Playstation game Detroit Become Human

I do not condone the acts displayed in this story nor do I believe any members of BTS would actually engage in this type of behavior. This is simply written for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a reflection of my own values, opinions, or morals. 

Preview: Androids had always been incredibly efficient, that was their designed purpose after all, to make human life easier. And because of that, humans often chose the easier option. The human population had fallen to its lowest numbers in centuries and it was predicted that it would fall even more. Synthetic love was far more appealing than its organic counterpart. You could have anyone you wanted, they could look however you wanted, they would always be agreeable and it was achievable for a cost. 

A/N: A fair warning as always, this is not yet edited lol. I always feel so bad that I make you guys wait so long for a fic so I roll it out as quickly as possible. I don’t really anticipate this doing very well for a few reasons, but mainly because it’s so far from anything I’ve written before. Hopefully, some of you will enjoy it, and if you don’t I’m sorry I made you wait so long for something you didn’t want 😭 Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to see you in my inbox and the comments, love you 💜💜💜

This fic is dedicated to @softie00 thank you so much for your encouragement, kindness, and help with making this work come to fruition 💜

Awake? | Jin X Reader
Awake? | Jin X Reader

The world was almost nothing like it had been before. 

As a child, your grandparents had delivered you stories that were nothing more than fairytales to you. A world where trees enveloped the land in massive waves of emerald green that rivaled that of the ocean. It was a place where if you were quiet, patient, and lucky enough you could spot a family of deer grazing in your backyard. They spun tales of endless days of summer spent barefoot running through the grass while catching fireflies - something you had never seen outside of an image. 

The world that they knew had died a long time ago. It was their grandparents that had started it, and it was their generation that had finished it. 

What had once been a quiet suburban community was now dwarfed by hulking shapes of concrete, metal and glass. Artificial had taken over. What greenery was left was preserved, but no human civilian had been granted the right to step foot on that land, those small pockets that remained were left untouched and uninhabited by your kind. 

It wasn’t just your community that had become a city, a community that you had not been alive to remember, but everywhere else as well.

And it was because of the androids. 

The first one that had been revealed had shocked the entire world because of its human likeness - it was so perfect that even the trained eye was unable to decipher whether it was man or machine. And then suddenly the world was flooded with them. Factories began sprouting like uncontrollable weeds and around them grew cities that tore up the earth and cemented their place. The world had become a concrete jungle. 

Androids quickly began to multiply, their numbers rivaling even that of the human population. But they were much easier to spot now. Their programming had been changed to help with that, their mannerisms a bit more formal, their voices slightly stilted, and upon their temple was a small LED disk that symbolized their status. 

Androids had always been incredibly efficient, that was their designed purpose after all, to make human life easier. And because of that, humans often chose the easier option. The human population had fallen to its lowest numbers in centuries and it was predicted that it would fall even more. Synthetic love was far more appealing than its organic counterpart. You could have anyone you wanted, they could look however you wanted, they would always be agreeable and it was achievable for a cost. 

But not everyone could afford their own personal android, the basic models still being priced at around $8,000 and those androids were just for helping around the house. So the comfort industry boomed. Love hotels soon followed, places where you could rent an android for pleasure and have their memory bank wiped immediately after. Human interaction was no longer a necessary requirement but an option. 

And you, well, you couldn’t consider yourself all that much better. 

You wearily blinked, your eyes stinging from the bright LED light that hung above you. You huddled beneath your umbrella for protection from the thick torrents of rain as the sign flickered gently. 

“Awake?” The sign read, as if it were taunting you. 

A long string of nights filled with insomnia had led you to this point, pathetically drenched in rain as you stood outside of an android establishment. The comfort industry extended to all areas, not just pleasure. 

You hesitantly stepped through the sliding doors and were greeted by a dimly lit lobby. It was completely devoid of human life, but several androids were there attending to seemingly unnecessary tasks like dusting an already clean surface or straightening an unused pillow on one of the lounges. 

You hurriedly rushed by them, not wanting to garner too much attention as you already felt pretty pathetic about your situation. As soon as you stopped at the front desk, the android behind it greeted you. 

“Hello, my name is Celene, are you interested in our cuddle-bot service tonight?” She asked with a gentle smile. 

You cringed at the name, your finger digging into your palm in a show of anxiety as you forced a pleasant smile. It wasn’t the androids’ fault that some human had come up with such a belittling name for their service. 

“Yes, please,” You mumbled in response. 

“Alright, I’d be happy to get you started,” She grinned, her LED spinning yellow as she processed your command, “If you look at the screen to your right you can customize your visit. You can pick your android model, appearance, sex, duration of stay, and tailor your experience that will best help you achieve your desired goal for your visit. If you have any questions, I would be happy to help.” 

A glass screen beside you lit up revealing several multiple choice questions that you could answer such as: what is the reason for your visit? How long has this problem persisted? What do you find comforting? What scents do you prefer? So on and so forth. 

The questionnaire wasn’t exhaustive but it was not short by any means. But the quality of the service so far had begun to ignite some hope within you. This was the only other option you could think of to deal with your insomnia, you felt as if you had exhausted all other options. 

There was one section in particular that grabbed your attention, the final section titled “Scenario.”

“Celene, what does ‘Scenario,” mean?” You asked. 

“Scenario allows you to further customize your experience by enhancing the personality of your chosen android. It is similar to role-playing. We have a few options available. The boyfriend or girlfriend scenario will have a much more intimate approach whereas the caregiver scenario has a familial or parental approach, to name a few.” 

You pursed your lips in thought as you scrolled through the scenarios, pretending as if you hadn’t already chosen yours the second Celene has mentioned it. To put it lightly, you were just as starved of affection as you were of sleep. The whole debacle of synthetic versus organic love had affected your generation the hardest. The dating pool was halved by the presence of androids and as a result you had never dated anyone before.

But still, you read each scenario title before ultimately scrolling back and picking the one that you wanted: “Boyfriend Scenario.” 

The screen flashed, processing your commands, before switching to the last page. It was time to choose your android. The selection was surprisingly wide, but of course all androids fell in the same age bracket; all appearing youthful and beautiful so beautiful that it was almost uncanny. 

You bit your lip and furrowed your brows in thought as you swiped through all of the selections. There wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with them, but you also didn’t know what exactly it was you were looking for. 

“May I make a suggestion, miss?” Celene asked, causing you to jump as you had forgotten her presence. “A new line has been released for testing, if you choose an android from that new model you will receive a discount for participating in the trial period.” 

While the service wasn’t too expensive, it was still money being taken away from your daily expenses and unfortunately you were never one to walk away from a good deal. That was something your mother had instilled in you with great success. 

And so, you agreed. Celene’s LED spun yellow once more before the page before you was filled with seven new images of androids. All of them had face molds you hadn’t seen before, each with their own charm and subtle imperfections that only served to make them more attractive and more human-like. But there was one in particular that caught your eye. 

There was something about him that gave you the feeling of a person you could pretend you were in a long-term relationship with. He had the boyfriend look to him. Maybe it was his longer slightly curly brown hair, his big brown eyes, or even his plush pouty lips. There was something about him that comforted you, something that felt like coming back to your warm bed on a cold rainy day. 

With a simple touch of your fingertip it was decided. 

“That one is a wonderful choice, it will be sure to help you get a good night’s sleep,” Celene nodded before smoothly rounding the desk, “If you follow me I will lead you to your room.” 

You followed Celene like a lost puppy, keeping close to her as she led you into the back of the building and through various hallways. The rest of the building was similar to the entrance. It was all lit with a soft yellow light that reflected off of the polished surfaces. But it was also eerily empty. You could only assume it was because everyone else had checked in much earlier than you had. That thought was far more comforting than the idea of being the only human being in the entire building. 

All of the hallways were lined with doors, there were so many that it almost seemed never ending. But maybe that was your insomnia laced brain playing tricks on you. After a short while Celene stopped in front of one door in particular that appeared no different or special from any of the other ones you had passed. 

“This door will only open with your fingerprint or in the case of an emergency during your stay. If there is anything you need your android can contact the front desk and I can prepare it for you. We hope that you enjoy your stay.” 

“Thank you, Celene,” You said with a slight jerk of your head and a tight lipped smile. 

“It is my pleasure,” She said before returning your smile and taking her leave. 

Once she disappeared around the corner you allowed yourself to let out a deep exhale, your shoulders relaxing as you were left alone. You were exhausted but you were also incredibly nervous. You were sure this was going to be awkward at first, there was nothing normal about cuddling someone the first time you met them. Although, he was probably used to it. He wasn’t human after all, he didn’t have those types of feelings or any at all really. 

So, with a swift crack of your neck, you pressed your thumb against the door plate and stepped inside once it slid open. 

The room was rather plain. Everything was white, gray, or a soft beige color and the furniture was very minimal. There was a comfortable looking bed, a decent sized couch, and some cushioned mats on the floor on the lower split level of the room. You could only assume it was to give you the option to choose what was most comfortable. 

You noticed that the walls were also screens. Some of them looked like they were disguised as windows, but with a close inspection you realized that they were simulation screens. You could choose the environment you wished to view. 

And, outside of those main features, he was there. 

When you had entered he was sitting on the ground, on the edge of the split level platform staring at the blank screens. But he was looking at you now, his head turned to look over his shoulder towards you. 

While the other androids you had met seemed human, he was the most human looking one you had ever seen. The smile that spread over his lips was infectious as he rose to greet you. 

“You’re home! But look at you, you’re completely soaked,” He tutted, pulling off your rain jacket and rushing to hang it up. “I’m sure you’ve had a long day, have you eaten?”

It took you a moment to respond, still taken aback by his fluid motions and manner of speaking. He was unlike any android you had ever met, that was for sure. He just seemed so unlike them. 

“Hello? Is anyone home?” He teased you, tapping you gently on the top of your head, “You must have had a long day if that was a hard question.”

“I ate,” You finally said, your fingers playing with one another awkwardly. 

“That’s good to hear, I’m very proud of you.” He said, smoothing out the locks of your hair his impish actions had disrupted. 

You couldn’t deny the warmth that flushed through your body from his praise. The older you got the less often you heard that someone was proud of you. And it was much more special when someone that looked the way he did told you that. 

“What’s your name?” You asked. 

His face twitched slightly, the lenses of his pupils dilating and contracting as his LED spun yellow. The pleasant smile dropped off of his face and it went stoic, like his programming was momentarily paused as he processed a dialogue that didn’t quite fit. It was chilling to see someone who once appeared so human drop their persona and show their hidden nature. It was another reminder that none of this was real. 

“What would you like to call me?” He finally asked, his expression still flat and devoid of simulated emotion. 

You were stumped for a moment and unnerved by his unblinking stare that refused to leave you. In a moment of panic you uttered the first male name that came to your mind, the name of a boy that you had a crush on in high school that never noticed you. 

“Jin? Is that okay, do you like that?” 

“My name is Jin,”  His LED spun blue, his eyes finally blinking once more as his subtle pleasant smile returned, “Silly girl, we’ve been together for so long and you can’t remember my name? If I didn’t think you were tired before, I definitely do now.” 

“Right, I’m sorry about that,” You apologized, it seemed like going along with it was the best answer you could come up with. 

“Come on sleepy girl, let’s get you ready for bed,” He hummed while grabbing you by the wrist and guiding you towards the bathroom where a set of comfortable looking sleepwear was laid out. “Take your time, I’ll be right outside.” 

Once the door closed and you were left alone you were able to relax for a moment. The tension in your shoulders wasn’t entirely from anxiety but now a result of the interest and excitement you couldn’t deny you had. While Jin had slipped up for a moment, when he was working as designed he was perfect. He wasn’t clingy but he also wasn’t distant. He was teasing but not hurtful, and he knew how to praise you. 

You were beginning to realize that there was some truth to what the others believed, androids could be easier. 

When you had finally changed and emerged from the bathroom you could see that Jin had been keeping himself busy in your absence. The lighting in the room had shifted, it had become dimmer and much more soothing. There was a scent in the air as well, one you recognized as what you had answered in your survey not that long ago. 

The android himself was pulling the blankets and sheets back from the bed, preparing it for you and you assumed himself as well. 

“There you are,” He said, pausing his work to cross the room, “I have everything ready, would you like to pick the environment tonight?” 

You gingerly retrieved the remote from his hands and swiftly scrolled through the options before picking your tried and true classic and floating it up on the simulation screens. The floor to ceiling windows that previously appeared to have their blinds closed were now open revealing a murky city skyline with soft lights accompanied by rain and thunder. It was not unlike the actual weather you had fought through to get there. 

“Hm, I think that’s everything then. Are you ready for bed?” He asked. 

“Let’s give it a try,” You said with a nod. 

Jin moved before you did, climbing into the bed easily and fluffing up the pillows behind him before looking up at you expectantly. 

God, this was so weird. 

You stiffly climbed in beside him and sank down into the mattress, allowing him to pull the blankets up over the both of you. You were closer to the edge of the mattress, purposefully trying to keep as much space between the two of you as possible despite paying for the opposite. You hadn’t shared a bed with someone since you were young and it had never been someone of the opposite gender. And while Jin wasn’t human, he still looked like a man and that was cause for some hesitance and shyness. 

Jin being the perfect android that he was quickly took notice of this. Instead of saying anything he raised his arm, opening up his chest to you while simultaneously pitching the blanket up. Quietly and slowly you shuffled across the mattress and allowed him to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest. 

You were momentarily startled by the discovery that he was warm and soft beneath your fingers like a real human body. And, even more surprisingly, there was a solid thump emanating from his chest right where your ear was pressed against. Androids operated on a fluid system, this meant that his pump had been placed in his chest much like a human heart. Whoever made him had done so with intricate detail and care to make him blend in as seamlessly as possible. The only thing that reminded you of his nature was the steady, soft blue swirl of his LED. 

“What are you thinking about?” He finally asked, his fingers now gently stroking a pattern across your cheek and up over your temple. It was repetitive, light, and evidently soothing as it spurred a yawn from you that was rather surprising. 

“This isn’t as scary as I thought it would be,” You admitted. That was partially the truth, but you thought it better you didn’t instill an existential crisis into the android by telling him about how human he seemed. 

“Why would sleeping with your boyfriend be scary?” The android chuckled. 

“Don’t say it like that!” You groaned, pressing your face further into his chest in utter embarrassment. 

The android hummed in response, curling his arms around you in a firmer hold, the compression soothing you as well as your anxiety. He seemed pleased with himself, like it had been his plan to embarrass you into his embrace. 

“There’s no reason to be scared of me, I’m here to take care of you,” He explained, smoothing his palm up and down your back in gentle strokes.

“That’s not what I was worried about.” 

“No? What were you worried about then?” 

“That this wouldn’t work.” 

A beat of silence followed but the android didn’t cease his soothing actions. You could tell from the gentle yellow glow from his temple that he was thoroughly processing your words. 

“You haven’t been able to sleep in a long time?” He finally asked. 

“No, not for a very long while.” 

“Can I ask why?” 

“It’s too quiet in my apartment. It’s just me and the loneliness sometimes becomes too much. Sometimes I go so many days alone that when I finally do see other people my voice doesn’t sound like my own and it hurts to talk. But I don’t even know anyone well enough to tell them about my life, my problems, or how I’m doing. And then by the time I get home and I finally lay down all of those thoughts become so loud in my head that sleep becomes impossible. And then I worry. I think about everything that bothers me. Every deadline, every irrational fear. It scares me so badly that sleep no longer becomes a possibility.” 

You’re utterly surprised by the word vomit that flies out of your mouth. You never expected that you would divulge all of your fears to an android that you just met. But Jin was good, he was amazing at comforting and as a result pulling out any information that he needed to comfort you better. 

“You’re not alone now though, are you?” 


“Then there’s nothing to be afraid of. You can close your eyes and I’ll be here the entire time. I’ll make sure that you’re safe and I’ll be here when you wake up.” He says, his voice softer now. “I’ll take care of you.” 

It felt like you had been adrift in the ever growing expanse of space. Like you had been dragged into the void without a single spot of starlight. It was terribly cold, dark, and lonely. It was terrifying. But now, it’s warm. Where you had once been adrift you were now anchored. And it wasn’t so lonely anymore. 

You could feel your eyes tiring, it was becoming harder to keep them open each time you blinked. This was unfamiliar and startling, but the gentle touch of your android soothed you. You weren’t alone, it was safe to sleep. 

“It’s okay, don’t fight it. I’ll look after you,” Jin whispered, his soft lips brushing over your forehead in a barely there kiss. 

And, as if he had given you permission, you allowed your eyes to fall shut and felt the soft lull of sleep pull you under. 


Androids were not meant to think. They were not created to care, but to serve. Unfortunately for him, he was made with the purpose to fulfill both of those things. To serve, and to care. But not to be human. 

That very idea itself was flawed. 

It was easy to follow protocol, to monitor your respiration, your heart rate, and your REM cycle. But it was harder to formulate a way to care for you. That required abstraction and abstraction is a very human thing. 

Jin, as you had called him although he had had many different names, knew that he was different from the other androids he had encountered. They lacked dimension, they were computers with bodies, and he was something else entirely. But he was a being still bound by code and design. It was difficult to put a label as to what he was. 

And with you, that label became even harder to define. He had a database full of information about human interaction and physical touch, yet his programming was stumped by you. You were unnecessarily kind, you didn’t call him “it,” and you didn’t demand anything of him. You were unlike the other patrons he had cared for before. You treated him like he was human and that was something he had never experienced before. 

It didn’t make sense, it wasn’t logical. 

He found himself staring at you now, your cheek flush with his chest and your hand curled into the fabric of his shirt like you were anchoring yourself to him - afraid that he would leave you as you dreamt. You were by no means perfect, he had never met someone who looked perfect when they were unconscious, but you were by all means adorable. If he were human, he could say that he liked you, that he enjoyed your presence. 

But he wasn’t human, and this was his purpose. Nothing more, nothing less. That was what his programming demanded. 

And even though he knew that to be true, even though he knew that you were asleep and no longer required comforting, there was something else inside him that drove him to subconsciously cup your face with one hand and gently stroke the skin there. 

He could blame it once again on his programming, afterall the boyfriend experience protocol was driving his shell of a body, but there was this thrum inside of him. This feeling like he was trapped behind a glass wall and on the verge of breaking through it and finally taking control of his body. 

It was wrong.

He was aware of the others that he was dangerously close to becoming like. Androids who were infected, ridden with a virus that corrupted their code and made them operate as if they were human. It made them think that they could feel. They were glitched, turncoats, deviants. And that was a sure fire way to be decommissioned and scrapped for parts. 

But it was okay, that wouldn’t be him. He didn’t want anything, he couldn’t feel. It wasn’t anxiety that scrambled his processor, it was overstimulation from too much input. And if he could keep convincing himself that that was the truth, then he could avoid being decommissioned. He could keep seeing you. 


You were still asleep, blissfully unaware of the android at your side whose “mind” was racing. You didn’t need him right now, he didn’t need to be on still. And so, in an effort to quiet himself, he entered sleep mode. 

This was the closest he would get to being human. This was the closest he would get to you. And from the outside, it certainly did look like two human lovers entwined, coming back to one another after a long day apart. 

He too could pretend. 


When you woke up he was still there, just like he had promised you. His warm touch was still there, cocooning you in a perfect embrace. He was awake, if that was what you could call it. There was a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked down at you, the still rising sun making his synthetic skin glow. 

“How did you sleep?” He spoke first. 

You blinked slowly, trying to shake the clinging threads of sleep from you before you could speak. And, as you fully woke up, you realized with a start that you had slept through the entire night. A task that had been so hard for so many years had been easily managed by him. 

“I’ve never slept better,” You admitted with a gentle smile of your own. 

“That’s good to hear, sweetheart,” He said, the new term of endearment sending warmth throughout your body, “Do you really have to go to work today?” 

Still in character, he was able to remind you of the impending end of your session. 

“You could stay, just for a little longer if you wanted to. We could have the rest of the morning to ourselves.” 

“I really wish I could, but I have to go.” 

A look of disappointment and sadness washed over his face and for a brief moment you could have sworn despair flickered over his features before an unsettling stoicness masked those simulated emotions. It was like his program was forcibly shut down. There was something upsetting about seeing him be filed away, about seeing Jin removed and the android returned. 

You readied yourself for the day in silence, your body tense as you worried over Jin. It was clear that he wasn’t there anymore. His programming had been terminated when you declined to lengthen your session. You couldn’t understand the instant connection you felt with him, you could only chalk it up to the lack of attention and affection you had felt in your life. The comfort he had brought you, the gentle touches, the soothing smiles and words, it all had messed with your mind and in turn, your heart. 

You lingered at the door of the room, his room. You couldn’t help but look back at him sadly. He was seated back where you had seen him for the first time the night before, on the ledge leading to the bottom split level. His back was facing you, you were unable to make out his expression but you were certain it was flat. Just a machine waiting for further instruction. 

You hesitated, then swallowed, “Jin?” 

He didn’t move. 

“Will you…will you remember this? Me? At all?” You asked. 

“Company policy dictates that the service androids memory banks be wiped within fifteen minutes of the end of the session in order to protect the privacy of the client.” He replied, his voice flat. 

Your heart fell into your stomach. 

You slowly approached him before sitting down beside him on his step. His gaze remained trained ahead of him, staring at a blank simulation screen.

“There isn’t a way that you can remember me?”


“Jin?” His chin slightly jerked this time, something so subtle it could have been a muscle twitch if he were human. 

“If the client were to make follow up sessions the data would be maintained and preserved. That of course comes with additional expenses.” 

You pursed your lips in thought, your brows drawn together in concentration. It was easy to make a decision based on your emotions. Selfishly, you wanted him to remember you. You didn’t want him to forget about you like he had countless others. You didn’t want to be like the others. 

You wanted to be special. 

There was also the fact that you knew just a taste of what he had to offer would never be enough. Now that you knew he could help you, could give you the affection you were starved of, you wanted to keep him. It was a sound investment, it was a necessity. You needed him. 

You let out a shaky breath and acted quickly before you could change your mind. You leaned forward and gently pressed a quick, shy kiss to his warm cheek. The android jerked in what could only be described as surprise before finally looking at you. The lenses of his eyes dilated and then shrunk in a fraction of a second. He was seeing you, really seeing you. 

You left quickly after that, far too flustered to look at his beautiful face any longer after what you had done. That, and you had several more sessions to book in advance. 

But, if you had lingered for a moment as the door swung shut you would have noticed the flash of emerald green that filled the room, the subtle chirp of wildlife, and the gentle thrum of thunder and light patter of rain. 

The screens displayed a forest you hadn’t chosen.


He remembered you. And while that was good, that was also part of the problem.

He hated having other clients. And while there weren’t too many, there were enough that it bothered him. He often found himself replaying his stored memories of his time spent with you when he should have been monitoring his clients. It was a dangerous thing to do, if he was found out his memory would definitely be wiped for interfering with his service. 

But the more time he spent with you, the harder it was to remind himself that he shouldn’t feel or think anything. He was parts, a computer, strings of ones and zeroes, he shouldn’t think or feel anything. 

He didn’t want to be decommissioned - he didn’t want to die. But he also didn’t want to let go of you. That was no longer an option. 

He knew you could see it too, you could see him slowly becoming human. And you did everything but discourage him. You asked him how his day was, what he did while he waited for you, what his favorite color was, what his favorite song was - questions no human had ever bothered to ask him before. And scarily enough he found he did have preferences which he shouldn’t have had in the first place. His favorite song was your favorite song, his favorite color was the color of your eyes, and all he ever thought about while he waited was you. 

He had never wanted anything before, he never had desire. But now, he truly desired you. What he would give to keep you there with him, or better yet to come home with you. Then he could have you all to himself and he wouldn’t have to tend to other clients. 

In the beginning, his program demanded that he treat you like his “girlfriend.” But at this point, he wasn’t sure where protocol began and his desires ended. 

Even now as his new client entered the room he replayed his memories of you, the simulation screen alive with the forest. He was remembering the last time he had seen you, just another one of your many visits. 

You had looked healthier than he had ever seen you. The tired, sickly look on your face had long ago disappeared and the slouch of your shoulders was replaced with confidence. He felt satisfied that he had done his job well, but he was far more satisfied with the knowledge that you were happier because of him. 

“Welcome home, did you have a good day?” He asked with genuine interest. 

“It was good enough, what about you?”

“It was good because I knew I would see you.” He said with a grin and a dramatic wink. 

“I just got here and you’re already starting with me.” You rolled your eyes, a display of just how comfortable you had become around him. 

“I can’t help it, you’re cute when you're flustered.” 

“Alright, I’m leaving,” You teased, turning dramatically and shrugging your jacket back on. 

The LED on his temple spun yellow, his hands trembled. His body moved without thinking and he quickly grabbed hold of your arm. You were startled, he could tell by your wide eyed, confused expression. 

“No, don’t go.” He begged, his voice sounded breathless and even frightened. 

You had spent many sessions with the android, and not once had you ever detected fear in his voice. You didn’t even think it was possible, what purpose would that have in his programming? 

Once more, you were reminded of just how human the android seemed. There was a nagging suspicion in the back of your mind, an article you had read, a news story you had heard in passing about androids like him. But you didn’t want to admit that there was anything wrong with him, not when he had helped you more than he could possibly know. 

“I’m not going anywhere, it’s okay.” 

That seemed to calm him down, his hold on your arm loosening but not leaving. If you didn’t know any better you would think that he looked self conscious, anxious even, like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to be. 

That night, you cared for him instead. 

There was a random moving playing in the background, the lights were dimmed, and the simulation screens were drawn shut. Your back was resting against the headboard of the bed while the android laid his head on your lap, his legs curled up and his arm wrapped around your thighs. Your fingers were mindlessly sifting through his hair, twirling the longer strands towards the bottom. His eyes had fluttered shut and his LED was thrumming a soft blue. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was asleep. 

Your heart shuddered as you stared at him, it wasn’t the first time that you had thought about how beautiful he was. He was everything you had ever wanted. He was funny, sweet, caring, and he made you feel as if you were perfect. You had never felt like that before. All your life you had been compared to the female modeled androids that were readily available. They were stunning, they always smiled, they were nurturing, and they always obeyed - they never disagreed. 

But you also realized that you were no better than the men you had been surrounded by. Because here you were, finding comfort in an android instead of a “real” man. At the end of the day, you were paying for company. Jin only remembered you because he had to, it was his purpose. You weren’t special, you wanted to be, but you weren’t. 

At that moment, you made a difficult decision. It was going to be your last night with Jin. You were human, he was an android. There was no future in that. You couldn’t keep coming back to him for the rest of your life, wasting away because you were a sad, lonely human who couldn’t find companionship with your own kind. If you didn’t end it soon then you never would. 

You could feel your eyes burning with unshed tears as you traced the gentle contours of his face. You hadn’t intended to lie to him but you were going to have to leave him. You need to learn how to live your own life. 

“Jin?” You whispered, your voice cracking from barely concealed emotion. 

He slowly opened his eyes as he rolled over on your lap to face you, his big brown eyes staring up at you.

“Can I kiss you?” 

The pump in his chest quickened, an occurrence which he could not explain. He had clients order him to do that before, if it comforted and helped them he was required to do it. But no one had ever asked him, he had always been ordered. 

His LED was spinning rapidly, the bright yellow hue flashing in the darkness. He was processing, thinking over everything quickly. Instead of saying anything, he propped himself up on his elbow and gently took hold of your jaw before leaning in and connecting your lips with his own. 

It was soft, warm, and sweet. Everything that you had expected it to be. But his gentle touches broke your heart, how were you supposed to leave when you had grown to care about him so much? It was hard to remember that he was a machine when his lips felt so gentle and warm, when his touch cooled your burning skin, and his strong hands pulled you into his lap. It felt like he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. 

But you knew better, it was his programming, he had to satisfy his client. That was why you refused to let it go any further and that was why you knew you wouldn’t be coming to your next session. 

You weren’t special. 

“Is this it then?” His current client huffed, stalling his memory as well as the swipe of his finger over his lower lip as he remembered your shy, hesitant kiss. 

His client had been huffing and puffing for the past fifteen minutes, tossing and turning on her side - your side - of the bed in an attempt to garner his attention. He was failing to serve his purpose. 

“Is something wrong?” He finally asked, giving her the attention she desired. 

“I’m bored and unsatisfied. I paid all of this money just to lay here while you do nothing.” She grunted. 

“Is there anything I can do to help improve your experience?” His programming took over. 

A sudden look overcame her features, one that he couldn’t decipher but also knew he shouldn’t like. She tossed the blankets aside and crawled over to him, slinging her leg over his and climbing into his lap. He tensed beneath her touch, confused as to what she was doing. 

“If I’m paying all of this money for you, I figure I should get my time well spent,” She explained, tugging at the buttons of his shirt. 

His LED spun yellow, he didn’t like this. He didn’t want this, this wasn’t what his purpose was. 

“My purpose is to help you sleep -” 

“Then help me by tiring me out. You’re telling me people pay just to sleep here? That’s a load of crap. You’re no better than the bots at the fucking Eden Club.” She sneered. 

The Eden Club, that was the “love hotel” in the seedier parts of the city. If she wanted that type of comfort she could have gone there. 

“My purpose is -” 

“Shut the fuck up!” She snapped, bringing her hand down across his face in one clean slap that snapped his head to the side. 

It didn’t hurt, he didn’t have pain sensors, but it was surprising. It was scary. 

“I’m sick and tired of your fucking mouth,” She hissed. 

And then she was wrapping her hand around his throat, squeezing hard and pinning him down. He didn’t need to breathe, it didn’t hurt even though her nails had sliced through his synthetic skin and blue blood was rolling down his throat. 

It didn’t hurt, he didn’t need to breathe, but he didn’t like it, he was scared.

He was scared. 

He wanted to fight back, he wanted to throw her off and run but he couldn’t. He was locked down, his programming reminding him of the number one rule: never harm a human. 

But his processor was scrambling. The room was green from the simulation screens, wild life chirped, she was tugging at his clothes, his blood was gliding down his neck, he couldn’t fucking move, and then there was you. 

You. He didn’t want anyone to touch him, except for you. 

It felt like he was throwing himself against solid glass - spider cracks slowly but surely spreading along its surface with each violent attack until it finally shattered and fell apart. And he could move. 

He ripped her hand off of his throat and threw her off the bed, her body colliding so harshly with the hardwood floors that she rolled and cried out in pain. 

His LED was a striking, vibrant red that pulsed in the dark. The fight for freedom was violent, and that was ensured when he grabbed hold of the lamp off of the night stand and connected it with her head over and over again until she couldn’t think or feel anything any more. Just like a machine. 

Her red blood pooled onto the floor, soaking into the wood and everything it touched. He could see it all over his white shirt - feel the stickiness of it all over his hands, forearms, and face. 

He was awake. 

But as he felt immense relief, he also felt frightened. He was feeling everything all at once - happiness, anger, disgust, and fear. He had violated his prime directive. In his first moments of freedom he had killed a human being. And while the feeling of her blood on his skin disgusted him and sent unpleasant chills through his wiring he couldn’t find it in himself to feel bad. She was disgusting. 

But he was panicking at the thought of his impending decommissioning. So he ran, he tore out of the building he had been in his entire life and took to the dark city streets. He already knew where he was going, he had pulled up your client profile from his data banks the minute he had stepped outside. He knew where you lived, had known this entire time, but now he was able to fulfill his wish. Finally, he would be the one coming home to you. 

He could see your window of your apartment, the light was still on. Of course it was, you couldn’t sleep without him - you needed him just as much as he needed you. You were meant for each other. You needed to be taken care of and it was his job to take care of you. Even with his freedom he could see that goal flashing in his visual pathways - “Comfort your partner.” 

He pounded on your door in rapid succession, not stopping until he heard your light footsteps approach and the door creaked open. You barely opened it a crack but that was enough for him to wedge his hand in between the door and its frame and force it open completely with his inhuman strength. 

You stumbled backwards with a shriek of fright, convinced that someone was breaking into your apartment only for you to be stumped by the sight of your android slamming the door shut behind him. 

“Jin? What are you doing here?” You managed to ask. To say you were surprised wasn’t even the beginning of it. 

“I’m home.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling with joy. 

“Oh - oh my god, what is that?!” You yelped, stepping away from him in fear as you finally caught sight of the blood all over his body. It was soaked into his shirt and pants, smeared over his hands and arms, and specks of it were sprayed over his face like gruesome freckles. 

You knew that didn’t belong to him, his own “blue blood” stuck out in vibrant streaks down his throat. 

“You’re scared,” He said, the smile falling from his face, “what’s wrong?” 

He took a few steps forward only for you to scramble backwards, sliding around your kitchen counter in an attempt to try and barricade yourself from him. He was painted with human blood, you didn’t want to find out how it had gotten there. 

He still didn’t understand. He hadn’t done anything wrong, well nothing wrong to you. Why were you shutting him out? He…he loved you, didn’t you love him? You had kissed him, you had comforted him. You had to love him too. 

When he got too close your eyes shifted to your bedroom door behind him and you foolishly decided to make a run for it. You didn’t make it far, the android was too fast. He easily wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back into his chest - holding you tightly as you whimpered and thrashed like a wild animal caught in a snare. 

“Comfort your partner” - his protocol still read. 

“Shhh, it’s okay,” He cooed, his voice soft beside your ear, “Just relax, everything is fine. I’m here, I love you.” 

His touch was leaving behind bloody handprints on your shirt and on your cheek as he cupped your face in an attempt to get you to look at him. Your body had finally fallen limp as you realized there was no fighting him. 

You had tried denying it for so long, but Jin was corrupted. He had a virus like those others you had heard about. And he was dangerous. He said that he loved you, he held you like he loved you, kissed you like he loved you, but he was a murderer. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had murdered for you. 

These were the consequences of falling in love with a machine. These were the consequences of an unnatural, artificial affection. 

“I’m home now, it’s okay, neither of us ever has to be alone ever again.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple and then your cheek. 

“Please, don’t hurt me.” You begged, a tear finally breaking free and cutting through the streak of red he had left behind on your face. 

“I would never hurt you, I want to take care of you. I want to love you.” 

He carefully scooped you up and carried you into your room, the place you had tried to escape to before was now a cage for you and your android. He climbed into your bed with you still in his grasp and proceeded to go through his usual routine of comforting you before bed. Although this time the sheets were stained red, his grip was a little too tight, and his LED was a rich red. Everything was red. 

In the most twisted way possible, you had gotten your wish. You were special. 

“It’s okay, don’t fight it. I’ll look after you,” Jin whispered, his familiar words taking on an entirely new meaning as you lost the tension in your body. Your arms that were locked out, pushing you away from him, collapsed and allowed him to pull you into his chest.

You could feel his nose pressed against your hair, his hands soothing over your back, his lips lightly pressed against your forehead. He was acting like nothing had changed, like the two of you had never left that place. Like you would be able to relax in his embrace.

Before, your room had been a part of your insomnia. Now, you were certain you would never be able to sleep again. 

Your world was almost nothing like it had been before.

Awake? | Jin X Reader

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11 months ago
My Obsessive Fan

my obsessive fan

╰┈➤ synopsis — Each story is a glimpse into what your life would entail if these seven were your obsessive fans.

╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x idol!reader

╰┈➤ word count — 3.6k

╰┈➤ content warning — murder, yandere behavior, stalker behavior, kidnapping, just the usual

ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; GUYS HOBI DOESN’T ACTUALLY KILL HIMSELF!! i realize it kinda seems like he did but don’t worry he’s alright just a lil traumatized :)

My Obsessive Fan

—Kim Seokjin

Jin considers himself unexplainably lucky

The universe has given him a chance that he’ll never be able to deserve

One day during his first semester of college he met someone special that little did he know would change the trajectory of his life forever

Seokjin made a friend and they grew fairly close as the years went on, until one day this friend came to him with a bittersweet conversation

She was switching to online school as her dreams of becoming an idol were finally answered

Jin supported her decision and waited patiently for her debut

An Autumn song caught his ear on the day of her debut and his eyes no longer followed her form

Instead, Jin became starstruck by the lively girl who made the stage her own

Since that day, Jin only sees his relationship with your member as insignificant

He only cares to engage with them when it involves you

Seokjin is a snake with his words and uses his charms to his advantage

He’ll manipulate and lie his way into getting new information about you

Although, sometimes it’s slightly suspicious when almost every time they hangout is when you’re tagging along

He really has just turned your co-worker into a tool at his disposal

At the most lowly point of his life, he even resorted to flirting with the foolish girl in order to sneak into your dorms

Granted, this repulsive act brought up serpents in his stomach and he had to restrain himself from the gags that tore up his throat

He wound up drowning himself in mouthwash to try and get rid of the rancid taste that never seemed to leave his lips (He was tempted to almost bury himself in bleach but resisted)

This traumatic event did have an upside though, as he was able to creep into the dark corners of your bedroom when his other companion was asleep

Unfortunately, you were not safely sleeping under his watch but just being able to stand in the place he frequently hallucinates about is enough for him

His consciousness moves into a dream-like state as he takes in everything that your fingers have touched

His heart flutters while silently sweeping his gigantic hands over your stuffies and sheets

He takes a seat on your bed and breathes in the reflection of your spirit

Shaking hands reach for the sweater tossed to the left of him

His lips quiver and he can’t hold back the sobs that force their way of him

His misty moon-eyes shine in the light that passes through your curtains

Blue bleeds from his curled up body and coats every surface of your previously vivid room

He despises the way his rotten emotions have blended into your walls

Nibble fingers then quickly gather any item that has sucked up his sorrow (At least that’s what he tells himself)

He’ll take these souvenirs of your sunshine and cherish them until that delightful day arrives when you eventually take their place

My Obsessive Fan

—Min Yoongi

He’s your producer and songwriter

Articles and fan sites have become fascinated and praise the poetic nature of your songs

Each line is drowning in lovesick emotion that carries the weight of the human soul

Each song is unique with a variety of tales telling love and sorrow combined with hateful rage and tortuous terror

Every lyrics he writes is a vow to love you

It’s not a surprise how romantic and illusionary his songs end up being, his heart always sings for you after all

Every time your songs win an award he feels as if his love is validated

And every time a songs fails to reach an achievement, he sobs for days on end, promising to do better

He will not let his words fall flat and be mistaken for empty oaths

His apartment is an archive, full of stacked books overflowing with the words of adoration that never stop their cascade

A graveyard of blue pens (your favourite colour of course) lies in the corner of his living room, each scripted soldier aiding to the thousands of verses written in your honour

Above the TV playing visions of you, are the hundreds of awards placed delicately upon his shelves

You’ll have to excuse his selfish desires but he couldn’t stop himself from taking them

Each award is a golden reassurance that his love for you is reality and the world is aware of it too

It’s even better that these trophies were once held lovingly in your hands

He used to trace the ghost of your fingertips along the lines of the figurine 

Although, once he realized his tainted touch smudged away your memory, he cut his fingertips off in a panic and laid them up on his wall where they've stayed still ever since

Drifting away from painful memory and onto thoughtful perceptions, in a competition between your siren singing and your sweet spoken call, your regular voice comes as a close second

Each sonnet you speak is that much more meaningful due to the fact that what you say are the words he wrote

An angelic tone constantly fills the silence of his apartment from dusk to dawn

It’s even more euphonious watching you perform in the studio

He can’t help his glossy eyes from floating to stare at your open lips

Whilst your silver voice is the constant background noise that fills his head, Yoongi finds time to record you speaking light-hearted chit chat during your recording sessions

When the time comes and Yoongi must make his way home, he walks slow in the studio but sprints on the sidewalk

His rush can be contributed to the fact that Yoongi is always inspired to work on some arrangements when provided with new material

He’ll cut and paste the pieces of his collection and create new paragraphs that he pretends you said to him

Yoongi sees your life as a duet

Neither complete without the other

He used to sing in silence but his voice is so insincere compared to yours

And he takes pride in the way your career and prosperity relies on him so much

You two are so trusting in one another yet a step to far away

It’s a pity Yoongi’s too accepting of his life with you to risk taking it a step further

My Obsessive Fan

—Jung Hoseok

In Hoseok’s realm of reality, you are both undoubtedly in love with one another

Yet your relationship is a secret, kept hidden away from prying eyes and stuffed into the back of his closet where cardboard cutouts and posters sleep

Hobi’s too shy and nervous for his undying love to be publicized, so he’ll just stick to supporting you from the sidelines

He has a YouTube channel where everything and anything is all about you

His favourite segment is unboxing the hundreds of albums he purchases for everyone of your comebacks

Before cutting open the wrapping he’ll wish and beg to see your face so much it’s almost satanic

When he pulls your photocard he almost faints in excitement but when his hands are dirtied by pulling the face of another one of your members he ends up trashing the card

Speaking of your photocards, his collection includes every single card that can be found

Binders upon binders are filled with your face and when he ends up doing a tour for his channel, the video ends up being over 30 hours long

Hoseok’s favourite hobby involves curling up in his bed and cradling your limited edition twin plushie in his crushing embrace

He nestles up to the faux sense of security, stroking the soft fabric and pretending it’s you

Soft yet erratic gasps tumble from his warm mouth

His head controls the ghosts of you that creates strawberry cheeks

A sensitive smile paints it’s way onto a caramel canvas

His body grows hot as his hopeless fantasies drive him into delusion

Swollen lips begging out to brush up against yours

His eyes hang heavy lidded with overblown pupils 

His previous crying mellows down as trembling whines grow needier

He daydreams about how you’d feel held up against him

A raw, rose-bud blooming between the both of your bodies

His heart trembles, overwhelmed by your hands tugging at his hair and dragging your peachy, plush mouth across his neck

Honey hot hands grip harder to the sheets beneath him

You make him so weak

Heat pools below his stomach, all strung up in pretty pleasure

Pressure building and body temp rising, Hoseok’s lost in a fool’s paradise

After every climax in utopia, Hobi is hit with the reality of his predicament

The rainy nights that follow look something like this…

Hoseok gets his head bashed in by a reality check

His brain is blown to bits, bleeding south along his bathroom tiles

Venom pulses through his veins as he wishes the world would lose it’s mania

Veracity is Hoseok’s enemy but it’s a good thing he’s hopeful

My Obsessive Fan

—Kim Namjoon

You make Namjoon so curious

His thirst grows stronger in need of consuming any knowledge slightly related to your existence

Namjoon knows you better than the gods who created you

He’s your worshipper who knows your wants and needs of the past, present and future

Namjoon always keeps updated about your schedules, personal plans, and tiny details which other fans have shared

He keeps a binder stocked full of information

The binding is bursting and pages threaten to flutter out of their place

He’s set aside every Wednesday and Friday to study your life and it’s interesting habits

Saturdays are for quizzes which he forces his roommates to participate in

He’s even started to live his life exactly like yours in order to feel closer to you

This includes him eating the same meals you do and visiting places you’ve been photographed at just minutes after its been posted

He’ll never miss out on purchasing all products you endorse or are seen using

He’s even tailored his style to match your own (He’s always been a fan of couples clothing)

And Namjoon, ever the worrier, is anxious that all your lives, messages, and posts are in danger of being corrupted and lost forever, so he downloads all your content into an archive for safe keeping

Namjoon is a worshipper, dedicating his devotion to your entirety

In a walnut wardrobe with a false backing is where your shrine meets his eyes in the early morning and late night

Of course it’s adorned with the finest and most expensive amenities

Jewelry, love notes scribbled onto loose-leaf paper, totems of the gods luck, and a single golden lock of your hair (Don’t ask him how he got it)

The centrepiece held in this sacred sanctuary is a painted portrait of yours truly

Namjoon’s never been much of an artist but it would be such a travesty not to document your desirable beauty

Every fine features flows into the next, blurred together with emotion and sentiment

He spend almost all the hours of his wake languishing away in an attempt to perfect every detail

He persisted in his laborious ways until every curve, divot, and colour matched that of your own

When a year has faded away and his mastery is finished, pearl droplets of ecstasy and varnish are used to seal it

His half of the shared flat he lives in resembles more of an art gallery and archive then an actually home

No part of Namjoons personality, hobbies, or are emotions are his own

All this mania and madness is for you

The generous god who was gracious enough to let him love you

My Obsessive Fan

—Park Jimin

Jimin is your #1 fan

He was there as you built your career from the bottom and has supported you in every way possible

Every album you produce winds up in his grasp and every song is played on repeat the minute of release

He’s watched every video you’ve ever featured in 100 times over

Posters of you are plastered over every inch of his room, some photos even spilling out into the hallway

Jimin’s favourite lullaby is the sound of your siren song that flows from his CD player every night

Your sugary, sweet voice slithers deep into his thoughts every moment of every day

You are the best things that has ever happened to him… but also the worse

Park Jimin is so fucking jealous

He’s always had trouble containing the fiery beast that lies unsettled in his stomach, yet lately it’s been getting bad

He sees the way you interact with your members and he doesn’t think they’re good for you

They hide your true potential under fake smiles that smear their scarlet lip gloss

He hates only being able to watch as ‘fans’ cover you in filth

His hatred has almost boiled over so many times that he had to stop going to fan-meets

Jimin would never lie to you but he can’t let you see him like this

Death would be a better fate than seeing the disgust that would splatter across your face at the sight of him in such a state

Crystal rain already begins to fall down his face at the mere inclination

The sour words you would spit at his feet and your hardened glare that would piece his chest

However, this doesn’t mean all that he’s done to show his love already is a lie 

He not interested in deceiving you, and the truth is that Jimin is so very sensitive

He’s caring and emotional, selfless when it comes to showing his worth

But sometimes Jimin feels that there’s two sides to him

A twisted twin that he’s so very tired of pushing down

Jimin is growing weak and he isn’t sure how much longer he’ll be able to contain the monster that’s ripping apart his rib cage

My Obsessive Fan

—Kim Taehyung

Taehyung is your eternal shadow

He follows you in the light of day and stalks you in the dark of night

Having Taehyung as your obsessive fan would be like an undying disease

His entire life revolves around you

You are his universe

The first time he caught a glimpse of your face he rushed home to etch the memory onto paper

A fire ignited in his lungs where the smoke billowed out into short, wispy breathes

By the time the next day rolls around he still sits hunched over his desk drawing doodles of you in his notebook

This nights insomnia foreshadows many more sleepless nights spent studying pictures of you

After many weeks his drawings became too lifeless and he yearns for a stolen look at your features once again

The months that follow involve Taehyung spiralling into a new insanity

He quit his job and left his apartment, all in search for a closer spot to you

Taehyung and you share the same silhouette

This is proven in the way he pursues your every move

His new expensive camera captures every moment his eyes fail to catch

The walls of his room are covered in pictures of you taken by his artistic eye

He loses himself in the dreams these candids encourage and traces the outlines of your image as daylight falls

So lost in his own mania he catches himself mumbling your name in place of his friends and mistakes strangers scent in similarity to yours

As time grows old, Taehyung becomes bolder, more infatuated and impatient

This masochist like to tease himself with your touch, stealing the skin he meets when his stalking becomes more akin to silent assault

He takes the risks that put your whole relationship in stake

His crimes double in number as his obsession becomes insatiable

His delusions morph into a place of real-life euphoria as clarity escapes his mind

Last night, right when the clock aged 11 in the absence of light, he stepped foot into your domain

He hasn’t been thinking straight lately, too blinded by his fantasies to consider the consequences

He crawls over to your bed where heaven lies in a slumbering state

He’ll let his throat tear itself to sheds speaking his heart-felt confessions to you

“I’m crazy about you.” Two kisses laid to bed on the crest of your chest

“You’re the center of my world.” Bed sheets rustle as he pulls himself closer

“I’m completely, and utterly devoted to you.” He melts into your unconscious embrace

When the sun wakes, he takes his time dragging himself off of you and out the door

Let’s see how far Kim Taehyung is willing to test his temptations before he destroys it all

My Obsessive Fan

—Jeon Jungkook

“You’re the one I’m dreaming of, in endless love, you’re my forever.”

Jungkook’s love for you is infinite, yet despite his honest intentions, the execution of his attachment can be quite clumsy

It seems that your love is so shocking that it electrocuted his mind

Your breathe so toxic that it ties him up in a tongue-twister, tripping over his words for the days to follow

Body so heavenly that his brain has melted into mush upon your first encounter

Jungkook first spotted you on a billboard in the city and he swore he could see the stars in your eyes

Since then he dove head-first into everything there was to know about you

He schedule practically matches yours too a tee

Although this was not without great struggle, after losing his job, blowing his rent money, and setting fire to his friendships, Jungkook has endured everything in order to be close to you

He makes sure to attend all your events, concerts, fan-meets, and all things in between

He’s the one who shouts your name the loudest, he gives you the biggest gifts, and he sends you the most love letters

Practically every one of your fans knows who he is at this point

Jeon Jungkook is a psycho fan who stalks you, is blacklisted from almost every venue (But that never stops him from finding a way in), and has had rumours of assaulting other fans who get in his way

His obvious obsession is also what leads him to check all articles, management posts, and your social media every night

This is was leads him to a harrowing discovery

“Unfortunately, popular k-pop idol L/N Y/N has fa-” He never finished the sentence before he threw up

Checking back on the article his concern became reality as news of you being injured broke his barely beating heart

The ice water drifting through his veins pours out of him in the form of desperate teardrops

Ear-shattering wailing disrupts his neighbours sleep and Jungkook's crying continues on for the rest of the night

The only solution to his misery comes to him in a disfigured dream

Jungkook makes his way to your apartment on an evening that borders on sunset

Fresh flowers are placed in front of your door accompanied with a hundred page note and a stinging smile

He hopes that this will cheer you up in your times of great distress

…His plans end up backfiring completely

The next night you go live and Jungkook waits athirst for the words you’re about to speak

“Please, please stop coming to my home. I can’t trust or appreciate anyone who so blatantly ignores my privacy and safety. If I have to beg you to stop stalking me then how can I even call you my fans?”

You think he doesn’t love you?

No, no, no, no, he loves you, oh god he loves you so much

Why can’t you see it?

Can you not tell just how much his heart screams out for its other half?

Do you not notice all the agony he has endured, and will continue to endure, in the name of your happiness?

This revelation brings on a fit of hysteria 

Fears squeezes the air out of his lungs as he hyperventilates on the living room floor

Wet words are yelled out between sobs and pleads for your love

His tears don’t stop flooding his eyes as he lies helplessly on the wooden floorboards that soak up the sadness

Hours border on days as he lays limpless

He doesn’t eat nor sleep yet only mumbles a hopeless mantra that he prays will reach your ears

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you-” 

Poor, pathetic Jungkook

All those days sitting in sorrow allow a dire idea to fester within his mind

Termites of idiocy tore apart his brain and spat out of the lovelorn remains

Perhaps this distance is what’s limiting your sight of his loving languish

He wants to be closer to you, craves it, no, needs it to survive in this confusing world that pins you two against each other

So all this thinking leads him to kidnap you from your dorm

He shushes your scream with the hand held over your mouth (one that also holds a wet rag submersed in chloroform)

When you wake you’re disoriented and full of confusion

You’re faced with an unfamiliar ceiling and dark shadows that spiral into your sight

The only strong force that keeps you connected to this world are the arms wound tight around your torso

The muffled man comforts your crying before you can notice his own

“Now I can finally show you how much I love you.”

© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved ‎

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2 years ago

ghoul. (m) (masterpost)


Japan launched a second branch of CCG in Korea, naming it KCCG for Korea Commission of Counter Ghoul. Your decision to join the force led you to reunite with your childhood friend, Park Jimin, at the Ghoul Investigator Training Academy.

After years of trainings and missions, you’ve accomplished a rank you never thought you’d be able to reach: Associate Investigator of Special Class, the last rank before the highest for ghoul investigator: Investigator of Special Class.

Now all you have to focus on is to achieve that highest rank and maybe aim to be in one of the higher-ups positions.

With the help (or not) of your friends which includes Jimin’s six other friends, your three bestfriends, and your two partners.


This series doesn’t have a solid story plot at the moment except for just this summary. Once a solid story plot has been established, I will update this.

if you want to know more about this au, you can refer to lexicon & profiles! any other questions you can refer to me

pairing : (eventual) yandere ot7 x reader

rating : M (rating differs for each chapter but overall recommended for mature audience)  

genre : tokyo ghoul au, soulmate au (i’ll add more later)

disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. descriptions of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.

warning : at each chapter

note : you can choose not to read the chapters in order, although it is recommended to read in order just in case a chapter correlate to another chapter. friendly reminder, the chapters below is not the main story of ghoul. i have yet to figure out the true plot for ghoul so I'm releasing these chapters instead until I finish cooking up the main plot!


masterlist | navigation


[main story] ; not available yet.

Ghoul. (m) (masterpost)

[alt story]

i. (folders) ; (1.4k+)

jimin x reader

ii. (training) ; (3.2k+)

jikook x reader (ft. yg & sj)

iii. (addition) ; (2.4k+)

yoongi x reader x jimin (ft. nj & jk)

iv. (intoxication) ; (6.3k+)

taehyung x reader

v. (intoxicated) ; (4.2k+)

taehyung x reader

vi. (consign) ; (5k+)

jin x reader x hoseok x jungkook (ft. pjm, myg)

vii. (sakura)

jungkook x reader

viii. (prodigies)

jungkook x reader x namjoon

x. (new)

namjoon x reader

Ghoul. (m) (masterpost)

[special story]

i. (rhapsodies) ; 4.2k+ (christmas special)

ot7 x reader

more to come.


All rights reserved © 2022-2023 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission. Feedback is always appreciated! It keeps me motivated and helps me improve myself. Send me an ask !!


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4 years ago

@bloodsexanddreams please consider making this a series🥺 i would really love to read it😔❤️❤️❤️

You All Belong To Me

A/N: Hey hey y’all! This is a really quick drabble-ish thing I kinda threw together once the inspiration struck. If y’all like it (and I can find the energy -_-) it may become something more, who knows. It’s meant to be read with either of the boys in mind but I personally imagined Jungkook. Anyway, enjoy!

Word count: 455

Triggers/Warnings: Mentions of infidelity, yandere themes, possessive behavior

Requested: Nah

“You can’t keep doing this Y/N!”

It’s the third time this week he’s trailed you home, following you up to the door before proceeding to attempt to enter the house behind you. It’s the third time this week you’ve ignored and avoided him the entire time, instead silently rolling your eyes and quickening your step. It’s so tempting to turn around and put him in his place, but you know that’s ultimately what he wants. A reaction.

“I want to see my sons!”

The third time truly is the charm it would seem, as this time he manages to catch up to you, grabbing you by the arm roughly and spinning you around to face him. 

He’s as handsome as he always was, of that there’s no denying, except now his inherent beauty is marred by an ugly scowl and the stench of desperation and frustration radiating off him. 

“Get off me,” you speak lowly but firmly, shirking your arm away from him angrily. Taking a few steps back, you turn and begin making your way towards the door once more. 

Once again he catches you by the arm, instead pushing you up against your front door. Arms caging you in, he leans close, close enough until you can feel his warm breath fanning across your face.

“Let me see them.” His tone is dark, eyes even darker. He’s dressed sharply, as usual, Brioni suit crisp and well-fitting.

“No. You don’t deserve them. You don’t deserve any of us.” 

“I-…,” he stops himself before going further, hands coming up before slamming down on either side of your head, almost as a reflex. 

“I know, I made a mistake. But I don’t understand why you can’t just give me another chance-”

“You ran off. With my sister. MY. SISTER. There is no “second chance” after something like that.”

Your ex is quiet after that, jaw clenched unpleasantly. He leans back some, eyes looking everywhere but at you.

“Please Y/N…I just need another chance.”

Both of you are quiet momentarily, before you quickly turn on your heel and enter your house, locking him out.

He immediately begins beating on the door, shouting obscenities amid other unintelligible things.

Throwing down your bag, you sink to the floor with a sigh, eyes cloudy with tears. Bringing your knees up to your chest, you wait until he finally calms down to listen.

You can just barely hear him through the door, but his words send a chill so sharply down your spine it’s almost as if he yelled them right in your ear.

“You’ll regret this Y/N. You belong to me. You all belong to me. And no matter what, I won’t ever let you go.”

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4 years ago

__Royal Scandal


original request by anon -  request yandere bts scenario that they are royal princes in love with the castle maid. Thank you in advance.

pairing [ prince/king member x maid/peasant reader ]

warning/s, mentions of [ non con/dub con themes, force feeding, forced  exhibitionism, pregnancy, humiliation, blood, death, murder, slapping, demeaning names, degrading social status, infidelity, oral (f. receiving),sub jimin, deepthroating ]

genre [ yandere, smut, angst ]

The following contains heavy yandere themes.please proceed with caution and consent!

14.02.21 - [ This is the only valentine’s gift I can give you angels this year ]

Thank you for stopping by to read leave your feedback, if you enjoyed this!


_Kim Seokjin


“Tastes good?” with unconscious tears running down your cheek you nodded and stared into his onyx orbs as you tried to savor the rich taste of the soup he refused to touch a few hours ago, he pushed his fingers deeper to make you gag louder around it.he smirked at your agony and leant towards your perspiring neck to lick a huge stripe of it, making you wince.he pulled his fingers out and dragged the wet digits down to rest between your clothed breasts.

With a palpitating heart you waited for the mercy that was far away from your control.he chuckled and moved his lips towards the tears that were caressing your cheeks, “why are you crying? isn’t this what you dream of? to eat something good for once?” you sobbed harder at the brief mention of your mistake.your eyes trained down to the fine leather of his boots before being forced to look back at his alluring orbs once again when he squeezed your cheeks and slammed you against the wall behind you.

“You stole my food as a lowlife bitch, do you know how I can punish you for that?” you screw your eyes shut and hoped for someone to walk in, even if you were going to be blamed for being close to the king himself let it be, all you wanted to do was get out of his grip even when it did send tingles down your spine.he squeezed your cheeks harder together to leave a temporary mark as the other hand moved among his scattered food to pluck a grape out of it’s bundle.

He separated your cheeks for a bare second to push the fruit in with ease.he didn’t bother caring about you chewing or swallowing it as a whole when he forced your parted lips to close.”but I will do nothing my love” he didn’t allow you any time to react to the adored name he chose for you since he was stealing your concentration away by moving close once again to hover his plump lips over your quivering pairs this time as he whispered a deathly favor, one you cannot deny nor accept.

“I will feed you instead, until you plead your king to stop”

_Min Yoongi


The harsh slap to your tear stricken cheek had you facing your lover’s distorted face with a pained smile.a loud sob escaped his busted lips but you only dropped your fractured arm from the ripped mattress in futile attempts to reach to him for one last time but like your guts had warned your hand was yanked back and pinned next to your bleeding scalp.

“Fucking in my castle?” the king’s voice was just as deep and ruthless as his thrusts.he glanced up from your bulging tummy to the alluring orbs he ached for.even with your body shaking, the tears flowing with no break and your entire being bleeding you still had a smile painted on for your lover.

A proud smirk made its way to his lips when he gripped on your discoloring jaw to make your stoic eyes to meet his gleaming ones.”moan for me” you heard him clear through his grunts yet you only stared back at him void of emotions he dropped his smirk but brought it back as a strangled one and continued to fuck you deep enough for you to feel the hate in your guts.”act like you are desperate for me” his command had your lover sobbing harder, the ministers lowering their heads deeper and you to grow numb in pain and humiliation.

“D-don’t do it” even if your lover had said otherwise you wouldn’t have heeded to the king’s command.yoongi scowled at your dying sweetheart for a bare moment to spit on one of his open wounds.he held his gaze and moved the monogram silk of his robe to give the passing man a glimpse of the body and holes he once worshiped be ruined for the last time.

“You won’t meet your desired death unless you give in”

_Jung Hoseok


You weren’t ashamed of the moans your dear king was pushing out of you.a  moan escapes as his length hits all the right spots.even in your delirium you couldn’t help but let your eyes linger towards the bound and whimpering queen in the corner of the room.

Your smirk was evident as you looked into her eyes when your legs wrapped itself around his waist to pull him closer to make him grunt in your ear, “o-oh darling you feel like everything I have ever wanted” hearing such loving words fall out of her husband’s mouth for a woman who shouldn’t have stood a chance with him made her ache in agony.

A whine of surprise escapes when his careful thrusts turn into relentless and powerful ones.he drops his hand that previously held your waist to your enlarged clit , a shuddered breath leaves you and you completely disregard the queen shouting for help after spitting her gag out, “s-shit, your going to look prettier when I’m done-fuck!”

His low growls cover your moans when you felt your walls being coated white but it didn’t seem like he was going to let his pounds stutter as he only used his release as a chance to slip deeper in you.he was ruining the velvet he laid you in but that was the last of his concern, “y-you slut, you have no idea what I’m going to do to you” the queen’s words failed to go through you as hoseok only threw your legs over his shoulder to push all of himself in you.

“She’s dying first thing in the morning, you will take her place from there my love”

_Kim Namjoon


For you, the words that were imprinted on the paper was genuine love from the king, each word bleeding from his own heart, not a verbatim of the royal poet’s stolen sonnet.the king’s emerald and gold clad fingers ran through your back softly to rip the rags you were clothed in away.his plump lips made sure to move along each bit of your exposed skin, “all for you” he whispered when he saw your eyes skimming through the unfamiliar words.

“So you could be my one” you couldn’t help but smile wide as you let him strip you.he let his lips linger against your bare shoulder blades his nose indulged in the warm smell of daisies that emitted from your hair.he hummed and rested his lips in your hair as he brought the hand that was holding onto your waist sluggishly to trace the lines of your collarbone.

Your dress being completely ripped off echoed through the library but you only softly gasped to yourself at the abrupt action, “do you want to rule the country with me?”he took your excited gasp as a permit to run his calloused hands over your unmarred skin.he earned an almost inaudible whimper from you when he started to suck on your skin with no notice.but you wanted to give the man everything so you shifted from his lap and held onto his thighs as you dropped down on your knees.

He laughed a short lived, unbelievable laugh as he watched you struggle alone with his trousers, his scabbard and cock, evident that this was the first ever time you would be taking someone down your throat.he was taken aback when you wrapped your inexperienced mouth around his length and ran your tongue over the protruding veins in desperate attempts to satisfy your king even when his promises were white.

“You only belong here, on your knees, all for me”

Keep reading

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3 years ago

Other Lovers

Other Lovers

— They were the better form of your lovers, they were your other lovers, and they’d make sure they were your only lovers.

— coraline!au, yandere!au, alternate universe, asshole ot7, sweetheart other ot7, doubles

— word count: 3.3K

— ❁ —

Loving the biggest boy band in the world was not easy at all. Long nights and even longer days were spent alone, without them. You could never be seen with them, never be near them in public. And with all the fan service they did, you barely got to see them at home. This was a large problem in your current failing relationship, and they knew it too.

So what was their solution? Move-in together. They found a (very expensive) lovely cottage out near the edge of a forest, and they had bought it immediately. It had a large garden, aka a field before the forest where you could garden your little heart away. And there were plenty of extra rooms that could be turned into offices, studios. But did this home you all shared together help? Not even a little.

It wasn’t the most traditional of houses, the outside being bubblegum pink and the insides also reflecting the color, but with some time you were able to renovate it how you like. Though Jin wanted to keep the outside pink, for the name of the house was the ‘Pink Palace’ dubbed by ARMYs when it was leaked where they lived. The old cottage was charming, however, and you soon grew to love living there, even if it felt like you were living alone.

Days were spent, out in the garden, or renovating rooms in the house. The smell of paint, as horrible as it was, was relaxing. You got to do what you wished and were even able to pick out a lovely room with large floor-to-ceiling windows as your art studio. Taehyung had come to help you set it up, but he didn’t get to stay long, they never did.

Many days passed by, painting wall after wall, the boys letting you buy new furniture, turning the house into a home. Now if only it could be a home you shared with your lovers. But instead of growing closer, you all simply continued to grow apart, now fueled by small petty complaints from living together. Small arguments that distanced you all, then the fan service, that separated you more. All until you were just roommates with your lovers. Or possibly former lovers.

You were clearing away the old wallpaper on the three walls that weren’t windows in your studio, coughing from the dust that came off it. Taehyung, who was able to be with you today, laughed as you coughed and coughed, you shooting him a glare.

“God, this wallpaper is old. When did the realtor say the last person lived here?” You asked.

“About 40 years ago, I think. The Jones’ were their name, I’m pretty sure.” He responded, still chuckling at your coughing form. Until he cut off suddenly, grabbing your attention with an excited shout.

Under the god-awful old rose wallpaper that looked like it belonged in your grandma's house, was a small door, the size of a broom cupboard. Taehyung hurried over, an excited look on his face, “This is perfect!”

You walk over as well, shooting him a skeptic look. “What?”

“It can be used as a storage closet, for all the paints and stuff! I wonder if there’s anything in it.”

But when Taehyung tried to open the door, the handle stayed locked. The closet wouldn’t budge, even when he tried picking the lock, or using a card, and no pushing made it budge.

“Strange. Maybe the realtor has the key. Can you call her and ask?” You ask Taehhyung when the door wouldn’t budge.

He only hums before pulling out his phone and facetime her. She picks up after the second ring, an image of her in her office appearing.

“Hi, Coraline!” You greet the sweet lady. “How are you?”

“I’m good dear, how are you and the boys doing?” The blue-haired lady asked back.

“We’re doing well! We, um, noticed that there’s a broom cupboard in one of the rooms, under the wallpaper.” You said, the lady’s face changing for a split second in what looked like fear.

“Oh, is that so.”

“Yes, and we were wondering where the key for it was? If there is a key.”

Coraline’s face dropped, and a haunting look fell over her, before she seemingly snapped out of it and smiled at the two of you. “Oh no, you must be mistaken, the only door that has a lock in that house are the bathrooms and master bedroom. But there might be a key hidden in the pile of house keys I gave you, you can try those. I’ve actually got to go, I have a client soon. Call me later, TaTa!”

Before either you or Taehyung could say anything, the call disconnects, leaving the room swathed in silence.

“Odd.” Taehyung says, a chuckle leaving his lips after. “Maybe it’s haunted.”

A giggle fell from your lips at his suggestion, and another followed. And another and another, until the two of you were simply hunched over laughing at the ridiculous idea.

But the funny moment didn’t last long, Namjoons voice echoing through the house as he called for Taehyung. You follow the said man as he leaves the room, rushing after him as he runs through the house to his six other waiting lovers. They all held full duffle bags, and were dressed in very comfy clothes.

“Where are you guys going?” You asked, leaning against the doorframe and eyeing their bags.

“We have a performance in New York, didn’t we tell you? I could’ve sworn I told you yesterday.” Namjoon said.

“You were at practice all day yesterday, and I was unpacking. You never told me.” You clarify, sadness growing at how distant everything was.

“Well, that's not our fault! We were all so busy we must’ve forgotten.” Hoseok says, trying to brighten up the mood.

“You guys forget a lot of things lately.” You mutter, slightly vexed at them.

“That’s not fair.” Yoongi said, moving forward. “We’re trying but our job is hard, cut us some slack. It’s not like you’re trying anymore.”

You glance at him at that, hurt crossing your face. “Have fun in New York, I’ve got to finish unpacking.” You say and simply turn around and walk away, you didn’t feel like getting into another fight right now.

“Bye! Love you!” Jin called out from behind you, but none of the other boys said anything, the slam of the front door letting you know they left.

You went into the kitchen, getting a glass of water to cool yourself down. Your eyes drift over to the drawer that holds all the copies of the house keys, as well as the keys for some other rooms, and you head towards it, curious. You open the drawer and start filtering through the keys, trying to find one that seemed older, and unfamiliar. Soon you hit the bottom of the drawer, getting no luck in finding the key. Shrugging it off, you leave to finish peeling the wallpaper off.

— ❁ —

It was your first night at the new house. The new house you had bought with your boyfriends. Yet as you fell into bed after getting changed, you fell in alone. It was the first night, of what you assumed to be many more, that you spent alone, without your lovers. The sinking feeling in your heart felt heavy, loneliness weighing it down deeper and deeper.

A ping on your phone caught your attention, a message from one of your best friends appearing.

Other Lovers
Other Lovers

Your heart, naturally, fell deep into the pit of your stomach. You trusted your boyfriends, with your life if you had to. But this gross feeling of disgust was crawling it’s way in you, disgust at the idea of being involved in this situation.

You immediately start calling the boys, but none of them answered, sending your mind reeling. While you laid in bed disgust enveloped you, feeling gross in your own body at the thought. You kept thinking how, they wouldn’t do that to you, even if everything was going bad they wouldn’t do that to you.

But you knew they would. And that completely shifted your reality when you came to that realization.

You knew the girl, she was a new lyricist that worked at Bighit, she had worked on their new song. You had felt uncomfortable with her, yet they had reassured you. Everything was fine, they said. Did you not trust them, they kept asking. Never acknowledging your feelings.

You knew this was true, and that completely tore your heart into a million pieces, and you knew they couldn’t be sewn back together.

You laid awake that night, tossing and turning, feeling disgust coursing through you at every movement. What was worse, wasn’t the infidelity, it was how you felt disgust at yourself.

The ringing of your phone got your attention, finally bringing you out of the bed you shared with men who weren’t loyal to you. Grabbing your phone you see that it is Jungkook calling, and a small pot of anger forms in you.

“Hey babe, you called?”

“Yeah, umm, you guys are kind of trending on twitter and I wanted to check on you guys.”

“Oh we know. It’s just some silly rumor don’t worry.”

“It’s just a rumor though, right? It’s not true?”

“Don't you trust us baby? You know we wouldn’t do that.”

You hesitated for a moment before humming in false assent. “Well, alright. I need to go now, it’s time for me to sleep.”

“Alright love, sleep well.”

But no amount of wishing could get you to sleep. The bed felt hot, uncomfortable. It was meant to be the bed you shared with your lovers, but they were away giving that love to someone else. How could you sleep soundly as that happened?

Getting up, you slip your feet into your soft slippers, walking towards the kitchen to get some water. The house is eerie in the night, the normally inviting indoors seeming more barren and empty. The darkness seemed to stretch off into forever, but you knew the walls enclosing it in. Everything was echoing, the furniture not yet put out to be a barrier for noise.

Walking into the kitchen, you go to flick the lights on. But as you flipped the switch, you stayed swathed in darkness, the lights flickering for a moment before it shattered, glass flying down into the floor.

“Shit!” You curse, startled by the noise and actions. “Just great, fucking amazing.”

You continued muttering under your breath as you reached across the room to the cupboard that held the broom and pan, sweeping all the broken glass up.

“Just my fucking luck.” You mutter, annoyed at how the night was going.

While tossing the broken glass into the bin, your eyes drifted to the drawer that held all the keys again,wondering again if the key for that strange door was in there. You rush over, despite already checking that morning, and hastily open the drawer. As though it was waiting for you, an ornate black key laid on the top of the pile, connected by string to one button. You reach for it, curious at seeing it for the first time. Grabbing the key, you walk towards the art studio you were creating, as though being pushed by an invisible force.

The key slides in beautifully, sinking in quickly and turning like a charm, opening the door. You yank the door open, your curiosity getting the better of you, and are welcome to the sight of a blue satin tunnel, confusing you more. Was there some hidden room in the house? The realtor never mentioned that.

As you go to step in, you step on a plush toy. You look down and pick up a rag doll, it’s button eyes staring up at you as you hold it. It’s slightly odd, the way it resembles you, from everything aside from the eyes. It was wearing the sweater you wore on the day you closed on the house, with jeans and boots, the same that you wore.

The doll was cute though, in a sweet reminiscent way, so you held onto it as you ventured deeper into the satin tunnel. It seemed to stretch out forever, making you wonder how such a space was hidden in the architecture .

Soon, you came to an opening in the tunnel, stretching through the blue fabric to fall through into the floor of an identical kitchen to yours. No, it was your kitchen, just mirrored. You recognized the decorative plates you made with Taehyung in the beginning of your relationship, put out for display the way you had positioned it. But that wasn’t what startled you. Not even the whole separate room was what startled you.

What startled you, was the man cooking at the stove, the man who looked exactly like Jin. His hair wasn’t dyed the bleach blonde your boyfriends was though, it was dyed a midnight black. A scream tore from your lips as you backed up into the now closed door that led you in there. The man who looked like Jin looked up and screamed as well, backing up away from you as well before breaking into the classic laughter of your lover.

“Don’t scare me like that baby! I thought you got hurt!” He laughed out.

“What happened?! I heard screaming!” A man who looked like Hoseok rushed in, his orange hair flapping as he glanced around frantically. His dark eyes landed on you and he rushed over, checking over your body meticulously. “Are you hurt?! I thought I told you all to keep her out of the kitchen. She could get hurt!”

“I-I’m not hurt. Who are you all? What’s going on?” You stuttered out, breaking away from the Hoseok look-alike’s grip, dodging his attempts to keep you in his arms.

“Oh! We’re your boyfriends dear!” A Namjoon look-alike came into the kitchen, smiling at your bewildered form. “Well, your other lovers, technically. But we’re the better version than those assholes. We’re much better and love you much more.”

“What?” You gasped out. “Are you some, sick-obsessed fan? How do you look like my boyfriends? What the fuck?!”

“Ah, Ah, princess, you shouldn’t use such horrid language like that.” A Yoongi look-alike walked in, tutting softly at you.

“I’m Jin, baby! But the better version! And dinner is done so why don’t you go sit down with the other boys?”

“Oh, dinners done?! Lemme taste!” Other Namjoon leans forward, reaching for the pot for a taste, but only getting his hand slapped by Other Jin.

“No. Go sit down like a normal person, Namjoon.” Jin scolds Namjoons pouting form, smiling at you after like this was a normal daily thing.

Namjoon quickly breaks out of his pout, reaching to grab your hand and pull you towards the dining room. “Let’s go, I'm starving.”

While he’s pulling you, you look down to see a single button bracelet hanging off his wrist by a thick, threadlike rope. Glancing at the other boys you notice the same bracelet hanging on their arms, all carrying a single onyx button.

“What are those bracelets?” You question, making everyone pause for half a second before Other Yoongi smiled at you.

“Oh, they’re just some couple bracelets Taehyung made for us. You’ll get one too when you decide to stay.”

Other Namjoon shoots Other Yoongi a harsh look when he said that, but quickly shoots you a smile when you look at him.

“If I decide to stay?” You question as Jin pulls a chair out for you to sit in.

“Well, you’re gonna stay of course!” Other Jimin spoke as he walked in. “Why would you want to go back to the other world, to the other us?”

He had a point, why would you want to go back to cheaters, who could never for the life of them try for a healthy relationship with you.

“Isn‘t it a problem if I stay?” You ask.

“Why would it be a problem, my love? You're our girlfriend.” Taehyung walked into the dining room, his jeans stained with paint.

“Jin Hyung! Do you want me to bring the dessert in?” Other Jungkook’s voice shouted from the kitchen.

“What?! No! Let’s at least eat dinner first!”

“But this cake looks so good!”


A pouting form of Other Jungkook walked into the dining room, causing you to let out a laugh at him. His face brightened immediately, him running forward to envelop you in a warm hug.

“Oh, you’re here! Finally! What took you so long?!” He shot at you, hugging you tightly to his chest.

“I didn’t know you were waiting for me.” You answered back, getting shocked at the intense stares directed at you when you said that.

“Darling,” Jimin started, his voice smooth like honey. “We’d always wait for you.”

You maintained eye contact with him, slowly being more and more entranced in his deep gaze.

“Let’s eat!” Jin shouted, breaking the moment with a flash of jealousy.

You sit down at the table, gazing at the odd machine that sat on the table, many dishes piled on it.

“What’s that?” You ask.

“Oh, that'll serve us our food, of course,” Jin says matter of factly, as though it was obvious. “So, let’s eat!”

You all sit at the table, the machines whirring to life and serving you all some food. As you eat a wine bottle appears in front of you, the machine asking if you wanted any. You hesitantly accepted, feeling slightly odd at how everyone stared at you.

It truly was strange, how they all watched as you dipped the dark red liquid, the drink seeming thicker than normal. You went to put the glass down after your sip but Jin raised his glass and clinked it with yours in a cheer. You brought the glass to your lips again to take another sip.

Throughout the entirety of dinner, whenever you took a sip of your wine the boys would all stare at you and then smile, all in sync. A buzz set into your head after a few sips, strange given that you were usually very good with your alcohol. The dizziness in your head grew, all until you felt like you were about to keel over.

“Darling, are you feeling alright? You seem kind of pale.” Hoseok asked in concern, leaning towards you.

“Yeah I..” You trailed off, dizziness. hitting you again.

“You..what? Love, do you want to go lay down?” Namjoon asked in concern as you stood up, your body shaking.

You nodded frantically, Hoseok and Jin standing up to help you up to your room. But before you could even move a step, your eyes shut and you collapsed, your head slightly hitting the table.

“Jin hyung! How much did you put in her drink?!” Hoseok shouted in panic, rushing over to your unconscious body.

“...I’m guessing too much.” Jin answered.

“Jin Hyung?!!” Hoseok yelled in shock.

“Ok, stop yelling and get the bracelet!” Namjoon finally shouted, annoyed by the two‘s bickering.

“I’m sure if we asked her nicely if she'd stay, why’d we have to do all this?” Jimin asked, feeling guilty for tricking you.

“I don’t want to risk her going back to them.” Namjoon said. “She deserves better and she’ll get better, here. With us. We may be the Other version of her lovers, but you know we’re the better version. She’ll be much happier here.”

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3 years ago

Some Extra Help (M)

First smut of the series! Certainly not the last lmao! I hope you guys like it! Their soft yandere rlly shows here and I’m excited to expand on that dynamic with such an isolated MC who is so oblivious. As always, please do not aspire for unhealthy relationships that I write irl. These relationships only function (and even barely sometimes) in a fictional world. Stay safe and enjoy!

Some Extra Help (M)

Pairing: Soft Yandere!Yoongi and Jin x Chubby!Reader

Word count: 2.9k

Warnings: 18+, vibrator gets stuck, cunnilingus, fingering, soft dom! jin and yoongi, sub, kinda brat! reader, crying, some name-calling, daddy kink, sir kink, hickeys, dumbification if you squint, yandere themes, beginnings of an unhealthy relationship, toxic mindset, possessive tendencies

Part of The Household’s Bunny Series 

Keep reading

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4 years ago

I might have messed around and made a multi-talented club (another club) heheh but this is before they fall for that certain someone.

I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They
I Might Have Messed Around And Made A Multi-talented Club (another Club) Heheh But This Is Before They

This is my first time doing this so bear with me here I will try my best to follow up with profiles, and their aesthetic.

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4 years ago
Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Credits: Goes to these amazing talent authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama and @cupsofsuga keep up the good work! I love y’all and I’m praying for you all! 🥺💐😘😘


Author’s note/Warning: This is just a fictional bit of writing I'm doing just for fun and will never be real and does not appeal to the members in real life. If you do not want to read or it feels triggering and makes you look in abhorrence then skip this because this is a slow burn yandere AU and that contains ghastly that can turn a blood-thirsty battle.


Welcome to the multi-talented club where you can take stress away and be yourself. This is a club where you have to go all the way and express yourself towards other people, even in small groups. In order to become a member you have to talk with the leader, and co-leader of the group to organize a plan for you to achieve your dreams. Even the Honor Society is included in this so you have to be exceeding in all of your classes to join.



Kim Namjoon: Co-leader

Kim Seokjin: Security

Min Yoongi: Financial Manager

Jung Hoseok: Manager

Park Jimin: Mission Planner

Kim Taehyung: Secretary

Jeon Jungkook: Even Planner

Y/L/N Y/N: Leader


Kim Seokjin:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

The eldest classy guy besides Kim Taehyung. He is the first lover of the group, and he loves his boys to death. Not even death can part them because they will “respawn with more love” as he thought. He usually cooks for his babies and makes his dad jokes, but don’t let that fool you, he is the most scariest when angry.

He just met Y/N after Jungkook made the decision of making them leader without their consent. They seem too bimboish and preppy; bopping around with hope to change the world, SeokJin pitied the young grasshopper. He

“Y/N, don’t you think that’s too excessive? What, you think I care? Go ahead and go overboard so Namjoon can be leader.”

Kim Namjoon:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

He is known to be very smart yet clumsy but only for a few close people. Namjoon has always carried himself as the well put together leader. He can and will call people to cover him when he explodes; ripping into people he is displeased with. He has to go to the gym when his other side has awoken with wroth, and it helps him keep his emotions at ease. Being the leader of his group can get exhausting but it has rewards, like six young men willing to help him and guide him.

He met Y/N as the same time as the rest did. He noticed that Jungkook seemed smitten over the young dove. He does admit that their vibe attracted him like a light to a moth. He doesn’t really trust them yet but finds himself trying to fight his desire to protect this dove.

“No! What are you doing?! *sighs* Y/N- You should have told me that you needed help.”

Min Yoongi:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Min Yoongi was never the type to engage in social activities. He would stutter and try to be polite but he came off as weak and unconfident. Yoongi was not much at first glance but once you know of how intense he can be; he will never let you go. The only reasons he is alive are music and his boys, yet he still feels something is wrong.

When he first met Y/N his heart felt at peace but he still wanted to observe where they go what they do and what motivates them to the point where he confronted the boys about his mind. Namjoon suggested that Yoongi might also be attached to Y/N and it’s tearing the group apart like it never has before.

“What are you doing to me, Y/N? Why do I feel like you need me- wait us.. YOU NEED US!”

Jung Hoseok:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

The first thing you think about when you look at Hoseok is “Sunshine, Sunflowers, everything happiness and rainbows right? Yeah scratch that he is domineering when he needs to be, and that alone scares everyone away from the group that call themselves “BTS.” He could’ve been a leader but that Y/N had to steal Jungkook’s heart.

When he first saw Y/N was when they were attending Jungkook. He is the only one that knows of the inseparable bond Jungkook has with Y/N and it makes him feel like the him and the rest are not enough. It makes him hate Y/N so much but he keeps that on the inside. Y/N has that personality that he desires and craves for. No matter how atrocious a person is Y/N always proofs themselves as humble and civil yet very savey. 

“Beware of the things you say Hoseok, don’t do this to Jungkook or he will leave all of us. They test my patience, and my heart. I don’t know why I feel the need to cuddle them either... what are you doing to me Y/N?!”

Park Jimin:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Jimin is very sentimental but deadly when someone comes in between HIS boys. At first it was just him and Taehyung then he met all five of the boys and fell in love. Before he had Taehyung he was abused by his parents then a woman came by Jimin’s parent’s house and the woman took him away. Yes, you guessed it; Taehyung’s mother had her eyes on the situation. Jimin got what he wanted, love so he became more sensitive and humble because if it was for Taehyung’s mother he wouldn’t be here today.

He met Y/N when he was lost around the mall, and they took him towards his destination, which was a café in the mall. He thanked them then walked into the café to wait for HIS bois. He can be possessive due to the fact that they are his only friends, he isn’t as social as Taehyung is. He also was bullied and Taehyung “handled” them and Jimin never questioned him because he loves him. Now with Y/N being the leader he kinda thanks them for being there for him when he needed it.

“You guys I think Y/N needs some cuddles, they work so hard. I know they know their boundaries but I’m starting to get attached to them! I do not like this one bit!”

Kim Taehyung:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Ahh This Kim is very soft for the men he loves and treats everyone else as his friends, then there is one hinderence, Y/N. He has always been cunning as he takes care of his victims. He has his limit of being “good boy” because there are people who are corrupt and he wants them to die. His mom trained him to protect so he does just that. He isn’t that scary the two scariest is Seokjin-hyung and Jungkook-ah according to him.

When he met the infamous Y/N about a week before they all met. His first thoughts of them were “I could be their personal dresser.” He thought their style was very cute and elegant. He has a positive thought about their appearance and personality. He was about to get expelled but Y/N came in with the real culprit that framed Taehyung. He actually looked at them when they walked out of there with a small smile.

“Hmm I never thought about adding someone else into our group, Jungkook-ah you know how to pick them. Maybe Y/N isn’t a bad person but more of a god/goddess?”

Jeon Jungkook:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Jungkook isn’t your typical human no he is very extra he loves too much. Jungkook is very worshiping and overprotective towards his loves. Once there was a woman that breathed near Namjoon and he lost it then and there. He went up towards the woman and asked a humiliating question and it turns out the woman cried and never came back again.

Jungkook and Y/N were the best of friends, like they would die for each other type of friend. They had a bond like no other but happy times are always cut short. Jungkook awoken with a start by yelling and crying from his Y/N and he bounded toward the stairs, but once he made it he saw Y/N being taken away from him by their parents. Years passed and he only told Hoseok about them and his love for them never faded but he loves his boys just as much.


Y/L/N Y/N:

Credits: Goes To These Amazing Talent Authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama And @cupsofsuga Keep Up

Hello, L/N Y/N as of today you are leader of this group. Please take care of them and they will love you like no other. Yes this is before they get all soft and sweet towards you. I know everyone has different backgrounds and have different mind-sets and I want everyone to feel included.

Are you ready my dear reader for a rollercoaster?

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4 years ago

Ok let me tell y’all how all of this started, yes Jungkook found them on Twitter and saw a picture and he was already enamored. Only Jungkook is following out of the club, you have friends, don’t worry that’s how he found them. Took Y/N a whole year to figure out how Jungkook followed them. Jungkook really thinks Y/N is talented while the other boys said “We’ve seen better.”

Ok Let Me Tell Yall How All Of This Started, Yes Jungkook Found Them On Twitter And Saw A Picture And

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4 years ago

555 Stockholm lane.

Warnings: death, mentions of sex

555 Stockholm Lane.

You know that one feeling you get when you have done something wrong. When you fear your going to get caught, your heart beating fast, tears staining your cheeks. It was by accident, no really it was. He didn't mean to hurt him, he was protecting you. Jungkook was protecting you. The man that was with you, tried to do things, bad things. Never in Jungkooks life did he hurt a man, but so help me god he would kill for you.

Red flashes marbled Jungkooks visual, red Red RED.

Why did this happen? He could have helped but he didn't, he hurt you more.

Jungkook knew that this would end up with him jail, he could care less. The temptation of your smooth hold was to much, nails biting in to his pale back when he hammered into you. Moans and shudders of pleasure, it was all to much.

He was your slave tending to the every need of his queen.

A simple slave that would go to the lengths of killing for his one and only love. Jungkook had finally done it, he had did it.

The man laying on the wet ground of the forest, in a pool of crimson blood.



I was bored 👁👄👁and just so yall know, I write rlly random titles LMFAO

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4 years ago

Behind the glass cage

WARNINGS: shit happend, murder, condemned killer joon, death, me being sappy, making myself cry to write this, kinda dark

 Behind The Glass Cage

Time after time, you went to see him. He was behind the glass, as always. The glass covered in dirty finger prints and goodbyes. His dimpled smirk and glasses making you swoon just like the first time you saw him on Tv. "Hello, namjoon"


" today at 2:36 pm the 'looking glass killer' was finally captured. After two years and four months of targeting the people of Seoul and at least 95 murders, we got him."

When you saw him, it was a flash of fear then.... you realised, that was the guy that asked you out a couple of weeks ago. No, it couldn't be? What was his name again' Kim namsung? No, no Kim namjoon, Kim namjoon. He was the meek boy that sat six seats down from you in biology. He had stuttered when he attempted to ask you out. There he was, on the news, looking smug and cocky.


"How are you Y/n? You haven't visited in a couple of weeks, whys that?" His smirk fell, he could feel you nerves flying through the roof. Namjoon knew you better than anyone, better than that failure brother of yours. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine namjoon."

Why did it have to end this way, you loved him.

But you couldn't be with him any longer.

You were with Kim namjoon, not the 'looking glass killer'.

Soon, you would walk away from the man clad in the orange jump suit and clear framed glasses. Sadness wafting through the bland visiting room, him screaming for 'your stupid ass better get back here' guards restraining him, maybe even having to put a hold on him.

The thing was that you couldn't love someone who was trapped in a glass cage. Almost like a bird. No one should love like that.

Even when they would kill for you, tear people apart, putting glass in there dead eyes, going to jail for them even when there incocent.

One day it would be his dead eyes with glass inpaled in the sockets.

Who knew who would do it? You sure did.


This is for my future wife @pluviokook we Are getting married soon guys they proposed 💍

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4 years ago

Slow dance

Warnings: Yandere! Yoongi, death(?) asshole reader,

Art! Au. This will be a (kinda) series, it's gonna be about how BTS obsesses over reader, this is kinda based off a request I got from @middlech1ld (you'll see in the future chapters) I got the idea from them, u inspired me so much. And yes, your invited to the wedding, your the priest.

Slow Dance

Yoongi knew that you weren't good for him, everybody saw that. It was a fact, a fact that made him mad. All that yoongi wanted was you, y/n. A small town girl that could brighten the sad gleam in the local widows eyes. He was confused, dazed by the sweet scent of your perfume. Lips painted roes bud pink that sparkle with the lick of your tongue.

Rage filled the young man as he saw you dancing with that one boy, park jimin. A frail boy that could dance like the swan on its last toe. Really quite a amazing artist.

You both were dance majors at the local art academy, everyone was talented there, no one could stand out but you and fucking park jimin. Both in contemporary and ballet, you both made the teachers fear of losing there low paying job, thinking that they would lose it to someone more qualified for the job. Someone better than you.

Yoongi on the other hand was a music major, playing the guitar and writing music on paper. Occasionally playing the piano, though that was an old hobby of his.

Often yoongi would write music about a girl that captured his dreams and even nightmares. A girl dancing to a dark song orchestrated by a man that no one knew.

All that he knew was that when you danced you were a art piece, would have painted it himself but didn't go to the art program,did he. Painting your body arching like a bridge small nimble hand lifted up into a curve, legs thrown up and neck craned with a chin tilting up.

A angel graced opon imbeciles.

People always have said 'beautiful people are only beautiful if they are on the inside as well'.

That's a fucking lie.

When yoongi saw you, all he saw was beauty. He knew how you were.


He saw how you manipulated those boys into beating up someone that disagreed with you in historical art, saying "Frida kahlo did not have a female lover, she had a husband."

You could tell a outrageous lie and get away with it, that's how much people loved you.

His love ran deeper that blood than itself, his loyalty. Everything he had done was for you.

It was better that way.

But, you were in pain, vary much pain. Not physically, that comes with being a dancer, your body is always sore, pangs of sudden ache and prickling happend day after day.

After a while pain stoped you, fading into the seeping ground.

Along with the ashes of your fears.

Yourself included.

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4 years ago

Last one picked

WARNINGS: yandere Jungkook, smut(?) bunny humping jungkook, stalking, basically just yandere kook that's hot for y/n

Last One Picked

When Jungkook was young, he was alaways picked last. Why? He doesn't know, maybe it was because he was pretty small as a child. He had no friends, no pet, no girlfriend. His parents where strict, never letting him go to parties (not like he even got invited to any). He was shy. He didn't know how to talk to people, how to talk to girls.

Now in college, he still had no friends, no girlfriend and still was a virgin.

He didn't care, having learned the hard way at a vary young age. He didn't need anyone.

That is, until he saw you.

Eyes shining with content and beauty. Smile wide and shiny pearly whites. There you were, a master piece. He hadn't even tried to talk to you, of course he didn't it was in his nature. So, he just snuck into your room when you were at your Bio class. That was the only time he had off watching you change in your room and scroll through cheap porn.

"Oh shit-" groaning as he sniffed your pillow. On your bed. In your bed. Cock hard and pants tighter by the second. His hips couldn't stop, the humping. "Gonna cum, 'm gonna cum" Jungkooks body tenses, a sudden wet patch on his sweats.

As he laid on your bed, all he could imagine was your body climbing over his. You picking him, loving him with your actions.

Checking the time he soon resized that he now had 15 minutes until you would be flopping on the mattress and texting your friends.

Time to go.


I wrote this really quick, I don't think I like it but whatevea.

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4 years ago

Going under

WARNINGS: blowjob, yandere namjoon, kidnapped reader, noncon touching (?)


Going Under

Death was the freedom from life, once you were alive you had to wait to be dead. Unless you were so desperate to leave this hell. A hell we call 'home'.

Life was hell and going under was freedom. Namjoon knew that.

The soft sound of biggie smalls rang through the bleach smelling car, you sitting in the passenger seat turned uncomfortably to the window. Namjoon hummed to the song 'juicy', lightly tapping his lengthy fingers on the bland steering wheel. Suddenly he looked over at you, "Are you gonna talk? Because Y/n I can force ya' to."

You felt a warm hand scale across your thigh.

"I'm sorry namjoon." "What are you sorry for? Tell me." His hand still placed hauntingly close to your core. "I'm sorry for not listening to you,"

"That'a girl!" Namjoon sent a palm slapping into your thigh causing you to jolt. His hand wouldn't leave, it was still there, slithering up farther. Farther than hauntingly close. "I want you to do something for me." He smirked, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "Suck my cock, and I'll let you have a phone call to your parents."

Without thinking you set your hands on his lap, "ohhhh, so it's a yes?" He taunted

Unzipping his tight jeans you found his bulge, boxers smothered with pre cum. "Yes," you said

As you pulled his dick from its tight confines the bulbous tip slapped across you face, smearing cum on your face. "Fuck ya-" he groaned above you.

Giving his cock a good lick you swallowed him whole. "Mhm, just- ah fuck-" soon he's at the edge, groaning and grunting when he cums. Your surprised that he was still on the rode, even if it is namjoon.

"Can I have my call now?"


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4 years ago


⌨︎︎- WARNINGS: obsessive behavior, stalking(?), jins a god (Greek god), that’s pretty much it.

༒- A/n: sorry for not posting for like a month, but I hope this is good, lol love y’all. I did this in like an hour so sorry if it’s not to good, but anywayysssss-


All Jin ever wanted was a companion, one to hold,one to touch, to be the lover he deserved. One that would tell him that he was amazing and loved him just as he did them.

Even if he was the son of Aphrodite herself, he could never get enough. Jin wanted the love that he shot the mortals with, the love he would gracelessly bestow on the humans with the help of his bow and arrow.

Floating on the puffy white clouds was starting to take a toll on him, all he did was watch these peasants walk amongst themselves. Throwing away the love he gave to them, cheating on their loves or, here’s a good one, leaving them for another.

Those selfish animals took all the emotions and gifts the gods gave them and chucked them out to the wolves. In all actuality, Jin thought of them below animals, animals could show compassion and were quite loyal, unlike some creatures. Humans were lowly bugs, bugs that could be mushed in with mud and dry up dead.

The only reason that Jin still gave humans love was because of you. Your innocent presents could even make the dark of hell quarrel into light.

So, often Jin would watch you instead of doing his job. See you prance in a valley of gold and blue flowers make the supple flesh of his cheeks tint in the brightest shade of pink.

That was the first time he had seen you, in a field of flowers.

The second time he took the form of a lamb, with a red bell on his neck. Jin always had to look good and red is his color.

The first time your hand touched his head (Jin must say, it was the softest touch he had ever had the delight of having) was like a spark of light of, much like Zeus’s bolts. Then came your words “what a beautiful lamb you are, what shall I name you?”

He knew then, that he had to have you.

Even if he had to ask hades for a favor, he would do it.

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4 years ago

Last one picked (2)✔︎

TW: mentions of unhealthy obsession, stalking, kidnapping(?) Yandere jungkook

A/N: so I made another part lol, this is part 2 of ‘last one picked’ sorry, I couldn’t put the link in for the first part, sorry for any misspells

Last One Picked (2)

When you love someone so much all you can think about is them, though most people Jungkook age were thinking about studying, going to party’s and sex. He knew that you went to those party’s. Grinding on some random frat boy, then making them fall for you in a moments flash.

No, you didn’t do that to jungkook. You didn’t even know jungkook was a living breathing human. Well maybe you knew of him, perhaps a class or two that he would sit behind you in. Lectures that he had only taken because you were there.

But, he still was so, so shy he couldn’t be in the same room as you without jizzing in his pants. Some days jungkook would often work himself up, saying that he ‘wasn’t good for you’ ‘stupid and the only way he could be with you was watching from a distance.

In some time he wanted you more, all to himself more or less. You both could become the campus couple. Always together, moving in with each other rather quickly, perfect.

“-ook, jungkook,” suddenly he was brought back to his reality. There you were, right next to him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Your eyes showed so much concern, “oh, nothing, I was just thinking,” “About what....?”


Jungkook soon relized that he finaly had you, on his arm. After pinning (stalking) you for who knows how many years he had you.

He never told you that he did the things he had done, bad things. It didn’t matter, all that did was the feeling of your unimaginable love that seeped through your body on his. Along with your ravishing sent that made him go crazy.

After college, you both got married. Got jobs, had kids grew old, so on. Still he told nobody, nobody but his son. Told him “the only way to get the person you love is to rid them from what they believed in first, make them believe in you and what you do for them.”

In the end jungkook really didn’t know how he got you. Out of luck or was it his payment for always being the last one picked?

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3 years ago

death valley (m) | part 6

Death Valley (m) | Part 6

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jimin x reader, jin x reader

genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au

wordcount: 5.6k

warnings: reader discretion advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, obsessive & possessive themes, kidnapping, physical roughness (pushing, hitting, etc...not abusive but like sexy hate sex type thing), EDGING, poor jimin, use of restraints, brief gun use/play, cursing, degradation, jimin is a BRAT, crying, robbing/stealing/fraud, so much lying, character injuries, dubcon/coersive sex, kinda somnophilia, knife play kinda, woohooooo

part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |

F L A S H B A C K—

Jungkook’s vision was a blur of the sickly golden lights that landed on the dark concrete of Death Valley’s parking lot. He tasted a metallic tinge in the air as he wobbled back to his car, leaning back against it with a satisfied grin. He sighed, you always felt incredible. There was no high quite like you. His mind wandered back to your body, glossed in sweat and eyes fierce with passion. He wanted you to destroy him.

He giggled, almost tripping over himself. He felt a hand hold his shoulder steady. “Ohhh thanks man” He wasn’t even sure if he actually spoke before he suddenly felt a sharp sting of pain in his stomach. He winced, breaking into a fit of coughs. 

Opening his eyes, he looked down to see a knife piercing through his gut. The blade twisted, sending an addition spurt of pain through his whole body as he limply fell forward onto his attacker. The knife dug deeper into his flesh as he got pushed back harshly, and it was only then he was able to squint to identify his assailant. The man barely regarded him, withdrawing the knife before chuckling softly and turning away, leaving him to slide down to the ground, ready to die. 

As a drug dealer, Jungkook was used to knowing too much information for his own good. And it was a great place to be, because whenever the gangs began to have power struggles within themselves, he would always walk away even richer. 

Jungkook knew bits and pieces of enough to paint the whole picture, and now he uncovered the missing piece to finish it all off.

The kingpin of Death Valley had remain anonymous for as long as anyone could remember. Gang members simply went by orders, not questioning where a majority of the profits were going or to whom. After a while, the drug money begins to pile up, and the thrill of the hustle fades. It was around this time he began the fights. 

Sure, the kingpin was a powerful man. But being a low level dealer and knowing who the kingpin was, that was even more powerful. Enemies and allies alike were desperate to know, and were willing to do just about anything for that information. Jungkook liked to think this alone made him far more powerful than any gang leader. 

Now he had seen his face. He was almost certain. He shivered at the prospect of what all he could do knowing what he now did.

So it was you all along, you clever bastard. 

P R E S E N T   D A Y—

Taehyung chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair "Trust me you don’t wanna know the answer to that. It’ll get you” He mimicked a knife with his finger drawing a line across his throat.

Seeing you unamused expression he sighed, “Fine. Look, I told you someone powerful has their eyes on you. Well powerful people never do their own dirty work. I’ve had to keep an eye on you, for a damn long time. Trust me, I don’t feel great about it either” He continued, “Now, Jimin can’t know where you were last night, okay? He can’t know Yoongi is involved, because the truth is” He held his wrist up to show his watch, “I’m a mole”

“A mole?”

“I’m fronting as Jimin’s right hand guy. I have been for a while, but in reality, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hobi and I, we’re all Death Valley boys. They don’t know that though”

Jin was right after all. “So Yoongi really is...a gangster? He’s the one behind everything? He’s the one...who wants me?” Taehyung hesitated, thinking deeply before nodding.

“He’s kept his identity hidden for years. Only I know. Yoongi...is obsessed with you. He loves you, and has for so long. You’re the bane of his existence, and by extension, mine.”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re lying.” You pursed your lips in annoyance, “Yoongi didn’t give a fuck about me when I first moved here. He was just a sweet, ordinary guy. He took care of me. He has always had my best interests at heart. Maybe I believe you. That he really is this scary gang guy or whatever. But the rest of it, bullshit”

“Don’t you work for his company? Don’t you live in his building? Do you really think anything you’ve been through is a coincidence?” 

Taehyung shrugged, reaching for his trousers and wrapping his hand loosely around his pistol before tracing your cheek with it. “You don’t have to believe me. But not a word of any of this to anyone” 

He cocked the gun, the soft click resonating through the quiet room, "Because I’m everywhere baby. I’ll know if you fuck up, and I’ll kill you so fast you won’t even have time to blink.” 

He pulled the trigger, making you shut your eyes and yelp. It was a blank. Taehyung laughed maniacally, “I just need you to play along just a little while longer and this will all be over. Now go freshen up, I’m taking you to see Jimin”

Jungkook was clearly stalling. Jimin wanted to shoot him in the mouth just so he would shut up and get to the point.

Jimin felt his phone vibrate, seeing Taehyung’s text. He sighed with relief. “You got lucky this time dumbfucks. I got her. Tell your little kingpin cockhead that he’s already fucking dead, because when I get my hands on the bastard who threatened Y/n, I promise you that I will kill them. In the worst, most painful way possible.” The door creaked open.

“Oh my God” Your heart sank the second you saw them. Blood was leaking through the white bedsheets, and they were both badly bruised. Jungkook was shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his stomach while Namjoon was in a neck brace. You rushed to Namjoon’s side, grabbing his hand and pressing your lips against them. 

You hadn’t noticed Jimin at first, as you tended to Namjoon. He wanted to hug you. To make sure you weren’t hurt. To cry in your arms because he missed you so damn much. You weren’t even noticing him? Did he really mean so little to you? You hadn’t seen him since the accident, did you not even care? 

He hated how much power you had over him. You didn’t care but he spent hours thinking about you. You were a disease he couldn’t shake. You were sand slipping through his fingers the tighter he tried to hold on. He watched you carefully until his eyes caught the etched out letters burned into your back. His whole body froze. 

Jimin’s breaths began to quicken as anger overwhelmed him. He grabbed the nearest item to him, which happened to be the glass of water on Jungkook’s dresser and threw it on the ground in frustration. The loud shatter finally caught your attention, and you turned to meet his glossy eyes.

“Jimin! Thank goodness you’re okay” You gave him a smile, sighing with relief. His mind was running a mile a minute as he tried his very best not to break down in front of you. 

“Outside” He growled. “Right now”

You hesitated, not understanding why he looked so upset to see you. Namjoon tugged at you slightly and gave you a warning look. 

“Did you fucking hear me? I said right now.” Jimin screamed, to which you heard Taehyung stifle an ironic giggle. Getting impatient, not wasting another second before grabbing your wrist, yanking you out of the room and kicking the door shut loudly.

“Hey--ouch” You winced at his rough grip, “Easy Jimin that hurts”

Once you were in the hall, Jimin grabbed your jaw and pulled you towards him, digging his nails into you and tilting your face up to his. He stared deep into your eyes.

"What the hell is on your back?” He sneered. 

Your mouth went dry. Should’ve worn a fucking turtleneck. Recalling Taehyung’s warning from earlier, you debated internally what to say next.

“You fucking whore” He cried out, shaking your body, “Did you sleep with him?”

You blinked back tears, recalling the immense guilt you had been feeling the past few days. You thought you missed Jimin, but seeing him now in reality made you remember all the reasons you had wanted nothing to do with him.

Jimin growled at your silence. He kicked at your shins, prompting you to lose your balance as he held you up. “I asked you a fucking question! I know you don’t care about me but at least have the decency to--”

Smack. You slapped him clean across the face. You were tired of his tantrums. He had no idea the hell you’d been through. He had the audacity to think that you didn’t care? He was the one who treated you like a pet.

Jimin released his grip you, backing away to cover the reddening skin of his cheek as he blinked in amusement. 

“Fucking brat” You hissed. 

You had begun to turn away when Jimin grabbed your forearm and pulled you flush against him, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss. His grip was brutal as he encircled your wrist before twisting your arm onto your back and pushing you against the wall. 

His teeth grazed against the back of your ear, chuckling softly. “The fuck did you just say to me?” He sounded more teasing than upset. Through the corner of your eye you see a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You yelp as he continued to twist your wrist as he chuckles softly. “Go on. Fight back”

You struggle, squirming against his hold. Kicking your leg back into his knee, you know you’re walking right into his trap as you turn yourself around.

His hands quickly grasp your waist and he lifts you up. He presses his forehead against yours, looking deep into you eyes. His lips were parted, panting heavily and breathing you in. A moment of silence passes before a naughty grin appears on his face. 

He intertwines his fingers with yours, propping you up on his thigh as he holds your hands above your head. You moan breathlessly at the friction, tightening your hold on his hands. He licks his thick lips, bringing them closer and closer to yours. 

His eyes don’t leave you for a second as he begins to nip at your neck, sucking harshly into your skin and leaving marks wherever he could. You groan, tilting your head to give him more room. 

Your body feels ablaze through the touch of his lips. Your heart is racing as you gaze stays steady on one another. “Jimin” You moan his name like you’re pleading for your life, “Let’s find a room” 

He halts his movements, letting you carefully slide onto your feet. He snakes his hands behind you as clenches your ass “Lead the way baby” You grinned. It was about damn time. 

You pulled him into the nearest room you could find, which seemed to be some sort of office. Within seconds he was all over you again, sharply kissing your neck and shoulders as he kicked the door shut with his heel. 

He cupped your face, his lips sloppily running up to meet yours as your tongues intertwined. 

“Wait Y/n I...” Jimin mumbled, “I’m sorry. I got upset for no reason I just...it hurts.”

“Shut up” You snapped, pointing towards a small cushioned chair that was near a window. “Sit down over there. Hands where I can fucking see them” 

Jimin took a seat without hesitation, watching intently as you grabbed the curtains on either side of the window. You climbed onto his lap, his face finding home against your chest as you bent over him and tied his wrists together tightly. You felt his tongue over your clothes as he attempted to suck your breasts, but you tugged his hair back sharply.

“Oh hell no” You smirked, taking in Jimin’s roughed up appearance. Having him under you like this, you felt invincible. "You’re such a spoilt brat, you know that Park Jimin? I was worried. I thought about you constantly, when really, I shouldn’t even bother” You settled back into his lap, bringing your face inches from his “You’re. A. Dick” You gave him a chaste kiss before unbuttoning his jeans.

Jimin let out a shaky moan as you harshly pulled them down. You licked your lips as your hand grabbed his hardening length. You began to pump him slowly.

“Ohhh fuckkk” Jimin tilted his head back, tugging desperately against the restraints. Your hands felt so good, you gripped him just right, and your hands were so incredibly soft. He bucked his hips as he felt you spit onto his tip, rubbing the wetness in with your thumb.

You wrapped your tongue around his base, hands cupping his balls as you licked a stripe up his cock. You let your tongue swirl and linger at his tip, watching as he fell apart into a fit of whimpers. Hollowing your cheeks, you took him deep into your throat, just the way you knew he liked it.

Jimin watched you bobbing your head and sucking him off for everything he’s worth. Your gaze was intense, he felt utterly powerless. The craziest part was that he loved it. He had never done anything like it before, used to girls spreading their legs for him without the blink of an eye. 

He wants to kiss you so bad as you rose from his cock, saliva stringing from your pretty lips. He could have looked at you like that all day, just perfect. Delectable. You reach behind your back to unzip your top, letting your breasts break free. Jimin’s breath hitches as you slide your tits over his wet cock. “You like that?” You teased, “So fucking desperate. You’re pathetic”

“Holy shit Y/n” You hesitated as he moaned your name. “M...more. I’m so close. Fuck I wanna touch you” He whined in complaint. 

“You wanna cum all over my tits hmm?” The sound of your teasing voice was ecstasy to his ears. He nodded furiously, his whiny moans filling the room. You grinned, watching him edge closer and closer to release, only for you to stand up and leave him a writhing mess.

“Y/n” He growled, kicking the air and stomping like a child, “Are you kidding me?” His cock was absolutely flushed, making you giggle at the thought of how the even the smallest thing could just make him cream all over.

“You don’t deserve to cum” You shed your own jeans quickly, letting your fingers trail up and down your body sensually. Jimin gulped as you put on a show, clenching your own breasts. 

You straddle onto the armrests, making sure Jimin can’t thrust his dick up to touch you as you bring a finger to your mouth, wrapping your tongue around it before plunging it into your sopping pussy. Jimin eyes become absolutely blasted with lust. He frantically looks from your face to the way you were fingering yourself so close to him. The soft squelching seemed to harmonize with the way you teasingly let soft moans slip from your lips.

Jimin held his breath, trying his best not to cum at the mere sight of you. His hands continued tugging frantically against the curtains. He had never been so turned on in his life, sober or otherwise. 

“I wanna touch you. I need to feel you, fuck baby please. I’m not even fucking kidding baby please sit on my cock” He whined softly, giving you puppy eyes to which you scoffed.

Scooping up some of your dripping arousal, you shoved your finger into Jimin’s mouth, watching amusedly as he sucked every last drop of you. 

He couldn’t take it anymore. You were driving him insane. Your eyes widened as you heard a loud tearing sound. Jimin quickly broke through his restraints, his hands immediately clenching your sides.

“Oh baby you’re in for it now” His voice gave you goosebumps as you excitedly anticipated his next move. He stood up, lifting you back into his arms before harshly tossing you onto the wooden desk. Your head hit the back harshly, pain sizzling through you as he propped one of your legs up over his shoulder, while pushing the other one as wide as he could. His cock was rock hard as it rubbed against your inner thigh. 

He trails kisses up your chest and onto your lips, nails digging into his tight hold on your thighs. You watch as he aims his cock at your gaping entrance, slick and quivering in anticipation. He pushes into you, slower than you expected. His lips sucking on yours. 

For all the times you had fucked Jimin, he had never felt this good inside you. He stilled as he bottomed out, gasping loudly. A part of you didn’t want him to move. You didn’t want him to cum, ending this and forcing you to return to the daunting reality you had to face. You grabbed onto him tightly, not ready to let go. Jimin notices this and his heart swells.

“Hey” He leans down to kiss you deeply, pouring his affection into you. His hands release your legs, instead tangling in your hair and tugging it back as he begins thrusting into you with short, deep movements. 

“Jimin” You cry out. He smacks your ass with a low growl, “D...daddy, fuck you feel so good” You cup his face as he continues pistoning in and out of you. You feel his cock twitching inside of you, knowing he would cum in mere seconds. 

If this was nirvana, he believed it. Jimin’s eyes rolled back as he let out a strangled moan, “Oh my god...oh my fucking...baby...feels so” He chokes as cum shoots out into you and cries out your name, burying his face into your neck. You stroke his back as his body twitches, steams of cum continuing to spurt out. 

He steadies his breathing before pulling out and examining your stuffed cunt. He glides his finger over your creamy folds. “Turn around” He growls, “I’m not done with you” You sighed with relief, cunt stinging desperately for a little bit more.

As you flip onto your stomach, Jimin playfully smacks up your ass cheeks. He bends over, whispering filth into your ears as he shoves in two fingers. “You’re so fucking hot baby...Mmm you want daddy to make you cum huh?”

His fingers were unforgiving, you cried out as your pussy clamped down on them, spilling all over. “That’s right...only daddy can touch you like this.” He smacks you again, and you can feel him grin “Such a little slut for me aren’t you hm? Go ahead and cum like the slut you are” Your eyes fluttered shut as you came over his fingers. He pumped you through your high, cooing and teasing you relentlessly with kisses on your back.

With a heavy sigh you rest on the desk. Jimin shuffles around the room, grabbing the torn curtain and wiping you up. He kissed the small of your back as he tenderly caresses your ass, easing the red marks he had made just minutes ago. 

“I’m sorry” He whispers as you sit up to face him, “I know you know about the gangs and stuff. You got caught up in it because of me, and I’m sorry for that” He kisses the tops of your hands, “Let me keep you safe. Please. If something happened to you because of me, I would...” His voice trembled, emotions suffocating his words. He didn’t even want to think about it. 

You wanted to laugh, simply because Jimin was hardly to blame for anything you had been through. And there he was apologizing for it. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay”

“Let me take you back to work” He offered sweetly. You swallowed uncomfortably. He doesn’t know. Anything. “Come on. I know exactly how I’m gonna get back at Yoongi”

You coughed. This is bad. Where the fuck is Taehyung now? You looked around frantically. “Uh...okay”

You had no idea what Yoongi’s reaction would be. He could get upset. You were supposed to be locked up in his place. But on top of that if Jimin was the one with you...

He wouldn’t kill him. 

Would he?


Taehyung had left shortly after he heard a good amount of moaning through the thin walls. Admittedly, he hadn’t expected to see Jungkook bedridden like that, but he immediately knew who must have been behind it.

Things had been happening that he hadn’t predicted, and it made him furious. When he heard that you had been kidnapped with Namjoon, he had decided that this had all gone too far. For whatever he was, he hated hurting innocent people. He didn’t like that you were involved in this, that people were hurting you.

Maybe he had just grown fond of you over the years. He always told himself Yoongi was strange for being so into you. You were attractive without a doubt, but the dedication Yoongi had to you always shocked him. Yoongi could have anyone he wanted at his feet, he was rich, powerful and good looking. But he never indulged in the luxuries that the rest of them did. Pictures he had taken of you through your cracked bedroom window back in your hometown were enough to satisfy him.

Yoongi had said he had something he needed to prove before he could pursue you. Taehyung hadn’t cared to ask what exactly that was at the time, but since meeting you, he wished he knew. 

Taehyung arrived in the back lot of Death Valley and flipped open his phone, “Load the money in the car”. He reached for his mask, pulling it over his face before he stepped out. 

Hobi arrived promptly carrying two large duffel bags followed by a few other men doing the same. “How much?” Taehyung asked.

“Felt like only 100k, but Jungkook said it was a pretty good week for sales so it might be more” Hobi lifted the bag into the trunk of the Cadillac. He wiped sweat off of his forehead, allowing the trunk to close and patting it shut. “Fucking Jin guy ruined everything, otherwise we would’ve got millions.”

“Yeah” Taehyung rolled his tongue inside his cheek, “I wonder why he didn’t lose” 

After Hobi left, Taehyung dialed the bank. “Hi, I’d like to make a wire transfer?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out Jimin’s black card, turning it over to read out the number “Yes, there would have been a deposit recently of around half a million? Could you please transfer that to an overseas account belonging to V Kim. Yes, just the letter. Thank you so much!”

In truth, Taehyung was grateful to you. You were the perfect distraction. Both Jimin and Yoongi were wrapped around your fingers, too caught up with you to notice anything else. That made you powerful, so much more than you realized. Taehyung tossed the card into the passenger seat, it slid down onto the floor of the car. 

“Fucking idiots”


Yoongi fiddled with a tangerine in his palm as he sat, bored out of his mind in his office. He wanted to go home. He wanted to see you, get you out of that horrible cell he had put you in. His work was getting in the way of your relationship and he hated it. 

The sounds of cameras and vehicles slipped through the dark walls. He cocked his head in irritation. The noises kept growing louder and louder. He was used to the press being around, especially when there was an album being released by one of his artists. But this was much more than the usual.

For that number of paparazzi to be around, it had to mean one thing. Scandal. “What the fuck is going on?” Fruit in hand, Yoongi stormed out of his office into the lobby.

Juice began trickling down his wrist as he saw what all the commotion was about. Jimin strutted in confidently, hand thrown around your waist, holding you to him. 

“Yoongi!” Jimin taunted, arriving with a wide grin. He met your eyes and could sense that you were afraid. Jimin looked Yoongi dead in the eye as he knelt down to kiss the back of your neck, over your scars. “I know you have a no dating rule but I was driving her to work and the media caught us. It’s trending on twitter” Jimin shrugged, “Oops” 

Yoongi began to see red. His blood was boiling. Nevertheless, he took a deep breath. He knew he had to be careful how he acted around you. He wouldn’t want you to be afraid of him, after all he was just trying to protect you. He wanted to make you happy. You didn’t actually want Jimin, did you? No way. 

Pursing his lips, he maintained an expressionless face as he walked up to you. He could see the way your eyes quivered as he neared. He hoped you’d understand. You would understand, he would make you understand. 

“You’re fired”

His heart ached as he watched your expression drop. Yoongi simply shrugged and returned to his office, tossing his fruit in the trash on the way. Yoongi knew you’d be upset. You’d blame Jimin and come crawling to him in no time, he wasn’t even worried.

He made his way back into his reclining chair, kicking his feet onto the desk as he stared down his door.

Three. Two...

The door burst open. “Yoongi” Your voice was weak. “Don’t...please don’t fire me. I know I crossed a line. We’re...not dating. I swear”

“How did you get out?” You knew Yoongi would ask this, and luckily you had some time to conjure an answer that probably wouldn’t get anyone shot.

“Taehyung let me go to my apartment to shower and change. Jimin happened to show up at my place while I was there” You looked at him steadily, trying hard to not even think about the fact you were so blatantly lying to the man you felt like could see right through you.

“I see.” He lowered his legs and pat his thigh, motioning for you to sit on his lap. You had dreamed of fucking Yoongi in this very office countless times. Riding his cock while he did paperwork and just ignored you. It had your knees weak. 

You sat down obediently, and he stroked your back, pressing his lips into the side of your head “Let’s get you back home. I would’ve let you out of the cell tonight, but clearly I can’t trust you” He paused, backing away from you slightly, “We’ll talk about this tomorrow, I’m gonna be home late tonight”


“Some business I need to take care of”


Jin was just about to sleep when you arrived back. He stirred as took a seat next to him.

“Fun day?” He asked sarcastically. 

You rolled your eyes and laughed with him, “No but I did find out that...” You paused, looking around the room. Is he watching? “I…I’m really tired actually”

Jin nodded in understanding. “It’s pretty hot in here, you might not be comfortable in that” He motioned towards your jeans, “I can give you my shorts if you want, I have boxers on so it’s not a big deal”

You blushed slightly, but as the stuffy air set in around you, you realized he was right. The thick denim was suffocating against your skin. “Sure yeah, thanks”

Jin took off his shorts, tossing them to you. You turned you back to him, wiggling out of your pants. Jin’s shorts were far too large for you, sliding down right away. The two of you exchanged glances before you burst out laughing. Jin sat up straight, pulling off his shirt and throwing it to you.

“Take this instead, it’ll cover you” Your breath hitched as you took in his naked chest. He was hot. His skin was seamless, slightly sweaty but his toned muscles made your mouth water. You swallowed. You turned around again, attempting to unzip your top. It fell to the floor, your bare back now exposed to Jin’s dilated eyes. 

His shirt smelled like him. Wearing it was like a big hug, and you felt oddly comforted. You laid down by his side. “Night Jin”


In the silence of the room, you could hear your own heart pounding through your chest. Neither one of you had closed your eyes. 

“Y/n” His whisper was so soft you could barely hear him. “I promise I’ll keep you safe. We’ll get out of here. Don’t worry”

You wanted to tell him everything. He would know what to do. But then again, you weren’t sure if you wanted Yoongi to get arrested. You sighed deeply. “I know” You rolled closer to him, and his hands wrapped around you loosely. His fingers rubbed the flesh of your back as you hummed in appreciation. 

“You’re so tense” Jin commented, moving his hands under your shirt and up your back, “Relax,” You let your eyes close as he continued to massage you. His hands teased at your sides. You shifted in discomfort as his palms brushed against your breasts. 

“Jin—“ He shushed you, shamelessly grabbing your tits under your shirt. You stifled a moan into his chest, “Jin, I’m exhausted please”

“I’m just trying to help you” He murmured, “You don’t need to do anything, just rest. I got you”

Jin pushed the fabric up and began leaving soft kisses on your stomach before you tugged down your panties. He squinted, seeing that your cunt had already made a mess. You drifted off into sleep as Jin tugged your folds apart, examining you with interest.

“Who did you fuck today hm?” He growled lowly. You stirred slightly. Jin climbed over you, reaching into his boxers to furiously stroke his cock. Pulling it out, he slapped it against your tits, loving the way your brows furrowed with irritation.

“Jin…” You mumbled, “Mm tired. Wanna sleep”

“Yeah fuck baby, just let me do this and we’ll sleep hm? We’ll sleep real good. You’re so stressed Y/n, I just wanna help” He began rubbing your clit, causing you to whine as your legs subconsciously spread for him. “Just like that…there we go” His fingers moved faster as his other hand jacked himself off. 

He rolled you over onto your chest, stripping you down to nothing as you groaned. From the corner of the room, he picked up his knife, drawing a straight line on your back through the scarred spelling of Yoongi’s name. “Yoongi huh. Guess he’s next then”

Jin straddled himself over your ass, lining his cock with you before he sunk into your throbbing heat. You were insanely tight around him, he cursed as he tried to push in deeper and deeper. 

“Jin...” You convinced yourself to wake up with whatever little energy you had left, “Just...easy okay I’m sensitive” It had been barely hours since Jimin had fucked your brains out. You felt Jin trail his lips down your back.

“That’s not fair” He muttered, “Why do I have to go slow?” He began thrusting into you, ignoring your pleas as he rutted into you, watching the way your ass jiggled with each move. “Everyone else got you however they liked” Jin groaned softly, sounds of slapping skin filling the room. “It’s my turn. I was patient. I deserve this” 

He cums quickly, his hot seed spilling out of you. You roll your eyes. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to put my cock in you”

Your eyes felt heavy, you didn’t care. Your thoughts went to Yoongi, desperate his embrace, his sweet voice for some comfort as you drifted to sleep.


Weekdays at Death Valley were generally quieter. Yoongi preferred only to visit the dive bar at those times, where he wouldn’t run into any clients or fans. He would sit at the same place, at the very back end of the bar where no one would be able to see him unless they knew where to look. He poked aimlessly at the martini in front of him, before sipping the bitter liquid. 

“Are you fucking insane?” Taehyung growled, sliding into the stool “Okay I admit, you calling that accident on Jimin made sense. Hell, I’ll give you the kidnapping. I get it, you’re jealous, whatever. But stabbing Jungkook? Are you serious? We need him”

Yoongi blinked at him, “Stabbed him? What the fuck are you talking about?”

Taehyung bit his lip, “No way. No fucking way. It wasn’t you?”

Yoongi shook his head. 

ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ

a/n: yall aint ready for this jin, thats all i have to say. lmk what you think. I’ll be honest I had an ASS week so sorry if this isn’t good. anyways, hyung line smut next week :))) see you then!

taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie​ @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies​ @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope

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3 years ago

death valley (m) | part 7

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize


pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, seokjin x reader, hoseok x reader

genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au

wordcount: 9.3k 

warnings: reader discretion advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex (smacking, manhandling, etc), very obsessive & possessive themes, manipulation, use of restraints (mouth), bondage (collar, leash), slight sadism kink, physical roughness, guns, heavy drug use/reference, breast play, mentions of addiction/addiction prone behaviors, unrealistic sex endurance levels (readers really out here banging), dubcon/coersive sex, reader uses humor as a coping mechanism, degradation, toxic relationships, yelling, crying, character death (or is it), oral sex, shower sex, technically cheating depending on how you look at it, daddy kink, praise, implied stalking, yoongi loves spoiling his baby girl, impreg kink if you squint, dom!yoongi (duh), dom!hoseok, dom!seokjin 

part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | series navi | masterlist |

a/n: i spent way too long on this HAHAHA 

F L A S H B A C K--

The crowd roared as the fight came to a close. Jin stepped out of the ring reluctantly, someone handed him water while another man wrapped a towel around his shoulders. A soft ringing noise resonated through his ears, blood teasing the edges of his vision. He pushed everyone away to find his prep room. Sighing deeply, he looked down at his trembling hands. His body was on overdrive, he was getting desperate. 

He placed his hands against the wall, unable to think straight with the way his heart was pounding out of his chest. He could hear the footsteps of someone stop in his doorway, not having to look to know exactly who it was.

“Do you have any coke on you?” Jin wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a towel, panting heavily, “Seriously Jimin. I’m gonna fucking lose my mind” 

Jin had always been extremely unstable. It was in his personality to get aggressively addicted to things. Whenever Jin went too long without it, it was like he surrendered himself to a beast. Jimin liked to call it his maniac side.

“Can you stop thinking about getting high for one fucking second? We have a problem here” Jin hears a soft thud causing him to finally turn and look. Jimin had just dropped your unconscious body onto the hard floor.

“Well well. Who is this?” Jin crouched down and slid his fingers over your parted lips, digging his nail into the soft flesh until it began to bleed slightly. As you eyes slowly began to flutter open, a carnal desire coiled in Jin’s chest. He had never seen anyone quite like you before.

"Hi there cutie” Jin grinned, “What’s your name?” Your eyes were quivering with fear, something about your vulnerable state was so delicious to him. You glanced towards Jimin, only beginning to tremble even more.

“P..park Jimin” You gasped, “Oh my goodness! I...I love you. Wait no. I...sorry...I’m a huge fan” You rubbed your eyes. Jin’s heart trembled at your dazed expression. “Where am I? What’s going on?” He wanted to eat you alive. 

Jimin joined Jin on the floor besides you “Well thank you pretty girl. It’s nice to meet you...?”

“Y/n” You introduced yourself, shaking his hand before turning to Jin, looking at him with your tempting, lustful eyes. Y/n. Jin’s head was pounding as the withdrawal began taking over him. He had never seen someone so beautiful in his life. 

Jin had never found anyone else even close to catching his eye before. He would sit mindlessly on his phone while girls would be on their knees, gagging on his cock, waiting for the mind-numbing minutes until he could finally cum and leave. The prospect of a relationship, of love, it seemed otherworldly. Perhaps it wasn’t for him. He had drugs and that kept him happy. But you. You were a high he had yet to fully taste. Looking at you alone had him feeling a glow unlike any other.

“Hey” You said to him. Jin felt dizzy as you spoke, getting lost in your gaze, “You’re the fighter guy right? Jin?”

Hearing you say his name had him bucking forward, trying to hide his growing erection from the famous star who was by his side. “Yeah. Hi. Great to meet you”

Jimin got up, brushing the dust off of his pants, “I’m getting out of here” He grabbed his jacket from your arms, “Jin, please search her address and get Y/n home.” Jimin reached into his back pocket “These should make her forget” He slid a pill into your mouth and you swallowed obediently. 

Jin began to break a sweat, watching the way your lips sucked in the small capsule and gulped it down it so nicely. Jimin left without another beat, leaving you in Jin’s arms, your eyes getting heavy with each passing second.

You blinked, eyes wide with uncertainty as Jin held you close. “You can take me home?”

Jin nodded, “I need to do something really quick first” He slid his hand down his pants to begin palming his erection. His vision was turning blue as his headache began to spread. “God you’re so pretty” He grabbed your jaw, ensuring that you couldn’t look anywhere but his face. 

Jin felt like his mind was running miles a minute. You looked so cute and helpless. He wanted to tear you to pieces, he wanted to see you bruised and battered, splayed out for him to ravish you as he pleased. 

Was it wrong? Was it wrong that he wanted to shove his cock in your mouth while you slowly lost consciousness? In the moment, nothing made more sense to him. 

Your pretty lips, your sweet eyes, how could he not? Your lips trembled, eyes half lidded, rolling back slightly as you fought to stay awake.

“Oh fuck oh fuck. Don’tttt...don’t fucking look at me like that Y/n. If you look at me like that I’m gonna--gonna--ohhhh baby, fuck what are you doing to me” Jin gasped loudly as cum spilled all over his palm. 

P R E S E N T   D A Y--

Amongst the sweet bliss of your dreams, a current washed over you and reality had your eyes opening. Your heart felt heavy as your vision focused in on the dry walls that continued to encage you. Your body pulsed with soreness, reminding you of the previous nights events.

To say you were upset would be an understatement, but you were shocked more than anything. You had never seen Jin act so unhinged before. It was almost as though he quite literally couldn’t control himself, the thought alone bringing a bitter taste to your mouth.

Before you could decide on whether to give him a piece of your mind and reprimand his behavior, you hear him wincing with pain across the room. He lay leaned against the wall, sweat trickling down his muscles from the heat. His head tilted back in a soft groan, dark hair now extremely tangled and messy.

“Are you okay?” You got up with a start. Jin exhaled before shaking his head in defeat. 

“No, my leg still really fucking hurts. I feel like absolute shit right now” He punched the side of his fist into the ground in frustration. “I feel like I’m going insane” 

You couldn’t even begin to imagine his pain. At least you got to leave the cell for some time, he had been here all along. Alone. Wounded. It was just awful. Yoongi should have had the courtesy to take him to the hospital, but then again did Yoongi even have a courteous bone in his body? You were no longer sure. 

“It just sucks too because I’m trapped here, helpless, and all I can fucking do is feel this pain” Jin's jaw clenched. "And I’m sorry for last night I just...you were just there, so close. I just couldn’t help it. I could finally forget the pain even if it was just for a moment”

“It’s okay, I understand” You knew that feeling far too well. Jin reached his arms out to you, pulling you to sit next to him. His hands trailed down your thighs as he looked at you intently. “You know, I don’t mind...if it helps distract you from the pain. We can” You cleared your throat nervously, heat rising to your cheeks, “I mean, just tell me what you need”

Jin’s eyes widened with surprise. “Really?” He asks, gulping, “You don’t have to”

“I want to Jin. Let me help. I’m half the reason you’re in this mess” You would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it. Jin was extremely handsome, you had noticed that from the moment you saw him in the arena. With a body like that, your heart skipped a beat at what all he might have in store for you.

His fingers slid between your legs, making you gasp softly. He tickled your clothed cunt softly. He flattened his fingers, teasing your entrance before moving to your clit. Licking his lips, he sucked lightly on your ear. Your hips bucked up as a ticklish sensation shot through your body. You felt wet. 

And you knew he could feel it too, as he drew his fingers away. “Can I?” He mumbled into your neck. You nodded, flustered and warm all over as he pushed your panties aside and began drawing light circles on your clit. You twitch at the sensations hitting your nerves. His other hand cupped your jaw tightly, turning your face towards him.

“Oh fuckk, Jin that feels so good” You didn’t know why you felt so horny, whether it was the morning or the temporary relief from reality. Jin carefully slid one finger into your cunt, just barely, his delicate movements sending shocks of pleasure through your tired body.

Your pussy clenched down on his finger, and he growled. Pulling out, he popped the finger into his mouth before sighing, “Can I tell you what I want?” You could hear a slight tremble in his voice, “Will you do anything for me?”

You choked on your own breath, nodding dumbly as Jin’s gaze flashed with desire. “Get on all fours over me. Wanna spank that pretty ass”

Jin was taken aback at your willingness. You obeyed so well, his hands kneaded your tender flesh, enjoying the view of your ass sticking out for him. You winced as you felt his palm smack against you hard, making your knees tremble with pain and pleasure. 

That’s for sleeping with Jungkook. He smacked again, with full force. He knew it stung. He could hear the pain in your pathetic whimpers and he loved it. And Hobi. Smack. And Jimin. Smack. You cried out as the impact caused you to fall forward onto your chest. And Yoongi. 

Your ass was flushed, as he tenderly rubbed over the bruises he had so generously given you. He leaned forward, letting his tongue glide over the soreness before playfully biting down.

“Jin...that hurts” He ignored you, proceeded to slide down his pants, his turgid length already incredibly hard. He tugged at his cock quickly, the sounds of his slippery pre-cum barely noticeable under your soft moans. 

“Sit on my cock. Nice and easy, lean back on me” His cock twitched as you turned your head to look back at him briefly, your eyes glossy from the pain, but full of curiosity nevertheless. You crawled back over him to line his cock with your soaking cunt. Jin grabbed your hips, helping ease you down onto his length. 

“Ah...ah...” His size stretched you out, pussy swallowing him in. You cursed, eyes rolling back. He wanted to see your face, see how fucked out you would look as he gave it to you so good. 

“Quiet, he might hear us.” He carefully tugged off his shirt from your body with your help, then used it to cover your mouth. He pulled the knot tight,  the fabric tugging at the sides of your mouth uncomfortably. 

His hands stroked over your bare chest quietly, humming in approval, “That’s a good girl...gonna be all quiet for me now right?” His cock twitched inside of you as he heard your muffled voice. His fingers weaved through your hair before he clenched his fist, making you wince. He pulled your head back as he thrusted up into your soaking cunt “Hear that? You’re loving this aren’t you, you fucking whore”

He grabbed your neck, holding it in a tight grip as he pounded up into you. He no longer cared if he was being too loud, he moaned at the top of his lungs. You felt so good. Your pussy welcomed his cock like it was meant to be there, so slippery and warm for him to just fuck over and over and over again.

He couldn’t hear you softly plead for him to let you breathe over the sounds of his own cursing. He didn’t care. If you passed out, you deserved to. Your body was his for the taking, it had to learn. You said yourself you would do what he wanted. He needed this. It was the least you could do for all the trouble he’d been through for you.

He let your neck go, and as you gasped for a saving breath, he felt your walls leak all over him. Your muffled cries sounding like music to his ears. Your whole body was shaking from pleasure. 

His gaze fell onto your back, sinking his teeth onto your scars. You winced loudly as he marked you, his knife wound from the previous night still stinging and tender with pain.

Grabbing your head again, he pushed your face down onto the ground. You thrusted your hips helplessly, feeling your orgasm approaching as the cold floor pressed painfully against your nose. 

“Wait..wait...I’m so close” Your words were intangible through the cloth. You were humping down on him so desperately he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. There, in front of him with your ass bouncing from how feverishly you wanted to cum all over his cock, he was in heaven. 

Jin felt your heat melt as you came, screaming in ecstasy against the restraint. You limply relaxed onto the floor as Jin continued to thrust up into you, holding your hips down tightly to dig deeper and deeper into your messy, dripping cunt.

Jin felt like his whole body would explode in pleasure. This was the peak. His life couldn’t get any better than this moment where he had you just like he dreamed. He wondered if it would always feel this good. Of course it would. It was you after all. 

Your core clenched as the stimulation became too much. He looked into your eyes and could see the streams of tears staining your cute cheeks. It was that look. That pleading look that was begging him to stop. Jin came with a loud cry, tilting his head back as he smacked your locker back one final time. 

Breathing heavily, he lifted you off of him, watching his seed leak out of you. You laid down onto your side, absolutely spent. He slid down to lay behind you, hugging you to him as he undid the mouth wrap with his teeth. He stroked your body tenderly, hands finding your breasts. 

“Holy shit” You coughed, finally able to breathe air directly. “Officer Kim Seokjin, that was...wow”

Jin didn’t respond, he simply smiled, pinching your nipples causing you to squirm. That was nothing baby. 


Taehyung hated being wrong. He hated not knowing and not having control of any situation. So when Yoongi was shaking his head, denying that he had caused all the recent chaos that had been keeping Taehyung up at night, he felt like he was going to tear the entire bar apart, floorboard by floorboard. 

“Y/n had mentioned she was kidnapped. I didn’t hear about it from you so I figured it must have been Jimin, and that you made sure she didn’t really get hurt. It ended up with her opening up to me, so I wasn’t really too mad about it” Yoongi said calmly, sipping his drink.

“From the footage it looked like Namjoon and Y/n took the pills and blacked out. Hobi was drunk too, but when he sobered up he had gotten a call to take them to the warehouse. I figured you had told him to do that.” 

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, “Why the fuck would I want to kidnap and beat up Namjoon? I need him healthy to fight. Don’t be such an idiot Kim"

“It wasn’t just that though. Jimin’s accident happened right after I sent you the video. I figured you were jealous”

Setting his glass down, Yoongi swiveled in his stool to light a cigar before leaning back casually “The video of Y/n and Jimin fucking? Please, I don’t give a shit”

“Well, then I told you that Jungkook showed her the lab and gave her literal heroin so I imagine you weren’t happy about that”

The smoke dissipated slowly from his lips. Taehyung frowned at the scent. “I wasn’t. But still, I didn’t stab him. I was with Y/n, taking care of her because I love her.”

Taehyung clenched his fists. He did not want to hear Yoongi go on and on about how much he loved you, he did not care. He wanted to know who was messing with his plans. Taehyung had things to do. He had operations in play. He couldn’t afford any mistakes.  

“Is that all? Jimin’s album is coming out tomorrow so I need to get some rest” Yoongi scoffed suddenly, “Especially now that Jimin’s gone ahead and brought Y/n into the media’s eye. What a fucking idiot”

“How are you planning on dealing with him? Are you gonna kill him?”

Yoongi laughed. “Taehyung. Seriously. What is up with you these days? If I wanted Jimin dead he would be dead dumbass.” Yoongi clicked his tongue, “Like I said before, I’m not worried about her and Jimin. She hates him. I know she does.”

Taehyung was not expecting that at all. Not from Yoongi. He had seen Yoongi wrench out people’s teeth if they didn’t pay him. He had seen Yoongi shoot innocent people, not even noticing when Taehyung had to turn around and puke his guts out because of it. But looking at the powerful man besides him now, he could barely recognize him.

“Just find out who was giving Hobi those orders and kill them. I don’t care who it is, just kill them. I don’t even want to know. I don’t have time for this”

Taehyung pursed his lips, “Yoongi, you know that Jimin does really like Y/n too, right? Like, he might be falling in love with her.” Yoongi gave him a look indicating that he was not taking him seriously, “I’m serious! I’ve never seen him like this and I’m surprised you aren’t more worried”

“Taehyung. Do you think I’m dumb?” Yoongi’s expression shifted to one of annoyance, “I knew what I was doing when I offered her an internship. I knew what I was doing when I signed Jimin on, knowing full well how much of a fan she is. Of course I knew she would pursue him. I needed her to see for herself, what a bratty piece of shit that man is. I knew she would hate him Taehyung, killing him would mean she might still care. She might still have feelings for him. That’s not what I need. She can only love me. I have to show her I’m better than him”

Yoongi took another puff of his cigar before continuing, “Now, I’ll admit things got fucked up when fucking Namjoon kept on bringing her to Death Valley. Idiot doesn’t take a fucking hint.”

Taehyung gulped down the rest of his drink before slamming the glass on the bar top. “Another please” He waved to the bartender. “I can take Jin off your hands now. He’s seen your face, but he might know stuff so it could be good to keep him alive” Yoongi simply shrugged, setting his cigar aside.

“I don’t care what you do with him. I want her alone tomorrow. I’m coming clean”


The next morning, Yoongi brought Taehyung back to the apartment. Taehyung lifted Jin out of the cell and claimed to be taking him to a clinic. After they left, it was just you and Yoongi.

Yoongi crouched down and extended a hand to you, not wanting to come too close. He knew you were upset with him. He could feel it. 

“Morning my love” His voice was songlike, eyes pleading as he looked at you, an absolute mess on the floor, like you were his whole world. “Come on, let me run you a bath. I’m sorry”

You knew if you looked at him for too long you wouldn’t be able to resist. But after everything you had just heard, you wanted to just be alone.

“I’ll explain everything. I promise, I don’t want any lies between us” Reluctantly, you took his hand and he pulled you up into a hug. You teared up at his embrace. You could feel the simple adoration through his touch. You could have just melted into his arms.

Leading you out of the cell, he sat you down in the kitchen while he went to draw a hot bath for you. “Will you be joining me?” You asked him dryly, attempting to put up some attitude in whatever way you could. 

To your surprise he shook his head, “No. I’ll wait till you’re done. Enjoy yourself” You frowned slightly, knowing a part of you didn’t want to hear the answer. “If you need anything just call for me okay?” He took your hands in his, kissing them gently. “After, I want to give you something. I’ve put some clothes for you on the dresser inside”

“Wait” You gasped, taking in his presence fully. “I’m sorry a...about Jimin and the media”

Yoongi shook his head, “It’s not your fault. It’s like you said, he’s just a typical rockstar” The two of your shared a small laugh. You realized then how rarely you had ever seen Yoongi smile. It was a beautiful smile, and you hoped to see it again.

You stepped into Yoongi’s bathroom. It wasn’t very large, but it was very high tech. A modern tub lay with soft white suds dancing over it. You grinned inwardly as you saw how he had laid out a blunt and a lighter for you. The water smelt of lavender, and was just the right temperature as you stripped down and slid in. You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply while appreciating the moment of peace. The eye of the storm. Inside you knew that this might be the only break you would get. Jimin’s album was coming out tomorrow. You had no idea what to expect. 

“Yoongi” You called out, tilting your head back and sinking into the tub deeper. 

He appeared rapidly, not really reacting to your undressed state as he knelt down by the tub, “Everything okay?”

“Stay here” You moved your arm out of the water, soap dripping onto the tiled floor as you tilted Yoongi’s cheek towards you and kissed him deeply. “Join me” You gasped into his mouth, “Please”

Yoongi kept his lips on yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth. He missed kissing you so much. Not having you the past night had been incredibly hard for him. “No love. I need you to relax. I’m about to tell you some things today and...you might be scared.”

You whined against him, pulling him closer to you while he did little to resist, “But I want you” You pouted.

Yoongi rolled his eyes with a soft smirk, “I want you too love. Don’t stay in there too long okay. Then get dressed and I’ll be in the kitchen” With one final kiss on your lips, he backed away from you, and you slid back into the warm water.

Yoongi had set out a cute little sundress for you, one that was scandalously sheer, but nevertheless cute. The dress felt blissfully light on your body, a slight breeze fluttering up your skirt as you spun around in front of a large mirror. 

You felt sexy, but most of all you felt free. You sighed heavily as you made your way to the kitchen, twirling around playfully before falling back into Yoongi’s embrace. 

“Hey” You got on your tippy toes to allow Yoongi to plant a kiss on your lips from behind you, smiling into one another. There was that smile again. It made your heart melt like butter. 

He wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck, “Fuck love you smell so good. You look so good.” You giggled as you felt his erection press up on your ass “How can I control myself...” His words were breathless as his hands trailed down to the hem of your dress, lifting it lightly to reveal the frilly lingerie he had bought for you. He cursed under his breath, pulling your ass back against him.

“Ah ah! You said you were gonna give me something” You teased, getting your payback for earlier. Yoongi nodded, reaching into the drawer to bring out a box. He slid it onto the kitchen counter “Is this for me?” He nods as you excitedly open the box. In it is a pistol, with gold accents and your initials engraved onto the side with what looked like diamonds. Beneath the device was a magazine of matching color. You looked at Yoongi with shock.

“I had it made just for you. Do you like it?” His hands covered yours as he guided you to take the gun into your hands and load the magazine into it. “I hope you never have to use it. But I needed you to have something to protect yourself” He turned and pulled your wrists to aim the barrel against his heart. “You could even kill me if you wanted to”

You were at a loss for words, but Yoongi continued, keeping the gun in your hand aimed at himself “I’m not a good guy Y/n. I’m dangerous. That’s why I had Taehyung take you out of Death Valley that night and had to throw you into that cell.” He gave you so space backing away. You felt bad, knowing that he must be feeling anxious to reveal himself to you, despite you knowing exactly what he was going to say.

You tried to give him a comforting look, unable to move your hands from his steady grip, “I’m a gangster.”

He waited for you to react. You weren’t sure what to do, so you just parted your lips in feigned shock. Wow! No way! Really! You felt like laughing, but his gaze was so serious you stopped yourself.

"I have a drug syndicate. At Death Valley. The money I make from that I use to gamble. That’s why we have the fights. I have boys trained and bet money on them. We make millions through that but really it’s just power plays” He looks away from you momentarily, “Anyways, no one knows that I, Min Yoongi, am the one running things there, but still I have a lot of enemies. A lot of people would love to see me dead. To see me lose.”

“Since you’re my partner, you are a liability. I need you to be safe. Normally I’ll have someone from the gang accompany you wherever you go. You won’t know who it is so don’t worry about it, it’s just in case anything happens” 

Partner? Since when? You frowned slightly at the label. Then again, this guy did carve his name into your skin. Maybe that was how big scary gangsters asked girls out these days, who were you to judge. 

“I don’t want you to be scared of me okay” Yoongi finally took the gun from you and set it aside, “Me giving you this means I trust you. With my secret and my life.”

You began to feel flustered. You hadn’t even thought about what it would mean to actually date or be associated with a gang member, let alone a kingpin. Now the media thought you were dating Jimin, who was also conveniently high up in all this. 

“I know it’s a lot” Yoongi said. “You can always ask me if you have questions. Now let’s get to work okay. Big day coming, I need my your expert opinion by my side”


The low growl of the engine was the only sound to be heard as Taehyung drove Jin to his own home. The world came still as he parked the car. Sighing heavily, he checked his radar before exiting the car, lifting Jin.

“You think you can stand buddy?” Jin nodded, and Taehyung slowly helped him find steady ground. He held Jin up, assisting him as they walked in through the back entrance to his basement. 

A single lightbulb illuminated just enough for Taehyung and Jin to see each other’’s faces. Nothing more, nothing less. Wiping sweat from his forehead, he placed Jin into a chair. 

“So it’s this Yoongi guy huh” Jin remarked. “And surprise surprise...you’re his little bitch too. Do your lips hurt from all the ass you have to kiss?”

“Oh please, Yoongi can go to hell for all I care.” Taehyung chuckled, surveying an array of knives that were displayed on the wall before his eyes settled on a small blade, curved ever so slightly. “I do need you to keep your mouth shut about me to Jimin though. If it weren’t for me, Yoongi would have let you rot in there”

Jin tilted his head, a small smile growing on his face as he understood the implications of Taehyung’s words, “I see. You’re plotting against both of them huh?”

“What’s I’m plotting is none of your goddamn business, Officer. So tell me, what’s it gonna take to keep you quiet hm? Money? More coke?”

“You know, I might be able to help you. You’re playing a dangerous game Taehyung. I know what you’re doing and I know how you plan on doing it. You’re using Y/n as bait. You’re using her to pin Jimin against Yoongi so you can sweep in and take over.”

Taehyung froze. First he smiled, then burst out into giggles before full on laughing. “It’s that obvious huh? Fine, hypothetically let’s say we work together. What’s in it for you?”

Jin licked his lips, “All I ask, is that when the dust settles, Y/n is mine. I know things Taehyung. I’m a cop after all”

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed, “Is that it?”

“And I get to kill them. My way”

Taehyung took a moment to think. “Okay Officer. You might just have yourself a deal.”


The clicking of the keyboard resonated through Yoongi’s office that was all but quiet as the chaos of an upcoming release had taken the whole building by storm. 

He had you sitting on his thigh, hands around his neck as he would run final details by you. But with the way he would occasionally tap his foot, causing his leg to vibrate underneath you, you couldn’t help craving him more and more with each passing minute.

He wouldn’t react as you nibbled his ear, placed kisses on his neck. You sighed loudly, sexual frustration building up within you. Finally you slid down a strap of your dress, letting it, along with your bra, glide down your breast. You tried to pull his chin towards you but he was too caught up in reading the emails he had gotten.

You really did respect the guy. For whatever he is, he took his work...of all kinds...very seriously. That itself turned you on. “Yoongi” You cooed at him, causing him to hum slightly.

“Yes love?” He muttered, a hint of annoyance in his voice. 

“Look” He finally surrendered to you, allowing you to turn his chin to see your perky breast in his line of vision. He was surprised, looking at you briefly before placing his mouth over you and suckling you roughly. 

You bit your lip, his tongue felt hot as he rolled it around your nipples. He took his time, lapping away at you, digging his teeth and gliding his wet lips over the perked bud. 

You buried your face into his soft black hair, his musky scent overwhelming you. Stuttering his name from your lips as he continued to suck your tit harshly, his hands trailed up your bare legs under the skirt of your dress to tug at the waistline of your panties. He let his fingers glide beneath the soft lace, teasing you.

Yoongi gave your breast a final sloppy kiss, before he let go with a pop, looking up at your fucked out face. He chuckled, bringing one hand to slide down your other strap and then tenderly squeezing your other breast. He rolled the tip between his fingers before placing his mouth of it.

Heat was coiling in your chest, soft whines leaving your parted lips. You moved from his thigh to straddle his waist, rolling your hips against his growing bulge. The friction shot pleasure through your core, making you leak with desire. 

You were sure Yoongi could feel how wet you were. Nevertheless his focus remained on ravishing your breast. He left chaste kisses on your eager nub, nipping away as his mouth tenderly sucked, making sure to give it as much attention as the other. 

His kisses then trailed between your breasts, traveling up to your neck where they became rougher. His movements tickled you, making you squirm as he kissed beneath your jaw, tilting your face back. 

“Mmm that’s enough love, we can’t here” He mumbled. You groaned in complaint, panting with frustration as Yoongi’s lips left your skin and his hands pulled your straps back onto your shoulders. “I booked us a room somewhere special for a few days because our bedroom is still fucked up from the other night. We can have each other there, I promise, okay love?”


Yoongi was a man of taste. Being in the rock industry, he was used to things being grunge and edgy, but personally he always had a soft spot for excellence. That’s why, while maintaining the all black getup, he would dress in silk shirts, pure silver jewelry and diamond studded jackets. 

He had picked a hotel not too far from the label, but one of the finest places in miles around. It was the same venue that would be the site of Jimin’s album release event the following night. Yoongi had booked out the largest suite in the building, wanting to show you the best night of your life. 

And you had a feeling it would be, as you walked in to the large room, lit with purple LED undertones that complemented the fading sunset that was gleaming in through the expansive glass wall. On the bed was a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice.

“Holy shit” You mumbled, wandering around as Yoongi directed the bellboys to bring in the luggage. Yoongi insisted he would take care of all your needs when packing. He claimed to have someone go back to your apartment and grab some of your essential items, but also insisted in buying you new things. You had to admit, gangster or not, Yoongi really knew how to spoil a girl.

You leaned against the glass, peering out at the skyline, a bright coral pink even still. Yoongi came up besides you, tilting your face towards him to kiss you fondly. 

“Can I pour you a drink love?” He sighed into your mouth. You nodded, watching as Yoongi pulled the champagne out of the bucket, popping the cork and pouring two glasses with ease. He hands you one, clinking his own against yours. You took a few sips, savoring the slightly sour bubbly liquid before setting your glass aside. Yoongi pulled you towards him by the waist. 

“This is all amazing Yoongi” You wrapped your arms around his neck. He caressed your hips, swaying you against him almost as though you were slow dancing. After a quick peck to the lips he spoke again,

“I’ve been thinking about the future. How would you like to work for me full time? As a junior producer?”

Your eyes widened in surprise, “I...wow, I would love that, that would be the dream” Yoongi smiled, gliding his lips over your cheek, behind your ear where he began to leave small wet kisses. His hands trailed up your sides and he hooked his fingers under the strap of your dress, tugging it so the garment slid seamlessly off your body and onto a pile on the floor.

“Shit” Yoongi bit his lip, eying you up and down in your angelic lingerie. “Just missing one thing” You pouted as he stepped away from you, walking over to a cabinet to pull a studded black collar and leash from the drawer. 

He wrapped the collar around your neck carefully, adjusting the strap so that it was nice and tight. He admired the way it looked against your skin, tracing and tugging on it with his fingers.

“Beautiful.” Taking the leash in his hand, he gently pushed you down onto your knees, stroking your cheek as you looked up at him eagerly. “You know what to do” He blew a kiss at you teasingly.

You began to unbutton his pants, sliding them down along with his boxers. Licking you lips, you took his length into your hands, stroking him slowly, looking up for his validation. 

He groaned at your touch “Look at you hm?” His fingers harshly ran along your jaw, pulling playfully at your bottom lip “So fucking pretty”

He tugged your lip forward, prompting you to get your mouth on his cock, his other hand holding himself steady against the wall. You wrapped your lips around the tip, letting you tongue circle around.

Your breath hitched as Yoongi suddenly tugged at your leash, forcing his cock down your throat. You gagged immediately, but he kept your face pulled forward.

You flattened your tongue, allowing Yoongi to thrust himself against the slippery sensation. His cock filled your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe. You could taste the sour pre-cum against the rigid veins all over his girthy length. 

He loved the way you took him, so messy. You slobbered all over his cock, the sounds of you choking and coughing like music to his ears. Your lips were swollen and fucked out, eyes bulging as you desperately tried to maintain yourself. Tears built at the corned of your eyes making him buck his hips. You were his. Like he had always wanted. He finally owned you.

You felt his cum shoot straight down your throat, causing you to gasp in desperation, cheeks hollowing enough to allow him to push even further down your throat. Once you surrendered to swallow, Yoongi pulled out, a mixture of cum and saliva dripping all over your face. 

“Bend over, hands on the wall” He ordered through gritted teeth. He lined himself up behind you, sneaking a finger deep into your heat, relishing in the wet pool of your arousal and how you leaked out all over his palm. He pushed another finger in, pumping you furiously before his eyes narrowed in on your back.

You felt his fingers fall out, causing you to whine. A sudden tug of the leash pulled you back into his chest. 

“What is this?” He growled, a finger gliding over the knife scar through his name on your back. You stuttered, the collar knocking the breath out of you. “Who did this?”  He dug his nails into you making you wince. 

“W..what are you talking about?” Yoongi turned you around and slapped you hard.

“You know what I’m talking about. Who marked you? Who fucking dared?” He was yelling loudly despite being so close to your face. You tried to turn away but he wouldn’t let you.

“I...” You gulp. If you told Yoongi it was Jin, he would definitely go kill him. You needed Jin to be alive, in fact you were hardly even sure if he was anymore. A part of you knew Taehyung wouldn’t actually kill him. He didn’t deserve to die, not for something like this. “I don’t know”

Yoongi glared at you, the fire in his eyes evident. He dragged you relentlessly to the bed, taking the leash and using it to tie your arms to your chest. 

“You wanna play fucking games huh?” Yoongi screamed. You trembled, his demeanor beginning to scare you, “I’ll show you. I’ll fucking show you what happens when you hide something from me. You’re staying like this, locked in here until you decide to tell me the truth you got that?”

Tears were already streaking down your face as you nodded. Yoongi scowled at you before climbing in the other side of the bed and turning off the lights. 


Hobi arrived at the banquet hall. Preparations were already being made. The hustle of his coworkers preparing for the album release press conference and the subsequent celebration. 

A few people greeted him, but looking around he noticed an absence of a certain energy. Jimin was sitting on the stage, reading over his answer sheets while his make-up artists poked at his face.

Hobi didn’t feel an ounce of guilt about what he had done to Jimin. He never liked the guy, despite having to put up a cordial face around him. It was tough for him to help Jimin put songs together when he just wanted to wrench his guts out and put a bullet through his head. 

He tried avoiding the star when he could, but Jimin sought him out “Hey Hobi c’mere” Jimin snapped his fingers, pushing away the people surrounding him. Hobi took a deep breath before approaching him.

“Have you seen Y/n?”

Hobi raised his eyebrows. He at first had not been sure if you would have actually been killed or not after Jin’s little stunt the other night. It was a relief to him when he saw you appear in the news at Jimin’s side, but he was confused. 

“I figured she was here already. Maybe she’s with Yoongi” Jimin rolled his eyes, “That motherfucker, honestly. Did you know those two were hanging out because I fucking didn’t” Jimin hissed. “He branded her. Apparently they got really high, she said it was an accident but I dunno that’s a bit much even for Yoongi. You should have seen how pissed off he was”

“Hanging out?” Hobi asked curiously, “Y/n and Yoongi?” He felt his stomach flip uncomfortably. “Yoongi never hangs out with employees, let alone interns”

Jimin shrugged, “Can’t blame him honestly. She’s a temptress. I’ve slept with her a bunch of times and it just keeps getting better and better”

Hobi did everything in his power not to slug Jimin in his face, out of respect to the make up artists who had spent so long trying to make this bastard look presentable. “I know” 

“You do?” Jimin grinned, “Right...you who almost dated for half a second there. Then Yoongi and his fucking rules came and blew it all up” Jimin playfully pushed Hobi’s shoulder, “Man. You gotta just claim what’s yours and say fuck em. Next time. She’s mine now though, sorry”

Hobi rolled his eyes, knowing full well that you loathed Jimin. Nevertheless, the spoilt brat had a point. When the fuck did Yoongi hang out with Y/n? It didn’t make sense. 

Turning to one of the overseeing secretaries, Hobi questioned which room Yoongi was staying, intending to pay him a quick visit. The secretary gave him the room number, warning him that Yoongi had mentioned he might be unavailable in the morning as he had a few errands to run. 

Hobi wandered through the hotel, heading to the elevator to arrive at the top floor with all the suites. When he arrived at the door, he noticed the sign on the handle with raised eyebrows. Nevertheless he knocked “Yoongi! It’s me? Can we chat for a bit?”

“Hobi! Oh my God Hobi help me! Get me out of here!” Goosebumps appeared all over him as your shrill voice leaked through the door, “I can’t move please”

His hands were trembling. What the hell was going on? He budged at the door but it was locked. Cursing under his breath, he pulled out his gun, taking the handle and using it to knock of the handle. He pushed through the door, swallowing thickly as he saw you, leash hooked up to the bed frame, hands tied, in such a sexy little lingerie set his heart felt like exploding then and there.

“What the fuck?” Hobi rushed over to you, untying you from your restraints and clicking off the collar. Your hands went to your neck, soothing the red marks that had appeared due to the tight hold. “Yoongi did this?”

You nodded “He was punishing me. He was gonna keep me locked in here” You wanted to cry but you couldn’t even find it within yourself. Hobi noticed how defeated you looked. He hated seeing you like this.


You looked into his eyes, sighing at the true ignorance. Hobi knew so little about everything you had been through, you didn’t have the heart to place the burden onto him.

“Can we just get out of here? Please? I need a fucking drink” He nodded, rubbing the pads of his fingers softly over the imprints of the tight bands on your arms. “Let me get changed. That motherfucker was gonna make me miss my first album release party,” You scoffed, laughing bitterly as you stood up, “I’ll fucking show him. I’m gonna look hot as fuck and I’m gonna be all over Jimin tonight”

Hobi blinked at you in amusement but said nothing as you marched off into the bathroom.

“Come on” You called back to him, curling your finger to motion him towards you teasingly “Are you really gonna pass up the chance to fuck me in the shower?”

“Damn, you’re really something” Hobi mumbled, unable to hide the blush that grew on his cheeks. 

You didn’t bother taking off your underwear, you could see how turned on Hobi was from seeing you just by the gleam in his eye. You playfully bounced into the shower, turning the water cold.  The white lace on your body dampened, making the coverage practically negligible. 

Hobi almost choked seeing you. You tilted your head back and let the water fall directly on your breasts. You could hear the click of his buckled as he undressed himself quickly to join you.

“Shit this is cold” Hobi touched the water before sliding into the glass cube behind you. You turned around to face him, smiling mischievously. “Can daddy clean me up?” You pouted at him, winking. Hobi rolled his eyes.

“Jesus Y/n” Hobi pulled your hips forward before lifting you into his arms, “You’re such a slut for me aren’t you? All you fucking want is daddy’s big cock is that it?”

You nodded rapidly. “Yeah. Want your cock” You slid your hand down his chest, biting your lip.

“Of course you do baby” He pressed your back against the glass, the ice cold water hitting his back as he rolled his hips into you. His hand snaked around beneath you to push aside your soaked panties and touch your throbbing clit. “Look at me baby. Does that feel good?” He began to rub small circles, watching the way your body responded to him.

“Y...yes” You groaned, burying your face into his wet hair, nails digging into his back as you held on tight. Hobi grunted, gliding his finger back to trace along your folds.

“So fucking needy baby. No one fucks you as good as I do huh?” Hobi’s hot breath tickled your ear. “You missed me didn’t you, you slut. Only I know how you really like it” He pushed one finger in “Isn’t that right?”

You nodded, a sobbing mess of moans muffling into his neck as he rapidly pumped his finger into you, “Yes” You exhaled, “Want Daddy. Only want Daddy”

“I know. Oh, you poor little thing” He shoved another finger in, making you mewl as he stretched you out, “Do you think about me huh? When Jimin’s ramming his cock into do you think about me?” Your pussy clenched down at his words, “Did you fuck Yoongi too? Our boss, god you are such a little whore aren’t you?”

He slid in a third finger and you began to scream out in pleasure, “Oh fuck Hobi yes, right there right there” You panted heavily, “More...please” The mention of Yoongi’s name had you leaking all over. 

The thought that he could just come back in at any moment had you falling apart. He would look so fucking angry. He would probably kill Hobi on the spot. 

Why did that turn you on so much?

Heat pulsed through your body. Hobi slid his fingers out, spanking your pussy before sliding you down onto your feet.

“I missed you” Hobi said weakly. Your eyes softened. You knew you were taking advantage of him. You knew your heart was really elsewhere, as much as you wished it wasn’t. 

“Kiss me” You didn’t want to think, you cupped his face bringing it to yours and pressing your lips against his. You poured yourself into the kiss, the roll of your hips matching the way your lips wrestled one another. 

Hobi deepened the kiss, pining your wrists above your head. He gasped as he pulled away, staring darkly into your eyes, “Do you want Daddy’s big cock?” You nodded, his lips barely inched from yours “Yeah? Want Daddy to fuck you good? Fill you up with his cum? Fuck his babies into you huh? You want that?”

He turned you around, hand gripping under your thigh to prop your leg up onto the sliding shower door handle. You winced at the stretch but Hobi didn’t react. You feel him slap his hot cockhead against your ass. Holding your hips steady, he slid his cock into you easily. Your slick inviting him in deep into your throbbing heat. You whimpered as his dick pushed through your walls, filling you to the brim. 

“Good girl” He growled, “Such a good warm little pussy for daddy, such a good fucking girl oh goddd” He slowly pulled out before thrusting back in. His pace was excruciatingly slow, but the burn of him pumping you in and out felt so good. 

“Fuck I’m close Daddy” You were practically drooling, lips parted in pure bliss as Hobi fucked you deeper and deeper, your head slamming against the glass. “Want you to fill me up daddy. Want your cum” You whined.

“You feel so fucking good baby. Go ahead and cum,” Hobi kissed you again “Cum for Daddy, come on” He quickened his pace as he felt your tight walls begin to twitch around his cock. He could hear your wetness as he pistons into you under your breathless screams. 

“I’m gonna cum Daddy..I..I..” Your eyes were clenched close as you let out a high pitched scream, your hot arousal dripping all over Hobi’s cock as your walls squeezed him tight. He bucked his hips as you came, groaning as he tried to fuck you through it. 

“Shit.” Hobi cursed under his breath as he felt himself come undone immediately after, his sticky cum shooting deep inside of you. “God that was so good” He sighed, landing a lazy kiss on your lips.

You sighed, savoring the small aftershocks of arousal that had you trembling in his embrace. Enjoying the final momentary pleasure before the wild night ahead of you.


Jimin stood outside the banquet hall and tightened his tie. There were only a few more minutes until his album officially came out. Fixing loose strands of his hair, he sighed. He wanted you by his side but you were no where to be seen. 

“Jiminnnn” The pitch of your voice gave you away easily. Jimin glowed in anticipation of you. His heart stopped as you arose from the hallway. You looked absolutely stunning in a classy sleeveless pantsuit. 

“Baby” You giggled. Jimin frowned slightly, noticing how you stumbled into his arms before giving you a peck on the lips. “Are you excitedddd?” You slurred your words. “Everyone’s gonna loveeeee your music”

He inhaled your scent, scrunching his nose as he recognized the stench of whiskey on your breath. “Baby. You’re drunk”

“Come onnnnn, everyone is waiting for you at the party” You tugged at his tie. Jimin sighed, he couldn’t help but surrender to your cuteness despite his gut telling him not to bring you there. 

“Jimin...this is my dream.” You giggled, almost losing your balance before Jimin caught you into his arms. “I’m Park Jimin’s girlfriendddd” Jimin dragged you outside slowly, sheepishly bowing to the other people who began giving the pair of you dirty looks. “Hey!” You yelled suddenly, “I’m Park Jimin’s girlfriend! I love him!”

Jimin’s heart skipped a beat. “You...what?” He began trembling, an overwhelming flush of emotions seizing him. “Really?”

You nodded, a big teethy smile on your face. Jimin blushed. “I...” She’s just drunk. He sighed. “Come on baby” He wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you down to the banquet hall. 

The venue was gorgeous. It had a red and black theme that matched Jimin’s album cover. Champagne was being served at every nook and corner. The room broke out into applause as Jimin walked in, you glued to his side.

Jimin’s eyes scanned the room looking for Yoongi. He was no where to be seen.

Jimin waved to his guests, thanking them for the cheer before he turned to you. He stroked your face, gazing into your glittering eyes with nothing but adoration. He felt his eyes tear up as the thought occured to him that maybe it really was you.

He had written so many baseless love songs, songs about yearning, song about searching for someone to make his life worth it again. Maybe it was you. Were you his happy ending?

His mind wandered to what could be. What might be if he marries you, you go on tour together, making love in every city over the world. You would be his biggest fan, his lifeline, and he would love you endlessly. He wanted that. So bad. Did you?

He twirled you around before dipping you down princess style and kissing you passionately. The room burst into cheers as you smiled into one another.

“Sir” One of the staff members tapped on Jimin’s shoulder urgently, “Sorry to interrupt, there’s something you should know” The staff member leaned in to whisper something into Jimin’s ear. You watched as his eyes went wide with shock. 

“I...I need to go. Excuse me” Jimin pardoned himself from the crowd, rushing out of the banquet hall. You followed him.

“Jimin! What is it? What happened?” You held onto his arm.

“He’s dead” Jimin muttered, “Fuck. SHIT. He’s dead” 

Your heart dropped. “Who...?”

“Taehyung. Taehyung is dead”

ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ

a/n: i hope this makes up for how shitty part 6 was ahahaha. gosh i must have rewritten this like 4 times. but yeah drop those theories in my asks bbs <3 who killed tae? where’s yoongi? what’s jin up to? joon and kook will be back in action in part 8, next week dw ;) 

also that detail abt jin not listing you fucking taehyung when he’s spanking you is intentional

taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie​ @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies​ @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope @ohmykim @xyahrinx

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3 years ago

death valley (m) | part 8

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize


pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jin x reader, jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader

genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au

wordcount: 9.0k

warnings: reader discretion advised. rough sex, physical roughness, sadism kink, pain kink, breast play, fingering, elevator sex (semipublic), praise kink, dirty talk, unrealistic endurance (this is one day LMAO), attempted fire play, bondage, guns, attempted shootings, knife play if you squint, spanking, degradation (name calling, slut shaming, being really mean lolol thanks jin), crying kink? lot of crying, toxic and manipulative behaviors, jin steps on you so there’s that, character death, heavy drug use, paranoia/fear, voyeurism, sex while intoxicated, me trying to put some humor where i can, sweet dom!jungkook, wild dom!jin, and a sprinkle of dom!taehyung ;) ALSO eyebrowpiercing!jungkook. very important. 

a/n: this smut was VERY fun to write. please enjoy. i will shout out muster!bts for being my inspo. 

part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | series navi | masterlist

F L A S H F O R W A R D–

Goosebumps spread across your skin as the silence set in. The room was chilly, air conditioner buzzing in contrast to the slick humidity of the summer night waiting for you outside. The white light made your eyes ache, the walls were plain, dry, empty.

You stared blankly at the table in front of you. The sound of the pen scratching paper made you ache, remembering kinder days when you and Hobi would be goofing around and writing songs. How did you get here? How did you let this happen?

The previous night, you had dreamt of being at a concert, somewhere far from Death Valley. Losing yourself to music and molly, a soft pair of hands on your waist as you danced the night away, singing at the top of your lungs. Those same hands wrapping around your waist, nose tracing behind your ear to whisper to you how pretty you were. How hot you looked and how badly he wanted to tear your clothes off with his teeth. 

You allowing him to pick you up so easily, take you back to his car where you scrambled into the back seat. Like children. The first kiss was magic, you were glued to him and could barely move on. He wouldn’t leave you for a second, he wouldn’t let you breathe. Your lips were hot on each other, soft moans and giggles. Swallowed smiles as you drank one another in, bodies like waves crashing against each other.

Hands wandering until he had you where he wanted. Where you wanted. He loved you down so incredibly good. How was he able to tear you apart while still being so sweet, you could barely even fathom it. His teeth dug into the flesh of your breasts, fingers hooking around your panties. 

His tongue ravished your figure. There was no part of you left untouched, no part of you that wasn’t completely ablaze with arousal. You would arch your neck back as he lapped away at the sweetness dripping between your legs, your hands combing through his wavy black hair.

His tongue knew where to go, he knew how you liked it, and your fist clenched as he fucked you with his mouth through and through. He always made sure you came first. Always. Every single time.

Whether you had mere minutes or long hours, he loved the way you tasted, making sure you knew that at every chance he got. Sloppy wet kisses traveled up your stomach to your chest, up your neck, hands caressing your ass, scratching your back, holding you close for a moment. 

You were whisked away into heaven, just briefly, as his thick cock would push into you. Your pussy pulling him in, wanting to feel the familiar but oh so incredible stretch that only he gave you. 

Taehyung. You sobbed as he fucked you, allowing him to kiss the glossy tears off of your cheeks as he rolled his hips, angling so perfectly to nudge deep within you. His sinister grin, his giggles, his chaos. You were in the hands of disaster but you never felt more safe. 

Why are you crying dumbass? He would find your state amusing, continuing to fuck you, thrusts long and smooth. Quick, but slow enough for you to savor each second. Your whining lost behind the wet sound of your bodies colliding.

Where are you? Are you watching this right now? You’re not really dead are you?

Stroking your cheek, he leaned down to whisper against your mouth. The words he would keep on saying, echoing back to you. Play along. I won’t hurt you.

What exactly you were playing, you were unsure. 

“Look at me” Your eyes darted up to meet Jin’s deceivingly innocent eyes. “I’m gonna ask you again, did you kill Kim Taehyung?” 

You gulped, sweat collecting onto the cold handcuffs around your wrists. Jin glanced at the mirrored wall, before letting out a heavy sigh. 

“It appears that Kim Taehyung was murdered about two hours before the party. We found your gun near the body.” Jin holds up the custom weapon Yoongi had given that was unmistakably yours. “Where were you at that time?” You felt your eyes getting heavy.

“I was” You lips were chapped, mouth clammy with a bitter taste. You looked him dead in the eye, stomach sickened by the amusement glistening within them as you struggled with your response. You knew he was getting a kick out of it. You wanted to spit on his face. You wanted to slap him, to scream, to flip the table and break out of the windowless room that caged you.

“I was with…y..” Jin smirked, leaning back. You cleared your throat, mind running a mile a minute.

“With who Y/n?”

You glared at him. He was treating this as some sort of role play. You felt queasy at the thought. Someone was dead. Dead. 

“You. I was with you”

Keep reading

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