We Will Fight - Tumblr Posts
I was on the @BBPolyvore Facebook page and stumbled upon this: a photo of a customer complaint from a loyal SSENSE User about how the fashion site handled its acquisition of Polyvore. And from what I’ve read (and hopefully what you’ll read soon) this person is disappointed, disgusted, and disillusioned to this company’s business ethics...and I’m super happy!!!
This is the kind of change we need to expose as well as keep fighting SSENSE from their business ‘plan.’ Right now, we need to stand together - now more than ever - and keep protesting their products, website, and business for what they’ve done to us.
I don’t know when our beloved Polyvore will return or how, but I still have hope that the Polyfam is going to beat this...and I still believe that we will win this fight.
Our petition has reached 11K signatures and is on track for 15K at change.org. Repost this, tweet it, retweet it, show it on Facebook and Instagram, and let the world know: we are never backing down and we will never give up!!
Here’s the petition: https://www.change.org/p/former-polyvore-users-creative-minds-bring-back-polyvore
Read this well-crafted article (and a mention from CNBC) and ask yourself whether or not we - the Polyvore community - should keep fighting for it or not.
Also, on the off chance (still hoping and praying for Polyvore) that Polyvore doesn’t come back, there’s another website that’s almost like our Polyvore, but nevertheless, it's fixing itself to make sure they're giving us an excellent experience, which causes customer satisfaction. I submit to you: urstyle.com
URStyle is a new creative website allows people to make their creations come to life. It is an attractive website for the same thing, coming up with most of the same programs that Polyvore used to have.
This is serious. As a transgender myself I can say I’m mortified to exist right now. This abortion ban is disgusting. Now everyone with a uterus will have the potentially unwillingly carry a child that may have come from things like rape or incest. Transgenders (mainly but not limited to ftms), are at a disposition for rape to prove that “we wills always be girls meant to carry a real man’s child”. It’s fucking disgusting and terrifying. And yes, it does largely affect women, but you cannot ignore that NB’s and FTM’s and many other gender identities still have uteruses too. I am having my rights taken away because people can’t get it through their thick heads that abortion isn’t fucking fun. No one wakes up and says “Y’know…An abortion sounds fun today.” It’s my body, it her body, it’s their body. It’s not yours to use as a human incubator. It’s so sickening…this is a womens rights thing, its a trans rights thing, its a human rights thing.
never feel like you're not enough. people can like and appreciate other people too. that's fine.
i know it can be hard to see your own light in a world where all 7 billion of us shine, some seemingly brighter than others. but I trust you, and I trust myself too. you are not lesser. you do not deserve less. you are brilliant. kind. smart. beautiful. absolutely incredible. you have it allll in you, you really do. so don't be afraid! its okay to let it go, to let yourself shine in a sea of bright lights. you won't be outshone-- you'll be glowing in the aura of the others around you.
i believe in you with all my heart. go for it