Tw ed!! Block dont report!! 15 yosw:74kg cw:fat 1ugw:54kg
34 posts
Art1eater - Just_me - Tumblr Blog
Doing the october challenge <3
I dont feel clean even after shower
I have two sides

I need to open tumblr more regularly because when i do it always keeps me in check
Why do i keep b!ng!ng like to a point when i feel s!€k🤒🤢😖 (like oh my god i dont even want to know how much €aI0r!€$ that was i would r!p my ha!r out😍)
I need to feel s!ck from $tarv!ng not from €at!ng s0 mu€h like 0!nk 0!nk🐷
This wont get me to a b0dy i want i need to lock in for october!!
(Also i would appreciate some m€an$p0 in comments thankss)
3ating di$order? NAH IM EATING THIS ORDER
Living with people when you have 3€ is so hard. Like why am fighting my parents instead of my appetite😭
I want to p/rg€ but im scared
I hate living in the middle of nowhere I NEED HALO TOP ICE CREAM
What is clean food? Where do yall draw the line? Is every food thats not junk food clean? Or is every colorful meal (like salad and chicken) not clean? Is clean food just yogurt with berries? Let me know!
Its formulated little weird i know😭
Shool starts soon so it will be easier to $tarv€<3
I want to be a healthy bitch that cooks her colorful meals but why is my mind telling me to ⭐️v
Guys PLEASE hear me out!! Have something sweet or idk magnesium just something IM BEGGING YOU i drank my water and still fainted today so pls remember YOUR BODY NEEDS SUGAR have an apple, coke (REGULAR!!) drink some magnesium idk best if you do all three and don't worry about the kcals it's worth it and better than literally passing out
Take care of yourselfs yall🩷
I want to see how skinny i can get until my birthday
Yall keep forgetting who is the original thigh gap queen.

Please brain let me have a dream tonight where im underweight and light and people love me and me validate me <3
I hate and love being tall girl. I could never drop to 35kg because i would probably die, i hate that i will probably never see that number. I lost around 7kg and there is 0 change, if i was short 7kg would be big diffrence :/ But at the same time i will look more like a sick dying stick being tall :D
Motivation if you need some
You know i like to think that im already skinny and it helps. It kinda is true. Under all that fat you are already skinny. So hang in there i know that its hard sometimes but i belive in you and you should to. Dont beat yourself over binges, over the numbers. Maybe they slowed you down but they cant stop you.
Dont forget to drink water <3
,,You wouldnt want a fast matebolism :(,,
Literally shut up. If you didnt have one you would cry yourself to sleep wishing to have one like the rest of us.
Like why wouldnt you want it?? What are the downsides?? Eating evrething and being skinny??
Shut up
Its so upsetting that restaurant salads are like 1000+ calories, like, what are you putting in there that its that much😭 i dont want it.