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37 posts
Pure Life, Interrupted.
Pure Life, Interrupted.

Idle minds dreaming of highs found in times of past, longing for sunshine underneath future’s bright breath Effervescent wishes not yet born into light with insistent desperation calling into the night Broken children craving lands they have not seen, residing in the sewers of lost hopeful dreams Incessant demands of what life should mean, as functionality becomes frozen from harmful misdeeds of those who claim ownership of their souls
They sit still in waiting for a timely escape from the hell they know too well haunting them every day
They sit still, patiently hoping to one day be met with the visual of what life looks like outside the blackened windows that keep them where they are
Blue Serenity: Phase 0 Pure Life; Conditioned Into Darkness #2
written by Dan Roberts
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More Posts from Blueserenityx

Blue Serenity: Phase 0 Pure Life; Conditioned Into Darkness. (the prequel)

Blue Serenity: Phase 1 Hollow Nights Under Starry Skies
i. hollow nights. ii. flower. iii. invisible. iv. blue emissions. v. do you? vi. help me now. vii. only me. viii. dreams. ix. control. x. paradise. xi. midnight. xii. nightwalker. xiii. someday. xiv. hollow nights II.

Blue Serenity: Phase 1 Hollow Nights Under Starry Skies

Blue Serenity is a story-based project created by Dan Roberts to be published through online platforms. It was written from the ages of 17-21 years old originally in the form of music and lyrics that have now been repurposed into a poetry format. Through six different parts (dubbed phases), you will be taken on a journey through different life chapters and extremes that lead into the perspective the writer currently harbours.
These confessional and fantasy-based stories represent different emotional extremes the author has experienced as they navigate the themes of teenage development, young adulthood, depression, loneliness, substance use and misuse, romantic relationships, emotional and sexual abuse, death, healing and self-improvement.
“Darkness looms about everywhere but so does beauty.”

Pure Life; Conditioned Into Darkness (2/2)