Two 22 y/o gay models in love. One goofy, one off. Neither ever the same guy. Both always awash with heavenly bodies and handsome faces they can't see for themselves living in a world impossible for them to blend in. Find their misadventures here.
341 posts
Brad Didnt Know. There Was Just A Lot Going On. Yes, This Was The Second Time He Wore Briefs To The Beach

Brad didn’t know. There was just a lot going on. Yes, this was the second time he wore briefs to the beach instead of a speedo, but at least this time he wore black.
Chris affirmed Brad’s less see through garment as a technical step up on a public beach but not necessarily for a gay man. He also repeated his intention to inform not judge as he gave Brad another look over. Indeed, Brad looked great regardless. It wasn’t the end of the world, but briefs would take longer to dry.
To keep the positive vibe in spin, Brad then pointed out they successfully brought beach towels with them and not sheets like they did by accident the other week. Those were still wet. Ick!
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More Posts from Bradandchris

Chris’ outfit was a hot mesh.

Brad made an adjustment in hopes Tumblr wouldn’t ban him once again. This was getting old and so was the Interwebs.
Just how long was the Webnets going to take to mature? Brad was born AFTER the internet and HE knows how to handle sex.
Well, please allow us to say this. As a species we’re still new to this level of consciousness and apparently it doesn’t hit everyone at the same time. Why don’t we just let that in and let it do whatever it does. Ok? Ok.

“Chris. Honey. Listen. I got to go. This bed is floating again….”
(garble on the other end)
“Yep. Ok. Yeah. I know. I miss you too. Can’t wait to get back. I would like to be in our bed with you. It touches the ground.”
(Brief phone garble)
“Totally agree. I don’t get it either. I really thought future technologies would be more helpful. I mean, one too may hair dryers plugged in at this hotel, and you move from a gentle hover to a very rude whiplash of a wake up call in the space of three feet. I’ll tell you what’s really messed up tho…This phone has a cord.”
(Phone garble)
“For real for real. Yes. I could die by strangulation at any second. You know what?This hotel is on a crash course for one hell of a lawsuit. I can see four, maybe five people getting killed before someone with enough money and connections to go to court comes along. The place is spendy but not exactly regal.”
(Phone garble)
“Well listen, its been full on with this crap for all of us since 1945. I’m all for global therapy. It’s just needed.”
(More phone garble)
“Yep. With you there. Whatever critics say, Cold War is still war. It’s literally right there in the name. Denying that is even more ridiculous than climate change. Who knew we could exceed in all the wrong places? We’ve got quite a bit to work thru huh? I see how we call it the ‘work’ now. Ok. Listen. As I mentioned, this bed is on the move. I’ve got to go. Wish me luck. Love you. Will text to let you know I survived in the morning ok?”
(Brief phone garble)
“Ok. Lots of love then. Good night Chris. I will text in the AM. I love you Brad Bradly.”
Chris hung up and let out a sigh. Saying it outloud did it no favors. There was no way Chris was taking that name in marriage.

“I don’t know what we’re looking for Brad. It could be anything. Just like you, I’m only ‘looking’ because they gave us these matching swimmers with $100 inside. Do we even know these people?”
Chris was pretty sure no one saw him wipe out on those damn algae covered rocks. They were slippery and that worm with the trashy friend on Sesame Street.
So gross.