PAC,, What Do You Need To Let Go Of?
PAC,, What do you need to let go of?

💤 ︵ pile one ﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of your obsession with money. Trust the universe will handle it and you'll be fine. Stop trying to nurture and care for everybody. You're the main one you should be looking out for. You're working yourself too hard. It's okay to take a rest sometimes. It's okay to have goals and have a strong will to reach them but you need to remember you have to keep yourself alive as well. You're trying your best to make your own money and care for everyone but you can't do both and you definitely can't care for everyone.

💤 ︵ pile two ﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of a lover or crush. If you've had them as a lover and they've cheated or betrayed you in a way, they're not ready to change yet. Maybe in the future but you need a break to nurture yourself. This person is impulsive and sure of themselves but is still immature. In the end, this person will leave you and you'll feel like you have to hide your feelings. You've been ignoring the possibility that this could be true but it is. They aren't worth it. You're worth so much more and you deserve the care you give others, so give it to yourself. 1010 and other angle numbers may be significant.

💤 ︵ pile three﹙ ☆ ﹚
ᰍ ̟˚ You need to let go of your impulsivity and unrealistic fantasies. You need to learn more about yourself I'm getting. Not everybody is your friend and not everything is a fairytale. You might need time to yourself. You need to let go of sad memories of old friends or lovers. You might imagine that things are good like it was with them before, but it's not and you need to accept that. This message has been trying to reach you but you ignore it and just deal with the negative consequences.
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More Posts from Chocoqtelle
☆ *GRIPPING BUNNIES & BUNNY KAOMOJIS BY THE SCRUFF (softly)* fixation/personality of the week ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა

Pac, who's your soulmate?

Your soulmate is someone who overthinks a lot. When they see you, you might notice them trying to fix their hair or make sure they look nice. You mutually make each other feel complete. It's like they're fixated on you. They just wanna hold you as their own. Like "you're mine". It may seem a bit possessive but they just wanna hold you and keep you safe. There's no negative intentions with this. They're a hard worker and wanna make sure you don't have to work as hard as them. They might take you out and buy you gifts. I'm getting that you may be really stressed a lot currently or at the time you meet your soulmate if you haven't yet. They notice/will notice how stressed you are even if you try to hide it. They wanna take away your worries and help you relax. Maybe with a massage or words of affirmation after work. They could also let you vent a lot. They like giving you presents and surprises. Maybe throwing surprise parties for you. It seems like they're trying to break down your boundaries a bit so they can give you gifts and I'm getting they wanna give you " everything you want." They don't think you'll really accept the gifts otherwise. They could have had a bad past or have tried to be some type of "player" but now they're trying to focus on you and change. They're someone you can really trust and open up to. They're a non-judgemental person to talk to especially if you're looking for practical advice when you're mind is clouded. They're very trust worthy and they'll build your relationship off trust and love.

Music could be significant, especially lofi and/or classical music. Your soulmate is extremely fair and morally correct. They could study a lot of social problems and try to keep their awareness up. They're very stubborn and won't back down easily, especially if it's something they believe in. They might be a bit trapped in their own mind. Like they imagine people out a certain way and expect them to be like that in reality. They may rely on material things and sexual things to cope with trauma and to keep themselves "protected." They could have had traumatic experience with a father figure. They try to cope with things that are overall unhealthy for them. They also worry too much about their reputation and try to portray themselves in a "strong" way. Could also struggle with toxic masculinity. Even with that, they've been doing everything on their own. They do know how to take care of themselves (somewhat) and others but they often choose not to in fear of being hurt or used. They've worked hard for what they earned and aren't ready to give it up that easily to just anyone. They're scared of saying too much about their emotions or opening up. This person could very much have other options but you're actually the person for them (the lovers card). They're not used to feeling this rushing wave of emotions and they aren't exactly sure how to deal with it. It's like they wanna be tough but have this tiny little soft spot for you that they can't get rid of. It might make them uncomfortable? Like they wanna be all cool and edgy or whatever but they can't because you and they don't know why they feel this way. They're friends are what to watch out for though. They could be bad influencers or sabotaging.

You have a very soft and caring energy to you. Not in a people pleaser way (at least mostly not) but more in a sincere and laid back way. You may be taking time to heal and focus on work or school currently. Your soulmate tries to hide their feelings a bit with a cold persona. In reality, they're really really in love with you. They love how nice and perfect you seem. They wanna provide mental and emotional stability for you. They also wanna know more about who you are as a person. They may be straight forward and a bit blunt when it comes to you. Like the main love interest from"Marry My Husband." I got the queen of swords and king of swords for you two. This is a connection where both parties better each other and learn. Not only learning through experience, but also learning directly from each other. They're scared you may leave them for other options or that you're already with someone who you think is better. They're very protective of you, especially when it comes to who you hang around. They think some people you surround yourself with aren't in your best interest and could be causing you harm. They wanna keep you away from them and have you more to themselves. Your friends may make you do all the work in the friendship or exclude you. I'm also getting using you for entertainment. Soon, the friendship will end so there's no means in sticking around to watch as it happens. They see obvious commitment issues from a fear of being left/abandoned. However, they also see this making it difficult for you to leave toxic people behind. They wanna let you know they're here for you and will take care of your emotional needs in any way you want from them.

Your FS's love language
Pile One

Pile Two

Pile Three

Pile One

Your future spouse is likely more experienced than you with romance and relationships and may take on a more nurturing and teaching role. Your fs shows love through being protective and nurturing. Your fs struggles expressing love through words so they often use touch and acts of service to express how they feel about you. They wanna shower you in gifts and make you feel safe. They see you overwhelmed or upset and want to calm you down. Your fs likely will be the one to make the first move. Your fs likes seeing you smile and may use humor just to see you laugh, even if they make a fool out of themselves in the process. They value you much more over their reputation.
Signs: long walks, rain or after the rain, partly/mostly cloudy, romantic comedy kdramas, oversleeping, 15, 9, 6, pottery, being picked up/piggy back rides.
Pile Two

Your fs commonly shows love through gift-giving, especially cash. Your fs may feel like a burden very easily and be very sensitive This person may be avoidant of love and relationships. It seems like heavy commitment issues out of fear. Channeling "Don't wanna fall in love" by kyle. They want you to show them how you feel first. They had a bad relationship before with arguments and chaos and a lack of trust. They want you to show them how you feel first. They often hold their own past against them. Once they put their walls down, they're a caring and considerate partner who brings many gifts and material items. This could be a friends to lovers relationship.
Signs: virgo, cancer, big cats/tigers, cafes and coffee, webtoons, shaded areas, nostalgia, 777, 444, 333, bisexuality, covering eyes, itching, zoning out.
Pile Three

This may be a study-buddy thing where you become partners on a project or start studying together and then end up being with each other. Your fs may be a sapiosexual (someone sexually attracted to intelligence). They see you as someone mature and skilled. They see you in an elegant manner. They show their love by being aggressively flirty or by messing with you. They might find little things to tease you about to avoid admitting that they study every little thing about you and have feelings for you. This could be someone you met before or already had a relationship with for some people. If you're hurt after they tease you, they of course will try desperately to make you feel better even if they don't directly tell you they're doing trying to. They try to close themselves off and not tell you about themselves and just listen to you talk about yourself instead.
Signs: subliminals, crystals and stones, moss equal/even, blur, purple, stars and the sun, hyperpigmentation, sleep deprivation, increased spiritual abilities (especially clairvoyance), slow breathing, 888, 8, infinity, money growth.
What does your future spouse find cute about you?

Pile one Pile two

Pile three Pile four
Pile one

Your future spouse finds it cute that you're always eager to learn new information. You may also try to be playful or come across as strong but they don't really see you as physically strong so they find it funny. They find it cute that you try to get aggressive with them when you don't have the physical strength to back it up. This is just playful, so if someone is trying to hurt you and finds your resistance cute/funny, then this is not the person. You have the balance of cute and "violent." Your future spouse finds this cute. You might try to play hit them and they find that specifically adorable about you. The last pile may be for you if you felt drawn to it.
Pile two

Your future spouse notices you are a bit of perfectionist and they see it as cute. They don't understand why you focus so much on little things when they see every part of you as perfect already. You over analyze things often instead of looking at the big picture. Then you over think an the big picture becomes about 70 million other small pictures that don't match up to create the big picture anymore. Basically, you over think and create a new idea in your head of things instead of focusing on the big things. They also find it cute that you have a lot of duality. You can change up from scary to cute quickly or mean to nice or something along those lines.
Pile three

Your future spouse finds it cute how you like making cute little crafts. They also like how you are super romantic. You might make them cute romantic cards or foods. You're a very creative person. They like seeing what you can come up with. They have fun trying to convince you that your work is good even though you're stubborn. They genuinely enjoy what you make even if it's childish/childlike or bad to you. They love how dedicated you are and how much passion you have. You might be an artist. They love how stubborn you are. They find most things about you cute, overall. You could like baking/cooking. DDLC may be significant, especially natsuki.
Pile four

Right off the bat, I'm getting that they love how unique you are. They like seeing how unpredictable and "crazy" you act. It's like you always keep them entertained or busy. I'm hearing that you keep their hands full. They find you crazy in a cute way. They think you being as emotional as you are is cute, especially considering how you act all crazy all the time. You're very emotional and you enjoy expressing how you feel, even if the ways you do so are seen as odd. They find it cute that you throw little "tantrums" and have little mood swings. They think it's cute that you get cranky and need naps all the time. They find you being so protective/possessive adorable as well. You may use yandere stuff to cope (like #bpdyandere or something). If you felt drawn to another pile, especially pile one then check them.