Dabiscrustyfeet - ☼

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More Posts from Dabiscrustyfeet
People should stop making beel seem like an innocent person. Like he’s a whole demon - just because he don’t seem dirty minded doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what it means. Y’all be forgetting he lives with the embodiment of lust. He obviously doesn’t immediately think of dirty things in a given situation, and when he does he keeps it to himself. There is no need for someone else to know what he thought. Not to mention that i do believe he uses him being dense as a little reputation, and it kinda works cuz i don’t think people would call Beel smart, they’d try to take advantage of him being nice, and boi if he catches you doing that, he’s probably going to have food a lot more earlier than usual.
Not to mention this smile

Thats the smile of a person who gotten away with everything, to the point no body will believe that he did something wrong. He will put the blame on people for no reason if he wants to (not belphie tho, he never blames belphie). He’s twins with a homicidal maniac, what makes you think he’s safe from getting his innocence tainted 🤨 this guy probably joined belphie on some little ‘adventures’. Beel is the older twin as well, and I’m pretty sure back in Ye Olde Days, belphie had to hold beel back from causing a whole ass massacre just because he says ‘im hungry😐’
I love this omg mammon definitely knows how to do curly hair best
The demon brothers reacting to black mc wash day
The way there are like four black characters in this game but not a single X black reader🤨 like I know you like making all your MC‘s pasty skinny insecure white girls but we don’t do that over here(Also can you notice I got side tracked with beel? Lmao)

- okay so you may think he’s like thousands of years old so he knows everything about humans but he knows nothing
- He just assumes mammon let’s his hair do whatever
- Honestly thought he was buying all those hair products just to spend money smh
- So when he sees you walking by with a basket full of stuff he’s like??? Is it necessary
- “Hey Luci, mams is out so can you help me do my hair?”
- On the outside he’s all “ahah tiny human needs help”
- But we know he’s a big softy he’s trying not to cry bc that’s so domestic and intimate and he’s a sucker for that stuff
- Especially bc you made it clear(mainly asmo) that nobody could touch your hair without asking first
- “It would be my pleasure.”
- So he’s lowkey overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have in the counter
- “You use all this???”
- “I got more in my bag”
- ????? Hello??
- But he’s a fast learner and gives great massages
- Got you falling asleep in the sink and he’s just starring at you with heart eyes
- “Next I defangle right?”
- “Yeah”
- Okay so please forgive him
- He’s used to trying-
- Keyword is try
- Ti helo mammon with his hair
- So he is snatching out the knots
- Like you thought your mom or auntie was bad?
- He’s pulling your head ALL the way back
- “Yeah?”
- Lmao you gotta use the pact to beat his ass
- “If you yank out another clump of my hair I will beat your ass.”
- Takes his time detangling now
- Mammon is laughing bc this why he don’t ask him for help no more
- “Yanked the shit outta your head didn’t he?”
- He had no idea how to braid so he will ask asmo how to braid your hair in secret
- He learns how to do cornrows pretty fast
- Will kiss your scalp when he thinks your sleeping too
- He loves how you smell
- He’s gon steal ya shea butter and blame it on asmo or mammon and he will lie straight through his teeth
- “I have shea butter already lucifer :/ you ain’t fooling nobody”
- Keeps a red silk bonnet on his room just for you
- Got silk pillowcases too
- He’s about a 6/10 on the scale bc he will give you the worst migraine if your life

- he’s literally black Lmao
- You can argue with ya moms idc he’s black and the devs know it too
- But he’s obviously the best at this
- My boy may have a silk press but you better believe when the humidity hits its back to 4c
- When he hears you complaining about how all your expensive hair products are back in the human realm he bust in with his loud ass
- “As your first man it’s obviously up to me to help u get that head together”
- Sir🤨 what you tryna say
- He’s super nervous bc he’s tender headed and only asmo and Lilith were allowed to touch his scalp
- “You can,,be a little rougher”
- He’s soft as hell lmao
- After wards will take you shopping for hair stuff
- He has like a whole drawer full of durags and bonnets
- “What color you want?”
- He’s the real plug lmao
- You and him be laughing at inside jokes the others can’t understand
- The black body language
- “👀🤨😘”
- “😌😙🥺”
- “What the fuck are y’all saying??”
- Bothering Satan!!
- Bro you can’t tell me he don’t look like any other white boy with a rich dad!!
- “I know he’s not wearing kakis”
- “It’s drip or drown and the water beating his ass”
- Anyway
- He will play prince
- Best wash day playlist on god
- Having Simon join in🥺🥺
- Maybe even helping diavolo not heat damage his hair🥰
- Y’all just have whole sleepovers
- Coordinating wash days so y’all can share products
- Group chat with hair inspo
- Macc daddy mc: okay but what if I pop out with these white locs?
- angelfoodcake: I think they would look good in a bun
- Dia: slay!
- I’m sorry but he used aave bc he don’t know what it means like Lucifer is struggling bc he will say Random shit
- You I turn help with his hair
- He is super bougie with his product too
- “This is deep conditioner from the third layer of hell that contains the screams and tears of kkk members.”
- “…. Okay”
- Him and asmo do spa days shut up he’s a model he loves self care
- Right after wash day they do face masks
- Beaks combs
- Like his hair has a life of of its own you gotta ease into that mf bc you will start snapping metal combs
- Very chaotic but relaxing

- lmao okay so this will be a struggle
- Like a first date with sweaty hands
- He probably buys a black hair salon simulator 😭😭
- Probably dry combs your hair
- Like he thought you were a demon for a sec when you whipped your head around
- “Boy I will rock your shit”
- “🥺🥺 okay”
- Might purposely mess up to have you snap on him at first he likes it when your sadistic
- But he will take it seriously when your a breath away from asking someone else for help
- He got them Gamer hands so he can section and part like a professional
- “Hand me the gel”
- Likes trying different hair styles out
- His favorite is a wash n go bc he likes seeing how it comes out differently every time
- Also you can wear your cute lil bedtime hat🥰
- He sleeps in a whole ass bathtub so he gets silk sheets and comforters and just piles em all in there
- Will wear a silk shirt to sleep bc he usually holds you when y’all slept together
- Will buy cute ruri-Chan clips to put in your hair
- Also devil horn clips that asmo bought you give him a heart attack every time
- Let’s you use his T-shirts as a towel
- Will bitch at you if you all asleep without wearing your bonnet
- “So you not wear the tsl bonnet got you for your birthday?”
- When he learns how to brain he could have half your head done in like 40 mins
- You already know he has all the slice of life anime with black main characters lined up for y’all to watch
- He’s trying his best and he is definitely succeeding

- lmao okay so this one is funny
- Mr. Hit me or my father will sue
- He seems like he would get super frustrated and yank your hair out
- But I’ve men him personally and he wouldn’t never do that
- Before you even ask he’s read all the books he can and bothered mammon about it so he’s prepared
- He wouldn’t forgive himself if he hurt you anyway
- Prides himself on being better than Lucifer at something
- So when you offhandedly ask him to help with your hair he’s smiling so bright
- “Of course mc I’d love to”
- He’s already in his head trying to figure out which hairstylist
- Like he’s masters regular waves and finger waves
- He’s got this on lock
- He’s so gentle when he’s massaging your scalp
- “We should do a hot oil treatment,,,, just to be safe”
- Can’t be a lazy natural around him no sir
- He bothers you DAILY about your head and always got summ to say
- Like simmer down white boy worry about your cardigan 🙄
- “I can tell you ain’t oil your scalp last night”
- Boy if you don’t-
- Loves twist outs
- He can study your hair more that way
- Like what makes it not come out frizzy,how to make it pop
- Him and asmo are sifting through your hair products to make sure only the best ingredients are in there
- He’s your white knight too
- Anyone try to touch your hair demon or otherwise getting an elbow to the spinal cord no questions asked
- “Do you think your hair has high or low porosity?”
- He got your hair stats sitting in a notebook somewhere
- “High density with very fine strands.”
- Like he knows your hair more than you do
- Buys you a cat shower cap
- Also cat ears
- Cat anything you put on your head really he thinks they make you look cute
- “Mc! Do you want to listen to this audiobook with me? It’s about black hair throughout the decade.”
- Listening to natural hair horror stories on YouTube is a favorite past time
- Another one who loves the small of your products
- Will probably stand super close to you at all times to smell your hair
- “Smells like home”
- Like if he smells cocoa butter a mile away he knows your close by
- Go white boy go!

- Tbh he probably don’t know much about your hair
- Yeah he’s helped mams on occasions but that don’t mean y’all got the same hair texture or style
- Mams has like 4 a b and c all over
- You can too but I like to think his head a mess and he got different coils all over the place
- So he’s watching you like a hawk to see what products you be using
- Gets you even more expensive stuff
- “Do I need it tho?”
- “MC! This won’t be available for another century! Of course you need it!!”
- Loves doing puffs and pineapples
- Like he’s the master of doing edges
- So he lies it when he can see them clearly
- “My hard work🥰”
- Plenty of pictures
- # wash day!
- He probably got a long ass routine too so you guys do wash day together
- “You seen my African black soap?”
- “….. no”
- Steals your products too
- He wants to smell like a tropical garden too😡 you gotta share
- Buys you a silk durag that you wear in pictures
- Probably has bonnets that you can only wear in photos too
- His whole bed is silk sheets so don’t even worry
- He will be on your neck tho about your hair like Satan
- “ why is it so frizzy?? Did you not deep condition for 45 mins like I told you?”
- Says your stressing him out when you don’t deangle properly
- Lots of shopping trips
- Will match your outfits with your hair
- “Let me see what your hair looks like we got plans today”
- Favorite style is box braids and a fade

- baeby
- Like imma need y’all to stop thinking he’s stupid
- He’s a himbo but he knows about sex like his brother is the avatar of lust stop assuming he don’t know how to use the monster between his legs >:/
- Bc he knows how to EAT if anything else
- Anyway he will wash your hair in the shower
- His arms never get tired so he’s down to help you pull off a fly ass install
- Wig
- Some braids
- Locks
- Anything
- He is always ready and willing to help🥰
- Might eat your products tho
- “Where did my hair mayonnaise go??”
- “That wasn’t for my sandwich???”
- Lmao just get non scented stuff
- Probably gets horny bc you smell so good
- “I want to devour you”
- Go head then😳
- Soft dom but doesn’t know your limits so accidentally fucks you stupid
- Like he never realizes how hard he’s going or how feral he’s being
- So your brainless and drooling
- Tapped out like 5 orgasms ago
- And he’s like “you good?”
- Lmao he does kinda have an idea tho bc your choking on your own words begging him to slow down but he can’t get enough of your expression
- Wash day might as well be blow your back out day tbh
- Bc after you put your hair in that wrap it’s dinner time
- He’s gon make sure you are tired out
- Favorite hairstyle is those cute mini locs you get when your first licking your hair
- I think he likes short hair the most idk
- Let’s you use any of his shorts to dry your hair
- Will take off the shirt he’s wearing to let you dry your hair
- Will always have an umbrella ready in case it starts to rain
- Saw you upset bc it was storming and he bings an umbrella everywhere now
- Cute hair scarves
- Like he got you this cute marble orange scarf that you wear when you go on dates

- This mf 😒
- I refuse to believe he’s the one that *spoiler for lesson 16*
- He’s literally so cute??? Like that’s a baby if I’ve ever seen one
- Dont let that cute face fool you tho
- He’s an menace
- Especially with hair
- Did you see that selfie he took?
- Yeah he’s a mess he don’t do mu with his hair but let it grow out
- Too tired to help you out with wash day but will hype you up
- Sleepily give you compliments and give cometary when asked
- “Try the other gel it might work better”
- “That Bantu knot of slightly bigger than the other one”
- will make sure your scarf stays safe all night
- 30 silk pillows
- “I stole this one from lucifer”
- Secretly refills your product when you’re running out
- The bottle was almost empty and now it’s completely full
- Will massage your scalp when washing your hair in the sink
- “This feels so domestic”
- He’s very soft about it
- Smiling the entire time
- Tells you you look cute to get you flustered
- Buys you cute hair accessories
- Like where did that cow hair pin come from?
- Definitely not him
- If your getting nasty he will ruin the whole mood to put your scarf on lmao
- “Ayo wait a min”
- Keeps one bonnet hidden in all his sleeping spots
- Just in case
- If your products got lavender in it he will fall asleep right next to your head
- “You smell so good I couldn’t resist mc”
Lucifer please
No it dont run in the family 🙄🤚

Mammon Angst Masterlist
a/n: for the fandom to have a directory because there’s not enough of mammon hurt. also for me to come back and reread it all :p note that these posts are Mammon-centric so their not MC/OC centered.
(sorry for the tags,,, oh and if you have or know any more angst posts just tell me and i’ll add it)
OBEY THE BUTLER : @obeythebutler
Mammon Goes Missing (no reader)
Mammon Breaks (Multiple Parts) [no reader]
Broken Hearts (reader)
IMA-SIMP-UWU : @ima-simp-uwu
Unwanted (multiple parts) [no reader]
Mammon Snaps (no reader)
STRWBRRYXPRZTL : @strwbrryxprtzl
Everything Stays (no reader)
THE-MOURNING-STARS : @the-mourning-stars
Lucifer Accidentally Kills Mammon (no reader) [dark]
CANDYMEOWZ : @candymeowz
It Should Have Been Me (no reader)
LEVIATHANS-WATCHING : @leviathans-watching
[Read]✓ (no reader)
‘Cause loving you, loving you is too hard (All I do, all I do’s not enough) (no reader)
PEN-INK-THERAPY : @pen-ink-therapy
Mammon’s Sacrifice (no reader)
Aftermath of Mammon’s Sacrifice (no reader)
ROSE-LORD-OF-SIMPS : @rose-lord-of-simps
Mammon Angst Headcanons (no reader)
Mammon Angst Headacanons II (no reader)
Mammon Angst Headcanons II.V (no reader)
When Mammon Finally Snapped (no reader)
5 Times Mammon’s Brothers Were A Holes to Him. 1 Time He Had Enough (no reader)
THEGREATMAMMON : @thegreatmammon
What Pride Had Wrought (no reader)
Too Much Today (no reader)
CERTIFIED-SLOTH : @certified-sloth
When He’s Had Enough (no reader)
Now You Care (no reader)
You’d Never Know (no reader)
HELLISHEUPHORIA : @hellisheuphoria
Mammon, the Biggest Loser in Hell (no reader)
IDONTKNOWMYOWNMIND : @idontknowmyownmind
Another Headcanons of Mammon (no reader)
An Old Curse (no reader)
OBEIII-MEE : @obeiii-mee
Mammon Snaps (no reader)
MOEMOEMAMMON : @moemoemammon
What Am I Missing (reader)
KARIUANN : @kariuann
When He Finally Breaks (multiple parts) [reader]
ARMINSBIH : @arminsbih
Mammon Leaving His Brothers (multiple parts) [no reader]
I also kinda thought something like this. Lilith would’ve been the virtue of patience when she was an angel, and she would’ve been the avatar of wrath. So maybe some of her power went to satan. Also ages don’t matter in the ranks of the brothers, the sins are in order of most deadly to least deadly, so wrath is the fourth deadly sin therefore Lilith, regardless of her age was going to be fourth most powerful anyway. I do agree with him being able to turn angel in the event since he has some angel in him or Lilith transferred her power somehow to satan not to mention satan was born in heaven just before they fell I’m guessing , either that or them bracelets just work on any demon
Ok, mini theory time.
You know that every time we teleport to the Devildom we end up falling on or close to Satan. What if our powers are connected to his? Like maybe if Lilith survived she would have become the avatar of wrath, but since she 'died' Satan became it instead.
(This would also explain why Satan was able to turn into an angel in that event. Because just like us he has some angel in him.)
Lilith 'died' and part of her power went into Satan. And maybe when we came to Devildom we started to develop magic because Satan is the other part of our magic.
Or maybe I'm reading to much into this but it would be so cuteeee!!!