Watching THG: The Mockingjay Pt. 1
Watching THG: The Mockingjay pt. 1
Finnick breaks my heart.
Why are the buildings in D12 still smoldering?? It was bombed when Kat ended the games, and then she's asleep for days and has time to get more or less settled at D13, enough that they know they have to cart her back to bed most nights, so why is the district still smoldering??
If someone could remind me what the deal is with the white roses, that'd be great. I know they're Snow's signature, but the powdery stuff??
I don't think prim realizes this, but if you can't sleep that does not mean you want your little sister to sleep in your bed. Also I'm not a fan of her Aged By The War Wisdom TM.
I also hate the nickname Little Duck.
It's fascinating to see the capitol's side as they plan to bomb the injured. The fact that they would sink so low as to kill the dying. Like, that's not gonna win the war, it just makes a statement.
Gale comes into her room saying he's got good news, and you know Kat is hoping for Peeta to come back, but Gale's like We can go hunting now 👍👍
Gale makin moves is so icky. Make him stop. Not him being lowkey manipulative with his "I knew you'd do that, cause I'm in pain. But don't worry it'll pass." Shut up
Love Peeta
Aww Finnick
How is Kat's hair so clean??
Why is her hair always in her mouth?
Maybe this is just my memory, but in the books, finnick's propo is for information purposes, in the movies its to jam signals and break Annie, Johanna, and Peeta out.
The way Coin manipulates everything in her speech.
If I were watching as the movies came out, I would freak out at the end.
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If the quarter quell had been canceled for the baby, then Katniss would have had to actually get pregnant so she could keep up the show and not have to go into the games.
Watching HG Catching Fire: maybe it's just me, but it feels so rushed and forced.
And why is the convo between Peeta, Katniss, and Haymitch (after the victory stop in district 11) so so rushed? Like there is so much content in the book, and if I hadn't read it I would have no idea what was going on.
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Watching HG Catching Fire: maybe it's just me, but it feels so rushed and forced.
And why is the convo between Peeta, Katniss, and Haymitch (after the victory stop in district 11) so so rushed? Like there is so much content in the book, and if I hadn't read it I would have no idea what was going on.