eskel-and-goat - Goblins Toenail’s
Goblins Toenail’s

18+ please. Juno || 20y/o || he/they please. Hi there, I make headcanons and such. I’d love to hear your own ideas if you’re willing to share. I’m still fairly new to tumblr so please have patience’s of a god with me.

245 posts

Heres Some WIPs Of My Role-reversal Au!

Heres Some WIPs Of My Role-reversal Au!
Heres Some WIPs Of My Role-reversal Au!
Heres Some WIPs Of My Role-reversal Au!

Here’s some WIP’s of my role-reversal au!

Yennefer as a Witcher, Geralt as a bard and Jaskier as mage~

I definitely want to do more, so expect to see a lot more art of these fools

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More Posts from Eskel-and-goat

4 years ago

I want to make more headcanons for Eskel because uhh he’s my favourite out of the bunch. Like, all the other characters are amazing, but look at Eskel, such a sweet handsome man.

Anyways, I come and bring headcanons that I’ve thought about for him, and the first I wanna discuss is that he knows piano. Do I know if pianos exist in the Witcher universe? No. Does that stop me? Of course not. Piano is difficult at first to learn but I think since he had a few years on his plate, might as well make it interesting. I’d like to think that he thinks Piano is a very nice sound, and is attracted to when it’s being played. No one thinks such a roughed up looking Witcher would plop down and become Beethoven yet here we are. I’d also like to think that after Jaskier finds this out, he writes music for Eskel, and shows him the music. Maybe with little sight reading, Eskel can play the piece within just a few hours of having the sheet music, and it totally makes Jaskier cry, and perhaps they play together as lute and piano.

As someone who doesn’t like the rain (ahem me), I think he’s one of the few that really like it, and I mean really likes it. A storm is rolling in and Geralt and Jaskier happen to be in the same village Eskel is in, they get a room all together for the night, and while sleeping, Jaskier wakes up from nothing and notices it’s raining. From one human to another, he doesn’t like it, the rain gives him a cold, but when he realizes Eskel isn’t in the room and indeed outside just sitting in the rain, he isn’t much bothered by it and wraps a blanket tight around himself. He’ll join Eskel, as long as there’s something to stand under so he doesn’t get rained on, but from what he’s gathered, when it rains Eskel sits and soaks. Long after their little nights sitting in the rain, Eskel tells Jaskier the rain washes out the bad in his head, drenching the words and thoughts permanently carved into him. He feels at peace, and Jaskier respects that.

Last, but not least, I think his favourite season is autumn. Like he gets this kind of childish joy when he knows autumn is coming. He doesn’t know why, but he loves it. He loved the leafs changing colours, the cool breezes on rather sunny days, the closer autumn is the more he gets excited and meets up with another Witcher. Maybe he says it’s because of the crunching leafs under him when he walks, or maybe he says it’s because it’s closer to winter and closer to when he can go to his home in the mountains and spend time with his not-so-family family, or maybe it’s Maybelline, that’s up for you to decide.

If anyone’s got anymore ideas, feel free to add. I love this man, he deserves nice things.

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4 years ago

I was trying to sweeten this piece by explains my thought process first, but I thought I should just be honest with you guys. I think Jaskier is a giant Witcher nerd.

Let me explain why I think so, and it’s because that young, fresh pubescent boy who named himself Jaskier looked at this spooky and scary Witcher and said you. you are the chosen one. And followed that rat around for what, twenty something years? Like I understand some people can pick up something that’s old and dusty and just get on with it, but I also think that you should have some knowledge of what you’re getting into.

Jaskier sees Geralt sitting in the bar and Its immediate that he knows this man is a Witcher. He tries getting the man to talk to him, to maybe say he’s a Witcher but when that doesn’t work, he points it out and well, the guy doesn’t disagree.

Explaining more of my point, is that Witchers (mainly Geralt) were hated, because of how they did things, they were mutated, and Geralt with the blaviken thing, so why does this tiny boy come up to him and then stick to him like glue, y’know? Jaskier totally did his research, and totally knew what Witchers were. He knew almost (<-key word) exactly what he was getting into when he stuck to Geralt, and after the Elven accident, he has a better understand of what’s gonna go down with his life next to this man, and fixes some of his beliefs on Witchers.

I think it’s also a reason why he wants to make Geralt famous, because when he first studied them, maybe (most) facts were wrong about Witchers, so he wants people to understand them better than what they had before. All in all, I think Jaskier knows exactly who Geralt is, has been trying to reach out to the other Witchers that roam the rock, and is actually pretty excited about learning more about Witchers.

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4 years ago

I’m playing dream daddy and I just got to the part where your dad argues with another dad to show who has the top kid, and I just gotta say, I’m digging the idea of Geralt shaping off Ciri with proud dad vibes.

I know in their universe, they really can’t just show Ciri off because uh. well, you get my point, but I really can’t get it out of my head that maybe one day while traveling, Jaskier and Ciri pull Geralt and roach over to a field right outside of town, other kids are picking flowers and are pretty scattered out, and they all are picking flowers. Ciri only brought Jaskier along for extra hands. Geralt watches as the two scout for nice flowers, enjoying his time. “Is that your kid?”

Geralt’s never been scared before, and knew the person was there, but it startled him when the man pointed at Ciri, a wanted child. Geralt straightened up and looked at the man. He was tiny, old and frail, nowhere near a Knight. He’s hunched over a little with a balding head and long white beard. The more shocking thing about him is he was completely calm.

“I remember when I first had my daughter,” he begins, and Geralt can’t help but feel... curious in a way. No, he doesn’t like sitting through stories, but if someone were on the outside of the village looking them, it really just looked like the man was talking to himself. “She was the light of my life, y’know. Always wanted a son, but after seeing her, I knew she was all I needed. Hah, now I got a grandchild.”

Geralt looks down at the mans hands that now cross over his chest and raises both eyebrows. He didn’t know Ciri when she was little, but connecting with her over the time they had together? He turns and faces the two who have began to count their flowers.

The old man stands there in silence for a moment more before leaning a little closer. “Y’know, my daughter has more flowers than yours.” Geralt pauses, before looking at the old man, who is oddly wearing the face of smug. Geralt squints slightly at the old man, before turning to Ciri and Jaskier and carefully counting. Why was he doing this? He doesn’t know ask someone else. “And she’s also good with not dropping all the flowers.”

It doesn’t help that while geralt was counting, Ciri totally drops one and doesn’t notice. Okay old man, if this is how it’s gonna be. He brings roach to the side, who has happily been feasting like a king (yeah I know she’s a ladie), he walks over to Ciri and Jaskier, carefully plucking flowers on the way. He looked for the best ones, no bent no broken flower for his surprise daughter. He looks up at the two as they stare at him with wide, happy eyes and straightens up. “With six pairs of hands, we should get even more than with just four.”

Later after Geralt, Jaskier and Ciri did he realize that maybe that old man was trying to get them closer or whatever.

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