father-lance - Fathers Boy, Fathers Boy…
Fathers Boy, Fathers Boy…

|Hi! I’m Lance!|19|FTM Trans|He/Him|Taken 🩵ISelf Ship🩵|MULTIFANDOM BLOG|PRIESTcore but also ALICE IN WONDERLANDcore|

597 posts

Vent Poetry

Vent Poetry

Shit Is Fuck For Me Right Now So I Impulsively Made This To Cope. Sorrry If It’s Cringy And Stupid

I am on a voyage

Far into the sea

Away from everything that could harm me

My own body feels as if it’s rumbling


Craving a way to escape

I am on a journey

Across the ocean

On a boat with just me

No crew

No first mate


The soft rocking of the sea

Suddenly the fears of what lies beneath

Is so little

I am on a journey

Past the island that holds the one eyed beasts

Past the island of the dreaded witch

Past the entrance to the land of the afterlife

Past the sirens

Past the cave of the multi-headed beast

And the whirlpools

Past the island of the sun

Past the island

That gives me a disgustingly familiar taste

In my throat



I am no King

I am not even the King of my own life

Ithaca can only squeal

As I close my eyes

I will just continue on the water



Until all I hear nothing

But the sound of the sea god

Crooning my name

Into an endless

Loving sleep

I am on a journey

An Odyssey




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More Posts from Father-lance

5 months ago

why do you take poseidon's boons? so you can slam other men into walls?

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4 months ago

ares x gender neutral reader /// hades game [18+ only, minors and ageless blogs DNI]

not being able to wait for ares to come home, being so needy that you will take anything to hump against, you catch sight of his breastplate, the bird head adorning it is ridged and raised up... it's cold when you press your body down against it, but the metal warms up quickly to the heat of your body, bracketing your legs either you whimper and grind against it, imaging ares was underneath you wearing it, voice softly encouraging you to keep moving, calloused hands gripping the backs of your thighs, seeing something used for battle now used for pleasure, feeling him shake underneath you as he always does when he's taken aback by how much you want him, that you want his touch without fearing it,

you're lost deep in thought, almost about to come when you hear an inhale and then a deep chuckle behind you,

"my beloved, i didn't realise i'd left you this needy"

your face burns, feeling unable to turn your neck to face him, but there's no need as he kneels on the bed behind you,

"i never expected that you would find pleasure in this, but then you do keep surprising me. don't be shy now, you were thinking of me, were you not? poor thing, not being able to be left alone for even just a couple hours... let me love you as you deserve, after you come."

he presses your hips down, nips at the skin under your ear.

"show me"

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6 months ago

who let the Italian man out of his cage

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