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Glitchxinthematrix - ._. - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago


Part 4


Love, a concept so complicated to even grasp and yet, every single soul in the universe end up craving it. I have had my share of the cravings, but, news flash, it all resulted in me being left alone stranded. So the concept is now hid safe inside a box. buried deep down somewhere inside, and at times like these I hear the faint screaming it does from the suffocation, all for some acknowledgement. And now, Geto, Love? The one minute he stared longer? Gojo's words kept replaying in my head on my way to find Suguru.


I wouldnt run my thoughts any deeper into this, i mean why should i? what did he do about this? how long has this been going on, and ,oh fuck , thats a pillar and my head is gonna raamm into-, wait no its soft, wait its a hand, a familiar one, shit-

I slowly raised my head to see geto by the vending machine with one can of his favourite drink and the other hand as a barrier to my head and the wall. and yet he doesnt frickin spare me a look, why te hell is his head stooped so low.


Walls are everywhere these days huh?,the audacity to joke around right now without even meeting my eye.

"So youre not even gonna look at me?" I blurt out, unexpectedly helpless in my delivery.

As I see him lift his head up very reluctantly and struggle, i find myself doubting everything gojo previously said, miutes ago.

"Whats up y/n". THE NERVE.

"Didnt take you to be a fuckboi Suguru Senpai, following your best friend's steps is it?"

With a confounded expression I saw him squint his eyes and , well that should be a question then.

"You never called, Geto".

His eyes bulged a bit like he wasnt expecting me to care about the things that we did yesterday. I saw him mumble something under his breath while maintaining the good old strained eyebrows.

"What, you dont care about how i feel now that you slept w me?"

I see his expression waver into immediate shock that desperately needed to set some things straight.

"Y/n..you don't know what you're talking about.. please".

No amount of strained expression from him is helping this mixed signal facade that's happening to me. He takes a deep breathe noticing my baffled expression.


"I do. i do care, more than I've done for anyone else. its just.. by the time you were asleep in my...in my arms, gojo had texted. Soo..it worked. Everything worked out. As intended. Or it didnt, and he came to his senses maybe,finally,else, it doesnt make sense. it makes zero sense. i mean why the fuck would someone not know how to treat you? to treat you shouldnt come as a chore or a result of some challenge, its as natural as breathing air, and idk what was with him all this while, but im sure he realises now, so give him a chance, he'll treat you better I'm sure."

"Is that what you want?"

"What..why..why would it matter, what I think" he visibly gulps, confused.

"It matters to me geto, if you care about me, to know that you like me, I don't know geto you messed with my head, I can't get you out of it...i broke up with gojo."

"What..wait. what?" His face couldn't contain the emotions that rollercoastered through his mind.

"Just say it geto, fucking say it. Do you or do you not like me. Shit, why am I even doing this? " I steer away on my heel as an attempt to hide the tears that are about ruin my mascara, until I feel an immediate grab on my wrist, the same soft hands.

"y/nnn, y/nn....how do i tell you this...you have no idea. not a thing. the way i have craved for you, to be with you, the way i have literally felt my blood boil seeing the way my bestfreind treated you. you have no ideaaa. please dont torment me any more than this, shit im sorry, i know, its not your fault. hell you had no idea how i felt. its just. all you had to do was exist ynnn. the way you aree, the way you smile, hold the hemm of gojos shirt when he failed to pay you the attention you more than deserve, the way you gently hit shoko on her shoulders when you laugh, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the way and fuck the way, the way i saw you yesterday, every inch of you, its etched in my memory, by choice. Fuck, I need some water"

I couldn't contain the happiness that bloomed inside me and I had to do something crazy because he looked just too cute.

" for now i can help you moisten your lips I think", I stand on my toes to reach his open mouth, so confused and wary and place the timid but hungry kiss on it, but within seconds he makes sense of things and grabs me by my waist only to land a kiss that lasted longer than the hourly bell that rang twice or thrice after that.

"Aaargh, this...you're tempting me to do something irredeemable again" he breathes with a glistening red lips messy with the stray tints of my lipstick.

"Let's redeem through it this time then."

The smirk on his lips right then looked more promising than ever.


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6 months ago



"Where were you, I've been trying to reach you, all day long you know!!?."

Desperate. Something that never allied with THE easy going Gojo. Why does it sound desperate? Satoru has always been kind with me whenever he had to be, and being fun, whether he had to or not, was a part of him. When he and I started doing the casual thing, I never thought it would end up in a day like this. To a day where he nudges away all his goofiness and general apathy about things to have a serious conversation with me. About us.

" Why do you care? I thought you were sleeping around with people Gojo, and that I shouldn't really put much thought to it, and..right, take things easy, like you said. " The words stormed away from the threshold of my mouth as it echoed something gojo so carelessly said last day.

''Listen, I know I've been awful, I realise that. I mean, I haven't really felt this.., I don't know how to say this. I just- ...you're important. I realised it late, only when I thought I'd lose you" he placed his firm hands softly on mine. His eyes glowed in a way it never did before, it yearned.


There was a movement in the back and it was Geto, my heart started beating crazily the moment I spotted him, what the heck?

The long hair that he let loose yesterday is tied up today lousily, the strands still dangling, his face is struggling to hide something, if I was any better at reading it, I would say it looked like something like pain.

My eyes should have wandered along with Geto's image which left the room abruptly with his bag because Gojo gently pressed my hand to bring me back to the 'desperate' conversation we were having.

" I slept with Geto"

"What?" I saw disbelief, a scoff, tinge of anger, confusion, defeat, and some realisation pass through gojo's face after the what.

"You shouldn't have"

"Why the hell not Satoru? Didn't you sleep around with Shoko? With anyone and everyone here? I thought this was the arrangement, why would this bother you now? "

"You know why."

"No, I don't. Please, humour me."

"It's different. You sleeping with him, it's different."

"How so?"

"Because.Because...Because he likes you okay? Im not sure it's even like, it's much more than that. I know him better than anyone and i see the way he looks at you, the way his face changes when you're the topic, I've seen how he stared a minute longer at the picture I had of you in my phone gallery while scrolling, annd that one minute was enough, I knew it. I knew him. If you had slept with anyone else it wouldn't have mattered, but Geto. He's genuine, you know. He, he I think, loves you. He's my bestfriend, and I would never want to see him hurt, but I also, I want you. I need you, I may have denied to see Geto's feelings all this while because of that. But he's my bestfriend, and if- fuck, it hurts to even say this. Hmmm.. sigh.. phew. Okay. If you genuinely like him back..if that's what you want..I get it, I do."


I grabbed Gojo's soft and beautiful, face in my hands, and held him close. My head touched his forehead and I slowly let my memories with him encircle us. I slowly kissed his lips, most ardently and tenderly, because this, this Gojo was new to me, and if it was yesterday I would have wanted this more than anything, but so many things have changed with one night. I wasn't ready to give this instability bw us another chance.


"I have to go to him."

Gojo nodded his head with tears flowing incessantly, stretching his hand out to lead me.

" Your Prince awaits, milady".

Cheeky, but I hope he does.

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7 months ago



Last night was...

I have officially backspaced this sentence more than 50 times. Iam not this person, I wouldn't fall for someone after sleeping with them, I knew I left that phase in school. I think. But how could he, Geto, someone I only considered as a mere friend make me feel these things?

The way he had sex, the passion and legitimacy of it, it all bounced through my head so that when Mr. Casual called, I didn't pay attention.

I didn't pay attention when Gojo, the busy six eyes who never calls, called me five times by noon, which was so not him.

My mind constantly hurried to the sweaty crooks of Geto's shoulders, the chest that was glued to mine, the daze I was in when he moaned my name and I his. The way he cursed and cursed when I couldn't stop whimpering. And when it was all over the way he brought my sweaty and frail body close to his, held me in his arms and let his fingers travel through my hair, with a blurry face that looked like it adored me, pined for me?

I'm not sure, but it all seemed so surreal and movie like. The montages they show when people are in love, the things we did yesterday felt remotely similar to those.


But i had to get my act together, and act like nothing happened. I had to maintain my reputation of someone who didnt care. And when I packed my bags and went to school the next day i couldn't believe the way things had turned out.

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7 months ago


( geto Γ— reader 18+)


"What would it even mean if I agreed to fuck you tonight?" Geto raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure, that gojo is jealous?" I replied with a devious smile.

"Fine". He mumbled something that sounded like You've got no fkn idea I want this, do you? but I doubt it was.

Denying me to grasp the details, he pushed on to me, holding me by my waist. I could feel his cold fingers on my skin when he pulled up the white shirt I was wearing. That was his first touch on me and for some reason he is trying to take it in, closing his eyes, struggling about something. Is he trying to hold back something?

His face is now buried on my neck slowly raising his head to my neck close to my ear, and I can feel his breathing turn intense. Or was he sniffing me? The moment I felt him resigned, I held his face in my palm. Geto refused to make eye contact. But I wasn't going to let go of this opportunity to ignite something in my casual 'situationship' who also turns out to be a fuckboy and geto's best friend.

I want this geto, fuck me, please.

His eyebrows heavily struggled to what I said and whatever he was holding back has now arrived from his insides to his teeth because he was grinding them so hard before he crashed his lips on mine with outrageous hunger. His lips felt cold and soft at first but I have no clue when it turned to be this hot, all I can feel is the heat in our mouths, in the moving of his hands, to my upper body. Wait, he stops.

He is now looking at me, waiting for a sign. Oh geto, I couldn't be more clearer, I smile and nod. A flash of desire and happiness twinkled in his eyes, like a kid promised his favourite candy. Well, candy.

He pulls up my shirt, surprised, with a swift movement in his throat, wait did he gulp?

He then grabbed me into him, gazed at me, savoured everything with his mere stare. Parted his lips, left a heavy breathe free, and almost whispered a fuck yearningly.

My shirt is now not even near the perimeter I'm in, I'm wearing my black bra, oh wait I'm not because it's now on the floor with a swift motion of Geto's hands. He can't take his eyes away from my breasts, my body, the way it's rising and falling under his surveillance. He furiously falls on my neck making his way to my breast, sucking them like it meant more than anything in this world, like he was starving before devouring me like this. He entrailed his lips all over my upper body by now. I could only surprisingly whimper at his immediate passion while I grabbed his hair in my hands, the falling strands of his hair only made his desperate and animal like stare make me wet down there crazily.

His eyes darted down to my panties and in the daze I was in I started mumbling the unspeakable. I might have started begging him to fill me up because he couldn't stop grunting fuck at the way I behaved.

He practically ripped the panties I was wearing and opened his mouth wide at it. He was anything but gentle when he crashed into my insides with his mouth. His duality was confusing because one moment he was kissing my folds and the next eating me like he hadn't encountered the concept of food, because I seemed like the only delicious thing he got to eat. My insides shrunk and churned making me lose it when his mouth grabbed my clit and never let it go, he took his time sucking on my clit and fingering my squelching pussy.

The surroundings melted down into something amorphous or my eyes lost its vision, because the pleasure in all of this wouldn't let me stay sane. I had to beg him to fuck me because this was it, any longer and i would die consuming this indescribable emotion. He smirked with the mouth that erupted a volcano in my body, and I let him tease me. Within a second the smirk turned into something unreadable, to do something irredeemable. He opened the buckle of his pants, pushed them down which immediately send a shiver in my body.

He bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief staring at me. His hair strands now sticks to the sweaty temple of his and he never looked more amusing to me than now I think. Something has ignited, which for a moment made me forget why I did this in the first place. And all I could think was him fucking me senseless.


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8 months ago

So, Atypical family. God I'm a sucker for Korean supernatural shows now.

First of all. The characters are all gray shaded, which i lovvvvee. Every single one. Much like in real life. Swindlers, liars, control freaks, miserable humans who all eventually is in need of love.

And andd the last few episodes had me feeling the tightening of the vaults of my heart. Why? Ina got to know that no, it was not her fault. She got to feel that love from and to her father. The relationships in the show, all including dahee and her swindler notsomuchher mom is so well written.Everyone had some kinda dynamics w each other. All an atypical family who sticks w each other like a typical one should.

A show made of flawed heroes who wants to runaway, and seek their power at the same time. Who lose the sight of what they could actually be in that process. Dahee who ends up being the one to make them see it.

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9 months ago
I'm Telling Y'all. This Guy Is More Cardan Greenbriar Than Any Timothee Chalamet If You Ask Me.
I'm Telling Y'all. This Guy Is More Cardan Greenbriar Than Any Timothee Chalamet If You Ask Me.

I'm telling y'all. This guy is more Cardan Greenbriar than any timothee chalamet if you ask me.

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1 year ago

I really liked the Indian adaptation of the Archie comics. There's so much hate on it due to nepotism and misguided conception of elitism. If anything, the movie is trying to dismantle anglicized elitism. It reminds you that the grass is greener on the side you water it and I can't begin to tell you how amazing that perspective is.

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1 year ago

"To be a human was to continually dumb the world down into an understandable story that keeps things simple.

"To Be A Human Was To Continually Dumb The World Down Into An Understandable Story That Keeps Things

She knew that everything humans see is a simplification. A human sees the world in three dimensions. That is a simplification.

"To Be A Human Was To Continually Dumb The World Down Into An Understandable Story That Keeps Things

Humans are fundamentally limited generalizing creatures, living on auto-pilot, who straighten out curved streets in their minds, which explains why they get lost all the time."

"To Be A Human Was To Continually Dumb The World Down Into An Understandable Story That Keeps Things

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