imbecominggayer - Pure Ranting About Writing
Pure Ranting About Writing

I started this account bc I wanted to learn how to write disabled characters. Now I rant about reading and writing.

278 posts

Cringe Culture Is Dead!

Cringe Culture Is Dead!

You want to write a hot furry character but are afraid of the judgment? DON"T GIVE A CRAP AND BLOCK THE HATERS!

You are a trans person who wants to write a trans character who uses every single pronoun six ways til sunday? GO GET THAT BAG!

You want to write a hardcore smut fic with "disgusting" kinks! MAKE SURE TO TAG THAT SHIT PROPERLY AND ALSO GET THAT BAG!

You enjoy mainstream shit? COOL

You enjoy not mainstream shit? COOL

Whoever decided that having passions was "cringe" because it was either "too mainstream" or "not mainstream enough" can go behind that dumpster beside their establishment and cry like the fragile thing they're!

My favorite flavor of person is someone who is passionate! As long as you are tagging your shit properly and not harassing other people then the haters are being irrational!


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More Posts from Imbecominggayer

5 months ago

Writing Advice: Insecurity

Remember: Insecurity Is Not A Good Trait!

What makes people hate so many insecure characters is because their insecurities are never given proper weight in the story!

At best, it's "humble bragging". At worst, it's annoying and an obvious ploy to get superficial relatability!

Insecurity isn't being humble nor is insecurity the mark of a good person!

Insecurity Makes People Hurt Others To Rise In Life!

Insecurity Can Cause You To Abandon Accountability!

Insecurity Can Lead Towards Being Self-Absorbed!

Insecurity Can Lead To A Mental Health Crisis!

Being insecure shouldn't be treated as the equivalent of being humble nor should it be treated as necessary to being a good person!

In fact, insecurity, as a negative character trait, often leads people in real life to act out in spoiled, selfish, immature, and horrible ways



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5 months ago

ooo mutuals you wanna stay up so bad and listen to vocaloid with me dont you? ooooooo

5 months ago

List Of Sexy Things To Say

I am way too witty for my own good so here are 10 powerful things for you or your characters to say with a religious twist!

"If you are God then I want to commit blasphemy:

"I would love to be covered in your sins"

"I hope God is seeing this"

"I'm sure you taste as divine as you look"

"If you knew just what I was thinking, then you wouldn't be saying all those pure things about me"

"I would do anything for my God"

"All the things I think about doing to you would make me see the man in red"

"May God rue the day we are seperated"

"I wonder how "pure" either of us will be after this"

"Nothing could be a sin if it was done for you"

You might think these are cringe but remember, "one man's cringe is another man's fantasy". If a dialogue is your struggle here is a little bit of personal service

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5 months ago

Writing Rant About OOC

I was never ever going to use Tumblr but that was before I became obsessed with AO3 and discovered I was an opinionated piece of shit. Basically, what is going to happen is I am going to say some controversial opinions about my "irrational" anger towards these cliche changes. Just remember this going forward:

If one of your favorite stories apply to this, just remember I am an insane person

I wouldn't hate these cliches as much if these "ooc" stories weren't all I have left to fuel my brain rot. I am a starving orphan.


There are two common subtypes of "distilling with tears". There is the villainous one and the angst one.

Villainous One: "I am the absolutely evil of *insert story*. But don't judwe mwe :(. Yeah, maybe I abuse my henchmen but I alswo :( have a secret cwush on one of them (///-3-///) which makes this towally fine. Sure, I have twied to kill da heroes but it's okey bcs the hero was evil actually. BTW, I also have a suber duper sad backstory I copied and pasted from someone else :(

My problems with this is two-fold:

First of all, obviously bad backstories, crushes, and revenge doesn't justify being a dick. If it did my dad would still live with us ;0

Secondly, you love this character. With all of their glorious competency, queer-codedness, and wittiness. Why would you want to change all of that? Especially, to something so redudant and uninteresting?

Angsty One: I am a perfectly sane individual with some internal conflict. *gets bwonged on the head by ANGST*. HUH! Woe is me. Here is a hugely traumatic backstory which will never be explained in depth or given any grace: (___). I'm so broken and small. Hey! Remember how sexy I am?! I am just on the brink of a mental breakdown but don't worry! All I need is a hug (^u^)

My problem with this was something I could never fully articulate. Well, obviously there is the fact that not all depressed people have this hugely traumatic backstory of abuse and death to "justify" their "irrational" behavior. I have so many issues that will never have a clear origin story. I also hate the random sexualization of characters while they're in distress. I definitely hate how a character's struggles can only be taken seriously when it's amplified to such extremes and these extremes are treated with a pep talk and a romantic cuddle.

However, I finally discovered my true issue. Thank you Lana Del Rey for the assistance! I'm not like this. When I read angsty stories I am searching for something at least vaguely related to me. Obviously, I know that not every story is like mine but all I can do is approach stories with my perspective.

When I was forced into going to the crisis center for suicidal planning, I didn't feel broken or pathetic.

When I was anxiously carving at my skin, I was still walking around and participating in my classes normally.

When I thought in bed about death, I never felt weak.

I felt whole. I feel perfectly whole.

Maybe it's because I can't distinguish between "new me" vs "old me" but I just feel like "me". My depression isn't sobbing in this melodramatic fashion ; it's quiet and calm. When I have mental breakdowns I'm not a wet tissue paper, i'm dangerously angry and have had to mentally restrain myself from not abusing my cat. When I see stories like this all I can think is how if I someone wrote my story they wouldn't call it realistic enough or sympathetic enough when, to me, these stories aren't realistic. Then again, that's too much baggage to put onto a random fanfic story. Sowwy.

THIS ISN'T THE END. I HAVE MORE RANT MATERIAL IN THE FUTURE. I know that's dissapointing news but it's the truth. No one in my family will listen to my rants.

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5 months ago

Writing Rant: Adam/Playboy Ship Complex

It's 9:03 and I have a wedding to get to in the morning so let's speed this up!

Basically, I am going to be focusing on a point I brought up about how stories attempting to write queer men with a heteronormative gaze tend to ascribe hyperfeminine men to the role of women even to the point of giving them the same tropes.


Quick explanation time, skip if you already know! TLDR; The Madonna/Whore Complex describes how men view women through a reductive lense. Either women are the:

Madonna: Enigmatic and unattainable or a domestic down-to-earth goddess. Both subtypes are united by their lack of overt sexuality and a distinct and desirable femimine charm.


Whore: Sexually attainable and often judged for their sexual desires. They're desirable but not respected as humans with the freedoms they're allowed to enjoy having to fit the fantasy of a sex bomb.


If you have read any mlm story on either Wattpad or AO3 you can already tell.

You have the protagonist who typically falls into the enigmatic unattainable doll/Adam archetype with soft porcelain skin and doe-eyed expressions of innocence despite being in their early twenties. They're often younger than their love interest by several years in order to further highlight a power imbalance between the love interest and them.

The name Adam has further symbolism due to the fact that when the male lead and love interest have sex for the first time there is an undercurrent of moral corruption with the normally enigmatic and reserved protagonist turning into a moaning mess with creepy narration about how the protagonist isn't "pure" anymore. Adam as a biblical figure is often said to have been corrupted by the sinful presence of Eve and the apple.

The protagonist is challenged by a "Playboy" character who desires the Male Lead. The character is often portrayed in darker clothing and behaves exceedingly similar to the figure of the Femme Fatal.

You also have several plotlines based on the Madonna/Whore Complex which repeatedly appear in heteronormative queer stories.

"Good Girl Boy Who "Saves" The Sinful Man"

" The Redemption Of The "Playboy" Through Love"

"Wife Vs Mistress/Husband Vs Mistress"

"The Moral Fall Of Adam"

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