Writing Rant - Tumblr Posts
People that make fun of someone else is writing need to get a laugh or maybe try writing something themselves and then comment.
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
after hearing from other writers, I realized that I am even more amateurish and mediocre than I ever thought I was. I'm not surprised.
TW: Mention of sexual abuse and rape
Writing tips, if you are writing about a toxic and abusive relationship, NEVER try to paint the abuser as someone who can be forgivable! Especially involving sexual abuse.
I've seen stories and stories many times where the victim always says "no, I know he's good" or "I can fix them" or "I'm too attached to them" and that makes me feel disgusted and angry. Especially when the writer knows it's a toxic relationship but tries to down play the abuse by saying "yeah, they care but in a fucked up way" to justify them being possessive and aggressive!
If this sounds like I'm mad, it's because I am!! I've tried exploring sexual abuse in the past with one of my au's, which I'm thinking about reworking, but in it the abuser treats his victim as property and not as a person, and the narrative paints this as something despicable and disgusting, why? Because he is a sexual abuser!!
Thanks for listening to my rant....
Can we collectively put the fun back into writing? Let's not hate on other people's writing just for the sake of acting "better than." Not everyone writes for the purpose of being grammatically correct. People get so focused on what's logically wrong that they don't bother to look at the meaning behind it all. Besides, if, I, want, to, put, unnecessary, commas, I'll, put, unnecessary, commas!
Writing Rant About OOC
I was never ever going to use Tumblr but that was before I became obsessed with AO3 and discovered I was an opinionated piece of shit. Basically, what is going to happen is I am going to say some controversial opinions about my "irrational" anger towards these cliche changes. Just remember this going forward:
If one of your favorite stories apply to this, just remember I am an insane person
I wouldn't hate these cliches as much if these "ooc" stories weren't all I have left to fuel my brain rot. I am a starving orphan.
There are two common subtypes of "distilling with tears". There is the villainous one and the angst one.
Villainous One: "I am the absolutely evil of *insert story*. But don't judwe mwe :(. Yeah, maybe I abuse my henchmen but I alswo :( have a secret cwush on one of them (///-3-///) which makes this towally fine. Sure, I have twied to kill da heroes but it's okey bcs the hero was evil actually. BTW, I also have a suber duper sad backstory I copied and pasted from someone else :(
My problems with this is two-fold:
First of all, obviously bad backstories, crushes, and revenge doesn't justify being a dick. If it did my dad would still live with us ;0
Secondly, you love this character. With all of their glorious competency, queer-codedness, and wittiness. Why would you want to change all of that? Especially, to something so redudant and uninteresting?
Angsty One: I am a perfectly sane individual with some internal conflict. *gets bwonged on the head by ANGST*. HUH! Woe is me. Here is a hugely traumatic backstory which will never be explained in depth or given any grace: (___). I'm so broken and small. Hey! Remember how sexy I am?! I am just on the brink of a mental breakdown but don't worry! All I need is a hug (^u^)
My problem with this was something I could never fully articulate. Well, obviously there is the fact that not all depressed people have this hugely traumatic backstory of abuse and death to "justify" their "irrational" behavior. I have so many issues that will never have a clear origin story. I also hate the random sexualization of characters while they're in distress. I definitely hate how a character's struggles can only be taken seriously when it's amplified to such extremes and these extremes are treated with a pep talk and a romantic cuddle.
However, I finally discovered my true issue. Thank you Lana Del Rey for the assistance! I'm not like this. When I read angsty stories I am searching for something at least vaguely related to me. Obviously, I know that not every story is like mine but all I can do is approach stories with my perspective.
When I was forced into going to the crisis center for suicidal planning, I didn't feel broken or pathetic.
When I was anxiously carving at my skin, I was still walking around and participating in my classes normally.
When I thought in bed about death, I never felt weak.
I felt whole. I feel perfectly whole.
Maybe it's because I can't distinguish between "new me" vs "old me" but I just feel like "me". My depression isn't sobbing in this melodramatic fashion ; it's quiet and calm. When I have mental breakdowns I'm not a wet tissue paper, i'm dangerously angry and have had to mentally restrain myself from not abusing my cat. When I see stories like this all I can think is how if I someone wrote my story they wouldn't call it realistic enough or sympathetic enough when, to me, these stories aren't realistic. Then again, that's too much baggage to put onto a random fanfic story. Sowwy.
THIS ISN'T THE END. I HAVE MORE RANT MATERIAL IN THE FUTURE. I know that's dissapointing news but it's the truth. No one in my family will listen to my rants.
How To Write Trauma With Humanity
This short post is for those who think that they might be so focused on writing trauma well that they accidentally forget to write an actual character.
As someone who has an "interest" (read: deeply passionate and completely consuming dedication) for psychology and character analysis, I feel like sometimes writers don't really know how to write a character with trauma.
To quote a quote:
Don't Write A Traumatized Character, Write A Character With Trauma
I'm just trying to talk about those situations where the only interesting thing that we ever learn about this character is the fact that they have trauma and that's sad.
People tend to think that PTSD and trauma in general is just:
sit in dark, crying inconsolably about death
have nightmares
hide the fact that you have PTSD with broodiness
try to revenge
die tragically or happy ever after
Remember: Nobody has time for that
These people have obligations, responsibilities, family members, loved ones, and dreams that don't allow for this type of lifestyle.
Many people with PTSD *seem* like standard members of society. They sometimes participate in community activities. They have hobbies and vague interests that they put on their dating profile but don't really care about.
People with PTSD and trauma are interesting REGARDLESS of their trauma and trauma-related bullshit, not because.
If the only thing that's interesting about a character is what something else did to your character, it's not really interesting.
What's their dreams?
What do they like to eat in the morning?
What's their values?
Stop Trying TO ANSWER These Important Questions With:
"don't care :3 trauma will make this character complete :D"
My Most Hated Romance Tropes
Hi, this is going to be me convincing you to hate these tropes :)
A) Misplaced Sexual Tension
Is this a real thing? I see this trope so much that I'm starting to wonder if i'm the outlier.
This tends to come up in the "hurt/comfort" scene a lot. Basically, a character is deathly ill or even unconscious sometimes. The love interest is sitting by the bed. I would think that this is going to be angst-y scene where you get incite into the deep love that the love interest has for the sick one. And the resulting fear and concern.
BUT NO! The "Love Interest" "feels heat rush in between their legs" as they run off to the bathroom!
I hate this trope because it always turns romance into just more sexual shit. I don't want that. if I wanted to see two characters have lust for each other I would have just read an erotica.
B) Random Sexual Tension
Character A cries about their dead parent and Character B gets a boner
Character A hugs Character B. boobas
Character A promises to protect Character B and Character B immediately thinks about bedroom affairs
Character A is fighting and Character B is staring at their chest
SERIOUSLY!?! Why can't these characters keep it in their pants for just one motherf#cking moment!?
I hate it because I want to see Character A and Character B have their personalities and inner depth explored. I don't want to see literal sex objects!
C) Everything Serves Sex
I hate the belief that writers and fans share that all characters must act either according to their sexual position or as a subversion of that.
Seriously, I'm just trying to read about a nice gay love story and all the comments are talking about is:
"who's da top and who da bottom?"
"who man and who woman?"
GOD Fucking DAMMIT!!! This doesn't matter. Personality doesn't impact sexual habits.
i just want to see gay man love gay man or gay woman love gay woman.
i'm not here to read about erotica :`(
An Apology to my lovely Readers
If you have requested anything and it's taken some time for me to write it, I apologize. I am simultaneously working on requests as I write this and am trying my best to get them posted so you all can enjoy them. I won't even make any excuses for the time taken, I'll instead work on writing them and getting.them.out for you all to read!
Being a new fan of Yu Yu Hakusho and going on the comments of YYH clips and videos is the most funny yet frustrating thing
You got people arguing whether or not Yusuke Vs. Toguro was meant to challenge toxic masculinity (personally i believe it was. If Toguro choosing to harm himself and others, including loved ones, instead of choosing to accept his pain and vulnerability, isnt toxic masculinity, then what is it?)
(Edit 3: and no, you don't have to live in a day & age where "wokism"/"wokeness" is a buzzword to write stories addressing human or societal tendencies. Just because a term like "toxic masculinity" gained popularity only recently doesn't mean that people weren't already aware of these social patterns and tackled them in their work back then. The lack of a coined term doesn't negate the existence or understanding of these issues, being conveyed in stories even earlier - or what, do you mean to tell me that the issues of racism only began once the term "racism" was coined? Sorry to go that route, but hopefully you get my point.)
You got some people saying that the transfem demon proves that trans people are demons (like bro it's a piece of fiction there aren't corporeal demons irl let alone trans ones. Edit: using a piece of fiction as a basis for your argument about real life is wild Edit 2: should clarify, using fictional material portraying certain themes to make certain arguments about life is fine, it's when you disregard any nuance entirely just to fuel your hate towards certain people, thats when it becomes wild)
(Togashi's choice of placing representation where he placed it is something that I want to talk about some time, but not now)
Then you have the out of nowhere comments like "Sensui foresaw feminism rising in the west... he was trying to save us"
Seriously, did we even watch the same anime
And also people giving some names and addresses (are people trying to doxx others??)
Like I get it that YYH is a 90s anime and therefore people more or less have their nostalgia goggles when talking about YYH
But like damn who hurt you
Like, bro, we’re not all furries, we’re just trying to make you have a better reading experience than
‘Yells’ and ‘says’
ALSO these terms are EXCELLENT characterization opportunities for showing the reader the relationship between characters
So, no, it’s not furry speak
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.