Saeyoung Choi - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Heyo! I don't really often write any long posts and I don't know where to start, really. But this time I'm writing on a special occasion, Mystic messenger is now 7 years old now!

Well, first of all let me congratulate both the fans and Cheritz who gave us this wonderful game. Together we've been through meme moments, creative & traumatic moments, and we also overcame the rumour that the game would be taken off the Google play/Appstore and removed (really, do you guys know how much that scared the fandom? If anything, I think we're all looking forward to at least the 10th anniversary, and hopefully the subsequent ones if possible. Either way, prosperity to Cheritz! Thanks for surprising us all these 7 years with new artwork and more content. I just can't help but congratulate them because I'm sure that a lot of work has been done during these 7 years).

Secondly my first question after the whole 7 year anniversary thing beong announced was "how long have I been asleep?". Like yes, I've been in the fandom for probably about three years (because I remember that I caught out of all the existing anniversary screensavers only the one with cups, who remembers, remembers, and who knows, knows), but I am pleased and pleasantly surprised by the fact that the guys continue to release some content after 7 years!!!! (by the way, I like the style of the new artist, so native, so canonical, in my opinion (P.S. I love all the artists who drew screensavers and all the rest of the artwork in the game, I just could not help but note the work of the new artist, they are very cosy in my opinion).

Thirdly, look who decided to participate in an event from Cheritz for the first time ever (first time in 7 years. I've actually made attempts to participate, but you know my boneheadedness (you probably don't, because like I said, I don't write long posts often) and inability to catch up and post everything in time)? I did, of course. But I didn't find in their tumblr post the template they mentioned (I just don't use twitter (it doesn't work in my country and surprisingly it doesn't work with a VPN either), maybe the template is there), nor information about whether I should post my email or account info here... Just in case I suddenly get lucky....

Oh well, what else can I say in conclusion? I present to you Saeyoung (crying, from happiness of course) and MC in her wedding look (lol, I look similar to her in real life (I even have a meme on this topic that I'll probably post later), so I guess you could say I'm killing two birds with one stone (proverbial, no killing)). I'm glad that I was finally able to accurately portray 707 the way I imagine him in my head.

And I congratulate all of us once again on the anniversary (and on the party theme, which if not everyone, then every third person was looking forward to, I believe ;) ).

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8 years ago

I’m back

My semester ended and so I’m back! I’ll be posting a mystic messenger fanfic in a few hours!

I’ll be happy to take any requests for them as well so don’t be afraid to leave me a message! 

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8 years ago

Symptoms: Prologue

Fandom: Mystic Messenger

Pairing: Saeran x OC, Seven x MC

Summary: We all know that unrequited love can be quite painful, but what happens when you can’t even reach out to the person that you adore? 

 Author note:  I originally wanted to make this story a oneshot, but the ideas in my head have been overflowing as soon as I finished the prologue. More love for Saeran! 

Rating: T (maybe M for later chapters but not for now) 

Genre: Angst/Romance 


 Of course, it wasn’t as easy as I originally thought.

Saeyoung stroked the dark brown locks behind MC’s hair and stared into her eyes with such sincerity, with such longing like he would lose her if she slipped away from his arms at any moment.

To be living in a house with you, In a house with my brother… at the same time.

Her cheeks resembled the same pigment of a petal of rose, a coy laughter escaping out of her lips as she wrapped her arms loosely around the elder twin’s neck.

Such intimate moments I would see for myself.

The playful atmosphere died down, a surge of passion suddenly intruding the same room that they were currently standing in.

I wanted to run away from it all, but brother simply wouldn’t allow it.

Her soft hands reached up to curl her fingertips around the patterned temple tips and slid them off, gently placing them on the kitchen countertop.

I thought I had made improvement.

Saeyoung leaned his forehead of hers, closing his eyes for a moment before releasing a sigh a pure contentment.

That it wouldn’t be difficult to see him with his significant other.

She took the first step and closed the distance between them with her soft, inviting lips.

To see him happy with what he has now.

Saeyoung returned the kiss with eagerness, taking an extra step forward to wrap his hands around his beloved’s thighs and hike her up onto the countertop with ease.

To see that he has others to care for.

Her breaking the contact of her lips to release a throaty chuckle onto to have them captured again by her feverish lover.

To see that he has you to care for.

The bedroom door across from the hallway slammed shut, startling the couple from their intimate moment.

And I just wanted to say,

“Saeran! Is that you?”  Saeyoung’s voice croaked out, releasing her with a frantic motion; giving apologetic eyes in return to follow his twin towards his bedroom.

“Sorry, I just thirsty. I didn’t think you two would be busy.” Saeran lied smoothly, putting on his jacket without taking another glance at his brother.

I’m sorry.

“Where do you think, you’re going? We’re about to have dinner.”

“Yeah, it seemed like you were about to eat something, not me.” Saeran retorted sharply.

Saeyoung’s face flushed with embarrassment, you could even say that the color of his cheeks resembled his hair. He was speechless.

“W-why are you getting so worked up about this? It’s what couples do.”

“I’m not getting worked up, I just don’t appreciate you doing this in the place where we cook our food.” Saeran’s face remained stoic.

It was simple, he was a master at this. It was easy for him to control his emotions, it was easy for him ease his temper. He shouldn’t have gotten angry at anyone, especially his twin. After all, they’ve gotten through together as a family, he should be relieved. But, why did it seem like his heart was hammering in his chest? Why was it that he couldn’t help to replay the event that happened in the kitchen just a few minutes ago?


“I’m not upset, I promise.”

The redhead turn around to face his elder brother with an attempt at what he called a smile and nudged his shoulder with his.

“I’ll be right back, okay?”

Saeyoung sighed deeply, unsatisfied with how this conversation turned out but nonetheless nodded.

“Stay safe, Saeran.”

Saeran already knew the subtext hidden under those words.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, I love you.”

“I will.”

Saeran clenched his fists, trudging out of his room towards the front door with a heavy conscience and clouded mind.  

I’m sorry that,

She stood there in front on the door like she was some sort of trial that he had to pass in order to move on in a video game. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed into a conflicted expression with her rosy lips pursed into a frown.

T-that I...

“What are you doing?” Saeran’s deadpanned.

He had to keep his emotions in check. He just had to.

“Where are you going?” Her velvet voice suddenly turned stern.

“I didn’t know I needed your permission to go out.”

She reached out to touch his shoulder, but he pushed it away declining her attempt at what seemed to be comfort.

“Do not touch me.”


“I’m going to be right back so please just step away from the door.”


Please don’t be pretend that you care for me.

Please don’t pretend that you don’t remember all those horrible things I did to you.

So, she did what he pleaded her to do and stepped away from the door. Alas, he was free or so he had thought.

I’m sorry that I care for you too.

He opened the door and hadn’t look back since. 

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3 years ago
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy

I actually did something for once! This was my first time cosplaying, and it was a lot of fun. Enjoy my 707 cosplay!

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8 years ago
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs

Saeyoung Songs🎵🎵🎵

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8 years ago

jumin in saeyoung's route

he lost rika. then, he lost v. not to mention if the reset theory is true, he will feel this hole inside of him. mc is being with saeyoung. jumin han is lonely back then, but after endings of secret 01 and secret 02, he is alone. now let that sink in

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9 months ago

“I think I breathe weird”

 I Think I Breathe Weird


WARNINGS/TAGS?: comfort, fluff, x g/n reader

KC NOTE: We’ve finally succeeded at life gang, I’m finally getting the rfa vip package. And in honor of that I’ve decided to give you guys this. I rarely write stuff like this, so please accept that this it won’t be too good!! I just hope it makes a little sense??? T-T


“Sometimes I wish I didn’t breathe,” the redhead sighs beside me.

I try turning my head slightly, not wanting to move it too much from his shoulder. “What? Why?” I ask. As he goes to grab my free hand, drawing hearts on my palm as he speaks.

“I think I just breathe weird, lol,” Luciel replies, his voice monotone.

“Anyways, it’s not that deep, so don’t try to look into it, lol.”

“Well, whatever you mean by that, Lucy, I like to think you breathe just fine.” I turn my body fully to him, making sure to look at him. Those golden eyes shinning as they usually do. “Actually, I really like your breath. Well, like I want you to continue to breathe. I think if anyone deserves the air they breathe. Well it should be you seven.”

He chuckles before looking up at me again. “You know, you’re way too cute for your own good.”

He takes a quick deep breath before pulling me closer. “Anyways, thank you, babe.” He places a small kiss on my forehead “I really want you to continue breathing as well.”

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4 years ago

RFA minus jeahee (sorry) and quarantine dates & activities

so i did actually try to write jaehee but i haven't played her route yet and the poor girl is so swamped by work in all the other routes i don’t feel like i have actually gotten to know her so rather than wing it and do something wrong i might just add to this once i finish her route (i’m just starting zens now but her’s is next) anyway here you go. 

the RFA boys and how they pass the time in quarantine with MC (nsfw implied only)


-        Wine

-        Candle light

-        He draws you both a bath

-        You massage his shoulders and he washes your hair

-        Y’all talk for a long time

-        You may or may not doze off while leaning back against his chest as he tells you about the new C&R program to help employees through quarantine

-        The next morning, he makes you pancakes and half way through breakfast you remember the cat safe pancake group from the last RFA party

-        You both spend the rest of the morning making pancakes for Elizabeth

-        You download an audio book to listen to while you knit and he does his needle point

-        You two pause it frequently to comment on interesting facts

-        Its comfortable, its sweet, its … kinda boring after a while

-        Then his eye’s gleam and you start to get worried

-        3 hours and 1 cat outfit later y’all are both exhausted and definitely not bored anymore


-        He teaches you LOLOL and you show him your favorite games

-        Rom com marathon

-        Youtube & Netflix bingeing

-        Screen headaches ensue

-        Both of you lay on the floor in the dark because that helps

-        After a bit you suggest a different game and he groans at the thought of the bright screen

-        You laugh and pull out battle ship (look it glows in the dark!!)

-        Okay yeah that could work

-        He makes you breakfast, you make him dinner, Lunch is leftovers

-        You two share headphones and slow dance together it reminds you both of your first RFA party

-        You can’t help but lay your head on his shoulder and half sing half whisper the song against his neck, you just feel so safe and content in his arms

-        After a while you run out of games and have to make you own

-        Not all of them are PG13


-        Y’all put on cute little karaoke shows (he may or may not save the CCTV footage)

-        you sing duets a lot you sing the male part while dressed as seven and vice versa

-        Quarantine bingo to see who (cleans, cooks, whatever chore needs to be done)

-        Who can embarrass who most in their work video call as time goes one more and more things get added to the forbidden list

-        Best prank war ever (until saeran gets caught in the middle and now everyone’s in trouble)

-        PARKOUR a la office style

-        He teaches you Arabic

-        Lots of naps on the couch while the news plays on TV

-        you convince seven to give you a standup routine

-        boy has showmanship and you can’t convince me otherwise

-        long drives to nowhere

-        DRESS UP!!

-        Y’all do each other’s makeup and nails

-        You never make it out of the bedroom when your dressed up though


-        Musicals galore, you two watch every musical in existence

-        You frequently pause to ask him to play a certain part or sing a certain song for you

-        He insists you play the love interest for those parts

-        When you shakily and nervously sing the love song duet the beast is unleashed

-        Relaxing Beauty treatments!

-        You help him make lots of encouraging videos for his fans

-        He shows you his workout routine (but you can’t concentrate)

-        you show how much you appreciate his workout routine

-        you try to do his strength training stuff he thinks watching you try so hard is cute

-        y’all play drinking games

-        he teaches you to dance

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4 years ago

RFA (plus saeran) with an MC that leaves when she gets angry (don’t worry they all make up)

so this took me all day but i want to try writing something everyday so here ya’ll go let me know if y’all like it. also i just noticed how often i misspell the names and i ask for mercy i have dyslexia and i really am trying to catch these things.


-        You two rarely argued but when you did it tended to bring out EVERYTHING past and present

-        You couldn’t even remember what exactly had sparked the argument

-        Something about not eating, or was it because you had worked yourself to exhaustion two days ago

-        Whatever the reason both of you were angry.

-        You knew he cared about you, knew that behind the anger was fear and love

-        That didn’t make his stern and angry voice more tolerable though

-        Didn’t soften his piercing gaze or ease your own frustration

-        “okay. I’m done fighting Jumin.” You say coldly cutting him off mid-sentence

-        “what” he asked looking for intents and purposes like you had slapped him across the face unexpectedly

-        “I’m done Jumin. I’m not doing this anymore. I’m going for a walk; I’ll be home by dinner.”

-        “your leaving me?” he asked cautiously afraid of the answer

-        “if I were leaving you I would have just left. I wouldn’t have told you I’d be back. I’m just, I’m done fighting.”

-        And with that, you were out the door.

-        3 hours later you hung your coat up in the penthouse entry way and met your husband at the dinner table

-        “I’m sorry” both of you said simultaneously

-        You put your hand up to quiet him as you see the question in his face before he can even ask

-        “I know I can’t just leave like that. It’s not good to just shut down a conversation like that. I just I hate fighting, I hate being angry and arguing. I’d rather simply not do it. You know?”

-        “better than you could imagine my love”


-        “I wasn’t flirting with him!

-        “he was flirting with you though!”

-        “I can’t control what he does yoosung”

-        “you could have walked away!”

-        “I was pay- no you know what. No” you put your hands up and turned to leave the kitchen where you too where arguing as you put away the groceries

-        “wait, we, we were talking” yoosung spluttered as you tugged your coat back on and grabbed your purse

-        “no yoosung you were talking, you were talking if you want you can keep talking, you’ll get just as far in the argument as you would if I were here so go ahead. Me I’m going to go get a drink at the cat café. I’ll call you when I’m on my way back”

-        Then you were gone. Door shut surprisingly gently behind you

-        And yoosung was left alone angry and confused

-        So he did what he always did when he needed to process emotions, he played LOLOL

-        You called on your way home just as you said you would but when he didn’t answer he couldn’t help the sigh that fell from your lips

-        “yoosungie? I’m sorry I bailed on you. You know I don’t deal with frustration well, but that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have walked out like that. I’m on my home. See you soon puppy.” You mumbled into the phone as you left a voicemail

-        As soon as you walked through the door he was on you with the tightest hug you had ever felt

-        “MC! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you leave I just I saw the guy at the store and the way he looked at you I guess I kind of freaked out”

-        You couldn’t help yourself, not when he was nuzzling his face into your hair and rubbing your back as he hugged you

-        “puppy!” You cooed pulling back to fluff his hair a bit “I love you” you laughed at the rising blush on his cheeks and kissed his nose


-        You only fight when seven is closing himself off again. Most of the time when this happens you can usually simply love him through it

-        But every now and then you got frustrated. Frustrated that he still didn’t trust you frustrated that he still thought you were better off without him. After all this time everything you’ve been through he still doesn’t understand how much you love him

-        That what led to this fight. He was shutting you out again

-        “MC seriously I’m trying to work I don’t have tim-“

-        “saeyoung I’m leaving. I’ll be back, I don’t know later I guess I’ll take the routes with cameras so you don’t have to worry”

-        “what? MC you can’t just”

-        “I can. I am. See ya”

-        So you left before he could say anything else.

-        You took the CCTV covered routes and purposefully avoided looking at the cameras.

-        He called you a couple of times and you made sure he saw you see the call on your phone before you decline the call.

-        When you finally calm down you make your way home and find him at his computer.

-        You sit on the floor next to his chair and pull out your phone texting him a quick sorry message and telling him you’ll be right beside him whenever he finishes working.

-        After a while you feel his hand in your hair and you hum contentedly knowing that you two could get through this

-        Just like you had gotten through everything else


-        He hurt himself. Again. You had warned him that he was pushing himself to hard and he still pushed.

-        Now he was hurt and out of commission for 2 days and you had more work to do than ever.

-        You loved this man really you did, but between the upcoming RFA party, the new fan club coordination position you had taken up, and being his manager you were feeling frustrated and overwhelmed

-        So once he was settled in bed and safe you told him you had to run some errands

-        “ugh you were right jagi I’m sorry”

-        You damn right I was right

-        “listen to me.” You said coldly “I love you, but if you get up from that bed while I’m gone, I will throw the TV through that door and then post that video of you after you met Elly, swollen face and all.”

-        That shut him up fast. Looking at his mouth opening and closing as he looked for something to say almost made you feel bad. Almost.

-        “I’m just, I’m angry right now and I need some time to calm down. I love you but you have to give me a bit. I promise I’ll be back soon” you explained with a sigh.

-        And so here you were sitting on your laptop at local café and posting an update for Zen’s fan club.

-        It had only been 15 minutes but you already felt bad for leaving him alone. So you began to pack up. That was until you noticed a new message on your latest post.

-        The fans wanted to put together a collection for Zen’s injury. That actually gave you a good idea

-        30 minutes and 48 different emails later and you were ready, this would be perfect and you couldn’t wait to get back to your zenny

-        When you got home you were relieved to find zen asleep and not waiting up for you as you worried he might. You kissed his forehead and set to work connecting your laptop to the TV.

-        When he woke up you helped him to the couch and just before you showed him what you and his fans had put together you set of a camera

-        “jagi? What is all this?” he asked laughing a little at all the stuff you had set up

-        “trust me Zenny you’ll love it and so will they. I just know it”

-        You played a compilation of the videos the fans had sent you of them wishing Zen well and telling him how much they loved his work. Video fan mail would definitely lift his spirits.

-        Not to mention posting his reaction would make the fans happy.


-        Cake burned, coffee spilled, cat hair everywhere.

-        day ruined

-        You were dog tired and so done with today when an equally tired and grumpy jaehee stumbles from the cafes back office

-        “MC what, it’s a wreck in here!” she exclaims

-        “really? I hadn’t noticed.” You replied sardonically before sighing “I know I’m working on it right now.”

-        “no it’ll be faster if I do it you just go, go make dinner at home” you could hear the edge in her voice and couldn’t help but respond in kind

-        “You know I’m not the one who let the cat in right?” you almost spat

-        “I didn’t say you did MC.” She sighed rubbing her temples

-        It had all started about 2 hours ago when a child had let in a street cat to get it out of the deluge outside. The ensuing chaos led to shutting early and trying to desperately heard a scared and soaked cat outside into a slowly fading rainstorm.

-        Needless to say that the café you two had worked so hard for was currently in shambles.

-        “fine. Your right. It’s probably faster if you just go it alone.” You muttered before stalking out the door and into the rain.

-        You had only made it half a block before you felt the rain stop

-        But it hadn’t stopped. You looked around only to see jaehee holding an umbrella over your head

-        You couldn’t help the breathless laugh the left you

-        “I guess I wasn’t thinking when I left was I”

-        “I wasn’t thinking when I told you to leave. So we’re even.”


-        you knew this wasn’t about you

-        it was about the new councilor, who had mentioned his mother

-        it was about seven doting over him about his medicine

-        it was about everything and everyone smothering him

-        so you told yourself again and again that this screaming wasn’t about you

-        you tried to be understanding and most of the fights ended with the catharsis of a tantrum and the comfort of a gentle hug

-        this was not most times

-        “I should have just left you at mint eye where you belong!”

-        You had worked so hard to support his recovery. You were used to insults, used to frustration

-        But he said this quietly, seething and dark and you were angry.

-        You felt your stare go icy and saw his eyes widen in surprise

-        You didn’t get angry often and he was always surprised when you did

-        “saeran. I’m leaving for a while. I’ll come back when I calm down”

-        “you can’t just leave”

-        “I couldn’t leave at mint eye but I can now” you spat without even looking back at him

-        “you wouldn’t dare!”

-        “I will be back when I calm down” you said slowly before finally walking out the door

-        He was furious, and with no one to point his anger at he paced his room.

-        As his anger faded he felt the all too familiar regret and guilt wash over him as he let himself fall backwards on his bed

-        You had been gone for quite a while and he wondered balefully if this would be the time you didn’t come back to him

-        It had to happen sooner or later after all

-        You had left nearly an hour ago and you could still feel the cold and icy grip of anger on your heart. You really had to do something, anything with this feeling.

-        you yelled. You raged and spat and cursed alone in the middle of the woods. Primal scream therapy, your mother had called it; cathartic your father had said. All you knew was you felt better and Saeran didn’t have to take the brunt of it.

-        When you returned you saw saeran laying on the bed and you cleared you throat as you stood in the door way. He sat up and eyed you in clear surprise

-        “your back” he said simply as though you hadn’t told him you would return.

-        You chided yourself when you remembered all the people in his life that HADNT returned

-        “it’ll take more than a raised voice a few mean words to get rid of me” you said making your way to sit next to him

-        “you just left.” He mumbled not meeting your eye’s

-        “I know. I shouldn’t have done that. I was very angry and I didn’t want to say something I’d regret. Next time I Promise to try to calm down here instead of leaving.”

-        “I don’t like when you leave”

-        “I don’t like leaving”

-        These quiet moments were few and far between, but you cherished them, they meant progress.

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4 years ago

RFA + Saeran with MC with depression

these depression symptoms are based solely on my personal experience with depression. everyone experiences things differently if you or someone you love is going through depression no matter what symptoms they show or don’t show, they deserve love, compassion, and help. it does get better. help is out there and worth the effort. you aren’t alone.

Also my depression is almost entirely biochemical, meaning that when I’m on my medicine my depression is generally controlled very easily. This is why medication plays such a major role in these head cannons. Everyone’s depression treatment is different some people benefit more from counseling than medication. Some people require hospitalization some need tender in home care. Find what works for you and stick with it. I promise, it’s worth it.


-        his approach is diligence.

-        he was so busy he didn’t notice at first

-        it was when the maid contacted him to ask if MC was okay that he started to pay attention

-        the maid had mentioned the MC had been in bed when she came to clean the last three days

-        Jumin knew MC wasn’t lazy far from it actually if she wasn’t busying herself with one of her many hobbies or planning the next RFA party she was usually visiting a friend not lying in bed.

-        something was wrong. he came home right away to check on her

-        she was surprised and apologized profusely as though she had been caught doing something wrong

-        “love I’m not angry, I’m worried.” she smiled lightly and assured him she was fine just tired recently

-        so Jumin watched closer, noticed more

-        he saw her eat less, sleep more, her knitting didn’t progress, nor did her reading or writing. the party planning came along but even it seemed to go slower.

-        it was when she started to leave sentences hanging that he put his foot down

-        “honey bunny really, please. I don’t need a doctor.”

-        “you aren’t yourself love. you don’t even talk to me anymore”

-        “we, we talk.”

-        “no I talk you listen. I miss you. your right beside me but you feel so far away”

-        “I probably just need my medicine”

-        “medicine. you didn’t tell me you take medicine! medicine for what are you okay?!?”

-        “I, I didn’t want to worry you! It’s not a big deal honestly I shouldn’t even need it. it’s so stupid. I take an anti-depressant or I’m supposed to. it’s hard to remember sometimes and I forget.

-        in an instant Jumin was hugging her carding his fingers through her hair holding her tighter than he had ever held anyone

-        “bring me your medicine. you’re taking it right now. from now on I won’t let you forget”

-        he came to bed every night with a glass of water and MC’s medicine.

-        he found support groups, funded research, sought out the best counselors and psychologists.

-        he hated that he couldn’t immediately fix the problem but if he couldn’t cure her then he would get her the best treatment money could buy


-        his approach is overprotective.

-        he first noticed how restless MC was. she would switch videos before they started, change apps before one had even finished loading.

-        “MC are you okay?” but she assured him she was

-        next he noticed that she wasn’t leaving the house as often, she didn't leave to see her friends and she hadn’t called her family in weeks. messages and texts would either be ignored or answered with single word replies.

-        even their conversations seemed far more one sided

-        something was off so he asked for help.

-        the chatroom was abuzz with worry about MC and Yoosung couldn’t keep up with all the advice

-        then he got a call. from V

-        V worried that MC might be depressed offered to give yoosung some numbers to call, doctors to see.

-        yoosung hung up and confronted MC immediately angry & scared

-        “is it true? why didn't you tell me?”

-        “it’s not bad really. most of the time I just need my medicine and I’m fine but,”

-        “but what”

-        mc see blinked back tears “I, I lost them in the move and I can’t get more till the end of the month. i thought, I thought I could make it but I’m so tired Yoosung”

-        he didn’t know what to say so he just held her. he stayed holding her all night”

-        the next morning, he helped her search the whole apartment and when they still couldn't find them they went to the pharmacy together to explain the situation

-        yoosung watched her carefully for weeks’ afterword to make sure she was okay

-        too anyone else he would have seemed paranoid but MC knew why he was so carful

-        he was shook after rika and wasn't going to take any chances with her


-        his approach is patient.

-        he knew the signs already

-        heck he had lived them

-        so when he noticed MC’s jokes had taken a darker turn he decided to watch her closer

-        and he saw it, saw her slowly slip into the habits he had seen so many times in the mirror.

-        so he did what he could. He held her when she shut down.

-        sought her out when she would hide

-        more often than not he simply sat in the room with her like she had with him. Sat near her so that when she felt like talking he would be there

-        after days of sitting next to her as waiting for her to reach out it happened

-        “I’m not okay”

-        this was progress since for days she had insisted that she was fine and simply just tired

-        “what do you need” he asked gently intertwining their fingers

-        “will you help me get my medicine. I ran out. I don’t know when I was supposed to get the refill”

-        this was something he could do and he would do anything for her

-        it does sooth his conscience a bit too know this was something she struggled with before meeting him and not because of him


-        His approach is by far the gentlest

-        The first thing he noticed was her sleep.

-        She tossed and turned when before she would happily snuggle into his arms and stay there happily all night

-        Then he noticed her smile seemed more forced than before

-        She didn’t cry much but she also didn’t laugh like she had before

-        When she started having trouble falling asleep he sang her lullabies

-        When she started eating less he started learning to cook

-        When she left in the middle of his play and hid in the theater bathroom. He asked for answers.

-        Gently trying to coax her out of the bathroom to talk to him

-        The second the door is open he’s inside and holding her. She sits in his lap and cries for the first time

-        He sings to her gently and helps calm her down until her breathing evens out and she can talk

-        “I’m just so tired. I’m tired of everything Zen. I want to go home. Even when I’m home I want to go home I know it doesn’t make sense. I know. I’m just, I’m so tired”

-        He holds her tight telling her that it’s okay. That he’ll fix it.

-        Once she’s asleep he’s calling Jaehee. She’s smart and if anyone could find the help MC needs it’s her


-        Her approach is slightly clinical

-        The first thing she notices is MC skips movie night

-        Then she sees her sleep in and skip a lot of her self-care

-        MC is still working as hard as ever but she’s exhausted all the time

-        She’s worried and when MC refuses to go to the doctor she does the research herself

-        Then she confronts MC too ask if her guess is right

-        when MC admits to getting off her meds jaehee goes rigid

-        jaehee is worried. everything about this feels uncertain and she hates feeling uncertain

-        So Jaehee does what she does best.

-        She plans. She learns. She works.

-        She knows the medication and how it works.

-        She sets up an entire routine for MC taking her medicine and doing all the self-care things that are supposed to help

-        She insists that MC see a councilor since she admits emotions aren’t her strong suit.


-        His first tip-off is when she forgets to refresh the water in the flower vases

-        The second is when she skips walks in favor of staying in bed

-        It feels like he’s losing her and its making him panic a bit

-        he sees how lifeless her eyes are when he tells about the newest garden blooms

-        she’s not her positive happy go lucky self anymore

-        he hates it when she smiles and it looks so broken

-        he makes her a bowl of ice-cream and she only eats a fourth of it

-        he’s getting worried and trusting relationships are pretty new to him

-        but secrecy and information hacking aren’t so that’s what he goes back to

-        he finds your medical records and see’s you have an expired prescription for anti-depressants

-        he confronts you angrily and questions what’s wrong with you

-        how can you expect him to get treatment when you won’t even take your medicine

-        you explain that you were on your way to get your meds when you got called to mint eye

-        and then in all the chaos you forgot, and at this point you’d have to see your doctor again

-        your tired it doesn’t seem worth it

-        he looks guilty and ashamed but you pull him into your arms

-        he apologizes for everything with mint eye again and you can feel him shaking

-        you assure him it isn’t his fault, it was bad circumstances and bad timing not him

-        he makes you promise to go to the doctor you make him promise to go with you

-        you could do anything together after all

-        he wants you happy if you need this medicine then he wants you to have it

Tags :
4 years ago

RFA that comes home to MC that has filled the bed with stuffed animals

Jumin He’s confused, and ends up moving the stuffed animals so he can replace them. 

-        He had come home a day early but it was still late at night when he trudged through the penthouse door

-        He was quiet, careful not to wake you up since you weren’t expecting him until tomorrow evening.

-        He wanted to surprise you when you woke up in his arms but when he got to the bedroom the bed looked, full

-        The shapes under the covers where chaotic and even after staring for several minutes trying to piece together what each shape might be he couldn’t begin to guess.

-        He stepped closer silently to investigate. He could hear your soft breath but the closer he got the more he realized he couldn’t even see your form clearly in the haphazard mess on the bed

-        “MC” he ventured quietly pulling the blankets down to reveal a jumbled mess of pillows and assorted stuffed animals

-        He recognized some of the colorful plushies from gifts he had given you and others from when you had moved in.

-        though normally they were meticulously displayed in your hobby room, organized by categories he couldn’t begin to understand though you had tried to explain several times

-        after delicately removing one after another he found you buried beneath them wrapped in a heated blanket and hugging his personal favorite stuffed animal gift to you.

-        A pure white cat plush with sapphire eyes. Elizabeth the 3rd immortalized in soft faux fur and stuffing

-        You yawned gently and sat up before you registered what had woken you then you locked eyes with him

-        “darling!!” you cried scrambling toward him through the see of pillows and stuffed animals

-        At the edge of the bed though you lost your traction slipping and tumbling into his chest where he caught you easily you snuggled into his chest and hummed happily as he chuckled again

-        “I thought you might miss me, but it looks like my place in our bed has been taken” he said gently patting you head

-        “oh um well. It’s silly but to be honest. I can’t sleep when you’re not here. The beds to big, too empty and cold. So I fill it with all my cuddly stuffed animals and wrap myself in a heated blanket so that I can pretend you’re still here.” You mutter growing quieter with every word

-        When you met his gaze again you could see something dancing behind his eyes as he smiled gently at you

-        In a second your lips where caught in a tender kiss

-        “my love. You should have told me my absence pained you so. But if you’d like I could take my place back”

-        “yes please darling. I’ve missed you”

 Yoosung He does the exact same thing no doubt. Meaning he just joins you in the cuddle pile

-        Yoosung had been visiting his parents for the past few days after learning that his sister was pregnant

-        He had asked MC to come with him but she couldn’t get off work so she stayed behind

-        Yoosung was exhausted when he stumbled into your shared apartment.

-        The darkness told him you were asleep so he made his way to the bedroom

-        He fell against the bed without paying attention and was surprised by the mass of stuffed animals that cushioned his fall

-        Still tired he wiggled his way to the bed through the plush mountain only to hear you groans and roll over in your sleep toppling some of the more precariously placed plushie’s

-        Yoosung was already starting to does off when his arm found you cuddling with one of his LOLOL stuffed dolls

-        He chuckled sleepily pulling you close to him doll and all

-        He pressed his forehead against yours the plush squeezed between you

-        You could hear his chuckle when you sleepily tried to kiss him good night

-        Your lips landing gently on his closed eyelid

-        The next morning you two woke up under a pile of soft plush and you giggled as you watched him try and fail to get out of the bed without knocking off all the toys you both adored

-        When he tumbled free from the plush prison landing on the floor with a soft thud you tossed a small pusheen pillow at his head

-        He responds by catching your wrist and pulling you down to the floor with him

-        You fall on top of him and his cheeks tint a soft pink you can’t help but kiss

Saeyoung He thinks it’s cute but absolutely makes jokes about the stuffed animals stealing his girl

-        Seven snuck through the bedroom door gently

-        Totally not planning on scaring his girlfriend after getting back from a mission

-        That would be mean, and hilarious

-        He crept along the floor till he got to the bed where he peeked over the edge and came face to face with a plush long cat

-        His eyes lit up with a maniacal plan as he sprung up

-        He flung the sheets of the bed and hit the lights

-        “how could you!?!?” he cried dramatically

-        You screamed and flailed for a moment at the outburst

-        “what? Who? Seven?” you asked blearily, confused and lost in the space between dreams and reality

-        “LONG CAT? MC?”

-        “long cat. Yeah long cat. What?” you asked again rubbing your eye’s


-        You squinted toward saeyoung trying to process what he had said

-        He tried to keep a straight face desperately as you sat in silence connecting the dots of what he had said

-        Suddenly it made sense he was messing with you. He had come home early. He saw you snuggling with the long cat body pillow you two shared. Jokes. Late night jokes

-        It took you entirely too long to connect everything but once you had you smirked

-        “yes! Yes saeyoung its long cat its always been long cat” you wailed clutching long cat to your side as saeyoung crawled atop the bed in mock anger

-        “is saeran even mine?! MC?” he demanded

-        “no. saeran’s real father, is long cat” you wailed again throwing your arm over your face as you fell back against the bed as though you were in a bad soap opera.

-        “SHUT UP ITS THREE IN THE GODDAMN MORNING” saerans angry voice echoed through the house as you both burst into a fit of giggles while hugging each other

-        “I missed you” you muttered after calming down “long cat just doesn’t cut it”

Zen The beast is unleashed it’s just too cute but he is a gentleman he will not wake her up. On purpose.

-        Zen had finally made it home after his first away photo shoot

-        He tiptoed into the bedroom to join MC for some much needed rest when his heart stopped.

-        You where curled tightly around a small plush version of him you had found on etsy.

-        He couldn’t breathe. He swore he had died and gone to heaven.

-        How in the world did you manage to look so small and cute in your sleep?

-        Were you wearing one of his shirts? This absolutely was not fair.

-        You were asleep. He chastised himself. He was a gentleman and would not wake up his girlfriend in the middle of the night for something so indecent.

-        There was a flash and a shutter sound

-        He stopped surprised by himself how could he have taken a picture without even realizing it.

-        And now you where stirring.

-        He had woken you up despite all the self-control he had sworn he had.

-        You were rubbing your eyes sleepily and muttering “Zenny?”

-        Then the beast is unleashed

-        He tried. He really really did.

-        You both sleep in the next day because you are both exhausted

Jeahee She’s concerned about you being sore. Stuffed animals don’t exactly make for the best bed no matter how soft they are

-        When she came to bed she was surprised by the sheer amount of stuffed animals there were

-        You had at least four in your arms alone and two under your head where your pillow should be

-        She gently shook your shoulder.

-        “mc? mc? your necks going to hurt if you sleep like that”

-        You groaned and pulled her into bed next to you she laughed gently at your response

-        “mc you still have to move or you’ll be sore in the morning”

-        You groaned again and shifted so your head was on her shoulder before reaching behind you and feeling for the pillow you’d lost

-        She sat up and reached across you to pull the pillow around

-        You hummed your appreciation and pushed several of the stuffed animals off the bed for her to lay down comfortably

-        She used a hand to signal you to raise your head and as you did you kissed her nose

-        She blushed a bit but settled down beside you none the less a content smile on her face

Tags :
4 years ago

RFA karaoke and the songs they sing with MC


-        he is hesitant at first so he just sits back and sips his wine while everyone else sings.

-        Then you ask if he’ll sing a song with you.

-        You give him that look you know he can’t say no to and he agrees.

-        you two start with a cute little love song

-        Something stupid

-        then he can’t deny he enjoyed singing with you so he sets out to find another song.

-        The best is yet to come

-        You two end up singing a couple of duets together mostly slower love songs with a more vintage feel.

-        The way you look tonight

-        On the way home you admit that his singing voice sent shivers down your spine and he decides he’ll have to sing for you more often.


-        Yoosung is so down for the karaoke night you suggested and he’s already got a hundred and one songs he can’t wait to sing with you

-        but then zen sings first and wow Zen is good and Jaehee chimed in a little during the chorus and her voice was pretty good too.

-        Maybe he shouldn’t sing after all. Wasn’t he a little out classed? Now that he’s thinking about it even Jumin had a nice voice that was really manly.

-        You saw him get progressively quieter and you knew something was up so you stepped in.

-        “yoosung their really good. I don’t think I can sing in front of them.” You pouted scooting closer to him

-        “I can’t do it alone. would you, would you mind singing with me?”

-        he’s a little red and nervous but he nods and you chose a song you know he loves.

-        Heart beat song

-        Halfway through the song you see him let go and start to have fun and so do you laughing and dancing to the music.

-        Shake it off

-        You’re watching him get more comfortable and his enthusiasm is infectious

-        You haven't seen the RFA this happy and lively in quite a while

-        You’re so happy you suggested it.

-        Your never fully dressed without a smile


-        The second you saw it you queued it up before anyone could stop you

-        All star

-        How could you not choose it

-        the second it started you locked eyes with saeyoung and tried desperately not to die laughing at how ecstatic he looked

-        “some BODY once told me”

-        He chose the next song for you and you couldn’t help but laugh this time as he belted out

-        Take me on  (absolutely don’t watch the video and think about saeyoung making it into the real world like that)

-        Everyone is groaning. their ready to kick both of you out but you cross your heart “no more meme songs”

-        The grin on both of your faces never leave as you laugh at each other’s antics

-        So when the last song plays everyone looks ready to fight saeyoung before you step in

-        “Sorry! Sorry! it was me! I picked it before the promise it’s the last one I swear!” You manage between giggles

-        Secret agent man


-        He knows all the musical numbers and he is ready to rock them

-        But he sees you itching to sing and finds you too a good duet

-        You’re the one that I want

-        He swears he’s never heard anyone sing that part so well

-        He almost takes you home then and there

-        But you find another song to sing with him

-        Ten minutes ago

-        he’s never been as in love with you as the moment you sang

-        “In the arms of my love I’m flying”

-        You sit in his lap after that and you can tell he’s really struggling to focus on anything but you

-        So you push it a little farther with one last song

-        Lay all you love on me

-        This time he really does take you home immediately


-        Jaehee may have only come to see zen sing

-        she is not planning to sing. 

-        but you offer to sing with her and she agrees nervously

-        9 to 5

-        Jumin keeps a straight face

-        Zen is laughing at what might be the best musical roast he’s ever seen

-        After that she has a little to drink to help her relax

-        And maybe to avoid looking at jumin “maybe 9 to 5 wasn’t such a good idea”

-        As the night goes on she gets more and more drunk confident

-        riot

-        Her song choices are getting a little worrisome so you steer her away from “i’m overworked and angry. let’s kill somebody” and towards girl power songs

-        The night ends happily enough with you two singing

-        Run the world

-        The next day she asks what songs you two sung. a little afraid of the answer. You smile sheepishly before telling her she got a little edgy in the middle there

-        She groans and covers her face explaining that work has been very aggravating recently

-        You console her and make sure to help her work through some of that aggression outside of her regular Judo classes

bonus  songs MC chooses for her S/O

Jumin you ask him to sing “sharp dressed man” because you think its practically written about him “I am crazy for a sharp dressed man”

Yoosung Cheerleader whether you or yoosung sing it. its perfect and cute and makes you both happy

saeyoung take me to church you may wait to get home to sing this to him. or not just to tease him

Zen young and beautiful you chose this because you knew it would hit him hard. he’s always a little worried people only like him for his looks so when basically assure him that you will still love him “when he’s got nothing but his aching soul”

jeahee “i kissed a girl” did you just unfriendzone yourself? well at least you hope you did. at the very least you made her think about kissing a girl. 

Tags :
4 years ago

The RFA reacting to MC texting them saying “I’m 110% sad”

so real talk I’m like 110% sad right now. its just a bad day I know and Ill feel better tomorrow. some days are just like that. but i could use some comfort so i wrote some comfort fluff. I hope it brings all of you some comfort too.


-        Leaves you on read

-        Rushes home instead of reply

-        Let’s you sit on his lap

-        The instant his arms are around you, you suddenly feel safe/loved enough to cry

-        He hold you close gently rocking you

-        Doesn’t say anything just holds you until you fall asleep

-        Literally will not let you go

-        will read to you if you need to be distracted

-        gets Elizabeth to sit on your lap while you sit on his lap

-        lap-ception

-        kisses your head

-        and your nose and your cheek and literally just all over kisses

-        The next day is searching for what made you sad

-        It will not get away with that

-        He will fire, sue, trash or punch anyone and anything that makes you sad

-        And if nothing made you sad and it was just a sad day

-        Well then he will do everything in his power to make the next day twice as happy


-        Why? What happened? Do you need me? Class is almost over? Should I leave now? MC?

-        Rapid fire short texts you can’t respond to fast enough

-        Is at your side way too early for him to have finished class

-        He brought you your favorite food.

-        Turns on funny animal videos and cuddles with you

-        Probably plays with your hair

-        Asks if you want to talk about it and listens intently

-        Really really wants to help

-        Ends up crying

-        You weren’t crying until you saw him cry

-        Tells you how much he loves you through the tears

-        You two fall asleep on the couch cuddling

-        You wake up in the middle of the night and shake him awake so you can move to the bed

-        In an instant he’s asking if you feel better and making sure you aren’t sore from sleeping on the couch


-        Texts you a video of him blowing you a kiss dramatically

-        Tries to cheer you up with jokes and memes

-        If you tell him, you really aren’t up for jokes right now he’ll switch gears completely

-        He gets that sometimes it’s not joke time

-        Listens and sincerely tries to help be it advice or working his magic to fix it

-        Takes you for a drive

-        Truly believes in the power of loud music and high speeds

-        Rolls down the windows and tries not to stare at how beautiful you look with the wind in your hair

-        He takes you to one of his secret spots to help you escape from everything

-        When you feel well enough to make a joke he is so relived and jokes back

-        And then your crying and laughing and he has to admit this is better than the numb and lifeless look you had before

-        He loves you


-        He is calling you instantly

-        “do you need me? I can leave if you need me?”

-        Sings you the cutie pie song

-        Is legitimately concerned when he doesn’t hear you giggle when you thank him

-        He is on his way home before you can assure him your fine

-        Once he’s home he’s ushering you out the door and onto his bike

-        He takes you to his special spot in the mountains

-        He explains that being in nature helps him when he’s sad so he hopes it helps you too

-        Pulls out goldfish shaped bread for you two to share

-        You lean against him and he kisses the side of your head

-        You two stay their till night fall so you can star gaze

-        He drapes his coat over you and suddenly your crying

-        Burying your face in his chest and shaking as he holds you

-        He tells you that he’s so thankful that of all the times he could have lived in of all the places he could have been of all the lives he could have lived he got this one

-        He assures you that if he had to do it all again he wouldn’t change a thing because everything led him to holding you in his arms

-        You can feel yourself giggle a little at how cheesy he is

-        And he’s just relieved to see your smile even if it’s still muddled by tears

-        Once you calm down you and he head back home to rest


-        She’s worried

-        She wants to help but doesn’t know how to

-        She makes your favorite desert

-        Puts in your favorite Zen dvd

-        Covers you in a blanket and tells you, you can talk if you want but you don’t have to

-        When she’s sad Zen makes her feel better so she’s showing you all her Zen stuff hoping it’ll help you too

-        but you’re just staring ahead

-        you aren’t even singing along to the musical number like you usually do (even when she asks you not to)

-        so cautiously she pulls you against her in a gentle side hug

-        and now your sniffling and shaking and she’s absolutely sure it’s her fault

-        so she pulls away like she’s been burned

-        but you have her shirt and are pulling her back because really you need the hug right now

-        she’s hesitant but she hugs you again and you spend the evening crying on her shoulder

-        she kisses your head once she feels you stop shaking

-        but you don’t respond

-        so she checks closer only to find you sleeping against her

-        she carries you to bed and whispers softly

-        “I love you MC.”

Tags :
4 years ago

RFA and how MC gets them to sleep

I hope ya’ll enjoy these. do I need to make a masterpost? since I’ve got a couple of these now I don’t know. their all pretty recent so maybe its not necessary. 


-        You’ve gotten it down to a science at this point

-        “darling? I can’t sleep.” You call from the door way of his home office “do you mind reading to me? Like you did that first night?” that’s what gets him the mention of your first night with him.

-        “I, of course dearest” he says wearily placing a stack of papers to the side “just until you fall asleep though I do need to finish this”

-        You frowned a little at that. He hadn’t slept much these past weeks and when he did it was fitful and short lived. Tonight he would sleep. You would be sure of that.

-        “would you sit in bed with me? Just for a while? The bed is too big and cold for me to fall asleep without you.”

-        “you have plenty of blankets my love” he said narrowing his eye’s at you suspiciously

-        “it’s not about the blankets. I don’t love the blankets. I love you” then you saw it in his eye’s warmth, love and the tell tail signs of his resolve crumbling as he gave into your request. You didn’t like using his love for you like this but he had to sleep.

-        “I really can’t say no to you my love” he sighed following you towards the king sized bed you shared

-        “thank you honey bunny” you said pulling him to lay beside you leaning him against a pile of pillows so he was reclining enough to sleep comfortably but upright enough to read. Where he not so fatigued he may have questioned how you had planned it all so perfectly.

-        You handed him the book you two where currently reading and situated yourself against his chest humming happily

-        One chapter later and you could feel him running his fingers through your hair trying to see if you were awake

-        You stayed still careful to count your breath to keep it deep and slow

-        He sighed and settled himself a little before resigning to stay rather than wake you by leaving

-        After fifteen minutes you could hear his gentle and quite snores

-        Success.

-        The next morning you woke early and shut off his alarm before calling Jaehee

-        “mission accomplished Jaehee” you say smirking “he wont be in today but tomorrow he’ll be back to tip top shape”

-        “thank you MC. when he pushes himself this hard it often falls to me to fix the things his fatigue lets fall through the cracks. One day of rest saves us weeks of mistakes”

-        “a stitch in time saves nine as they say. Oh but I have to go if I’m not there when he wakes up he’ll try to go back to work”

-        “of course, and again thank you MC.”


-        Honestly if you could just get him into bed you knew he would be out like a light

-        It was getting him to the bed that was difficult

-        So you played the last card in you deck, the ace.

-        “yoosungie? I’m going to shower and get ready for bed okay?”

-        “sounds good!”

-        “unless, maybe you wanted to join me?”

-        “jo- join you?” he spluttered turning away from his computer wide eyed and beet red

-        “well I thought, it might save time, and water and it might be fun.” With a wink you turned towards the bathroom where you already had everything prepared

-        Honestly the shared shower was simply a bonus to your plan

-        Call the fun times you shared a happy consequence of the plan.

-        You washed his hair with lavender scented shampoo to help you both relax and calm down

-        And on the way out you hand him the pajamas you had prepared

-        “you planned this”

-        “of course I planned this” you chuckled kissing his forehead “noona takes care of her puppy”

-        You could see his face darken and feel the shiver that ran down his spine at that and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips at the way his eye’s seemed to cloud for a fraction of a second

-        You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before pulling him to the bedroom where you sat him on the bed to towel dry his hair a bit more

-        “I love you” he whispers and you smiled gently at him. Pulling the towel off his head you pulled him against you “I love you too”

-        Laughing you pulled him to lay beside you before leaning over him to reach across the bed and turn off the bedside lamp

-        With on last kiss on his nose you bid him goodnight computer game forgotten in haze of showers and cuddles (amongst other activities)


-        He knows what you’re up to.

-        But you’re wearing the cute cat pajamas he had bought you.

-        and you had completely designed your bed time routine around tempting him to bed

-        he had never even heard of bedtime yoga before you moved in

-        yet there you where contorted beside the bed showing of how flexible you could be and occasionally smirking into the camera you knew he was watching

-        so it wasn’t long before he found himself making his way to the bedroom

-        “ready for bed secret agent man?” you quipped and couldn’t help a smirk as you saw his face tint a slight pink

-        “are you kitten me?” he shot back and you had to cover your moth to stop the giggles

-        “come on I’ve even got my paw-jamas on” you manage through your giggles

-        “you’re doing this on purr-pose aren’t you?”

-        “guess the cats out of the bag how’d you know?”

-        “just a feline” both of your where lost in a fit of laughter at that point

-        you pulled him to the bed and made note of the dark circles under his eyes as you pulled a heavy weighted blanket over you both before snuggling up next to him

-        he had insisted he didn’t need it. “I don’t have anxiety, MC” he had said.

-        Next day shipping and an extra good night of sleep later he admitted the weight was comforting

-        Your rans your fingers through his hair and mumbled quietly to him about your day.

-        You had found that the quiet talk down helped him relax as he curled into your chest

-        This was the only time you ever saw him this small

-        Wondered if it was a product of his childhood that he disliked sleeping so much

-        Still you held him close and played with his hair absently as you recounted the story of meeting a stray cat on the way home

-        After a while you ran out of stories and moved on to trying new jokes searching for the ones that drew sleepy chuckles from his lips

-        Lulling him to sleep was simple enough. The hard part came after

-        Falling asleep without waking him up was always a struggle

-        He was a notoriously light sleeper

-        One wrong move or strange noise had him jolting upright and alert

-        Once you had startled him awake with nothing more than a yawn

-        Perhaps it was his training that had him on such high alert.

-        You hoped that slowly but surely he would learn to relax a bit more but you understood it could take years if it happened at all


-        He knows he should sleep

-        He just can’t some times

-        He’ll lie awake for hours if you don’t help him relax

-        On these nights you two have settled into a routine

-        You make him tea and brush his hair

-        “you know you don’t have to do that jagiya”

-        “I enjoy it your hair is always so soft!”

-        “are you jealous?”

-        “I would be if you weren’t my boyfriend. That’s the thing though your MY boyfriend meaning technically your mine and by extension your hair is mine”

-        “is that how it works?”

-        You lean down and kiss the top of his head

-        “yep that’s how it works”

-        “does that mean your mine too”

-        “always and forever”

-        “your so cute jagi!

-        After tea you both go through your nightly routines washing your face and getting ready for bed

-        On good night you share a bath

-        You lean against his chest and lay your head back on his shoulders while you both do a face mask

-        in bed you ask him to sing you a lullaby as you gently trace patterns into his chest

-        You hum along contentedly and smile when he yawns

-        After while his singing drifts off and you can hear his breath get deeper

-        he can sleep through quite a bit but you know that the second you pull away from him he’ll be up in a second looking for the warmth and weight of you

-        so you pull the blankets tighter around the both of you and slip into sleep yourself


-        you got to start early with Jaehee

-        no caffeine after noon or it’s a lost cause

-        after opening the café this got 1000% harder

-        you lure her away from work by offering to watch a Zen DVD with her

-        you pull her against you on the couch and hum along with the music quietly (she hates it if you sing along but humming is fine)

-        slowly she starts to relax against your chest and you know it’s time to move upstairs (wink wink. Wait no. you both need rest save the winks for next time)

-        “Jaehee?” you ask gently “how bout we head to bed? We have to open early tomorrow”

-        She yawns bit but you can see the defiance in her eye’s

-        “I should finish a couple more things before”

-        “no” you say sternly pulling her toward the bedroom

-        “but there’s still paperwork”

-        “and it will still be there in the morning. Look ill work the morning by myself so you can take care of it then but you need sleep”

-        She sighs but fallows you none the less

-        “your right MC.”

-        “it happens sometimes” you laugh winking at her and reveling in her averted eye’s and blushing cheeks

-        (wink wink? No just one wink. You still need rest)

-        Once in bed you snuggle together and just before drifting off you hear her mumble

-        “I’m so glad we’re friend” “I’m so lucky to have you”

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4 years ago

The RFA boys and how they express love

I swear someday I’ll play jaehee’s route and I’ll come update this to include her but right now I’m on the route of pain and sorrow and I don’t know how to stop. its only like day 4 of the “another story route” and I don’t see this shiz getting any less painful. if anyone wants to send me jumin or yoosung fluff it would be much appreciated oh and also is there an easier way to tag?

anyways without further ado. I hope you guys enjoy my take on how the RFA boys express their love.


If its planned: spoiling you he buys gifts. he loves your smile when he surprises you with a gift and you love the goofy grin on his face when he gets to spoil you. At first it made you nervous. You didn’t like the idea that he thought he had to buy your love. You didn’t want him thinking you stayed with him just because of the money, especially since you would gladly stay with him even if he had nothing. You confronted him about this after your first valentines together. You didn’t plan on crying though and the second the first tear fell you could see Jumin’s heart break. He explained that he wasn’t giving you gifts to make you stay, he bought you gifts because he would pass by something and think of you. He bought you gifts because even the thought of your smile made his day better. he bought you gifts because he loved you and not to make you love him. You launched yourself at him catching him off guard you tumbled to the floor together as you nuzzled into his chest. He laughed at your antics as he wrapped his arms around you in kind.

If its unplanned: physical affection He isn’t used to affection. Especially romantic affection so his tolerance is fairly low. He can tend to get swept up in the heat of his emotions so when he gets overwhelmed by his feelings towards you there’s only really one outlet. (wink wink) he doesn’t enjoy PDA however so more often than not he’ll whisk you away to somewhere private. The second his lips meet yours you practically drown in his passion and you wonder how anyone could call this man a robot when he his every movement was filled with love and heart. You suppose you could be the only one who has the privilege of seeing him like that and pride wells up within you as you lean into his embrace. You love him like this just like you love him when he sits at his desk working intently. Everything about him seems to call out to you and in this moment you hope he can feel it.


If its planned: games with you fun it this cutie pies middle name. he plans dates complete with games and roleplaying adventures (look at his valentines DLC where y’all played like it was your first date). He enjoys nothing more than seeing you laugh and play with him. Sometimes he worries you won’t take him seriously though especially after someone else treats him like a child. You always know this has happened because he’s not up for your normal games. He gets agitated when you call him puppy and cutie. This is your cue to remind him that being cute doesn’t make him less manly. You tell him you love his cute side because no matter how hard your day was he never fails to make you smile. You remind him you chose him. You chose him and no one else.

If it isn’t planned: takes care of you this precious boy is all about acts of service. You wonder if it has anything to do with his Kink desire for praise. He wants to do things for you. Anything! He likes to cook for you and help you study or teach you a new mechanic in your game. It makes him feel strong even if he can’t beat someone in a fist fight. The more he helps you the more useful and secure he feels. You assure him that he doesn’t have to do anything to earn your love and affection “you just have to be yourself puppy! I love you for you not what you do!” but you let him keep doing things because it gives you a good excuse to praise him and the look in his eyes when you praise him it far too good to give up. He gets all red and starry eyed you could almost swear he’s having an out of body experience. You’ll admit you get a bit uneasy when other people praise him because of this though, that being said you don’t want to stop it if it makes him happy. So instead you simply double up on your cuddles and praise when you get home.


If its planned: hand made gifts for Saeyoung a gift means nothing if it’s not personalized. When he gives a gift its always handmade or hand built maybe. Either way its hours spent to prove how much he cares about you. You can guarantee that a gift from him is more than the sum of its parts. He likes watching you interact with his latest gadget discovering all its hidden uses and programs. His favorite part is when he can tell its surprised you, he thinks the mixture of shock and mirth on you face is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Every gift he gives you gets increasingly complex, from that first robotic cat made to simply keep you company to his latest gift which even after 3 months your still finding new things the glowing long cat robot (extendo-elly the 4th) can do.

If its unplanned humor he loves to make you smile. His jokes and memelord nature wasn’t completely for show. He genuinely enjoys seeing you laugh. He’s constantly looking for new ways to have you ROTFL’ing. Once he sent you a meme completely in binary just so he could watch you translate it and face palm while you giggled to yourself. He considers the times when you punch him playfully tears of laughter in your eyes to be a rousing success. He learned pretty fast you enjoyed his cosplay that you always thought one of two things. You either thought it was beautiful or you had to practically bite you hand to stop your giggles. His showmanship only grows from there. If you’re feeling down, he makes it his life’s purpose to bring your smile back even if it means making a fool of himself (especially if it means making a fool of himself).


If its planned quality time Zen just wants to spend time with you. He likes being near you even if you’re doing nothing. When he does his strength training you do yoga, when he practices lines in the living room your sitting on the floor laptop in hand. He likes to be near you so he plans date’s where you can simply be together. Stargazing, motorcycle rides, even trips to museums if that’s what your into (though you might have to help him understand why that stuff is important). he likes catching glimpses of you while acting, hearing your voice while he’s chatting with a fan, recognizing your perfume as you rush past him for an onset project. It’s partly why he wanted you as his manager, the other part was that you where damn good at it. You could juggle the RFA party and his shooting schedule and the upcoming auditions like you were born for it. Honestly he was just so thrilled to be with you whenever possible.

If its unplanned praise let’s face it this boy is dramatic as all get out. So when he gets overwhelmed he can’t help but revert to those cheesy lines from his plays. He’ll shower you in praise and love and you’re always a little worried that one day he’ll just start spouting Shakespeare. he calls you princess and angel while fawning over you because he just can’t help it he loves you and if he can’t spirit you away to a nice private place when he can unleash the beast, then he’ll simply have to verbally drown you in praise and love.

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4 years ago

The RFA (plus v, saeran, and rika) as 3 night vale quotes each

these quotes are a mix of the night vale books and podcasts if you haven't listened to the podcast its free on youtube but the books cost money soooo ya gotta buy them still highly recommend both.

anyway i don’t own these quotes or mysme so ya know. 


-        She was not shy, but maybe lazy socially. Not willing to seek out situations and connections that were not already part of her routine.

-        Now that I think about it, I have also never bothered to check whether this mic is actually attached to any sort of recording or broadcasting device. And it is possible that I am alone in an empty universe, speaking to no one, unaware that the world is held aloft merely by my delusions and my smooth sonorous voice.

-        She continued to look out the window for a moment, her humanity and thoughtfulness tucked away inside a tight frown, an honest brushstroke in a boring painting


-        She understood the world and her place in it. She understood nothing. The world and her place in it were nothing and she understood that

-        It was a simpler time. Because I personally had less memories and so less to superimpose upon the world, and so it was much clearer, and also I was younger. Thus, the world was simpler.

-        I don’t know who I am and I don’t understand the progression of time as it relates to me


-        To be remembered is, I think, a basic human right. Not one that occurs to a person when it is there, but like a parched throat in a desert when it is gone.

-        We're all being monitored almost 24/7. So, they'll probably hear you just fine.

-        Finally, most identity thefts occur when databases are not securely managed. So, my advice? Don’t ever end up in a database.


-        People are beautiful when they do beautiful things.

-        Comfort was the answer to all life's problems. It didn't solve them, but it made them more distant for a bit as they quietly worsened.

-        He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly.


-        We are skipping Friday this week, but we’ll make up for it by having Double Friday next week. Mark your schedules

-        I like my coffee like I like my nights: dark, endless and impossible to sleep through.

-        Her body no longer felt young. All of her energy had been robbed from her. She felt old, looked young, was neither.


-        It was a fair question, although the problem with fair questions is that they are asked about an unfair world.

-        No follow-up questions were asked, although there were a few follow-up screams.

-        Remember: if you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget.


-        “She was angry, which is the more productive cousin of fear.”

-        You say your life is unraveling. Your life cannot unravel. Your life is your life. You haven't lost it. It's just different now

-        The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us? We can cope with that. We can do this together. You and I, drowsily, but comfortably.


-        We have nothing to fear except ourselves. We are unholy, awful people.

-        What are people but deaths that haven't happened yet?

-        Everything I do is for a reason. And I don't know what that reason is. Everything I do is for a reason, and I know none of them. Everything makes sense, and the sense is hidden from me.

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