Luciel Choi - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

hello again¡! thanks for the rules and don't worry i'm still trying to understand this app 😂 welp, i would make my request about one of my favs on mm which it's seven 💚 so hc for him with a s/o that has toc, please idk if too much ask but hope that you aren't uncomfortable with it but if you are then i would like to request hc for him with a s/o that lives in another country (like an online relationship skkd) hope u are having a beautiful night¡! please, take care of yourself!!! 💚

Ahhhw Anon, thank you! When I first saw your request yesterday it made me so happy! I decided that I would love to write both of your requests, but I'm a dummy and I have no idea what toc means :( I tried to Google it but it didn't lead me anywhere, so, could you send another request about it? I'm so sorry that there are so many problems with me, I swear I will try my best to make it up for you 💖

So for now, here are the headcanons about your second idea. I hope you like them, it was really fun to make these! :D Also, Seven is a total bae 🥺❤

I used she/her pronouns for this one, but let me know if this is not what you looking for!! 💖

Seven and a s/o from another country

Meeting new people on the internet is not an unfamiliar concept for Seven. Of course, Yoosung is the typical gamer of the group, but Seven himself is a gamer deity. And with that in mind, I can easily picture that the two of you met under similar circumstances.

It doesn't really matter if you are a pro gamer, a beginner, or just in the middle, only playing because you are bored, somehow you managed to catch his eye, maybe because you laughed at his jokes.

He asked you if he can add you as a friend on any social media and after that everything just went as it should. Shortly after that, you noticed that he is the first person to say hi in the morning, and he is the last one you say good night to as well.

He asks you where are you from early in your friendship, and first, he was a little disappointed when he found out that you are living on the other side of the world.

Later, still in your friendship state, he will start to refer to you as his gamer wife, he will say it is just a joke but will melt if you call him gamer husband.

You basically just joke through the beginning of your friendship, and you grow closer and closer, he will see the distance between you as a blessing, as his line of work is really dangerous, and he would absolutely hate himself (more) if something would happen to you.

So after a while, when he made sure that you are safe, and no one can find you through him, he will finally collect himself to confess to you. But don't expect anything traditional.

Instead, try to imagine this: the next time when you turn on your computer, you got a text from Seven to go to your window in the other room, like, RIGHT NOW. You know he is up to something, but you have no idea, so you just go to the other room and text him because you don't see anything interesting, but he is already offline. You stand there for several minutes, scoping around, hoping that you will eventually see what he meant, but as you find nothing, you go back to your computer, waiting for him to reply.

That's it when you saw something... different on your desktop.

'Open me <3' - you see the title under a big heart icon. He did this, you have no doubt about it. When you launch it, it happens to be a quiz game: questions about your relationship together, with some seemingly unrelated questions.

In the end, you got your results saying: "OMG WE WOULD MAKE A PERFECT COUPLE!" among a short description of why he... My bad, of why the quiz thinks that.

You can't help but laugh, at the same time, you feel so happy that he finally confessed - and the way he did it was brilliant.

After this, you may or may not have a more serious conversation about it, depends on your opinion about online dating. (I mean, I would want to make sure he's not catfishing me after all lol)

Honestly, dating online is more comfortable for him. Don't get me wrong, he would love to hold you or kiss you, but this space between the two of you helps him hide all of those sad thoughts he has. Of course, as you spend more and more time together, he will tell you about them, but... it's just a very small percent of his actual problems.

He just doesn't want to be a burden with his depression and anxiety, and when you came to his life, it made a very big difference, but still, he has these conditions he is not ready to talk about. Of course, with time, you will notice when something is not quite right, but most of the time, he will hide these things as best as he can.

He will be really affectionate, always asking you if you had your meals, drank enough, etc., always asking about how are you. He would never miss any opportunity to send you gifts.

Your online dates are legendary. He really likes to challenge you, like making the same recipe, and while you can't taste-test each other's food, you can still judge it by preparation time and serving. Watching movies or TV shows are don't count as a date anymore because you do that regularly, it's more like a ritual now, just as game nights.

If you are up for video chats too, you can learn some dances together, and it's always super fun.

And who knows, maybe someday you will meet in person too if you are up for it, but if you are happy with just texting, voice and video calls, then he is perfectly fine with that too.

He just loves you so much.

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6 years ago
Saeyoung As A Member Of The Survey Corps From Attack On Titan!
Saeyoung As A Member Of The Survey Corps From Attack On Titan!

Saeyoung as a member of the Survey Corps from Attack On Titan!

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8 years ago
"Heya MC..." -------------- My Favorite Part Of This Picture Is That He Looks Happy Until You Look Closer.

"Heya MC..." -------------- My favorite part of this picture is that he looks happy until you look closer. -------------------- (Please respect artists! I put hard work and personal time into my work- reblog, don't repost, give proper credit if reposting somewhere else, and report anyone you see posting this without credit please! And don't remove the source!)

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1 year ago
You Are My Starlight

you are my starlight

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8 years ago

OMG Seven please no

Baby Dont Hurt Me Dont Hurt Me No More~
Baby Dont Hurt Me Dont Hurt Me No More~

Baby don’t hurt me… Don’t hurt me no more~ 

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2 years ago
V And Little Choi^^
V And Little Choi^^
V And Little Choi^^

V and little Choi^^

I finished drawing them literally just now^^


And unfortunately, I'm not really in the mood to draw a lot lately, I have a great desire, but no inspiration :(

Especially since my dear cat met his fate under the wheels of the car this week and I feel very terrible.

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2 years ago

(Read the comic from left to right)

(Read The Comic From Left To Right)
(Read The Comic From Left To Right)
(Read The Comic From Left To Right)

Tw self harm.

It's about acceptance, not self-harm. Don't be self-conscious, and if you feel you need help, see a doctor. People say that "self-harm will make you feel better", but consulting a professional will help you better.

Take care of yourself, you are beautiful, your life is precious even if you don't feel like it right now.

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4 years ago

How the RFA proposes

How the RFA proposes; 


OHH BOI THis kid’s a hopeless romantic

he definitely had some huge plan

after you came home from running errands for him and yourself you walk through the door to see-

so so so many rose petals obviously creating a path

so you follow it

and where does it lead you? Narnia the roof.

the sun was setting, wind was soft, your favorite song was playing in the background and Zen stood there with a semi-formal outfit on

he turns to you,“MC, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world by being with me, I’ve never wanted to be with someone this badly in my whole life. Will you marry me, MC?” just cuts right to the chase

and you’re all like,“omg Zen yes!” so he slips the ring on and you two just stand there sobbing together while listening to the sounds of the city


poor baby boy

was so nervous

you two  were at a cafe, taking a break from your day of shopping

after you order your drinks, you snap pictures and what not you realize you need to use the restroom, so you step away

when you get back, you notice something off about your drink, but since Yoosung was the only one around, you shrug it off knowing he would have protected your drink. 

so you drink

and drink

and suddenly you choke on something

when you cough it up you see a beautiful ring

you’re all like”???????” and he’s all like “0//^//0″ 


He knows you’re not Rika

so you say yes and spend the rest of the day cuddling and even decide to get a cat!


you two were just cuddling

watching Zen’s musicals on tv

gonna be real honest it was an introverts dream, rainy day, staying inside fangirling with your favorite person in the whole wide world, ordering take-out

fuck made myself sad

In one specific musical, Zen had to play a character who was proposing to a runaway princess, and Jaehee muted it

you were like”Jaehee, you uhm muted it. How are we going to hear Zen’s voice?”

and she sits there looking at you while reciting his lines to you, almost as if she was speaking to you

“Wow Jaehee! You’re getting good at memorizing Zen’s lines!” you praised

she could only giggle,”Mc, i’m serious. I can’t find the words to describe how I feel about you quite yet, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I am lead to believe that marriage is a step closer to reaching that life goal”

You were in TEARS 


obvi you said yes cause she’s so damn cute 

Spent the rest of the day cuddling 



Mista trust fund kidd

Fucker made you sign a contract 

Probably the least romantic and just came home like”Marry me MC” 

I’m leaving it at that it’s midnight and Jumin lowkey annoys me


Award for worst timing

He proposed as soon as Saeran recovered.


held an engagement party 

all of the RFA was there

y’all got a cat after and named him Dr. Pepurr 

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8 years ago
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs
Saeyoung Songs

Saeyoung Songs🎵🎵🎵

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8 years ago

jumin in saeyoung's route

he lost rika. then, he lost v. not to mention if the reset theory is true, he will feel this hole inside of him. mc is being with saeyoung. jumin han is lonely back then, but after endings of secret 01 and secret 02, he is alone. now let that sink in

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1 year ago

Top reasons I love this Game:

Top Reasons I Love This Game:

Zen just sum up the hole RFA

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9 months ago

“I think I breathe weird”

 I Think I Breathe Weird


WARNINGS/TAGS?: comfort, fluff, x g/n reader

KC NOTE: We’ve finally succeeded at life gang, I’m finally getting the rfa vip package. And in honor of that I’ve decided to give you guys this. I rarely write stuff like this, so please accept that this it won’t be too good!! I just hope it makes a little sense??? T-T


“Sometimes I wish I didn’t breathe,” the redhead sighs beside me.

I try turning my head slightly, not wanting to move it too much from his shoulder. “What? Why?” I ask. As he goes to grab my free hand, drawing hearts on my palm as he speaks.

“I think I just breathe weird, lol,” Luciel replies, his voice monotone.

“Anyways, it’s not that deep, so don’t try to look into it, lol.”

“Well, whatever you mean by that, Lucy, I like to think you breathe just fine.” I turn my body fully to him, making sure to look at him. Those golden eyes shinning as they usually do. “Actually, I really like your breath. Well, like I want you to continue to breathe. I think if anyone deserves the air they breathe. Well it should be you seven.”

He chuckles before looking up at me again. “You know, you’re way too cute for your own good.”

He takes a quick deep breath before pulling me closer. “Anyways, thank you, babe.” He places a small kiss on my forehead “I really want you to continue breathing as well.”

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4 years ago

RFA minus jeahee (sorry) and quarantine dates & activities

so i did actually try to write jaehee but i haven't played her route yet and the poor girl is so swamped by work in all the other routes i don’t feel like i have actually gotten to know her so rather than wing it and do something wrong i might just add to this once i finish her route (i’m just starting zens now but her’s is next) anyway here you go. 

the RFA boys and how they pass the time in quarantine with MC (nsfw implied only)


-        Wine

-        Candle light

-        He draws you both a bath

-        You massage his shoulders and he washes your hair

-        Y’all talk for a long time

-        You may or may not doze off while leaning back against his chest as he tells you about the new C&R program to help employees through quarantine

-        The next morning, he makes you pancakes and half way through breakfast you remember the cat safe pancake group from the last RFA party

-        You both spend the rest of the morning making pancakes for Elizabeth

-        You download an audio book to listen to while you knit and he does his needle point

-        You two pause it frequently to comment on interesting facts

-        Its comfortable, its sweet, its … kinda boring after a while

-        Then his eye’s gleam and you start to get worried

-        3 hours and 1 cat outfit later y’all are both exhausted and definitely not bored anymore


-        He teaches you LOLOL and you show him your favorite games

-        Rom com marathon

-        Youtube & Netflix bingeing

-        Screen headaches ensue

-        Both of you lay on the floor in the dark because that helps

-        After a bit you suggest a different game and he groans at the thought of the bright screen

-        You laugh and pull out battle ship (look it glows in the dark!!)

-        Okay yeah that could work

-        He makes you breakfast, you make him dinner, Lunch is leftovers

-        You two share headphones and slow dance together it reminds you both of your first RFA party

-        You can’t help but lay your head on his shoulder and half sing half whisper the song against his neck, you just feel so safe and content in his arms

-        After a while you run out of games and have to make you own

-        Not all of them are PG13


-        Y’all put on cute little karaoke shows (he may or may not save the CCTV footage)

-        you sing duets a lot you sing the male part while dressed as seven and vice versa

-        Quarantine bingo to see who (cleans, cooks, whatever chore needs to be done)

-        Who can embarrass who most in their work video call as time goes one more and more things get added to the forbidden list

-        Best prank war ever (until saeran gets caught in the middle and now everyone’s in trouble)

-        PARKOUR a la office style

-        He teaches you Arabic

-        Lots of naps on the couch while the news plays on TV

-        you convince seven to give you a standup routine

-        boy has showmanship and you can’t convince me otherwise

-        long drives to nowhere

-        DRESS UP!!

-        Y’all do each other’s makeup and nails

-        You never make it out of the bedroom when your dressed up though


-        Musicals galore, you two watch every musical in existence

-        You frequently pause to ask him to play a certain part or sing a certain song for you

-        He insists you play the love interest for those parts

-        When you shakily and nervously sing the love song duet the beast is unleashed

-        Relaxing Beauty treatments!

-        You help him make lots of encouraging videos for his fans

-        He shows you his workout routine (but you can’t concentrate)

-        you show how much you appreciate his workout routine

-        you try to do his strength training stuff he thinks watching you try so hard is cute

-        y’all play drinking games

-        he teaches you to dance

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