RFA - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
The Rumor Come Out: Does Jumin Han Is Gay?

the rumor come out: does jumin han is gay?

kinda saw a cute cat hoodie and wanted to draw my husband in it!

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4 years ago

me 2 weeks ago: self isolation is the chance to fix my fucked up sleep schedule!

me now: must,,,, participate in 3 am chat room,,,, pls,,, I need that pic,,,, the phone call,,,,

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8 years ago

jumin is daddy...

somewhere: daddy-

me: JUmIN *insert lenny face*

friend:*dying of laughter* w-what?

me: wat.

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6 years ago
I Dont Know Why But This CG Always Looked Creepy To Me. Maybe Because They Have Thin Long Arms? V Kinda

I don’t know why but this CG always looked creepy to me. Maybe because they have thin  long arms? V kinda looks like a vampire? Jumin looks great though xD 

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6 years ago
I Like How MC Recognizes Absurdity Of Situation And She Just Goes With A Flow

I like how MC recognizes absurdity of situation and she just goes with a flow

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7 years ago
Here Is Saeran! This Is My First Drawing I Post On Tumblr So I Hope You Like It!

Here is Saeran! This is my first drawing i post on tumblr so i hope you like it!

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5 years ago
Running Low On Hourglasses? Well, Heres A Tip Im Not Sure Many People Know About! If You Are On The Little
Running Low On Hourglasses? Well, Heres A Tip Im Not Sure Many People Know About! If You Are On The Little

Running low on hourglasses? Well, here’s a tip I’m not sure many people know about! If you are on the little lobby where all of the icons are and status checks are, click on the small ‘Guests’ icon and it’ll show you all of your guests you’ve collected so far! Now, to get the hour glass, click ‘RFA Comment’ and it’ll take you to the party and a RFA member will leave a comment about how much they appreciate the guest and the fact that you got them to come, and that will earn you a precious hourglass! Like above^

On a side-note, DOESN’T HE LOOK SO ADORABLE?!? I LOVE HIM ❤️💛❤️🚀

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4 years ago

How the RFA proposes

How the RFA proposes; 


OHH BOI THis kid’s a hopeless romantic

he definitely had some huge plan

after you came home from running errands for him and yourself you walk through the door to see-

so so so many rose petals obviously creating a path

so you follow it

and where does it lead you? Narnia the roof.

the sun was setting, wind was soft, your favorite song was playing in the background and Zen stood there with a semi-formal outfit on

he turns to you,“MC, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world by being with me, I’ve never wanted to be with someone this badly in my whole life. Will you marry me, MC?” just cuts right to the chase

and you’re all like,“omg Zen yes!” so he slips the ring on and you two just stand there sobbing together while listening to the sounds of the city


poor baby boy

was so nervous

you two  were at a cafe, taking a break from your day of shopping

after you order your drinks, you snap pictures and what not you realize you need to use the restroom, so you step away

when you get back, you notice something off about your drink, but since Yoosung was the only one around, you shrug it off knowing he would have protected your drink. 

so you drink

and drink

and suddenly you choke on something

when you cough it up you see a beautiful ring

you’re all like”???????” and he’s all like â€œ0//^//0″ 


He knows you’re not Rika

so you say yes and spend the rest of the day cuddling and even decide to get a cat!


you two were just cuddling

watching Zen’s musicals on tv

gonna be real honest it was an introverts dream, rainy day, staying inside fangirling with your favorite person in the whole wide world, ordering take-out

fuck made myself sad

In one specific musical, Zen had to play a character who was proposing to a runaway princess, and Jaehee muted it

you were like”Jaehee, you uhm muted it. How are we going to hear Zen’s voice?”

and she sits there looking at you while reciting his lines to you, almost as if she was speaking to you

“Wow Jaehee! You’re getting good at memorizing Zen’s lines!” you praised

she could only giggle,”Mc, i’m serious. I can’t find the words to describe how I feel about you quite yet, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I am lead to believe that marriage is a step closer to reaching that life goal”

You were in TEARS 


obvi you said yes cause she’s so damn cute 

Spent the rest of the day cuddling 



Mista trust fund kidd

Fucker made you sign a contract 

Probably the least romantic and just came home like”Marry me MC” 

I’m leaving it at that it’s midnight and Jumin lowkey annoys me


Award for worst timing

He proposed as soon as Saeran recovered.


held an engagement party 

all of the RFA was there

y’all got a cat after and named him Dr. Pepurr 

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4 years ago

i need sleep

Me, talking to my friend about Obey me!:

Friend:yeah, so they all have the worst fucking issues

Me, who just finished playing Mystic Messenger, where I had to live in apartment with a bomb, was compared to a psycho who was supposed to be dead, and a cat was better than me, oh, and there was actual routes: fucking try me. As long as my sleep schedule is fine I’m fine.

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4 years ago

a starry night (jumin x artist MC)

a teeny tiny ficlet I wrote this afternoon because i didn't feel well and spent all day in bed which meant i didn't have time to do the head canons i wanted. but i said i wanted to upload something everyday so i was determined to do something. now i need advil. hope you all enjoy!!

MC doesn't feel at home in the penthouse so she decides to add a personal touch in the form of a mural on the living room wall. Jumin appreciate her effort.

this is 1250 words of fluff. its straight sugary sweet fluff and romance, like it implies something once but that’s it.

The penthouse still didn’t feel like home after the wedding. You stood in the living room hand on your hips as you surveyed the pristine white walls.

“even the art is monochrome” You sigh. You swore you would go insane if you didn’t add some kind of color to the room. “Elizabeth? What do you think? Doesn’t it need some color, and maybe some shelves for you to climb?” you ask as the Persian cat sat to your left surveying your soon to be canvas. Stooping to scoop the blue eyed beauty from the floor you smiled. “let’s surprise daddy shall we? I’ll ask if we can paint and decorate tonight but you and I have to keep the details a secret okay?” the cat mewled softly and tapped your hand with one of her free paws making you giggle at her confirmation of your pact.

That night Jumin came home late and you couldn’t wait to see him. You were practically bouncing as your husband put away his coat, hiding the sly smile that graced his lips as he took extra time to straighten his coat in the entry way closet. You tried not to groan as he slowly begins to remove his shoes.

“darling I know what you’re doing and it’s not fa- “you begin to whine but he cuts you off swiftly with the kiss you had been waiting for.

“I’m sorry my love. I couldn’t help myself.” He admits running his fingers through your long hair. “have you eaten? Should we get dinner?”

“oh no I haven’t eaten yet but first I have something big to ask” you say pulling him gently into the living room “honey bunny do you mind if I paint that wall?” you point to the wall in question which had already been stripped of what little decorations it had had on it that morning.

“darling I’ve already told you. this is your home you may decorate however you want, paint all the walls if you want” he chuckled

“I don’t need to paint all the walls. Just that one” you announced proudly extricating yourself from his arms to stand facing the wall planning out your new project. “I’ll go shopping tomorrow for everything I need. Oh I was thinking of setting up something for Elizabeth too. If that’s okay”

“of course my love. Have I ever told how beautiful you look when your planning things?” he said hooking an arm around your waist and spinning you to face him.

You laughed at that “you may have mentioned it” Of course he had. He had told you, you were beautiful so often you could have sworn it was carved in your soul at this point and yet, hearing him say it always made your heart jump.

“good.” his simple answer was low and sure as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and bent to capture your lips in a gently commanding kiss. You couldn’t help the satisfied hum that rose in your throat as your arms found their way around his neck. When you both pulled away it was in a mutual contentedness. “I’ll call the chef to prepare dinner. Would you care for a glass of wine on the balcony while we wait?”

“sound lovely. You call I’ll get the glasses and wine then meet you out there.” He hummed in agreement already pulling out his phone.

 Over the next few days you gathered paints and shelving to start your project. You would need a lot of paint for everything you had planned, and something to hang while it was being worked on so that it could stay a surprise for your husband. Once the painting was started you struggled a bit keeping Elizabeth the third out of trouble. The kitty seemed so intrigued but all the blues and golds you had amassed she couldn’t keep her paws of it, so that task fell to you. Slowly but surely though the wall came together and then something struck you. You had to add something. Something personal. That night Jumin noticed the loss of one of your wedding photos in the bedroom but you assured him you only need a reference and it would certainly be returned soon.

“am I to assume the mural you’ve been working so hard on is nearly done then” he asked while drying your hair after you two had shared a relaxing bath.

“so close. I think you’ll like. I hope you’ll like it anyway. Elizabeth seems excited to play with her part at the very least” you chuckled to yourself.

“I’m sure I’ll adore it. After all it was painted by my very favorite artist.” He murmured grazing his lips against your neck making you shudder.

“Jumin,” you sighed as you felt his teeth scrap against the junction of your neck and shoulder “I think its time for bed darling” you just barely managed before he swept your feet from under you to carry you bridal style towards the bedroom.

“absolutely.” He growled as he continued to nip and suck at your neck.

It was done. After nearly two weeks of work it was done. You couldn’t wait to show Jumin and judging by the clock he should be home any minute. So you collected your paints and locked them away in the studio Jumin had set up for you. You were putting away the last of the navy blue when you heard the door open. You dropped everything and ran to your love.

“HONEY BUNNY” you cried as you leapt at him. He caught you in his arms easily his smile wide and genuine. “I finished it. come on” you said excitedly. You pulled him towards the living room but paused and spun on your heels to face him. “close your eyes. Cover them. I’ll lead you don’t worry” and so you did. Leading the blind CEO along by the hand with gentle instructions as you situated directly in front of the wall. “okay. Look” you whispered standing behind him so he could see all of it.

Silence. Such silence it made you nervous. His face was unreadable, even to you with all your practice and you were sure he hated it.

Your rendition of Van Gogh’s starry night adorned the wall with only one alteration. The silhouetted peak that originally sat in the left foreground had been swapped for the silhouette of you and Jumins Wedding photo. You had spent so many days focused on the life size silhouette perhaps it was too much. Normally your husband didn’t know the meaning of moderation but you could understand if he thought you had marred a classical masterpiece with your change. You supposed you could repaint it, if he hated it that much. Though you would have to remove the small climbing shelves you had put in the major swirls of the piece for Elizabeth to jump between.

Just then you felt Jumin spin you and Kiss you fiercely. “never has anyone ever been so perfect as you my love” he muttered against your lips stealing your breath as he kissed you again. Your head was spinning from the affection as he pulled you tight against himself. “I love you, and I love your work.”

“you had me worried, with all your silence you meanie” you chastised him playfully and resting your head on his shoulder. “so it’s okay”

“it’s perfect”

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4 years ago

this gon hurt aint it?

guys i just started the â€œanother story” route and Im on like Day 2 but i just gotta ask.

this is gonna hurt isn’t it? i feel bad tricking the RFA i love these babies! I’m the mom friend i dont like lying or hurting people

so i gotta know. does rays route end okay for my RFA babies? please i just gotta know.

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4 years ago

Roof Top Affection

this is just me venting via     

Jumin x MC ficlet (1400 words)

MC struggles with feeling of emptiness that compels her to visit the roof of the penthouse despite the dangers, when Jumin is alerted he is not happy. (I don’t write angst guys this doesn't have angst it has like two seconds of sad and then a whole shiz ton of fluff)

also if your interested feel free to check out my master list

If you leaned forward just a bit, you could see the street below. If you closed your eyes and focused on the wind in your hair you could imagine you were falling. If you sat here long enough, you hoped maybe you could let go of the tightness that had somehow lodged itself in your chest.

It had taken incredible planning to get here. You had watched the guards for days before you sneak away. They wouldn’t have stopped you of course, but they would tell Jumin and he would worry. It isn’t that you wanted to worry him. you had simply been so stuck recently. Between the guards and the reporters, you felt suffocated, before you had married Jumin you had been a nobody, invisible to practically everyone and you had reveled in the solitude of it.

Now you sat on the edge of the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city just to find a second of mock silence. the wind was loud and cold at this height it whipped around you as dangled your legs over the edge of the roof. no one could see you up here unless they were looking and you weren’t unfamiliar with heights like this quite the opposite actually. You sought them out regularly, they felt safe to you, as though your worries where tethered to the ground and through little more than mere distance from earth you could leave them behind. So it was fitting than that your ultimate solace came in this admittedly foolish game of chicken. How close to the edge could you bring yourself before the fear of falling drew you back inside. This was the farthest you had ever come, sat on the ledge legs dangling off eye’s closed and simply feeling the thrill of being so close.

“Mrs. Han.” Came the booming and authoritative voice of Jumin’s most trusted body guard “please step back from the ledge carefully Mr. Han has been called and will be hear soon”. The pseudo silence you had chased was shattered and you noticed the noise of the city suddenly still you couldn’t bring yourself to stand just yet, you gazed over the edge one final time. You could hear the heavy foot falls of the guard coming to retrieve you and you sighed. You put your hand up to stop him and stood of your own volition meeting him halfway. “I am to - ”

“escort me back to the penthouse to await my husband? Don’t worry so much I understand.” You smiled up at him and saw his nervous and melancholy frown. As he nodded and followed behind you as you made your way back inside.

“Ma’am? May I ask why you were up there?” he pressed gently only the barest hint of hesitance in his voice.

“of course you may, the real question is will I have an answer for you.” you said teasingly trying to lighten the mood at least a little. If you could convince the guard it was no big deal you had a better chance of convincing Jumin. You didn’t want to lie however “the wind up there is exciting. The view is breathtaking. Honestly it just, calls to me like a siren. Do you know about sirens? Jumin read me a book on mythology once and it talked about these creatures that sang so beautifully that they drew unsuspecting sailors into rocky waters, I think the roof is my siren. I know it’s dangerous but when I hear that melody, imagine that feeling, breathe that air, I can’t say no. I don’t plan on doing anything bad though so you shouldn’t worry”. Okay even you had to admit that sounded worrying. So much for playing this off as something trivial.

You reached the door to the pent house quickly and he sat with you stiffly until Jumin rushed in. you could see the immediate relief on his face when he saw you sat safely away from any dangerous ledges. You also saw the relief crumble behind a cold anger as the body guard moved to his post outside the penthouse door. Jumin sat in an armchair to your left and you watched him run his hands through his hair in exasperation trying to find the right words.

“It’s not what you think” you say cutting him off before he can speak, “I wasn’t planning to leave you. I could never leave you, I love you. I just,” but you trailed off losing your words at the sight of his hands shaking, the lost and broken look in his eyes.

“Just what MC? what on earth could have made you do something so reckless?” he said reckless but you heard the meaning behind it. Stupid, how could you do something so stupid, and how could you blame him really. You had known from the beginning that it was stupid, stupid and dangerous and breathtaking.

“Jumin I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. do you remember telling me about the threads that wrapped around your throat? They strangled you, held you back, hurt you. I have them on my heart they constrict in my chest until I can’t feel anything at all, but up there the wind and the quiet and the chill it helps. Their still their still tied around my heart but they loosen.”

He looked at you and you could feel his fear. The ever confident business man was nowhere to be seen in that moment. “you helped me untangle my threads MC. I want to do the same for you” you had never heard his voice waver like it did when he spoke the next words “but I can’t lose you like V lost Rika.”

Your heart froze and you moved from your spot on the couch. You knelt at his feet, held one of his hands securely in yours and leaned to meet his downcast eyes. “Jumin, I’m not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. When I go up there I do it to feel something, not to stop feeling everything. I’m not Rika you won’t lose me.”

Without a word he pulled you off the floor and into his lap. You wrapped your arms around him mimicking his tight hold on you occasionally raking your fingers through his hair soothingly. Slowly you could feel him relax feel him unwind around you as you gently and quietly chanted your love to him.

“I’ll build you a sky walk. Clear flooring and handrails. You’ll be able to be up there and still stay safe, but you have to take a guard next time.” You chuckle a little at that, he had always been a problem solver, of course he would find you a way to feel the city beneath you safely. “MC? please talk to me when you feel that way. I hate to imagine you suffering alone”

“anything for you love” you purr nuzzling your head into his neck before sneaking a kiss onto the skin there. The next few days he stays home from work to be with you. one day you take him up to the roof and sit with him feeling the wind in your hair and leaning against him. he admits it’s nice but it makes him nervous none the less, having you so vulnerable. He asks if you want to see a councilor after reading that thrill seeking behavior is linked to depression you agree on the condition that he attend with you the first few times. It helps him as much as it helps you, and though you don’t attend long you learn how to better cope with the periods of emptiness. In the meantime, an observatory is built on the roof and a skywalk is added these become a major tourist draw despite being open to the public only on the weekends. During the weekdays you enjoy planning for the upcoming RFA parties while lounging on the skywalk, with its crystal clear flooring and guard rails you often feel like there is nothing above or below you. Jumin often joins you for lunch relishing the view and your ever growing cheer.

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4 years ago

zen: you two got banned from the public pool?!?

seven: we released a lot of rubber ducks

mc: 237 to be exact

jaehee: why?

seven: there where children there

mc: children like rubber duckies

the entire RFA: exasperated sighs

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4 years ago

the RFA react to mc’s pad leaking and staining her pants


- poker face and no shame not embarrassed at all

- simply excuses the both of you and discreetly walks behind you so no one can see

- once in private he’ll tell you and comfort you if your feeling embarrassed

- he either has someone get you a change of clothes or you and he simply go home so you can change

- honestly 10/10 for his calm cool and collected vibe and the fact that most people don’t question him when he says something


- panics 110%

- he didn’t even know it was that time of the month since you never got moody like his sisters or had cravings like his mom

- now he’s worried you’ve been in pain and not telling him and there’s a moment or two when he’s frozen by all these concerns

- once he comes to his senses he hugs you from behind and with a bright blush whispers what’s going on

- gives you his hoodie to help you hide the stain and makes some excuse to get you out

- unfortunately it isn’t very smooth or subtle he’s really bad at lying so it’s something like “oh i forgot we um had that thing at the you know place” (this boy needs improv lessons or something cuz that was just sad)

- 7/10 everyone can tell somethings up but he did try and the care he gives after saves it


- when he notices he shoots you a quick text simply reading “stealth exit strategy 606: sneak away while i cause a distraction and await further instruction”

- he then winks and begins his plan by making literally the biggest spectacle he can (and with saeyoung that’s saying something)

- when you make it to his car it’s already unlocked for you so you can wait for him inside

- your just managing to shut the door when he’s sprinting toward the car laughing like a maniac

- on the ride home he’ll explain the why behind his “stealth exit” plan and comfort you if your embarrassed assuring you that not only did no one notice but no one would remember even if they did, not after his distraction

- solid 8/10 since no one would ever guess YOU where the reason ya’ll left early but it won’t work all the time and your pretty sure saeyoung is now banned from wherever ya’ll were


- the second he notices he wraps his jacket around you without a word

- his face is a little red and he can’t make eye contact when he leans in and whispers so quietly even you can barely hear him

- “jagi I um, I think your pants are stained. we should head home so you can change”

- it takes a while for both of you to make your exit simply because of how popular he is

- and the second he wrapped his jacket around you every girl around was equal parts jealous of you and in awe of his more revealed figure

- 4/10 because the struggle to get out made the stain worse and also all those eyes on you where uncomfortable even if they didn’t know what was up (damn his popularity)


- she a girl so she definitely caught you before it got bad (and totally not because she was staring at your butt >.>)

- very discreetly passes you a new pad and directs everyone to a new very eye catching very important thing way over there so you can sneak away

- once your out of public eyesight she’ll help you sneak the rest of the way home and provide you with EVERYTHING you could need

- let’s be real here she’s the best one to rely on cuz she legit gets it she’s been there and knows what she wishes had been done for her

- 100/10 beahee is best. period. end of story. pun intended.

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1 year ago

Happy Friday! Our Discord server is hosting a Cards Against Humanity Tournament in celebration of Jaehee's Birthday! This event will be co-hosted by oue talented voice actors Sapphyra (Jaehee) and Jessie Bright (Unknown). If you're new to our community, this is a great opportunity to hear their voices and ask them questions! We hope to see you there on Friday, December 29th, at 3:00 PM US Central (9:00 PM London). Until then;

Thanks for reading our blog!

☆•°•The MMED Party Coordinators•°•☆

Happy Friday! Our Discord Server Is Hosting A Cards Against Humanity Tournament In Celebration Of Jaehee's

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