I Mean, It's Not Exactly Like Lor'themar Gets Much Of A Choice...
I mean, it's not exactly like Lor'themar gets much of a choice...
This is for you Romkael shippers out there btw, if you are not one of those Romkael shippers out there, this isn't for you.
So let's flashback to Anasterian's reign real quick. Near the end of his life, Anasterian is getting weaker. Fearing that he may falter, he places Belo'vir Salonar as his second in command. Sylvanas, while a good military leader, is just that. A military leader. Belo'vir is:
Well versed in the magic that this kingdom was built on
Incredibly intelligent
Quick witted
Married to Vandellor, the main religious leader of Quel'thalas, cementing his power (Semi-canon)
And last but not least, set up with an heir. Rommath.
These are all qualities that Rommath shares.
He's well versed in both Arcane magic, the power that Quel'thalas was built on, and Fel magic, the power it was saved (and doomed) by.
He's remarkably intelligent, as well as having a death glare that could probably actually kill (it's how Kael'thas died lmao)
He's the adoptive sibling of Liadrin, the current religious leader
He's set up with Astalor in line to take over his position, and if Astalor can't, he has Esara, and if Esara can't, he has a whole host of other people (HC: Including Cindrethresh, one of the most talented assassins and warriors in recorded and probably unrecorded history. Ya can't tell me Mx. Bloodthirsty "Please sit down Cindre you're scaring Viridia" won't join the group known for being merciless demon massacrists with minimal moral restraints.)
And most importantly (ROMKAEL TIME BITCHES) he was engaged to Kael'thas. We don't know how Thalassian succession works, but that sets him as a prime candidate for the throne.
So. Rommath is:
The heir of Belo'vir, who was in the position that a queen would have held
The person who would have been monarch-consort if Kael hadn't died
The only member of Silvermoon's triumvirate who has an heir
A man who has ties in the church
Patriotic (Not metaphorical government dick sucker)
Smart enough to maneuver himself into this position
Smart enough to get out of this position if he needs to
Basically the savior of the elven race after he made the conversion spell that makes Fel magic safe to consume
It's not looking good for Halduron, or hell, Lor'themar if Rommath wants the throne. Hal is a good military leader, but he doesn't have the political standing to get very far. Lia is too tied to the Church for separation of Church and State to let her rule. Thalyssra doesn't even have a claim to the throne, and even if she did, doesn't have enough backing by the military for her to rule.
Pretty much we get a council or we get Rommath. I honestly don't care. I really like Rommath.
the wiki: With the fall of the Sunstrider dynasty, Quel'Thalas no longer has a clear line of succession. If Lor'themar were to fall, it is possible that in the absence of a designated successor, Grand Magister Rommath would come into power; his current station is arguably the highest in the kingdom below Lor'themar’s. Alternatively, power might pass to Halduron Brightwing as Quel'Thalas’ military leader.
lor’themar: neither of them it would be liadrin thanks
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Gil-galad, 6'5
Maedhros, 7'6
Maglor, 6'6
Celebrian, 6'3 (Tall girlboss short malewife who is also a girlboss)
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Elros, 5'8
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