I'm female and aromantic, I have autism and anxiety. I have many fandoms. Do I have the energy to actually watch them? No.
183 posts
My Ex Best Friend Literally Thought It Was Cute That Her Boyfriend Got Jealous When She Talked To Her
My ex best friend literally thought it was “cute” that her boyfriend got jealous when she talked to her guy friends, and when she first told me that, I immediately told her that was a red flag. Well guess why they broke up? Because of his jealousy. And then they decided to get back together three days later even though he was moving away in a month and they wouldn’t be trying long distance. Her whole identity and self-confidence hinged on that relationship and I honestly found it all so pathetic.
This is why I don’t trust straight relationships.
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More Posts from Parketmansion
it’s really weird to me that my life is MY life. like, it could have been someone else’s life, but instead it’s mine. so what am I gonna do with it?
He has not even been back for a full week and he has already asked me out like four times and because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings I said yes to the last one. I thankfully work that day so I have an excuse, but I know he’s gonna try again and I don’t want him to.
Aro story time
So my friend who I am not interested in asked me to prom and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I said yes. Prom happened, it was okay, kind of awkward, but I found some of my friends at the dance and hung out with them. Doorstep time, he confessed that he had feelings for me, and in an attempt to reject him kindly, I think I accidentally led him on. Because I told him, “You know I identify as aromantic, so I could never like you back in that way,” and then I got worried about his response so I said, “but I’ve always said I could see myself marrying a best friend.” And then we hugged and I kissed him on the cheek, but I don’t even see him as a best friend?? And I still don’t know what to do about that even a year later because he moved away for work and he comes back in like a week but I don’t want to talk to him really because I’m scared he’ll ask me on a date help
My little brother would honestly make such a good media star.
Podcast host? Yas queen, he got the voice, he got the humor.
TV show star? Obviously. He’s got the looks and the friend group. His hair, his style, his monologues, his creativity.
YouTuber? Believe me, everyone would be simps. They’d be making TikToks rating his laugh and his singing and make “out of context” clip channels.
I’ve never thought I was weird for being aromantic. Even when I didn’t know that I was, before I even knew the term, I thought everyone else was just weird for liking their crushes too much. Having that label is very comforting to me because now I’m like, “It’s okay, they’re still people. They just feel something differently.” Which I guess is what people who come to accept aros think, but I just find it funny that I think it in the opposite direction.
Genius idea:
Broadway Newsies, but it’s Barbie.