pixie-styx - compulsiveAnalyst of Homestuck
compulsiveAnalyst of Homestuck

A theory and speculation blog by PixieStyx

113 posts

7/7/15 Upd8

7/7/15 Upd8



HAHAHAHA! BOO. YEAH! *Flips table* *Happy dance*

Okay, maybe not the way that it happened, but Tavros + GCat prototyping, nevertheless!

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More Posts from Pixie-styx

9 years ago

Muse of Space: Rise up.

UU: . . . yoU have already spent a long time gathering intelligence Unbeknownst to the aUthorities.


  !CALLIOPE: my soul would have to wait here. !CALLIOPE: for what felt like a very, very long time. CALLIOPE: wait for what? !CALLIOPE: you. !CALLIOPE: echidna told me that your visit would be my signal.


UU: how mUch more do yoU expect to accUmUlate even if yoU coUld stay Undetected? UU: and how mUch strategic advantage is left to gain by delaying yoUr discovery for mUch longer?


  UU: as i told yoU earlier, my brother is hUnting for me. so i have created a little sanctUary in space to stay hidden from him. UU: . . . he is highly sensitive to my presence, so it is very easy for me to get his attention if i'm not carefUl.


  CALLIOPE: this is it then, is it? CALLIOPE: am i to spend the rest of eternity hiding inside this vortex? CALLIOPE: how can i go in search of myself if i am blown to smithereens the moment i set foot oUtside? CALLIOPE: maybe the trUth is... CALLIOPE: sUch a fate woUld be preferable to this. CALLIOPE: i am so dreadfUlly lonely. u_u


  UU: i say the time to make a stand is now!


  UU: make yoUr presence known. let them see that the [mUse] is awake, and make it abUndantly clear what that means.


[T]hose in the territory of a good cheru8 will likely come to view it as a protector, waiting quietly for millenia in deep space, ready to attack any encroaching threat.

UU: perhaps it is their tUrn to be nervoUs? to cower in the shadows and live in Uncertainty?

UU: i mUst remain hidden from everyone for as long as i can. TG: why? TG: why not come out and be all like TG: here i am yo its me! secret weapon ghost callie ;)

UU: that is my advice. do with it as yoU will.


!CALLIOPE: live.

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9 years ago

ROSESPRITE: I kind of relish the idea of being a "less relevant" party member.

Rose always has gravitated toward Void more than Light.

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9 years ago

Jasprosesprite^2 looks like Rose’s dream self because princess.

Jaspers + Eldritch Princess + Rose. Rose is the princess of Derse’s moon. Her dream pajamas are princess clothes.

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9 years ago
The Retcon Timeline

The Retcon Timeline

Timeline includes events that actually happen, plus what I suspect will happen.

I am almost certain this is wrong, but it's a starting point.

Some notes:

Calliope must be from a non-LOWASplode timeline, where John is present on the golden ship. (MINISTRIFE is optional, since that happened in a dream bubble.) Her knowledge of events comes from this timeline, which she most likely learned through Skaia's vision clouds. Some events she could have learned from Rose's book, but it doesn't seem like John passing out on LOWAS would be something found in the book.

Caliborn is from a non-LOWASplode timeline, as well, because he rips that page out of Calliope's book.

Unless Caliborn's monitors can show events from any timeline, Caliborn must be witnessing events from a timeline where Erisolsprite is Jake's sprite, Arquiusprite is Dirk’s sprite, John is dead, and the kids get trapped in the house Juju and trap the Lord English fusion in Lil Cal. (Caliborn does seem to be aware of John’s ring going missing, though. Hmm. Yeah, it’s pretty likely he can view all timelines, what with being a Lord of Time and all.)

The Caliborn who becomes trapped in Lil Cal apparently has no idea who Arquiusprite is. The Alpha Kids, too, although that’s ambiguous enough that it’s open to interpretation. I’m not sure what to make of this. It’s possible the Caliborn who witnessed this event is making an assumption, but... I dunno.

I'm having difficulty placing both the Green Sun's destruction and the Third Scratch on the timeline.

Right now it seems like Vriska stealing the Green Sun's light will happen in a timeline where everyone's alive and well. I think the purpose of its destruction will be:

To destroy Paradox Space à la Big Crunch,

To hinder the Green Sun powers of Jack Noir (and presumably Lord English),

To create a breach for the heroes to escape both Paradox Space and also the Third Scratch (similar to the kids escaping through the hole in the Fourth Wall during their Scratch).

The kids need to be around if #3 is going to happen.

I have a feeling the Third Scratch is meant to happen in a timeline different from the one where Caliborn et al. are trapped in Lil Cal. Mostly because Dave and Caliborn both need to be around. (Remember the "whilst the pimp's in the crib" prophecy.) I suppose time travel is possible after Jujutrapped (retcons, probably not, since John's trapped), but that would mean these events happen in a doomed timeline, and that doesn't really make sense.

I get the impression the Third Scratch is meant to occur in Caliborn-who-made-Homosuck's timeline (or a branch), but I can't make sense of that either.

The answer to all of this is probably another retcon and timeline branch somewhere. But, just... no. My head already hurts from all this. I’ll sort it out another time.

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9 years ago

Updated with more clues in light of recent events!

The Pink Sun?

I dunno, I feel like there are little clues hidden everywhere:

[S] Seer: Descend.

  Keep reading

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