rose-l-20 - L🩵

• She/Her • 19 • Scorpio •

15 posts

Beast Boy Present His New Special Suit (it Vanishes During Transformations And Returns In Human Form,

Beast Boy present his new special suit (it vanishes during transformations and returns in human form, also can reduce to inconspicuous fingerless glove form) to reader, who is curious about it and explores it from all sites. Reader asks him many questions about suit, how it works, fits and feels. Gives ideas for improvements, like full-finger gloves (with retractable claws on fingertips, perhaps also claws on toe tips) and head mask (eye lenses to protect eyes from flashbangs and hypnosis, ear plugs that filter certain sounds out to avoid distraction through shrill sounds, nostril plugs to prevent distraction by pungent smells, mouthguard to avert teeth damage while fighting in human form, …).

Beast Boy Present His New Special Suit (it Vanishes During Transformations And Returns In Human Form,

Supportive Girlfriend ~ Boyfriend!Garfield Logan x Girlfriend!Reader

FIRST INBOX REQUEST! Also who knew giving your blog a refresh would lead to getting peoples attention! I should have done it a long time ago😂

Thank you lovely Anon for this request! I have been wanting to write a fic about Gar for a while, I just had no ideas!

SUMMARY: see request above ⬆️

WARNINGS: Mild mentions of nudity caused by supernatural abilities, generally fluffy, mild consensual body touching by reader, talk of ones body, typical couple moments/language, pet names, reader wearing a bathing suit while tanning.

The breeze was light and soothing against the hot San Francisco sun. The only noise that can be heard from the roof top deck of the Titians Tower is "Chiquita" by ABBA playing at a soft volume, and the crinkle of turning pages.

You were engrossed in your book, so engrossed that the hum of your phone going off went completely ignored. It took you going to change the song to realize your green-hair-boyfriend had left you a handful of messages, all in full capital letters, repeating your name and pet names to just "COME TO THE TRAINING ROOM RIGHT NOW!". Alarmed at first, you threw your bookmark into the book and placed it into your bag, along with your other belongings. The Black robe that matched your Bathing suit was thrown on and tied quickly.

As soon as the elevator hit the correct floor, you rushed into the training room. "What is going on?! is anyone hurt?!" you exclaimed with worry. You scan the room, with the mussel memory you accumulated over hours of training and missions.

"Babe you're here! I am sorry for worrying you, I'm so fucking hyped right now OH MY GOD!" Gar rambled. But before you could ask any questions. or even think of one, you hand was grabbed and pulled to a table close to the Hero costume side. Your eyes instinctually looking at yours before looking down at the table. "Okay, hold on let me get these gloves on!" he started putting on the left one, "you're going to LOVE this!". You were beyond confused at this point but kept silent.

"Ready babe?" Garfield asked, to which you nodded with a confused face. Gar balled his fists, flicked his wrists and the gloves expanded creating sleeves, shirt, pants and boots to finish it off. A lightbulb went off in your head, understanding what was going on.

You let out a gasp, "wait! Is this the suit you were talking about?!". Gar laughed, happy that you were on the same level of excitement. "YES! what do you think?!"

Walking around his body in a circle. you ran your hands over the soft and slightly textured fabric, feeling the hidden, high-tech amour that rendered you impressed. The suit looked seamless on his body. Hugging his toned, slightly slender body. You couldn't help the warmth that spread through your cheeks as a light blush appeared.

Let's just say the suit wasn't the only thing that looked good, it didn’t compare to how gorgeous and handsome he was.

Your mouth moved before you could even process your thoughts. Question after question spilled out, like you couldn't decide on which one to ask first. Your Beast Boy answered all of them, explaining each feature it currently possessed.

"One of the many benefits it has is that it stores all the DNA of my current animals, so I won't be left naked after we fight a bad guy." He also listed other elements like sound-proof soles, so it makes stealth missions so much easier to accomplish. "Gar-Gar, I am so proud of you! no wonder you insisted on waiting another 2 months to show me. Totally worth the wait." Your arms wrapped around his waist, giving him a warm and tight embrace, which was swiftly reciprocated.

"Do you have any recommendations? I am open to anything!" Gar rested his head on top of yours, and after a small conversation it was agreed to meet in your room to eat snacks, and discuss your recommendations.


An hour and a half later you were both in pajamas, snacks scattered across your bed. In both of your laps rests your Titians supplied iPads, his for writing things down and yours for research.

"Okay, it's been enough time" You start, placing a taki into you mouth. "lets go through them to make sure they make sense"

"Agreed. So we've got: full-finger gloves for added protection and have the ability for my claw animals claws to come out.” Garfield listed, taking bites of his chocolate bar. “Hidden pockets to hold emergency items such as goggles, medical equipment ect ect. A panel on my left inner arm that reads my heart rate, and energy levels. A mask that I can use when in rooms with harsh chemicals, as well as protection when I can’t shape shift. Have we got them all?”

You responded with nods and an occasional ‘mhm’, going through the tabs you had open in Google. “You missed the belt with the micro bombs, and smoke bombs” you showed him the tab you had open to make sure he knew everything he needed to write down.

“Oh you’re correct! Thank you my love” he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, placing a soft but adoring kiss on your lips. You happily returned the kiss. “I love you” Gar moved to sit next to you, and your body moulded into the side of his body. You blushed again, “I love you MORE!”

“Want to watch ‘The holiday’?” You asked with a mischievous grin, knowing his exact response.

“AGAIN? We watched it 2 days ago!”

You both laughed happy to be together, and not have to worry about a mission. You put the movie on and continued to eat your snacks. The movie played, but that didn’t stop you guys from having small conversations, or making each other laugh.

You “annoyed” him with quoting every line, to which he threatened to change the movie. You grabbed the remote with a “try me” face, he started tickling your sides making you weak. He snatched the remote from your hand, and started running around the room. Stopping quickly he changed the movie to a random one, then ran out of your room with an evil cackle.


As you ran down the hall, Jason was walking by. Most likely headed to his room. You zoomed past him, he looked confused before his brain put two and two together. “Same old shit, different fucking day” he mumbled while rolling his eyes.

The only sound that could be heard was the fading laughter of the cute couple and their loud and heavy footsteps.

All was normal, all was well.

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More Posts from Rose-l-20

6 months ago


Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Draco/Lucius/Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black.


Slytherin characters


Fixed - Lucius Malfoy x Draco’s friend!Reader

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6 months ago


Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin/Nightwing), Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood), Rachel Roth (Raven), Cory Anders (Starfire), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy).




Supportive Girlfriend - Boyfriend!Garfield Logan x Girlfriend!Reader

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2 years ago
Home Sweet Home ~ T.I.K

Home sweet home ~ T.I.K


Blurb: After completing the mission, Iceman returns home to his Girlfriend (Y/N) Mitchell; the sister of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. All her nerves evaporate as she looks into his blue eyes.

Warnings: none, just pure fluff.

[(Y/n) - Your name] [(y/h/c) - your hair colour] [(y/e/c) - your eye colour]

Tom “Iceman” Kazanksky x Fem!Reader. Will include Pete being Pete. Romantic and sibling interactions. She/her pronouns used. vague mention of a small age gap (6 years). Pet names “Angel” and “Babe” used. Short but sweet

Sitting in the living room, knees tucked under your chin, ‘Great balls of fire’ playing at a medium volume and staring absentmindedly out the window. The waves of the beach sparkled through your window, but it didn’t help your nerves. The blue water reminded you of your Boyfriend’s eyes, which you were scared that you would never get to see again. You knew that being the partner of a Navy Pilot came with its up and downs, but you always felt the same mix of hope and dread when your Boyfriend would go on missions. It also didn’t help that your older brother was also in the same profession. So not knowing if you would possibly loose either one, or both of them made your breathing shake and throat dry.

You got up with a sigh and went into your shared bedroom, getting one of his white dress shirts from the wardrobe and put it on like a cardigan. You brought a sleeve to your nose and inhaled the smell of his cologne, letting your mussels relax at last. “I need to take my mind off this for a while” you spoke your thoughts out loud while grabbing your bag and keys. So with the house locked, you made your way to your motorbike. Hopping on and the engine roaring to life.

You had no destination in mind, letting the bike lead the way. Your hair blowing in the wind, the cool breeze stroking your cheeks and the smell of the salty sea in the air brought you peace. Turning left, the bike led you up to a cliff on the nearest mountain. The gravel and soil crinkled and crunched unter the tires, finally getting to the cliff. Parking it in the shade, you walked to the edge. Sitting down with your feet dangling while taking in the view. You felt a tickle on your thigh and looked down in curiosity. Sitting on your thigh, was a green gecko which gazed its small eyes on you. You smiled, being fond of all animals leading you to stroke it’s back. The small reptile seemed content by the action, so it cutely rested its head and drifted off to sleep. Your smile grew, knowing that the little guy trusted you enough to sleep on you made you feel warm inside.

Letting time drift by as you took in the view while caring for the reptile, you realise that your Boyfriend and your brother could be home any minute. Carefully putting the creature onto the warm rock, you got up and rushed to your bike. You carefully but quickly made your way home, with your heart beating hard in your chest. You and your brother weren’t raised religious, but you were praying to God that they were both safe. As you approach the drive way, you don’t see either of their vehicles which made your nerves and adrenaline increase. You parked in your spot and got inside, as you wanted them to come home to a snack and a beer. You set out 2 large bags of Doritos and a six-pack of bottled beer.

You cleaned the non-existent dust off your hands and mumbled “Perfect” under your breath.


Ice and Maverick made their way off the boat, bags in hand. Their bodies in fresh, clean civilian clothes. They chatted to one another while they got to their vehicles. “When are you going to get a car Mav? God, you and (Y/n) are so alike it’s insane” Ice through his bag into his trunk. The brunette chuckled and answered like the smartass he is “when pigs fly!”, coaxing a laugh from the Pilot. Getting into/onto their vehicles, they drove to the Kazansky-Mitchell household. They both felt extremely excited to see you, as they had both expressed how much they missed you and hoped you were ok without them. Being gone for up to 6 months obviously would’ve had its ups and downs, so they didn’t want to waste another minute of letting you be without them.

They pull up into the driveway and park in their respective spots, getting out/off with haste to the front door. Ice got his keys out and unlocked the door, his key chain of an ice cube that you had gotten him for his birthday hitting the wood of the front door. Pushing the door open, the sound of fast paced walking was heard. All Ice saw was (y/h/c) and all he felt was arms going around his neck. He didn’t need processing time as his arms rushed to be around you, his head resting on your shoulder and a smile on his face. Light and muffled sobs were heard coming from you as you were officially not boyfriend-and-brother-less.

“Hey Angel, it’s ok. I’m here, I’m here” Ice ran his hands up and down your back to sooth you, which was muscle memory. “Babe, please look at me” he pushed you back a bit, wanting to look into your gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes. Your teary eyes looked up at his and everything you had been worrying about, evaporated. Your face lit up and you let out a sigh. As ice wiped any remaining tears from your face, the moment was interrupted by your brother feeling ‘left out’.

“Wow, this is a lovely wall! I’ve never seen anything like it! I just love how-” you both look at him as he stands with his hands on his hips, looking at the wall. You both laugh and roll your eyes, you went to Maverick’s side and slapped his shoulder. “-Ok, you can shut up now!” You silenced him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you tightly, putting a hand on the back of your head. “You’re 6 years older than me and yet I question who really is the oldest here” you let go of him and it’s his turn to slap you, he chuckles. “I missed you too”

After you all settled down and you helped Ice bring in his bags. You all sat on the couch with the snacks and beer, making up for lost time. You laughed together, listened to each others stories of the past months and it felt like they never left.

“Alright guys, I’ll be back for dinner. I’ve just got a meeting with Viper about my Instructor position” Pete stood up and kissed the top of your head and shook Tom’s hand.

Once he was out the door Tom wasted no time in kissing you. His hand reached up and cupped your cheek, which you instantly melted into. Tom picked you up and placed you on his lap, hugging you close. He kissed your cheek, while his fingers played with your hair.

“Home sweet home” Tom’s lips stretched into a soft smile at the cheesy saying. You smiled back at him, mapping his face with your eyes. You still felt like you were dreaming, which is understandable given the length of time you were separated.

You placed your lips to his forehead and then to his lips, pecking them. “I love you Angel” Tom declared. Your smile grew and you didn’t hesitate to reply.

“I love you more Ice cube”


I hope you enjoyed my second imagine on Tumblr!

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5 months ago

Hello there, I just stumbled onto your page and I was wondering if I could request a Darth Maul x female reader with angst and fluff? Like reader is with the jedi order, but she isn't exactly liked because she has darkness in her but Maul likes her.....or if you have an original plot, go for it, I won't complain.

P.S.-I may come back and request something with Iceman or something from Harry Potter!

Hello There, I Just Stumbled Onto Your Page And I Was Wondering If I Could Request A Darth Maul X Female

Please take me away - Darth Maul x Female!Human!Jedi reader

Hello! Thank you for the request! This idea is perfect for me to write my first Darth Maul Fic! 😫 I’ve always wanted to but never had the courage to do so! Please send any other requests you would like I would love that!

I also loved how you used blue for your writing! It made me read the request in the narrator from the Clone Wars show 😂

I hope you like it!


SUMMARY: see request above!

WARNINGS: Reader is mistreated, reader is isolated, name calling, general angst, murder, swearing, stalking undertones, reader crying, insomnia, protective Darth Maul, age gap, nicknames, soft Darth maul, general fluff, running away, Jedi becomes Sith, Kyber crystal bleeding ritual. (TW) Unedited!

The sun was covered by clouds, seeping through the main Padawan training room. A lightsaber defense class was currently in session, with a head count of 12 15-16 year old Padawans. Along with a Master Jedi knight, who was teaching them a new range of skills and techniques.

There was a pair, consisting of a 15 year old boy and an equal aged girl. Her name was (y/n). She was known to be “slightly ahead” for her age. She found it easy to learn new skills. Almost like it was already written in her code.

The lesson started with meditation, to get everyone into the right head space. Moving onto an extensive warm up of the body, to ensure a full range of motion. Then the training began!

Each pair went one at a time, so their Master could watch them clearly without distractions. The majority of the pairs had their turn before (y/n) and her partner got to have theirs.

They got into position, ready to spar. The pair waited in idle anticipation for their Master to give the sign to start. Once hearing a “GO!” Blue crashed against green. The light crackles of contact, the hum of movement, and the children’s focused grunts were the only thing to be heard. The boy pushed (y/n) against the wall with the force, causing her to get frustrated as she knew she was years ahead of him. The sparing match went on, it looked like watching a dance routine.

The final straw for the young woman was the boys foot making contact with her chest, and shoving her to the ground. With a loud scream she used the force to pull herself up and started violently thrashing her saber against his, leaving him little to no time to strategies. She let out grunts and screams. “I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU”, the words flew from her mouth and echoed in the large room.

The boy had slipped and fell hard on the ground. He was frightened to say the least, his saber was the only thing protecting him from being sliced apart. He called out to their master “HELP ME! SHE IS GOING TO KILL ME!”. With that their Master used the force to retract the girls lightsaber, which lead her to look at him with furious eyes. Before she could make another sound, she was put to sleep.


Since that day you never got along with anyone. Some people were wary of you and always tried to avoid you, while others were cruel to you. But one thing both groups had in common, was calling you horrible names. You were bounced around to different Masters, some just gave orders and ignored, some would insult you and make your life a living hell. You suffered in more ways than one. You were always stressed, never sleeping well, constantly being tired leading to you being an anxious woman. The topic of being kicked out was a reoccurring conversation, which lead to anxiety attacks. You could never catch a break mentally.

Walking through the halls of the order felt like being an easy target. You constantly heard whispers and people would shout at you. “Freak”, “Sith spy”, “future murderer”, “red eyes”, “piece of shit”, “waste of space”, “I bet your parents were bad people, and wanted nothing to do with a child like you!” And so much more.

Their were many missions were you would be called a few names, and insults. But one mission stuck out from the rest. You were told to stay back after the night watch debrief, which you knew wasn’t to praise you on your efforts.

You were 18 at the time, and 2 years from knighthood. The leading Jedi knight who gave the debrief, got right up into your face and verbal attacked you. The sun was setting behind him, making the hood he was wearing cast a shadow over his eyes. He was intimidating both in general and in this moment.

“(Y/n), you worthless waste of resources. If you make even one mistake or fault…I will get you kicked out. Am I fucking understood?” He gritted out with his teeth. You nodded with a “yes Master”, he shoved your shoulder and walked off. Your whole body shrunk into itself as you whispered “don’t cry” repeatedly.


As you were gathering yourself, a certain Dathomirian Zabrak was watching on. He was there to seek out information on the Jedi. Amber eyes were fixated upon their first glance at you, and his body froze. Seeing your Master lash out at you stopped him in his tracks. He heard what he needed to, ready to move on when he heard your name being called. The sound alone stopped him. When the senior Jedi threatened you, his body tensed. He didn’t know why, but it was like a hidden instinct had kicked in.

He saw you take a deep breath, ground yourself and walk off to your night watch route. You walked around the south west side of the building, starting to scope out the terrain. His body followed yours like a curious cat, walking slowly and steadily. His eyes scan over your body, learning every inch, while his fingers itched for the blood of the master who treated you like shit.

His mind was all over the place, and he struggled to make sense of it. Why was he following this young woman, while he was trying to get a job done. You felt his strong force signature, and ignited your blue saber. Your eyes darting in different directions, the man skilled in force distribution. Your body was on fire with a concoction of anticipation and adrenaline, using all the energy you could on finding the being who was a potential threat to the order.

After 10 minutes the signature was gone, and so was your energy. You walked back to your wall position and slouched against it, fingers rubbing your eyes as a new ache came from your temples. “Fucking hell, they’re now messing with my night duties. How low can they get?”

The black and red patterned man left on his ship with new information and some…conflicting emotions.


A year and 10 months passed and your life was bizarre to say the least. The mistreatment, name calling and isolation was still the same to your disappointment. But your sleep quality was heavily improved, your body felt better rested, and your anxiety has gone down significantly. The only side effect was weird dreams.

Across the span of this time the man had gone through a handful of months of trying to shove you from his mind, you were like a plague. He also thought of the most brutal of deaths for the master who insulted you. He got so annoyed with his mind he requested to be in a new area of the galaxy to not be able to even feel your presence…it didn’t help a single bit.

5-6 months into the year he had started accepting the emotions, and decided to watch over you. He wasn’t happy about the Jedi order’s behavior towards you. He was ready to kill every person who looked disgusted or said anything about you. He watched over you as you cussed, and cried for an ounce of a nice nights sleep, so he used his powers to lull your mind into restful, sweet, blissful sleep. The next morning your body felt like it was on a fluffy cloud. Your eyes welled up with tears of relief, and joy as you had enough energy to put in a little more effort in your appearance. Hair tied up in a proper style instead of a messy ponytail, uniform clean, and a smile rested on your slightly red, bitten lips.

The joy was only short as you were sent on a 2 month mission a few weeks later, and your sleep got worse again. This caused the multiple horned man couldn’t find you. But don’t worry he is a very determined person, and found you within a week.

At that point, your anxiety and stress had sky rocketed. Your usual bullying had gotten worse, because you didn’t make it to base camp at the allocated time. Leading to your masters to yell at you, give you inventory to sort, and you couldn’t rest until it was complete. Half way through you felt the familiar force signature from the first night. A smooth, yet gravelly voice made you jump while instinctually igniting your lightsaber.

“You shouldn’t have to endure the torment they put upon your heart and mind” the voice spoke, while coming out of the shadows. Confusion etched its way onto your face. You could tell the hooded man was no good, a Sith Lord most likely but you didn’t try to alert any one of his intrusion. His words seeped into your mind like sand between one’s toes. Repeating over and over.

“What is your business here?!” You got into your fighting stance, trying not to question his words and protect your camp. If you save them from this guy you could finally be liked! He rolled his eyes, using his ability with the force to seep into your thoughts. “You know they’ll find something wrong, even if you succeed in taking me out Darling”

Your figure slightly slumped over as his eyes held the truth. His hand reached and snatched your Saber from your hand, retracting the beam and placing it on your belt. Your confusion amplified at his actions. “What? W-why are you even telling me this?”

“Because Darling” he walked up to you, stopping just a foot from your body. You could see the details of his face, the red more clear in contrast to the black. “You know I’m right”. Your heart sunk to the bottom of your stomach, you did, you knew he was right.


From that day he showed up randomly, sometimes when you expected it, and sometimes you had to aggressively push him behind a wall and whisper “are you nuts?!”. He would smirk and shrug, walking off. You’d roll your pretty eyes and follow.

You stayed in the order, but found your comfort and peace in the man who went by “Maul”. It took a while for you to believe he wasn’t lying about a few things about himself, but once a foundation of trust was made you hung onto his every word.

You of course went through the usual phases. “What do you want?”, To “you again?”, To “stalker much?”, To “oh thank kriff you’re here!”. You guys maintained a great friendship. You had inside jokes, comfort between one another, learnt every little thing about each other, and so much more. The friendship lasted 4 years, until the following year (when you turned 25) you both felt a shift in the atmosphere. Catching each other’s eyes at random moments, longer silences and more tactile interactions.

However your workplace never got better, Maul would be there to support you through the worst days. The first time you both initiated a hug was when you were having a mental breakdown, and just a simple hand on your back didn’t help he pulled you tight, and close to his chest. You froze immediately upon impact, shocked but still in the middle of a mental breakdown you continued to get all of your feelings out in the crook of his neck. From there you both were comfortable in each other’s arms.

The 5th year, as the aura of your friendship was in its transformation you were struck with another breakdown. You flung yourself off your bed, the tie of your pajamas becoming loose as you ran into the woods. The fabric lowed over your shoulder as your eyes frantically looking for your confidant. You knew not to call out his name, they, the Jedi, will find you and punish you. Or worse, kill him. So your body fell to the ground trying to breathe through the pain.

The crunch of his boots against grass had you looking up at his worry stricken face. He reached for you as you blabbered through sobs “please…take m-me…away from here!" he held you and fixed your pajamas. Once you settled into his embrace he lifted your face by your chin, looking for any hesitations. Once certain he took his cloak off and placed it onto your frame. “Ok Darling, let’s go”


You got yourself familiar with your new home, which was his chambers on the planet of Mustafar across the span of 4 days. “How are you feeling darling?” His voice sounded so sweet in your ears. Your mind was finally at ease being off that planet. Your stress and anxiety felt like a distant memory already. You got up from his surprisingly comfortable bed while grabbing his outstretched hand. “Better, much better Maul”. He pulls you to his meditation room which was attached to his chambers. “This is where I would seep into your mind to bring you restful sleep”.

“I knew it was you after a while, the pieces of the puzzle came together on their own.” You smiled up at him. He reciprocated with his own smile. Maul used the force to pick up your lightsaber off your night table. “Are you ready and are you sure?” He held your chin again. “Yes”. With the force Maul opened your saber, to retrieve the Kyber crystal, placing it onto the ground you sat cross legged.

“Now, focus all of your energy on the sadness, all of your anger, all of your frustration, all of your pain into a ball. With that ball, force it into your crystal.” He instructed, and you followed suit. The blue of your saber fought against the red hue that was being emitted from your very soul. It wasn’t strong enough, compared to how you felt about those who put you through the worst years of your life. “Concentrate” he kept you grounded. Maul could sense your mind wandering.

The crackling had stopped, and the Kyber crystal was bled. You pulled it to your hand with haste, opening your eyes to look at it. A smirk stretched across your lips. Getting up you walked towards the man who you owed your freedom to, looking into his eyes he noticed the rings of orange and red in replacement to your (e/c).

“I love you Maul, I think I always have” your face came close to his, seeking the same emotion in his gaze. There was a moment of quiet, before his lips made contact with yours. The kiss was soft, tender and warm. With undertones of sickening revenge on his end. Maul pulled away, smiling down at your flushed face.

“I’ve always loved you too, my love”.


After a while of Maul teaching you new lightsaber tricks, force abilities that were forbidden by the Jedi code. All the while being the best lover the galaxy ever saw. He gifted you all the necessary things you had left behind, exotic flowers from planets he frequented and took the utmost care of you.

Your training had come to fruition, and your lover had approved you to come with him to fight. You grabbed your bag as you went to his ship, you got on board. As you walked up the ramp you saw Maul sitting in the cockpit. You placed yourself in his lap, folding your legs over each other. He kissed your lips as he took off.

On the way to your destination you had your regular conversations, and sat in comfortable silence. Maul never explained where you were going, but your gut told you that you already knew. Opening your bag you got your device, and when through some information with your lover. This consisted of notes from training, and important information from different groups of people he worked with. Half the time he got lost in your voice and had to get you to repeat yourself. “You are Darth Maul and you’re getting distracted? If the Jedi could see you now!” You laughed

“Of course I’m distracted love, have you seen yourself?” He rubbed your arm gently and held your gaze, which will never not make you blush deep red. “Shut the fuck up” you mumbled under your breath. His throat vibrated with a deep, amused laugh. Kissing your neck as he put the ship into hyperspace. His arm snaked around your waist to keep you from flinging forward, not letting go. This didn’t help your blush in any way.

You had landed at your destination, you were super excited to finally use your new skills and knowledge. Getting up from Maul’s lap, you put your cloak on and made sure your lightsaber was secured to your belt. Maul’s larger hands placed the hood over your head, casting a menacing shadow. “Ready, Darling?” His knuckles caressed your face and with a simple “Yes Master” you followed him out of the ships door.

The gravel beneath your boots was satisfying to your ears, as you approached a Jedi bass camp. Déjà vu hitting you hard, making your body burn with anger. Maul could sense it and refocused your mind, “stay focused Darth (y/n/n)”. Your response was a sharp nod with a small grunt. As you followed him you sensed force users. their signatures leaving a sour taste in the back of your throat. The camp was small, only housing 10 Jedi minimum.

"Wait here my love, you'll know when to come out" he placed a rough kiss to your lips, which you matched perfectly. You stayed behind the stones which hid the camp, choosing to lean against one that was nicely shaded. In your waiting time you practiced your breathing and preformed a brief meditation ritual, connecting to all the Sith Lords and Ladies that came before.

Maul walked up to the Jedi Knights, who were talking strategy around a table. some sitting, some standing and some lying down on the dirt. Their discussion came to a stop as they felt the aura of a threat. All of them got into formation, ready for anything.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen... If you could even call your selves that." his hands reached for the hood of his cloak, and elegantly placed it on his neck. His eyebrows lowered as he recognized all of your main bullies. His anger rising as he remembered all of your anguish and suffering. One, the worst of them all had the gall to speak. "What is the meaning of your intrusion, Darth Maul?" This caused a sinical laugh to come from the depths of his soul.

"Darling! come!" his voiced rasped. You smirked as you started walking, head down facing the dirt ground. Each step you took was an ego boost, while making you feel giddy for your plans to take shape. "The "meaning of my intrusion" is her"

Your steps came to a stop on the right side of his body, your black cloak twirling in the wind. The air became suffocating as your advanced force signature took over the atmosphere. "would you be so kind to introduce yourself my love?"

Raising your head, lowering your hood from your head you made eye contact with the Jedi. Their mouths become agape, shock etched onto their faces within seconds. "(y-y/n)?"

"You thought I was weak, but now I’m back to show you the true meaning of power. Let’s see how you handle the darkness you created."

With that the sound of 3 lightsabers were ignited and blood finally shed.


DONE! I hope you enjoyed it! It's not my best work, but if you feel otherwise then that is great!😂 For both my own indulgence, and research I went to TikTok to watch edits/clips to get a good look into the way his character is written in the movies. I hope I did him justice, and i conveyed what you envisioned! My years of developed creative writing skills finally kicked in a little over half way when i was writing! I'll edit it at some point, but for now I just want it posted. -L🤍

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5 months ago


Please refer to my main masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Anakin skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano (20/30 years old), Darth Maul, Leia Organa/Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux.



REQUESTED BY: @thegothicwriter

Please take me away - Darth Maul x Female!Human!Jedi Reader

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