It/its/ze/hir/they/them/cor/corpse/haunt/haunts/hallow/hallows/rot/rots/hell/hells (any pronouns are fine, however. ask which nounself sets are okay, I tend to lean away from sets like bun/buns). Adult. Not a safe space for TERFs, the labrys flag is not your hate symbol by the way. I use this blog for whatever I want, mostly screaming into the void and uplifting obscure queer identities. Warframe and Sonic content likely. Scary transandrophobia truther. More in pinned. [Profile picture ID: a monochrome cutout of Satou Matsuzaka smiling with a striped bow in hand, with a background featuring the most common lesboy flag. End ID End ID][Header ID: A GIF of a wolf howling in the snow. end ID]
1781 posts
My Personality Has Not Changed One Bit On Testosterone. It Can Absolutely Happen, But I Think It's Not
My personality has not changed one bit on testosterone. It can absolutely happen, but I think it's not talked about enough when people go on T and... nothing happens to them, personality-wise.
Transphobes like to fearmonger about how all trans men become gross, angry, horny monsters, but I literally didn't change at all. Oh, I had a brief increase in libido after my second shot, but that faded away and has not returned.
I'm still just me. I'm just me with some extra T inside me. Didn't make me a demon. Didn't make me aggressive. Didn't make me want to rape people. Didn't make me gross or dirty or smelly. Didn't make me objectify women.
None of those things are traits of testosterone. Those are traits of assholes, and being an asshole is a trait you learn, not something you're born with.
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More Posts from Sirenium
xenogenders are so cool like... they're almost like metaphors. like "i have a gender and the way it makes me feel reminds me of a shining sun, so im sungender" is so? poetic? it's beautiful?
they're also like abstract art... with the way a painting can look like one thing but actually be mentally connected to something else. like a abstract painting in varying shades of blue can represent the ocean.
i honestly think xenogenders are one of the most beautiful displays of gender variance. it taps into the emotions that gender draws from, and instead of clunking into the box "male" or "female," or even man/woman, they create an entirely new, personal experience
xenogenders are the essence of gender.
Beautifully put. /gen
Y’all realize that by attacking other trans people
(Non Binary people, Trans people with less prominent dysphoria)
Y’all are helping transphobes,
Here’s how
You are blaming these different forms of trans people for transphobia rather than blaming the transphobes
Every moment y’all spend pointlessly attacking other trans people is time not spent getting rights for the community
By being assholes and exclusive, you’re not only pushing many people out of the community, not only dropping your forces, but you’re scaring many trans people into the closet (which is bad)
You’re all making yourselves look like massive assholes, which does worse to help your credibility than “tucutes” do (the “tucute” trans community may look “silly” but it’s positive and based on self expression, the Transmed trans community is based on exclusion, gatekeeping, and self hatred [as self hatred is literally a requirement])*
*you may say I’m “hypocritical” for saying transmed trans people are to blame for more transphobia, but you guys are directly spreading hate and feeding into transphobic ideas. (Said transphobic ideas being, “You can disrespect someone’s pronouns and identity if they’re xyz”)
All in all, Transmeds do more harm than “tucutes”
All Tucute harm is alleged and illegitimate (read bullet 1) It’s transphobic people’s fault for their transphobia, not other trans people for giving them “the wrong idea”
Transmed harm is real, and it’s based on hate, exclusion and paranoia.
Y’all are wasting your time!
Most Transmed ideology stems from
Some of y’all just don’t understand Non Binary or people with different lesser forms of dysphoria. You can not understand something and still respect it. As long as it’s not literally fundamentally against you human dignity or identity. Educate yourself, it’s better to admit it and learn than stay ignorant
Y’all intolerant people are similar to the ignorant people, in that since you don’t vibe with it, you feel the need to shun it. First of all, that’s the exact mindset of many bigots so check yourself. Second of all, y’all need to get off your high horse. You are in no position to say that someone else is not valid. Despite what you believe, “tucutes” are not a threat to the trans community (see above points) and aren’t harmful. So just let them be. So what if they aren’t trans? We have bigger fish to fry hun. (Remember, hardly anything give transphobic more power, than y’all attacking other trans people instead of fighting transphobia)
I know some of y’all have good intentions and just wanna protect your community. I also understand that it may be scary to think that non trans people could be invading the trans community. But seriously, think about who your true enemy is, people who, most likely, genuinely believe that they are trans and mean no harm, and are just exploring their identity, or bigots who literally want all forms of trans people to be erased. You don’t need to be ashamed of your trans identity. We’re all valid (except hateful people)
It’s good to be proud of your identity and community. But to be prideful to the point where you feel the need to put others down is wrong. There’s self love and pride, and then there’s selfishness and pride. It’s selfish to say that anyone who hasn’t suffered like you have or isn’t like you isn’t valid. It’s selfish and prideful to say that only people like you are special and trans and anyone else isn’t valid. I know it may be nice to take something that’s been a source of pain, and turn it into a source of pride. But you should pride yourself on your identity, not your suffering
“Tucutes” are just trying to live their lives comfortably like everyone else. They’re not our enemy. transphobes who actively try and take rights from trans people are
“Tucutes” are not to blame for transphobia. Transphobes are.
Side note: y’all say that being trans is a terrible thing that isn’t cool and shouldn’t want to be. Yet you guys up it on this pedestal and decide it’s worth gatekeeping? What sense does that make
Honest final thoughts:
… why are we having this conversation?! It’s s waste of time! There are homeless trans kids and trans people being killed! And instead of handling that, we’re arguing over this shit?! Again, I know people will say “It’s the tucutes’ fault this is happening” but not only is that not legit. That’s still not doing anything to fix what’s happening.
This is a waste of time! Stop wasting time being transmed or truscum! Do something that matters!
We are NOT in a stable enough position in terms of treatment and rights to be able to start nitpicking who’s trans or not
(This isn't directly directed at OP, but I need an excuse to ramble about this stuff lmao.)
I'm not inherently against truscum, either. However, from what I've seen they appear to just use their rhetoric to invalidate other people. That's what I'm against. I have seen so many bad examples of the trumed community that I have trouble believing that anyone who identifies as truscum/trumed is a good person. Because more often than not– and this my opinion– they're a hateful group of people. They hate themselves for being trans, and they hate others who are happy to be trans. And that is pitiful to me.
However, I can understand looking at a GNC trans person, or a non-dysphoric trans person, and thinking "wow, they're making a mockery of something I struggle with. How dare they!" But how dare ANYONE police other people's identities? They can say that they care about these "trenders" all they want, but they don't. It's so obvious that they don't, because if they did, they wouldn't constantly berate these GNC and non-dysphoric trans people. They wouldn't be invalidating their identities. Use your truscum logic to validate your own identity, but don't use it to invalidate others and expect to be accepted by the wider trans community.
Fuck off and let people use xenogenders. Let people use neopronouns. Because as much as it feels that they're mocking your struggles, they aren't. It's their personal identity and it doesn't invalidate their experiences (or yours!). pressuring people to be dysphoric, pressuring them to want to be cis and not have fun with their gender, is ASTRONOMICALLY fucked up.
If a truscum comes across this post, I want you to know that I don't hate you or your group. I hope that you can find peace within yourself, without hurting others. Being trans isn't a disease, a horrendous thing (though it can feel like it is). It can be hard sometimes, but it doesn't have to be ugly.
Have a good moment in time, whoever is reading this post. <3
Wondering if the whole “need dysphoria” to be trans thing” Is actually harming youth
Now I’m not against transmeds/truscums. Im not even against trucutes! But as a teenage person I spend 90% of my time purposefully forcing dysphoria onto me to ensure that I am “trans and not faking it”
It makes me feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. Countless rituals of just me doing the same thing to make sure im trans and not faking it or I get euphoria.
 On those few days I don’t give a fuck, I’m so much more happier. I don’t care if I’m “100% trans guy” or “100% cis girl”: I’m just me! And I’ve heard other people feel pressured too thanks to the dysphoria thing.
Transphobes who say their pronouns are beep/boop or something else in their bio underestimate my willingness to adhere to those pronouns
"saying neurodivergent people dont understand gender is ableist because it implies they are too stupid to understand simple concepts"
haha shut up
i can agree that it is ableist to assume ALL neurodivergent/autistic people cant understand gender in the same way others do because we all have different abilities and support needs and we all understand things differently. but to say that ALL neurodivergent/autistic people CAN understand gender is just as ableist.
"im autistic and i understand gender perfectly"
gender is complex. i understand that many people view it as a simple concept. but i, an autistic person, am saying i dont see it that way. it isnt ableist to understand your own cognitive abilities. it isnt ableist to say that autism or neurodivergency can affect and impair those cognitive abilities.
your autistic/neurodivergent experience is unique to you.
you cant say that all neurodivergent people CAN understand gender the same way that i cant say that all neurodivergent people CANT.
we are all different. live with it.