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Heikazuscara modern au but ingame wanderer gets isekai’d to the modern world and heikazu have to deal with a strong puppet that the wind follows wherever he goes and thinks is higher than anyone else
I might do hcs?? But i still haven’t thought of anything yet
Ok- so regarding this post , i tried thinking of few hcs but they were all messy, but some stood out to me a lot and one of them is in modern aus Scara is well- called Scaramouche.
And it makes sense because modern scara did not go through what wanderer went through. So Wanderer would NOT like being called Scara/Scaramouche or any of his other past names.
Modern Kazuha and Heizou would be confused because the scara they know doesn’t mind at all. Still this is still a version of the person they know and care about and he’s in a place he isn’t familiar with so they respect his wishes and call him what he wants to be called and it’s just Wanderer.
To me, ingame heikazuscara are aware of their feelings but they’re not together yet and they’re taking things slowly, modern heikazuscara are a thing and are domestic af and makes you wanna shit rainbows.
Because Wanderer is a puppet, Kazuha and Heizou (who already think their bf is beautiful) can tell his beauty is uncanny, as if he’s perfect. And the wanderer tells them straight away that he’s not human.
Heikazu asking wanderer about the weird gem on his chest(heart) and where he got it from, and Wanderer realises they don’t have visions in this world.
Wanderer being mean af to anyone who tries to hit on him or any of the two.
“Know your place, peasant!”
“Sc— Wanderer you really didn’t have to-“
“Shut up I’m defending you, idiot.”
Wanderer doing a sword dance for them when they ask because he’s soft for these two weak humans, kazuha trying to dance like him but fails miserably.
Maybe it’s just me being a simp, but i feel like because how different Scara and Wanderer are, scara comes off as shy, and while Wanderer is a fucking tsundere, he would do some bold things that to heikazu they think Scara would NEVER do.
Like, wanderer and Kazuha talking about similarities and differences between their worlds, Wanderer would randomly touch his ponytail and occasionally says “huh, you’re fond of this silly hair style too” with the most soft and open look and kazuha being a blushing mess would ask if he wants him to change it and Wanderer replies that he thinks it’s cute.
Or wanderer makes them something to eat and while heizou is messily eating, wanderer reaches out and wipes leftovers that are on the corner of his mouth, and tells him to stop eating like a child and begins to to lick it, and Heizou will lose his shit because Scara would rather die than do something as bold as this??? And usually Kazuha or heizou are the ones doing it.
Wanderer would fondly talk about Nahida and when asked if he sees her as a friend he’ll deny it immediately and say he’s her prisoner, and kazuha would say “i don’t think a prisoner would talk fondly about someone who holds them as such” and wanderer would just stutter and try to defend himself.
Heikazu helping Wanderer to get used to the outside world.
Wanderer showing them his elemental powers and easily picking them up as if they weigh nothing to him and flying around.
I felt that i made Wanderer too majestic.
So he doesn’t know jack shit about technology obviously so Heikazu use this to their advantage by quoting every meme and slang possible.
Ig that’s all for now? If anyone wants to add a hc of their own, feel free to do so! These hcs are all over the place and aren’t organised so who knows maybe at some point I will add more or change some hcs who knows.
It’s so criminal that there’s no Heisethos and kazusethos fics when these characters would clearly get along,
Im not just talking about a romantic ship, but platonic one too.
These idiots would like each other’s company and it pisses me off that no one else sees is

Heikazu but Tokyo Ghoul??? Dont mind if i do
Kazuha - Ghoul, lives on the run and generally doesnt stay in one place for too long. His friend (tomo) was also a ghoul killed by investigators, and since then kazuha has been much more secluded and tries to avoid suspicion. But he ends up meeting a certain someone oh boy
Heizou - Ghoul investigator, likes to work alone (he used to have a partner in Sango but they went seperate ways). Viewing himself as evils natural enemy and ghouls as inherently evil, he has no remorse in exterminating ghouls. Nothing like a night of killing man eating monsters then having lunch the next day with ur very normal human friend Kazuha! Who is not suspicious at all totally ♡
Theres more in my brain but its almost 12am so uhh thats it for now methinks
This I need more please

happy valentines' day to them
a short comic
Priorities / Heikazu / Genshin Impact
meant to write a oneshot of heikazu
ended up with a multi-chapter because i got VERY distracted and you can tell because the first half of this is literally just heizous thoughts LMFAO
Kaedehara Kazuha. A distinguished clan now in shambles, the last remaining Kaedehara marked a criminal and hunted under the Vision Hunt Decree.. A shame, really. When he asked what led to him becoming a criminal, it was the day a supposed ‘no-name’ had challenged the vision hunters to a duel. Of course, the decree had won, but before the vision could be collected, Kaedehara intervened. That brings more questions. What use would a dead vision be? Perhaps they were a friend of Kaedehara’s and that was why? Yet no one had seen Kaedehara near the battle until at the end, so perhaps he had not known until then? ..And now he was being hunted down near Ritou. Heizou groaned. And where was he in all of this mess? Solving cases such as where someone’s pet was missing! Not in some real time chase against one from the Kaedehara clan, who stole a vision from the Shogun of all people! Until now. --- OR, Heizou finds his interest in a certain samurai who is on the run from the Tenryou Commission's forces, and seeks to meet him before he's off the nation for an indefinite amount of time, yet perhaps it only succeeds in making him more distracted at work.
SPOILER: Detective Conan File 1129
I think Kazuha might be the one to confess to Heiji first. Them getting together is long overdue at this point, and with Heiji's multiple failed confessions, it would be interesting if Kazuha was the one to actually do it.
There was this scene (screenshot below) in the latest chapter that made me think it'll happen this way by the end of the case. Regardless of how, I just hope we actually get a proper confession scene this time!

New sickfic ⭐️ I haven’t written these characters before, so it was fun to do some character studying 😙
I hope you enjoy! 🩷
Rating: G
Summary: While assisting Heizou with a case, Kazuha begins to feel very ill. He does his best to play it off, but Heizou shows him that it’s okay to rest.
CW: Vomiting, stomach ache, hurt/comfort

I have a cold so have some sketches of something I recently got obsessed with
so I’m a dumbass and forgot to draw the rest of Heizou’s hair... First it was Xiao, now him

Kazoo and Hozier taking a nap on the two person beanbag in their apartment
(Every time I draw something on my tablet, when I switch it over to my laptop monitor the colors get destroyed wehh ;~;)

This is more a ref for myself than anything but modern AU because I have feelings about them that won’t fit in my other AU
I got both of them last night, I wasn’t getting my hopes up but I even won the 50/50 so he can join the club with Venti. I just really wanted Heizou and holy hell is he fun (having yet another character to grind raven insignias for is not, however)

I wanted to make the Kazuha drawing from my previous post its own thing bc I really liked it
I really went from having no opinion on this man to making fun of him to adoring him and assigning him the role of Heizou's far mellower counterpart
bc Heizou is a bottom and he needs his top lol

Scarawho? I'm sorry, I only care about these two.
it has been decided, Heikazu wins

I mean... you've seen the way he kicks stuff. He's gotta have good lower body strength. Therefore, I propose Heizou has a fat ass and no I will not take criticism.
[since Heikazu won the ship poll here is your food, don't you love it when tumblr decides to eat your post so it never shows up so you end up having to repost it]
Also here's an old sketch it's spicy and I didn't wanna risk ruining it with lines and color

hmmm pretty sus that Heizou has been on Kazuha's banner twice now hmmmmmm
scrolling through trans stuff on amazon (spoiler most of it sucks) and this looks like something Heizou would wear