sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles
Drarry Drabbles

| 21| Gryffindor | I write Drarry drabbles almost everyday. Inbox open for request.

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If This Isn't Us @drarrywords

If this isn't us @drarrywords

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More Posts from Sorry-i-ship-drarry

3 years ago

behind the glass

written for @drarrymicrofic prompt 'ephemera' | 211 words | G | No Warnings | thank you to @starlitsilvereyes for the beta and @helle-bored for the title help

There's a Harry Potter exhibit in the hidden north wing of the British Museum. Disguised as an exhibition space under renovation, it contains the largest repository of information about the Savior aside from the man himself.

Included in the exhibit are:

Numerous passed notes, short journal entries, and other writings penned by Potter during his school years

Sixteen grainy polaroid photos of Harry Potter, age twelve

A scroll of parchment, covered in hurriedly scribbled signatures, Potter’s name at the top

Shards of a Firebolt handle

A tattered t-shirt, powder blue with navy collar

The jagged fragment of a small mirror, which shows an eerie blue eye every so often

Two irreparable halves of a Holly wand—eleven inches long, holly wood, phoenix feather core

Two men stand in the exhibit, shoulder to shoulder.

“It’s just weird,” the dark haired one sighs.

“What is?” his blond companion asks.

“All of this stuff, here. I never meant to keep half of this, and now it’s telling my life story.”

“It’s only part of the story. It’s still your life.”

“I’m just tired of everyone feeling like they know me personally.”

The blond man reaches across the gap between himself and his companion. He tangles their fingers together.

Some things, not even the museum knows.

read all my microfics here

3 years ago

I'm aware I have many dialogue prompts to just fill out, I'll be planning on doing these regularly while putting my other regular writing aside ( excluding the butterflies effect series) and other requests that comes the way ( if any ).

I plan on starting from scratch again and try to be as regular as possible. So here's to fluff December. And if I haven't mentioned before all requests are welcome.

December Tends To Be A Stressful Month For A Lot Of People, So Lets Try To De-stress And Unwind With

December tends to be a stressful month for a lot of people, so let’s try to de-stress and unwind with some laughter this year. 

Join us for a low-key, no commitment Harry Potter fan creation event this December. 

To participate:

Pick a prompt that you want to write/create for (you can do as many or as few as you’d like). 

Make something!

Then, post anytime during the fest up.

In the spirit of de-stressing, this event is going to take an almost no rules approach.  So, while you can approach this like a typical Flufftober or Kinktober challenge and post on the specific day, it’s not required. 


Humor and lighthearted fun. 

Humor, hijinks, fluff, silliness, and even wholesome and fun smut are all welcome. So bring us your “holiday parties gone wrong,” present-exchange mishaps, snowball fights, awkward and oblivious characters, and hot chocolates by the fire!

For more information on the rules and FAQs, see the Info page.


Starts: December 1, 2021 Ends: December 31, 2021 Collection closes: January 31, 2021 (for late submissions)AO3 Information

2021 Collection: HP_DeStressDecember_2021

AO3 Event and Collection Page

If you have any questions, send us an ask or contact one of the hosts, @manixzen and @withgreatelan, on Discord.

2021 Prompts

Day 1: Holiday Decorating Day 2: Butterbeer Day 3: Holiday Music Day 4: Fireplace/Floo Day 5: Holiday Shopping Day 6: Holiday Cards Day 7: Ice Skating Day 8: Snowball Fights Day 9: Christmas Tree Day 10: Holiday Parties Day 11: Fairy Lights Day 12: Diagon Alley Day 13: Secret Santa/White Elephant Exchange Day 14: Mistletoe Day 15: Snowed In/Snowstorm Day 16: Candy Cane Day 17: Scarves Day 18: Hogsmeade Day 19: Baking Day 20: Christmas Break at Hogwarts Day 21: Sleigh Ride Day 22: Sledding Day 23: Sweaters Day 24: Family/Found-Family Dinner Day 25: Presents Day 26: Hot Chocolate Day 27: Leftovers Day 28: Fuzzy Socks Day 29: It’s Cold Outside! Day 30: Lazy Day Day 31: Ringing in the New Year

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3 years ago

Picture in the Wallet

Request by @flakeyakey : Draco being obsessed with kittens

Everyone knew, to say Draco wasn't as subtle as he pretended himself to be. Underneath all the layers of his leather jacket and floral shirts and the rugged jeans he wore so often along with the tattoos scarred over his body and the mean boy earring hooked on single ear, he was a softie. He was as soft as the pashmina shawl and despite his attempts to convince others he wasn't soft, he failed repeatedly. It was like he'd walk around the halls, the street's, literally anywhere with his chin held high and the hair that didn't move even a little bit from the Initial position but when left alone he was just another boy who liked fuzzy socks and soft pink sweaters he bought online and a good hot cup of cocoa in his bear shaped mug he hid from everybody but literally everyone knew. One look at the kittens and he'd melt like a chocolate in the microwave.

It happened really early on during Harry's date with Draco when he discovered that Draco was terrible at trying to control himself from being around kittens when they had got a weekend off and went to the beach. If Harry vividly remembers, he went down to the truck to get the left over basket and upon walking nearer to the place he saw Draco cuddling and rubbing the back of the kittens ear he found around the bushes in the back but when Harry had finally arrived near him, Draco had refused of having even seen any kitten. Harry had let it be assuming that it was perhaps just because they had Just started going out.

The second time Harry secretly noticed Draco being lovable with kittens was when they had decided to set up a late evening date at the park. Apparently due to halloween the work load in the office had been too much that they had barely been able to see each other and so they had decided a little outdoorsy date for a while which however Harry still came by late but he didn't regret it when he saw Draco playing with the kitten behind the tree and laughing and giggling. Harry had stood away for a while just watching Draco for a few more moments locking it away how his face just lit up when he was around kittens. Harry assumed that I might be possible that Draco like dogs or puppies too but his questions were answered that he wasn't as fond of the dogs as much as he was with kittens, Harry could work with that. However Draco still refused of being around any animals.

The third, forth and the fifth time Harry noticed was when he deliberately ran by late to the morning run. After having discovered that Draco liked being around kittens, Harry would try to find any opportunity to see him with kittens as much as possible but it seemed as if that to Draco his love for kittens wasn't supposed to shared with or told, like a secret love only the kittens and him knew and Harry admired that but he wished that sometimes Draco would stop pretending to be such a toughie or to pretend to be strong all the time but no matter how many times Harry pointed at a kitten while on their runs or their dates or anywhere else, Draco would just shrug as if he didn't want anything to do with them. Harry waited for him to tell one day but an year went by and Draco still didn't tell Harry about his Love for kittens. Now, Harry was a patient man and a caring man but he'd do anything to see the smile on Draco's face he saw secretly when he was the kittens, so, on the date after they had celebrated their one year anniversary a week ago, he surprised him.

" where are we going ?" Draco asked Linking his arms with those of Harry's and shoving them in his pocket.

" you'll see " Harry smiled.

They took a few more turns and walked a couple more blocks when Harry finally spoke up.

" remember how I told you I had a post anniversary gift for you ?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded " I told you that you didn't had to get me anything though"

" I want to- anyways- I know that it is secret between you and youself but I always see you around them and I couldn't help it so-"

" animal shelter ?" Draco asked as he looked up at the sign.

Harry nodded " Don't be mad at me alright- my friend donates here and he told me about this place and if it feels like I'm invading your privacy I'm sorry but I just want you to have fun and not trying to conceal yourself " Harry spoke softly.

" I don't conceal myself " Draco shrugged even though he knew he was lying.

Harry smiled at him then linked their fingers and Walked inside the place.

" You must be Wally- I'm Harry, we talked over the phone " Harry said to the guy standing near the entrance.

" oh of course- I can't thank you enough for-"

" don't mind- we're just here to be with them"

Wally nodded grinning " right this way " and led them to the back.

" Are you mad ?" Harry asked as he turned his head toward Draco.

Draco shook his head but Harry knew he was upset that he found out.

When they finally it out in the back Wally had already managed to release a few kittens and puppies in the back running around behind each other and Harry didn't fail to capture Draco's lips curving a little when he saw those animal's.

" it's for you- you can stay here as Long as you want" Harry smiled.

" Harry-"

" it's my gift" Harry nodded. Wally left them alone.

Draco turned to the animals then to Harry " you know I'm not happy you figured this out"

" well you won't be happy to know that Basically everyone knows you're a softie" Harry chuckled watching as Draco kneeled down and picked one of the nearest kitten and rubbing it's nose lightly chuckling at the kitten.

" Well- if everyone knows I can't help it- awh- look at you" Draco swooned and this time he sat down cross legged over the ground cuddling another kitten in his arms and kissing the top of its head.

Harry watched as Draco cooed and cuddled with as many kittens as possible and he had to say he had never seen Draco more happy, more alive. Harry had always known that behind the facade that Draco had managed to put up every day without a single fault, he knew there was a part of him that yearned for more but as Harry sat there with puppies in his own hands and watching Draco with kittens, he realised this was probably one of his favourite memories from every moment they spent together. They had amazing moments, not deal broken but this right here watching him completely lose himself with the kittens and laughing in his own self, kissing the kittens and scolding them even and then taking in his arms and apologizing to it, Harry had never felt himself falling more in love with this man than right now. He clicked a picture of Draco with the Polaroid he carried when he wasn't watching and safely kept it inside his wallet knowing whenever he'd go from now, he'd be with him and that worked pretty well for Harry even though it was this moment that he knew he probably never even wanted to walk away from him, ever but even if someday they did separate, Draco would still be there, in a picture in his wallet.


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3 years ago

Hello there and I have read your recent post and I would like to tell you something I sometimes go anonymous on drarry writers blogs and ask them to write a drabble or a oneshot mainly because one thing that I asked them to write would get to many number of Ideas I would like for them to write time is I feel guilty of getting so many number of Ideas from one scenario to other sometimes I don't want to bother them and ask them so many scenarios that I would like them to write. every single writing that a writer writes I just love it a lot and I want to become someone like them who could make just a letter so beautiful just someone like you and I want to spam you with so many pick up lines but I am not good at them because you are an amazing person which such a polite personality and you deserve the most of the world just like everyone else and please do not doubt your worth because we all are made for a purpose we just have to find that purpose thank you so much for reading this long post yeah and I would like you to ask you a prompt : kittens and draco being obsessed with them and I have some questions for you coffee or tea ,cats or dogs

Dear @flakeyakey

Thank you. I don't know what to say or how to explain what this means to me but I can tell for sure, it means a lot to me. The fact that you reached out to me after my recent post to tell me all these beautiful things overwhelm me or what you think of me is totally undeserving because I don't deserve your kindness and these appreciations but I must thank you for saying all that you said. I'm aware that you sometimes go anonymous on Drarry blogs and and leave asks and let me be honest its such a beautiful thing to do so never feel guilty about it and never for me. You got 10 requests, you got 50, a 100 send em my way i'll happily write them. I love you for saying all these things and I just want to thank you over and over again for being so considerate.

To answer your question: I'm a tea and coffee both person, more tea I suppose tho and I think i'd have to go with dogs but I like cats too, hard to choose though.

And I'll be working on the prompt and drop it as soon as possible.

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3 years ago

Draco : I only want a man who is gracious with every move, Knows how to carry one self, is elegant, definitely isn't a mess, doesn't wobble or stumble, would shower me with gifts, definitely have a good height and sexy.

Harry : *stumbles and wobbles, just out of bed hair, wearing 3 size the clothes of his own size, collapse face down on the ground and says sorry to a cat*

Draco : I want him

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