sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles
Drarry Drabbles

| 21| Gryffindor | I write Drarry drabbles almost everyday. Inbox open for request.

978 posts

Hey. I Don't Know If Your Still Doing Angst Prompts Or Not, But I Was Hoping You Could Write A Oneshot

Hey. I don't know if your still doing angst prompts or not, but i was hoping you could write a oneshot with no happy ending. Cheating or breakups work best. I not in a great mood and i know it would really help. If you can't do it it's fine. I just wanted to say i love your work and hope your happy.

Hey. I Don't Know If Your Still Doing Angst Prompts Or Not, But I Was Hoping You Could Write A Oneshot

Home with 2 frames 


Damn, why do you wanna do this to yourself?! But I hope you feel better very soon and i’m glad you like my work. I combined both cheating and breakup, so hello pain. The best dialogue prompt that fit it was 3- “Do you still love me?” “I don’t know anymore.”

It started so simply, so unrealistically that Harry swore he could had never seen it coming but then a lot of things in his life were in fact were by chance and so was Draco but then things that develop by chance don’t last all that long, do they? 

The first time Harry had a doubt over Draco was by the smell of cologne of another man on Draco’s shirt. It had been a while by then when Harry had been feeling that Draco was growing a little distant but he assumed that it was due to the work place or just the usual stress until that morning he discovered that sweet cologne. Living together for an year had made Harry very familiar to the smell of every cologne Draco ever owned and on that fine Sunday when he was doing the laundry, the smell of that cologne caused a leap in Harry's chest that hurt him more than anything else in the world. He didn't want to jump to conclusions but looking at Draco after that, sitting on the couch drinking his coffee, Harry felt that pang of hurt and he didn't know how to make it stop. He simply wanted to erase the memory of the smell of other’s cologne but every night he woke up after that, the smell visited him like a haunted dream.


The second time Harry had a hint was when Draco came late from work and was partially drunk. Harry never have had any problems with Draco returning home after drinking but that night when he came home drunk, Harry's mind circled into loops of anxiety and emptiness. He feared things that he had been depriving himself from feeling all this while.

"Why are you drunk?"

"Can't I be drunk? Do I need to have your permission? Besides, I'm not even drunk-drunk. Had a couple of drinks with some friends from work."

"I'm not saying you need to have my permission. You never need my permission for anything but if you were drunk, you could have just called me, i'd had come to pick you up."

Draco sighed, turning to face Harry, "I had a lift. Just stop nagging me about it.” 

Harry pretended that his tone didn’t hurt him, but it did. “A lift?” 

“Yeah, a friend of mine from work. Are you done?” Draco dismissively said and before Harry could have inquired further, Draco had already made his way to the bedroom and was getting changed. 

Harry however watched Draco do his activities while slowly sinking into a pit of thinking if that friend who gave him the lift, the same friend with the same cologne. 

Draco’s shirt smelled of the same cologne. 


The third time Harry thought Draco was cheating on him was when Draco cancelled date plan with Harry for the fifth time in a row due to apparent busy schedule in work department but when Harry had discreetly asked around with the people of his office, he had learnt that the office have been closing at 6 in the evening those days because of the infrastructural work going on which meant that Draco was doing something after work that didn't involve being with Harry.

Walking home alone that day, Harry felt himself thinking about the times when they first got together and how Draco used to run home as soon as possible just so he could spend more time with him or when he used to buy him flowers at the most random times without a reason or when they used to go on long drives in the middle of the night just because Draco craved ice-cream or when they used to plan dates from 3 weeks just so everything was perfect but now all Harry thought of was the pain that was settling into him and was staying for a little longer than he had wanted to. 

He was noticing Draco’s ways of distancing even though he never really delved upon it but he saw the way Draco was becoming. The way Draco started making excuses to leave early for work and used to come home late, the way Draco had stopped talking about things from work at all, the way the excitement in his tone had faded, the way his smile faded every time he saw Harry, the way Draco had stopped asking Harry about how his day was. 

Harry still didn’t want to believe his cruel thoughts of the slightest possibility of Draco ever cheating on him, he wanted to have faith in his relationship, he wanted to believe that there was something that Draco wasn’t telling just because he wanted to surprise Harry. He wished that the day when the truth unveils, he comes across something that would soothe away his doubts, his confusion. He didn’t want the only man he ever loved to go in vain. He wanted to believe that their love story could outlive many others. He wanted to believe in the man he loved. He wished the pain would just end because he didn’t know how many more secrets, sleepless nights and silents tears he could take. 


The fourth time Harry had a doubt was during a dinner when Draco had surprisingly been home from work sooner but his mood had been somewhat pissed off and Harry had dared to ask about it. 

“Draco, are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Draco had asked simply focused on eating.

Harry took a deep breath and had said, "it just seems to me that you're not. Like I feel like you're mad at something."

"I'm not mad."

"Are you sure? I mean if there's something that I did wrong or if there's something that happened otherwise in your life, we can talk about it, work through it, you know." Harry suggested.

"Things are fine. Why do you keep saying it?" Draco instantly became snappy and it startled Harry because it was unlike Draco to be such way but despite that, Harry chose to ignore it.

"Because you've been a little distant."

"I'm sorry if I'm not at my best behavior tonight or If I'm enjoying my dinner in silence." The eye roll that tagged along with made Harry's heart sink further in the pit of hollowness. It’s not the eye roll he minded, it was the tone, it was the harsh, brutal way Draco said that made him feel bad for asking anything. 

"Draco, I just feel like you've been distant, that's all and I can't help but think that there's something you're not telling me. If there is something, you should tell me because this is effecting me too, okay. We haven't talked properly in such a long time and I feel like we don't talk at all. I'm just concerned about you."

Draco sighed and pulled his chair back, "there's nothing wrong Harry. I know I've been a little distant but it has nothing to do with you."

Harry nodded in hesitation, "I just feel away from you. It's like you're not mine anymore."

Draco instantly looked taken a back and Harry knew that Draco had tried to conceal it but his expressions had not been one of the best and he had let one of his mask fall which was almost enough to send Harry into a zenith of doubts again.

"If there was something wrong, I'd tell you, Harry. I love you, okay."

Harry wanted to point out that Draco had said those 3 simple words for the first time in 4 weeks but Harry knew that this time the words didn't mean as much to Draco as it did to Harry and he knew it by the way his smile didn't cross his face anymore or the way his eyes didn't glimmer with love anymore. Those words didn't mean to Draco what they did before.

"You promise to tell me if something was wrong?"

Draco nodded, "I promise. Tell you what, lets go out this weekend. Me and you, we'll go to the beach, spend a good time together and then come back, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay." Harry had smiled.

They didn't anywhere that weekend, Draco forgot about the said date and went out with "a friend" instead and Harry couldn't bring himself to remind Draco of the beach date again after having reminded him 3 times already before that.


"He can't do that, can he. Like i’m just thinking things over?" Harry had asked Ron sometime later on a brunch break between work.

Ron looked at Harry in silence for a moment and then finally said, "No. He loves you, Harry. I think Draco is capable of anything but cheating."

"Are you sure?"

But the silence that had followed before and after didn't help that growing feeling in his chest that Draco could be possibly cheating on Harry. The silence answered so many things that Harry had a doubt of because perhaps words spoken out of lips hurts more than those in the eyes which is why Ron didn't say them out loud because maybe if Ron had said that Draco could cheat on Harry, it would become real and Harry never wanted those words to become real. Harry was already running on the last of the strings to keep that relationship from falling apart.


The fifth and the final time, Harry became sure that Draco was cheating on him because he saw the love of his life kissing the man in the same park bench that once Harry and Draco had kissed upon. He knew the way that his heart stopped right at that instant and the way that his world crashed right in front of his eyes. It disgusted Harry to even think of it, it hurt him, it made him so uncomfortable that he wanted to rip off his skin just because he wanted to get rid of the touch of Draco's, he wanted to at that point forget what Draco ever felt like on him, he wanted to erase the feeling of Draco’s lingering touch, he wanted to forget the feeling of Draco’s lips against his own but nothing came to him but tears.

He cried for hours after that, screams made his throat sore and his eyes were burning till the end of the day when Draco had finally came home and Harry could not so much so even look at Draco. He couldn’t bear the thought of looking in the eyes of the man he loved and not remember the sight of those same lips against someone else’s.The thought made him shudder. 

"Harry, why are you crying?" Draco in his concern, kept his bag aside on the table and came and sat before Harry trying to console him.

"I know." were the only words Harry had said.

"Know what?"

"Why did you do this to me?" Harry asked with tears blurring his visions again. 

“Did what, Harry? I haven’t done anything.” Draco defended himself. 

Harry shook his head, “Don’t say that. You know exactly what you have done.” 

“Harry, what are you on about? I haven’t done anything.” 

“He makes you feel better, doesn’t he? He makes you feel all that I can’t make you feel good. The man you have an affair with?” The words sounded more heavier on his lips when he said them all out. The words had felt like ice on his tongue and his heart shattered so loudly that Harry felt everyone in the world could hear the sound of it. 

"What affair?"

But Harry only looked at him in pleading to stop lying at that point. He wanted Draco to tell him the truth on his own. He wanted Draco to rip off the bandage that he had been fastening the entire month.

"Your affair. With that man."

"My affair?"

"Stop lying, Draco,” Harry snapped, “I saw you two kissing in the park." 

“I saw you with someone else.” his voice broke. 

And they both remained speechless for several moments. The sound of the cars outside echoed more loudly in the living room of the walls they painted together, in a home that they built together. Harry had never known a silence that hurt more than it did now, a silence more louder than this. 

“I’m sorry.” Draco had finally said. 

Harry smiled as he bought his hands to wipe off the slipping tears and said, “Does he make you feel good?” 

Draco raised his head to look at Harry, pleading with his eyes to not do this to himself. 

“It doesn’t matter. Nobody can ever make me feel the way you do.” 


“You are special, Harry.”

But even that word didn’t feel special anymore. 

“If I were so special, how come you cheated on me?” 

But Draco remained silent for a long time because what could he said but when he did, he only said, “If I knew what I was doing, I wouldn’t had done it.” 

Harry softly smiled, “But you did know it. It was your choice, Draco.” 

“I wish I could change it.” 

“I wish it too.” 

“So, Who’s better, me or him?” 

“Its you, Harry. Always.” 

“And yet you broke my heart first.” 

That night, Draco didn’t beg for Harry to stay, Draco didn’t ask for his forgiveness, he didn’t ask for anything from Harry because he deserved Harry leaving him. It’s not that Draco didn’t love him anymore, nor was it that Harry immediately stopped loving him that night but sometimes love stories are not easy. Love is hard and who says otherwise haven’t met the real love.

Draco loved Harry very deeply but he also loved him enough to not make him live the pain of seeing Draco everyday with the face and touch that had been shared by another. Draco didn’t want Harry to feel that pain. He understood it because he cared for Harry and he knew Harry would forgive him if he asked for it because that was Harry but Harry deserved a loving where the walls painted in the living room fade from Red to Maroon and the 2 frames turns into a frame wall. He knew he deserved a home with more than just 2 frames. He deserved to have a love story that would be remembered even in the stars and it was unfortunate Draco couldn’t give that to him. 

Thank you so much @drarrywords for beta reading, I adore ya..


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More Posts from Sorry-i-ship-drarry

2 years ago

You bring me spring

For @drarrymicrofic prompt : blossom

You Bring Me Spring

We cherish our entities, we cherish the little while of waiting for coffees, we cherish reading the novels in the library until it's dark but when I look at you in the park, your eyes glimmering with a faded brown of the trees but a soft touch of sun cascading, the brush of wind against your face, the crooked smile when you remember something you read a long time ago, the soft voice of yours. I cherish it in a way that it blossoms my heart with my own field of spring with tulips, petunia's and daffodils and the fluttering of the butterflies and the sound of air passing by. I cherish you like february in mid autumn. And I perhaps wanna cherish it for as long as all seasons last, for as long as all the sun and the moon dance, for as long as another universe comes forth, for as long as a lifetime lasts.

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2 years ago

Yeah everything else is cool but "i wanna take you to an art gallery date" >>>>>

2 years ago

How to text @drarrywords back eventually when you have no other option but reply to her.

1. Deal with her ✨extra ass✨

2. After her insults tell her you're offended 🙄 and say you're gonna leave and then watch her say "acha okayyy, come back" (one of the most satisfying things ever)

3. Use the emoji she thoroughly hates. Get seenzoned by her for straight up minutes until she replies about which she says she stopped being an ass and only replied cause it's "you". Be grateful and bow to the queen 👑.

4. Get literal existential crisis because why the fuck are you still texting.

5. Hate her cause she ain't giving you any cuddles nor is she pushing you off a cliff.

6. Stop making a post about it on Tumblr cause people are done with your shit.

how to text @sorry-i-ship-drarry when harry styles announces his new single (A lesson)

One: call her bitch (affectionate)

Two: type in all caps so that she understands you are hyped (because she is dense)

Three: tell her a theory that may or may not be correct

Four: keyboard smash is a must.

How To Text @sorry-i-ship-drarry When Harry Styles Announces His New Single (A Lesson)
2 years ago

When i think of you i think of drarrywords too you both are so cute together aaaaa.....

Ahaha thankyou <3

Though @drarrywords and me, I think are far from cute 👀

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