starburst-bussin-bussy - Nameless Slinky
Nameless Slinky


30 posts

Starburst-bussin-bussy - Nameless Slinky - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

Do you ever want to just drink the universe like a smoothie?

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

I have tragically fallen into the MCYT fandom, it is no one's fault but my own, but damn do I love it!

So here is a headcanon of mine, Tommy always yells about how much he loves women because he wants to make it known that he will not fall in love with an animal (like Wilbur) or an inanimate object (Like Philza).

He wants everyone to know that it will not become a family tradition!

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4 years ago

I have changed my name from Lesbian Satan to Omni Devil because I have realised that the title Lesbian doesn't quite fit me anymore.

I feel like I was maybe repressing my feelings for men, I think this is because they are so sexualized, making people feel that all men want is sex. Being an Asexual, it affected who I became interested in, but I was always suspicious about it because I was okay with nonbinary & other genders, but I might have (hopefully) found my answer. <3

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4 years ago

I recently remembered something my parents told my sister & I when we were younger, it horrified us.

They had this headboard with a big mirror in it, so to make sure we didn't break it, they told us that if we did, we'd fall in & down to hell, or just keep falling into the void.

Best parenting, right?

I love my mother.

I asked my mother about this a month or so ago & she told me it was true,I told my sister & she had forgotten that they had ever told is that,but she thought it was hella funny.

To this day, our mother swears its true, even though the mattress is short enough for us to see the underside of the headboard, but idk, maybe it's true, I've never personally tried it out, so maybe it does lead to hell or the void or something.

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4 years ago

Bisexual's cuff their jean's,right?

Do bi-curious people only cuff one jean leg?

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4 years ago

I finally came out as nonbinary to my family,but I did it on my terms,in my own special way.

To my sister and BFF I just came out to them seriously,but to my mom & aunt it was great.It made my aunt fear I was breaking down because I told her at 12 at night.

How I told me mom:

"Your oldest child's gender has died under mysterious circumstances. From now on, they would like to be referred to as They/Them. If this is too difficult at any point, they understand & will respond to She/Her if neccessary.

They thank you for your time & cooperation in the future."

How I told my aunt:

"Your sister's oldest child has murdered their gender, it had been harassing them their whole life. They are letting you in on what happened to the missing gender. Please pretend said gender never existed in the first place. The murderer would like to by referred to as They/Them.

Thank you for your time & cooperation in the future."

I enjoyed the fuck outta it! I came up with these phrases at night.

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4 years ago

How many people in the LGBTQ+ group have the problem of feeling like your sexuality/gender is just there for attention?Like you're only saying your those things because you want attention?But nobody knows about it anyway so how is it for attention?;^;

I'm Non-binary,a Lesbian,Asexual,& Demiromantic.

I'm also not out to anyone about most of it,my family & friends know I'm a Lesbian,that's it.

So I tell myself I'm not saying these for attention using that,but i still feel guilty about it somehow.

Also,its the same with coming out,I haven't wanted to come out because I don't wanna hinder anyone with this stuff.My preferred pronouns are They/Them,but everyone I know has always known me as She/Her,I don't wanna bother them about having them change it.I known they would,but it feels wrong to ask that of them,especially since I know they'd do it if I asked,because they care so much,I shouldn't ask them for more than I have.

What do I do?I've been stuffing my face with candy the last few weeks thinking about it.TwT

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4 years ago

My mom & aunt told me about something today,my dad died of cancer a few years ago,he was still going to work though.He had skin cancer that spread,causing him to develop brain cancer.

His boss made him work outside even with his skin cancer because he refused to quit,we're pretty sure they effected the outcome of his life.

The people at his work thought he was faking his cancer because he wasn't getting super skinny,I also know someone my aunt knew had the same problem.

Just because someone has cancer doesn't mean they get super skinny!

Just because they don't get super skinny doesn't mean they're faking it!

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4 years ago

More Soulmate Ideas!

Everyone is mute until they touch their soulmate for the first time,the first person they ever speak to is their soulmate.

Everyone is born with a unique pattern/symbol on their pupil(s),the only one(s) that have the same symbol is your soulmate(s).

Everyone is born with a plant wrapped around their wrists,the only one(s) that have the same plant is your soulmate(s). The flowers will wilt & fall off when your soulmate dies.If you have more than one soulmate,you will have different flowers on each wrist,your soulmates will be the same,having yours & each others flowers on different wrists.

Everyone is born with an animal/pet that follows them around,the animal will react to people,but will react in a more affectionate way when it comes to your soulmate(s).They won't rub up on other people,they may hiss/growl/bite/attack people who are not your soulmate.

After thoughts of this idea:Having your animal taken away by your parents is a rare punishment,it usually only happens when the his has done something pretty bad.

Abusive parents lock the animal away when the child is young because they don't want the kid to find love.

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4 years ago

My family doesn't know I'm Non-binary,I'm still too nervous to tell them straight up,but I'm pretty sure it'll go well because of a conversation I had with my mom earlier.

So my aunt is a lesbian,so I thought she would be the person to go to for a binder,my B-day is coming up so I asked her to get me one.She talks to my mom often,so I had a feeling she would tell her eventually,she did,infact,do just that.

So earlier,my mom asked if I had asked my aunt cor anything in particular for my b-day,I told her no because I didn't know what to ask for,I've never been good at knowing what I want.She laughed a little bit & informed me that my aunt told her what I asked for,she asked if I was embarrassed,that I shouldn't be because she didn't care if I wanted to bind.She asked if I was trans,I told her no,but she said that if I was she wouldn't mind it,I felt so happy,but I wasn't ready to tell her I'm non-binary,so I hope to do it soon.

Long story short,I'm getting a binder & my mom & aunt are supportive of whatever I decide to do!=D

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4 years ago

Soulmate ideas that I came up with because I'm fricking tired:

1.Everyone is born blind,once they touch their soulmate for the first time,they're granted their sight.The first thing they ever see if their soulmate.(Just gotta hope it's not a horror movie & you accidentally just touch a severed hand.)

2.Everyone is deaf until they first touch their soulmate,then the first thing they hear is their soulmate's voice.(Just hope it's a quiet room or your ears might hurt at the sudden change.)

I'll probably add to this later on,but this is it for now!

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4 years ago

When I was in middle school,I was in a relationship with this guy,my sister & I were close to him & his sister.We would go sleep over at their house about every weekend,so we were all close,but our relationship was just us hanging out & hugging.

One day,he walked over to my house, because he only lived a few streets over, he came over & told me he wanted the relationship to move forward,like kissing & stuff.

He asked if we could go on a walk sometime,I told him that we could on monday after school,he agreed & left. Little did he know that I set him up for failure because I'm a b¡tch,I had tutoring after school on mondays.I feel so bad for that,we never talked about it,but I did it because at that point I had started to realize that I was into girls.

If I could apologize to him,I would,but he moved later that year,I lost most contact with him & his family.

This is stupid to talk about,but I wanted to get it off my chest,I've been guilty about this for years.

I knew he did like me,but I didn't like him the same anymore,I'm a bad person,but I'm still glad he wasn't my first kiss. -w-

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4 years ago

I'm Nonbinary,I've learned(quite recently actually)that just because someone is Nonbinary,doesn't mean they have to be androgynous.With that in my head,I've accepted it,but I want to be the type of Nonbinary that confuses people!(;<;)

I want people to look at me while trying to figure out which gender I am,I mean I'd love for people to just call me they/them,but I know that probably won't happen with everyone.

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4 years ago

As a HufflePuff that has lived in a house with purely Slytherin's they're whole life,I can guarantee that they are very mean to me.Although,as a HufflePuff that has grown up with three Slytherin's,I can also guarantee that I'm very mean to them aswell.I'm a Hufflepuff that could pass off as a Slytherin!I'd love to be able to chill in the Slytherin common room without anyone noticing.

Until another Hufflepuff comes in,they starts chatting with me about how it's nice that the Slytherin's invited me to hang out with them.

No one would ever be able to tell which house I was truly in because I'd spend so much time with the Slytherins.The teachers would be the only ones to know what house I was actually in,I'd ask them not to tell anyone.

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4 years ago

So,my dad died a couple years back,I regret a lot of things I did or said,or things that I didn't do or say.That's a whole other thing on it's own though,so I won't get into that.

I've always wondered how my dad would have reacted if I had told him I was Bisexual.

At the time he died,I thought I was Bisexual & identified as female,but I often wonder how he would've react if he knew I'm a Nonbinary Ace that likes girls.

I hope he'd be proud of what I've become,even though I'm still a lazy person ;w;

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4 years ago

Some things that I've found out that I wish I could have known sooner because it would have helped my stress levels!=3

-Tall people don't have to be tops(I am 5'8,so I was worried because I am a definite bottom ;^;)

-Non Binary people don't have to all be androgynous,they can be more masculine or more feminine while still being Non Binary.

-There are different transitions,not just MTF or FTM,I feel more people should know those aren't your only options when thinking about transitioning.

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4 years ago

I wanna see a pair of identical twins or triplets that are anime nerds to do nijutsu(idk if that's spelled right,its probs not ;w;)I want them one of them to tell someone that they can do shadow clone jutsu,then proceed to throw a smoke bomb on the ground.The twin(or triplets) jump in secretly & when the smoke clears,act as if they were clones of the first person!I thinks I'd be fun to see & do!I mean,I'd definitely want to be friends with someone if they did that!

Bonus points if the person doesn't know you have a twin(s),it makes it better.

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4 years ago

I just learned what a feminist was,& let me tell you,feminism is something I should of known years ago!I'm a teenage girl,& I wish I had known what feminism really was,because all my life I have been told that feminists are females who think up idiotic things,but now I know that isn't true.I realized it was a group of people fighting for equal rights,& have been for a long time!I'm so proud of everyone who stands up for themselves against catcalls,creepers,etc.I love you all & I am so proud of you!❤

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4 years ago

You know how witches,demons,or whatever ask for your first born child as payment for something?What if you just adopt all your kids?Does it still count as your first born or?Also,what about Asexuals or Aromantics that plan to never have kids?Do they unintentionally break the system?How does it work,I really wanna know!

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4 years ago

Me:*Tells my family & close friends that I'm a lesbian*

Them:*Supporting me*Okay!

Me:Okay,I finally figured out what I am,I feel more at peace with myself than I ever have before!I don't have to worry about this kinda thing anymore-

Gender Identity:Sup

Me:*jumps in surprise*What The Fuck!?

Gender Identity:*Chuckles*I bet you never thought you'd have to deal with me!

Me:*Internally Screams*

Sexuality:Hey,so uh...I'm actually not done yet


Sexuality:Yeah,uh,I'm actually just gonna throw a few things out there real quick,if you don't mind.



Me:*Internal screaming intensifies*

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4 years ago

I was thinking about which Undertale characters would like me,my choices were Toriel,Asgore,Sans,& or Alphys.I then realized that if I was friends with Alphys,I'd be able to show her all my favorite anime!I personally think she'd enjoy Ouran Host Club!Its cute,gay,funny,dramatic,& all around something I feel she'd watch the heck out of!Anyone agree with me?=3

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4 years ago

I just remembered that the Ice King in adventure time pretty much writes fanfiction about everyone he knows.I think this should be appreciated more.

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4 years ago

The Greek gods are the LGBTQ+ overlords,they were being gay before we even thought about it!

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