Deep blue creature
94 posts
Teothedragon - Teo The Dragon - Tumblr Blog
Did with bro this challenge drawing our ocs in our different styles, we can add something more we want like design choices, basically we can interpet in way we wanted, here is first one

I turned him a bit badass, because I love him i mean guy gotta get special treatment, I will not say much because it's pretty self explanatory and this post would be very long, no one is reading that
Here is canon Nue

Fat and destructive the worst combination
Still fluffy as ever
Nue (the only guy in post)
Save him

One scene from something I'm working on
(Forgot to draw Nues bracelet, my bad good g)
Teo and Roger the real ones, gotta save that idiot with flip-flops and socks
Forgot that I like drawing dragon flying
Teo (dragon who is flying)
Nue (the guy being kidnapped) doesn't belongs to me
Roger (Green)
Marigold (ball shaped thing latched on Nues shorts)
Evie (person from distance

Did small omori gif, I will most likely not do any more omori stuff, this is one in lifetime, did this for fun, barely, who knew capcut is hard to control
Peice of hair that was edited and put in gif

Hair is scary
Look at me and see your actions
Long Teeth

One dragon oc i have for some time, he is sad goober and wants to hurt you because he is sad obviously
There's also one dragon reflecting in mirror, Beast, more about him later, but he is important either
Have more drawings about him (newest to oldest)

That's all for now, he changed alot, I don't know if I will change this new design, hard to draw, but I like it
Long Teeth (dragon with broken mirror head looking at Beast)
Beast (dragon reflecting in mirror)
Bro asked me for art request, so i did it, drew his monster and weapon for him
Stygian King

Stygian king (guy in black, have ears like crown)
Stalemate, Skipper (two bluish guys with hats)
Daisy (small rose like monster, King's pet)
Small comic of au @maryshift
It suit them perfectly, little goobers

Here is refrence image
Chara (stinker but in normal pijama)
Asriel (stinker)
Ayo what in the world, I didn't expected this to get alot attention, it was just small drawing i did of little dude, I also put some meaning into it so you an interpret in some ways, people are crazy, all of you, but thank you, really caught me off guard, thank you people :)
Drew little dude, also drew in green reminds me of dragon

There's the time when you want to draw your salmon dragon oc fight with amicus ocs, but you can't

Re-upload I messed up design, it's fixed now
I gave them another outfit, thought it would fit them since they like salmon, also saw some coat on internet and thought to get inspired by it
This outfit made them look wise and all (they aren't)

Teo (monster looking cat)
Laus (human) doesn't belongs to me
Drew this goober (doesn't belong to me) tried to draw with watercolor brushes
Under are more versions because I can't decide which one is better and I felt like watercolor effect isn't really visible

Truce for now fellow knight
Sharp your sword knight, until the next time!

Is this war?
If it wasn't it is now.
Get up fellow knight your sword swinging was being accurate, there's no winner, only fair fellow fight

Is this war?
If it wasn't it is now.
We paused war for moment, pretty sweet artstyle, go follow this boop person
Hi hello if we're booping people I'd like to post stuff for it

Wow!! Solo oc art!!! I love my funny little fairy
Can't boop on my art account so I will instead, obliterate your notifications like this
Ping pong boop

It would be funny if you get refrence
Lisa like to tease Teo alot, she will take out all his sisters xd

Amicus did redesign of their oc, he is my scrunkly, i needed to draw him in new light, love him so much, still learning how to draw muscles
Struggled with armor, I don't know if I will keep that chest plate shape like that, but design will stay same regardless
First image is after second is before, some months ago, third is his armor only drawing, yes I need to work more on stuff to improve

Dylan-my scrunkly obviously doesn't belongs to me
Me showing lore no way
Fast drawing, don't mind me how I draw dragons o uh
"You hurt me"

Evie-dragon in suit
Teo-dragon in green hoodie
Going to see someone, gotta get fancy
Small drawing

Evie- the only character in this post
Did some undertale au sprites for amicus
Didn't do pixel art in long time small isopod said i became rusty

Don't interupt him
Count Koffin-K

"Boss, da house is on fire!"