Sword Fighting - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring

The singing of the blades in our hands melding with the beating of our hearts to form a melody so intoxicating I feel drunk on its movements.

Shifting gazes flying hands faster that conscious thought we have fallen fully into a battle of instinct.

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring - splash

Stone grey steel meets ivory skin in an explosion of crimson as it glides through your cheek missing your eye by a hairs breath.

Pain races to the front of my mind as I realize the path of victory I won against you is mirrored by your own blade carving a line of retribution along the top of my collar bone.

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring

Eyes locked in the heat of battle burn brighter with a new and confusing fire. Memories of past moments under the rain and lost embraces in each other's arms fuel that blaze of conflicting emotions that fight for control even as we now dance too the song of danger and death.

Breaths getting heavier, limbs getting slower, pain blossoming ever greater as our argument is settled in the ways of old.

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring - shock

An opening in your guard arises as a bead of sweat blinds your good eye as the sting of my slash has already closed the other and I find my hand paralyzed out of a deep affection I long thought discarded.

The fight resumes and even as your vision clears I find mine blurring as the love long stoked finds itself rekindling once more seeking too pour from my eyes like the torrent of springs thaw.

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring - clatter

In a show of defiance to the demon that is my anger towards you I release the hold of my hilt and let steel meet stone in preparation of the following meeting of steel and bone.

What follows is the touch of a razors edge against soft flesh, but not the biting terrible kiss of Vengeance instead the tender caress of hesitation as two minds so alike after years of harmony now find themselves wrestling with the same thoughts as the knots of complication and dispute begin to unravel before us.

Breathing in, breathing out

Breathing in, breathing out

Breathing in, breathing out - bliss

Lips once snarled in anger now meet in wonderful ecstasy even as my blood drips down the blade onto my opposite shoulder forming two crismon rivers down my chest.

Once more steel meets stone and then steel again as your swords encounters mine on its path to the cobblestones below as our kiss grows into one so deep both of us have forgotten whose air we respire.

Breathe in, breathe out

Breathe in, breathe out

Breathe in, breathe out - darkness

Azure sky gives way to raven hair as we descend into a world where once steel bit into flesh now teeth and nails find their purchase.

Rage and spite washed away by a tidal wave of lust and affection bridging that sea of hate so love and forgiveness may grow once more.

Breathe in, breathe out

Breathe in, breath out

Breathe in, breathe out - light

Time becomes a blur and what once was dusk became dawn to only once again bloom into Dusk before we tear ourselves away from our wordless accord.

A debt we both swore would only end in blood and death now resolved by the blood stained the pair of swords once a symbol of hate soon to be a display of peace atop a mantle. The death sworn to be collected is unspokenly agreed to be delivered by old age in one anothers arms near a warm fire and cold drink.

Step, ring

Step, ring

Step, ring

The ceremony bells of the church tower ring out across the town as you glide down the aisle clad in a dress of lavender and lilac a veil of dandelion beads obscuring the beautiful face marred only by the thin white line of remembrance.

My breath caught in my throat, eyes blurry and blood on fire as emotions that as of yet have no name battle inside my heart as I am awe struck by your visage before me feeling the burgundy of my suit a now unworthy colour beside that of your dress.

Step, Ring

Breathe in, breathe out

I do, I do

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8 months ago

I am writing sword fighting smut between ghost boys at 3am

In my notes app no less

I have found a new low

Edwin and Charles what have you made me do

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7 years ago
Fight Training Behind The Scenes With Gwendoline Christie And Maisie Williams.
Fight Training Behind The Scenes With Gwendoline Christie And Maisie Williams.
Fight Training Behind The Scenes With Gwendoline Christie And Maisie Williams.
Fight Training Behind The Scenes With Gwendoline Christie And Maisie Williams.

Fight training behind the scenes with Gwendoline Christie and Maisie Williams.

( x )

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1 year ago

spent hours making this bootlego mecha killer robot thing

i made this out of a bootleg lego box of 2 construction vehicles. my mom mixed an ENTIRE PACket of bootlegos in a box with other legos😒)

Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing
Spent Hours Making This Bootlego Mecha Killer Robot Thing

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9 months ago

Gonna hold onto this

Writing Weapons (1): Swords

Writing Weapons (1): Swords

The Thrusting Sword

Type of fight scene: entertaining, duels, non-lethal fights, non-gory deaths, swashbuckling adventure

Mostly used in: Europe, including Renaissance and Regency periods

Typical User: silm, male or female, good aerobic fitness

Main action: thrust, pierce, stab

Main motion: horizontal with the tip forward

Shape: straight, often thin, may be lightweight

Typical Injury: seeping blood, blood stains spreading

Strategy: target gaps in the armous, pierce a vital organ

Disadvantage: cannot slice through bone or armour

Examples: foil, epee, rapier, gladius

The Cleaving Sword

Type of fight scene: gritty, brutal, battles, cutting through armour

Typical user: tall brawny male with broad shulders and bulging biceps

Mostly used in: Medieval Europe

Main action: cleave, hack, chop, cut, split

Main motion: downwards

Shape: broad, straight, heavy, solid, sometime huge, sometimes need to be held in both hands, both sides sharpened

Typical Injury: severed large limbs

Strategy: hack off a leg, them decapitate; or split the skull

Disadvantage: too big to carry concealed, too heavy to carry in daily lifem too slow to draw for spontaneous action

Examples: Medieval greatsword, Scottish claymore, machete, falchion

The Slashing Sword

Type of fight scene: gritty or entertaining, executions, cavalry charge, on board a ship

Mostly used in: Asia, Middle East

Typical user: male (female is plausible), any body shape, Arab, Asian, mounted warrior, cavalryman, sailor, pirate

Main action: slash, cut, slice

Main motion: fluid, continuous, curving, eg.figure-eight

Shape: curved, often slender, extremely sharp on the outer edge

Typical Injury: severed limbs, lots of spurting blood

Strategy: first disable opponent's sword hand (cut it off or slice into tendons inside the elbow)

Disadvantage: unable to cut thorugh hard objects (e.g. metal armor)

Examples: scimitar, sabre, saif, shamshir, cutlass, katana

Blunders to Avoid:

Weapons performing what they shouldn't be able to do (e.g. a foil slashing metal armour)

Protagonists fighting with weapons for which they don't have the strength or build to handle

The hero carrying a huge sword all the time as if it's a wallet

Drawing a big sword form a sheath on the back (a physical impossiblity, unless your hero is a giant...)

Generic sword which can slash, stab, cleave, slash, block, pierce, thrust, whirl through the air, cut a few limbs, etc...as if that's plausible

adapted from <Writer's Craft> by Rayne Hall

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3 years ago

Queer culture is knowing you need to take a gym course for school and low-key just straight up considering Fenching cause Gay/Queer jokes and Wii Sports Fencing is legit the closest you've ever gotten to being interested in "real sports".

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3 years ago

we live in a disgusting dystopian society where swordsmanship isn’t a respected college major

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10 months ago

Damian: .....

Jon: .....

Jon: We're not gonna sword fight at our wedding because I proposed to you while you teaching me how to sword fight.

Damian: WHY NOT-

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11 months ago

Truce for now fellow knight

Sharp your sword knight, until the next time!

Truce For Now Fellow Knight


Is this war?

If it wasn't it is now.

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8 months ago

Small comic with no dialogue

Small Comic With No Dialogue

There's more down

Small Comic With No Dialogue
Small Comic With No Dialogue

They know eachother for sure

Probably didn't wish him happy birthday

Jokes aside actual plot point and I just like drawing fighting ocs fighting and interacting seems cool

Uh still don't have design for Nightmare's castle so I drew something fast

The gays are fighting again (¬、¬)

King Nightmare (Guy who attacks other guys)

Dylan (Bllue eye dude) doesn't belongs to me

Nue (Furry) doesn't belongs to me

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5 months ago

Some small details for a character learning sword fighting for the first time:

- sore wrists

- blisters on hands

- every movement opens you up to be hit

- they will hit the tops of their arm and own sides with the sword while learning

- there is a primal sixth sense when you know you’re being toyed with

And, for your typically nonviolent characters.

You don’t aim for the swords. You aim for the person holding the sword.

It sounds so obvious but needs to be accepted. Actively. When holding a sword you have to understand you’re attacking another person. Even to block you have to aim your blocks at the other person or they won’t be strong enough to actually protect yourself.

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5 months ago

Is gay wrist an advantage or disadvantage in sword fighting technique time-sensitive

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8 years ago
Commission Done :D!

Commission done :D!

The warlock: Adaephon Turathanai, this time as an alter ego of the commissioner himself: Charredlore

...now I feel obligated to make a similar version for my own DM(;・・)ゞ...

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8 years ago
Presenting Ashra, The Bad-ass Half-orc Blood Hunter! Commissioned By One OfCharredloresadventurers.

Presenting Ashra, the bad-ass half-orc blood hunter! Commissioned by one of Charredlore’s adventurers. 

"Hailing from the somewhat inhospitable swampland near Cormanthor, this half-orc has taken up her steel to rid the world of monsters... if people can pay her fees, that is. As an order of the mutant blood hunter, she has undergone rigorous training and had her body modified to become more resilient, swifter and better able to track her quarry. Her social skills are somewhat lacking, if not to say almost non-existent. But as long as she's getting paid and her best friend (her horse Ludwig) remains at her side, she'll cheerfully tackle any mission that she can get her hands on." 

~Thank you Charredlore for providing me with some great character lore ;)!

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