Very Sad - Tumblr Posts
Can you do “Hxh characters reacting to their adult child passing away.would they take care of their grandchild?” (Sorry huge angst)
Of course I can do it!
Thank you so much for the request
And it’s perfectly fine it’s really just whatever you want. As long as it does not break my rules I will do it!
BTW…can everyone please start telling me specifically what characters they want me to do it would take less time since I don’t know what characters do you want me to do I just do all of my usual ones, but I rather just know which ones you specifically want! It would be great if you guys could do that for me. Thank you!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Feitan-he would definitely be very shocked, but he would keep his composure and keep it to himself. He would definitely take his grand child, and even though he does not want to because he wants to continue living his life and try his best to get over the grief, he will always take his grandchild in no matter what kind of circumstance it is. 
Phinks-he would be very sad and he would make it noticeable to everybody. He would make sure to tell the phantom troupe what is going on in his life and how much grief he is going through and he would get tons of support and it’s exactly what he needs anyways he will definitely be taking in his grandchild. It’s the least that he can do anyways
Chrollo-he would shed a lot of tears, but he would keep a straight face while doing so he would definitely tighten his fists a lot because it keeps him from crying and he does not want to be too emotional in front of the phantom troupe along with his grandchild but he will always take in his family as it’s the only real biological family that he has left so he’s not gonna take that for granted he will always take his grandchild in
Nobunaga-he will keep crying over and over again. He will tell the phantom troupe what is going on and he will be sure to continuously cry to uvogin and he will also tell uvogin every single little detail he will be completely heartbroken, but he will always take his grand child and he feels as if it’s his responsibility to step in now that his child is dead and he just wants the best for his grandchild as it’s a hard time for the both of them
Hisoka-he will shed a few tears but he will only do it in private. He was a very laid-back parent, so he thinks that it will look very dumb if he shows a bunch of emotions, especially in public so he mainly keeps to himself. He may share a bit of his feelings with his grandchild along with illumi but he will spare the details for illumi as it’s not his business, and they only work together, and hisoka does not want to seem weak it will take a lot of thought and he will have to consider taking his grand child in but eventually he will just do it out of peer stress, and he will also be very sad and he will definitely lose tons of sleep because of it
Illumi-he would be heartbroken and absolutely heartbroken. It would be very noticeable as well so there’s no point in him hiding it from family. He will definitely stop assassinating people for a few months as he tries to get himself back together and back in order of course he would take his grandchild in after all his grandchild is a Zoldyck and the bloodline needs to move on so if that means taking in another child even though it’s not his responsibility, he will definitely do it
Silva-he would be sad, but he would try his best to get over it as he knows that this will not be the only child that will die of his he is the father of a bunch of assassins so he expected some of his kids to die, but he did not expect it to hurt him as much as it did. Of course he would take his grandchild in there’s no way in hell he wouldn’t.
Sorry if that was a bad ending or it seemed half assed it was hard for me to think of a ending, so I just ended it the best way that I seen fit again sorry if you don’t like it
Anyways, I hope everybody enjoyed! This one was surprisingly more fun than I expected. It was pretty sad so I didn’t expect to actually enjoy writing it but I tried my best to put as much thought as possible in it and well I am pretty happy with the results
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
I was gonna say something and I think it was mildly important but I forgot as soon as I hit the new post button :(
How could he say that??? 😭😭

Now, I could have just left the previous post as it was. But when I saw the opportunity to take the angst up a notch? You know I had to take it XD
In cannon, DJ and Moony.. didn’t really interact with each other in their crazed states that night. Moony was running around who knows where, and DJ was confined to the Arcade and wasn’t even active for very long.. But DJ being physically able to free roam the Pizzaplex? They could’ve interacted that night. Because DJ could have just left the arcade where he could have potentially run into Moony. In which.. well.. they wouldn’t really talk I guess. DJ technically cant in his bouncer setting.. And both of them are out of their minds so..
Well, okay- I feel like if DJ was like this, he would wander around the Pizzaplex aimlessly looking for Gregory. Same with Moony. And if they ever found each other? Then they would just.. start wandering around together.
I don’t know if they would hold hands the whole time though. I think DJ would probably just continue to wander around eventually, considering he’s way more wacked out then Moony is.. But I know that Moony would feel something, like he would feel this need to just be around the DJ.
..Even in madness, he would probably still understand that DJ is his best friend.. and would try to hold his hand the whole night. And DJ might understand they’re best friends too. And would stop moving if he wandered too far away from Moony… ;-;
pour one out for all those fic readers who found one author who wrote one really good fic for their fandom then clicked on their profile to find they wrote exactly one fic for that fandom and the rest for, like, csi or something

Quite sad you stopped talking to me, blocked me and unfriended me on stuff I wish you could’ve just told me how you feel and if you actually want to stay friends
Hey guys, something just came up and unfortunately, I will not be able to post until next year, Ik my large following of 6 people will be absolutely devastated that they cannot be blessed by the beauty that is my art, but please hold on for the next few minutes. 😔😔😔
If we were in a shoujo manga
We would have been together
After a long story and a few aria
There would have been an ever after
Alas we are in real life
Among it a real knife
Cut down our relation
In the heart of the nation

“It essentially wrapped up the story of the series. So, as much as we love the show and want more adventures with the twins, their story is complete. Creator Alex Hirsch posted on Tumblr to explain he chose to end the series because it reached “its natural conclusion.” Gravity Falls will not have a season 3.„

If you know... You know....

i want a very pretty girl to give me a kiss please pretty please i will cuddle with you after and we can watch scott pilgram vs the world and whatever kind of movies or shows you like to watch
imagine: jaehyun falls over backwards but his ass is so flat it does nothing to cushion his fall and he fractures both of his ass cheek bones and he cries

It's Dropout's 6 year anniversary!
To celebrate, we've finally made a trailer explaining what Dropout's whole deal is. Got a friend or relative you want to explain Dropout to, but need some visual/audio aids?
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Dropout has improv, game shows, specials, gaming, and SO much more - and all on a streaming service that is extremely cheap AND wants you to share your password with friends who can't afford a Dropout subscription themselves.
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this video of the cat screaming is exactly how I feel about Armand lore 😢
Thinking a very normal amount about Tim being joker junior.
Thinking about Jason dying and Tim becoming robin out of necessity.
Thinking about Bruce not noticing Tim has been kidnapped because surely, surely his parents would file a report. Surely Tim must have been dragged into going on a trip with them and just didn’t mention it.
Thinking of Bruce not questioning things correctly because he is too busy grieving the previous robin.
Thinking of Bruce just thinking Joker Junior is a random kid.
Thinking of Barbra being the one to notice instead.
Thinking of Barbra consoling Tim after he kills the Joker.
Thinking of her taking Tim and letting him heal in the Drake estate.
Thinking of a file Bruce Wayne makes called Joker junior, one that Tim never looks at, that talks about a kid who killed the Joker and has been missing ever since.
Thinking of, months later, when robin returns to Bruce’s side, it just so happens to coincide with the return of Jack and Janet.
Thinking of Tim thinking Barbra must have told Bruce, but he just never came to see him. And that’s fine, because it isn’t as if they are family, Tim is just here to make sure Bats doesn’t go off the deep end again.
Thinking of Barbra not telling Bruce, because surely he already knows, he’s the world’s greatest detective. Plus she isn’t one to talk about other people’s trauma when they aren’t around.
Thinking of Tim hiding his laughter, because Batman would never let him keep patrolling if he knew he was still having fits.
Thinking of Dick not being there most of the time, and when he is, he mostly spends it arguing with Bruce.
Thinking of Tim knowing that Dick must know because he hears them fighting about the joker being dead once, although he did leave pretty soon after when he feels the laughter bubbling up in his throat.
Thinking of Jason coming back, attacking him at the titains tower, and telling him that he’s read all his files and knows everything about Tim. Obviously Tim takes this to mean he knows that Tim killed the joker as JJ. Because why wouldn’t that be in his file.
Thinking of Jason not having time to question when the little Robin who replaced him starts manically laughing once he sees him, because as soon as he hears the familiar laugh the green takes over completely.
Thinking of Tim finally feeling in control of himself, but then worst year ever happens. His parents are dead, Bruce is lost in the time stream, all his friends are dead, Robin is stolen from him, and everyone thinks he is crazy. He starts to relapse.
Thinking of Tim actually going a little bit crazy after that, trying to clone Bart and Kon, joining the league of assassins, doing all those crazy things he did during worst year ever.
Thinking of Cass learning after saving Tim from the daughter of Acheron. There isn’t much he can do but explain after she witnesses one of his fits.
Thinking about years later, when everyone has relationships more akin to Batman: Wayne family adventures, Tim still feels a little out of the group.
Thinking of everyone getting mad when he talks about the Joker, especially if it’s in front of Jason.
Thinking of Tim going silent or making himself scarce everytime the Joker is mentioned.
Thinking of a Tim who finds an excuse not to go out when Harley Quinn is.
Thinking of a Tim who hasn’t had an episode in years.
Thinking of a Tim who watches Jason get all this support for his trauma, while he doesn’t.
Thinking of him going to Barbra or Cass anytime he has a set back because they are the only ones who seem to care.
Thinking of a Wayne family who doesn’t know.
Thinking of a Tim who Knows they Know, but they just don’t care.
The curse that comes with being immortal.
“That was my son,” Tears flew down the man’s face, gritting his teeth. His eye fell on his son's cold body once alive. And Techno is one step away–a word away, a plead away, but– "and that's my brother." a wicked smile blossomed on the man's face, "then i guess we're even then," the knife cuts excessively deep in Wilbur's throat, no chance of survival, the man drops his body. "NOOO!!!" Techno screams fall on deaf ears, he runs to Wilbur. “..Techno?...” Wilbur wheezes while coughing on his own blood, tears falling down his face, knowing these are his last moments alive.
Techno cradles his brother’s body, holding Will's face in his hands, “no, no, save your energy. You’ll be okay, you.. you have to be..” techno pleads as he can feel him losing the warmth in his body. It is like techno can hear the man's words, his meaning of doing this. "feel my pain," carries in the roaring wind.
All Wilbur can do is smile sadly and shake his head at him, coughing once more, he takes a shallow breath than gives his brightest smile and says “I love you” before breathing for his last time, looking into the eyes of his brother, forever and always.
If anyone saw the great Blood God crying, sobbing, into his brother’s chest, begging for it all to all be some sick twisted joke, praying and damning every god he called on for not saving his brother that today. They saw nothing. Well mainly because they didn’t live to tell of it, that was the day the Blood God closed his heart again, locking it behind a cage, planning to never open it again. It belonged to one; forever and always.
There's the time when you want to draw your salmon dragon oc fight with amicus ocs, but you can't

Posting Nightmares baby picture, but then drawing him torturing someone, pretty cool from me
Tried to draw with this new "bromine brush" for the first time I think it's alright

I totally forgot to upload Roman's new design, she is Nightmare's daughter

Still loves her tarantulas
That dude with face down, Dylan, he is holding something in his lap
Nightmare (Guy in all yellow with crown)
Dylan (sad dude) doesn't belongs to me
Rowan (kid standing)