thatgreenappletho - thatgreenappletho

Reposting my writer-stuff here as a backup. My far more successful sideblog is @snippetsnitch

20 posts

#2 - Traitor

#2 - Traitor

[Villain] started to tremble when [Supervillain] approached them. God, the plan had gone so horribly wrong… They should have never even thought about helping [Hero] to overthrow their nemesis! It was a huge miscalculation from the start.

And now they were the one to pay for it.

[Villain] couldn’t suppress a shiver when [Supervillain] started speaking.

“So…”, their voice was calm, bored almost.

“My inferiors are getting cheeky again, huh? Don’t you remember the last time I had to end one of your little revolts?” [Supervillain] was not bothering to look at [Villain], who did their best to hide the quivering.

They remembered damn well. The only difference was that they stood on the winners’ side back then.

“Tell me…”, [Supervillain] started pacing around them with leisurely steps, “What made you think, it would be different this time?”

[Villain] did not dare to look up. They felt the bile rising in their throat. Their hands started to shake.

Even though they did not see [Supervillain], [Villain] felt the derisive grin that formed on their captors’ features as they saw the physical impact of their words.

When [Supervillain] talked again, their voice had turned into a low whisper, far too close to [Villains] ear. They could not avoid flinching.

“What made you think, I would have more mercy with traitors like you now than I had the last time?”

[Villains] blood turned to ice. They knew [Supervillains] ways of dealing with disloyalty. They saw enough of it in the years they had to work for them. Hadn’t they sworn it to themself back then? To never allow themself to slide in this kind of situation?

…How had they fucked that up so badly?

[Supervillain] stopped, only inches in front of their face. [Villain] lowered their eyes hastily, trying to avoid looking at their old bosses’ cold gaze.

They could hear their own heartbeat. The tremor was taking all over their body.


[Villain] let out a terrified whimper as a gloved hand harshly grasped their chin, forcing them to look up.

“How does someone like you merge with such an outstanding personality like [Hero]?”

[Villains] eyes widened. How could they know about them? That had been a top-secret information. Even their own people knew nothing about their doings with [Hero]! They had done everything possible to cover the information [Supervillain] seemed to have such easy access to.

“Supporting the enemy is even worse treason than just turning against me…” The grip on their jaw got firmer. [Villain] squealed in pain. “Tell me, [Villain]”, [Supervillains] voice turned dangerously low.

“…What shall we do with a traitor?”

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More Posts from Thatgreenappletho

3 years ago

#5 - Recorded

[Sidekick] frowned when they looked at the tape they found in the doorway this morning. It was wrapped in blank paper, no notes or mailing adress added. Just an old cassette, already rewinded to be watched.

“What even…”, they murmured to themselfes, slowly turning the VHS video in their hands as they were sitting over a steaming cup of coffee. Was this some kind of commercial? A new and creative way to advertise?

They decided to take closer look at the video later. It was probably just some silly gimmick or a joke from one of their teammembers.

Right now, [Sidekick] had business to do.

They rose and shuffled to their phone. After dialing the number they could recite in their sleep by now, they waited for [Hero] to pick up. It was a call of importance: Just the day before, their boss had managed to collect useful information about [Villains] whereabouts, which may have been the biggest success since they had started hunting them down. They only needed to make up a plan and the thing would be off the table tomorrow.

Seconds passed and [Sidekick] impatiently tapped their foot on the floor. [Hero] hadn’t picked up yet. Normally, they were really fast on the telephone, but today seemed to be different.

[Sidekick] hung up and tried again after a couple of minutes. Still, nothing.

“Come on! We agreed to phone at this time!”, they murmured into the reciever, slightly annoyed already. What was so difficult about being punctual? [Sidekick] strolled around in their apartment, still waiting for their boss to answer.

They hung up again. What a prat.

Well, [Sidekick] thought defiantly, if [Hero] had the nerves to keep them waiting, they could also niggle around for some time and let them wait for their call. Such a game could be played by two.

But what was to do? They looked around, eyes landing on the video tape.

…Better than nothing.

They pushed it into their old recorder, already thinking about the tongue-lashing they were going to give [Hero], if they dared to complain about the delay of their planning session. [Sidekick] scoffed, shaking their head. How could someone be so frowsy?

The tape whired in the VCR, only producing a static contact noise for a few moments. Then, there was a picture:

A sparsely illuminated room, only offering concrete walls and a chair that stood in the middle.

What the-

[Sidekick] had not even time to be confused. After a couple of seconds had passed, someone started speaking, lightly tapping on the camera a few times: “Test. Test. Alright, we seem to be recording! Bring them in!”

Although [Sidekick] knew that tone instantly, they couldn’t classify it in the first moment. Only when two people dragged someone towards the chair and chained them on it, they were able to recognize the smug voice: [Villain]!

The delay of the telephone conference with [Hero] was forgotten instantly.

What had [Villain] in mind?

When [Sidekicks] gaze wandered to the person tied on the chair, their stomach turned violently. The captive was badly injured, head hanging lowly between their slumped shoulders. Barely concious.

The floor was covered in blood and vomit.

“You sadistic asshole…”, [Sidekick] murmured.

With unhurried steps, [Villain] entered the picure. When they stood directly in front of the camera, they flashed [Sidekick] an amiable smile, sending chills down their spine.

“I heard you guys were looking for me?”

[Villains] voice was far too mild for a situation like this. When the person on the chair noticed their captors presence, they struggled violently against the chains. [Villain] didn’t even blink.

How could someone be so cold?

“I have the information from a good source, you know? You guys are going to hunt me down in the next couple days…”

They started pacing around thoughtfully and casted a pityful glance into the camera. The pity did not reach their eyes.

“…I am sorry to tell you that this plan will come to nothing.”

After circling the room, [Villain] placed themself closely behind their captive, putting both hands comradely on their shoulders.

“My special guest here will ensure it.”

They grabbed them by the neck and whispered something inaudible into their ear. [Sidekick] saw the heavy shudder that ran through the abused body.

This sick bastard.

[Villain] hummed and a menacing smile appeared on their features as they kept on caressing their now shaking victim.

“They will keep your silly team quiet for a long time…”, [Villain] murmured and suddenly grabbed a fist full of their convicts hair, yanking their head up harshly.

“…Won’t you?”

[Sidekicks] eyes widened in sheer horror, as the dull light finally revealed the face of [Villains] captive:


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3 years ago

(I have never written animals, so here I go with my first snippet! 😁 I always thought there was way too less phobia-whump, so please enjoy.😄 Also, can anyone guess the dog breed?🙈)

❗(TW: Panic Attack, Severe Cynophobia, Humiliation, Blood)❗

#10 - Beg

"Fuck, get this thing off me!!", [Hero] screeched, trying to push themself further into the cold stonewall behind them.

"Goddamnit, [Villain]!!", they sobbed, eyes searching frantically for something like mercy in [Villains] face.

[Villain] just looked at them with raised eyebrows and was seemingly not the slightest bit interested in whistling their companion back. [Hero] grew desperate. "Get it off!!"

The amorphous shadow growled, ready to attack whenever it got the deadly command. "Get it fucking off, [Villain]!!"

[Hero] hated dogs.

German ones in particular.

The one in front of them was only held by the thin leash in [Villains] hand and pulled heavily into their direction. It would shred [Hero] into pieces, if their enemy let go. They just knew that.

[Villain] looked unimpressed. They made one step towards [Hero], who whimpered from fear. "I will, when you talk."

Desperately, [Hero] turned their face, blinking away the tears that started to rise in their eyes. The dog pulled ever so strongly.

"I can't talk!! I don't have anything!! I-"

Barking. Saliva. Teeth.

[Hero] squealed. They were gonna faint.


And it was quiet. The only thing audible was [Heros] heavy breathing. They sank against the wall with shaking legs; cold sweat was covering their ashened face.

[Villain] looked at [Hero] with a strange kind of fascination. "Your record says that you have a problem with dogs, but I never knew it was this severe.", they said, eyeing their enemy with a calculating curiosity.

[Hero] said nothing. Apart from the fear, the hot feeling of mortification rose in their chest.

They knew it wasn't rational.

Even though the fleabag [Villain] brought was a realistic thread, they shouldn't be standing there with quivering legs and tearing eyes.

[Hero] could handle worse forms of torture. All of them painful and degrading, but they could stand it. They could always stand it.

But dogs...

"You were attacked by one as a child, right?", [Villain] drawled and grinned when [Heros] eyes lowered in shame. "Funny that something so silly can drive you nuts now..."

[Villain] snickered and lightly pulled on the leash. "Up!" A deep growl emitted from the dark mutt that obeyed instantly. [Hero] could not avoid the cold shudder that ran down their spine.

"To be honest, [Hero], I didn't think you were such a wimp!", [Villain] mocked. The criminal saw the impact of their words in [Heros] abashed face and continued with a nasty smile: "For real, how did you even get so far in your fucking job? Probably slept yourself up, huh?"

"Fuck off...", [Hero] hissed and balled their fists. They felt the heat creeping up their cheeks. A huge clumb formed in their throat, making them want to vomit.

It wasn't rational.

It wasn't fucking rational.

[Hero] was strong.

Had the abilities to finish this in less than a minute.

Shouldn't even bother about [Villain] and their grilling, should've just turned and left this fucking situation.

It didn't work.

Didn't work because of those teeth viciously gleaming in front of them.


[Villain] grinned and looked at their watch leisurely, unfazed by the trembling human in front of them. "You know, even though I love chatting with you, I need to hurry. My boss wants that info really bad."

[Hero] shook their head wordlessly. They had nothing. They couldn't talk, even if they wanted to.

The criminal ignored them.

"And also...", [Villain] casted a look towards their dog and looked back to [Hero] with a wolfish grin, "...she's getting hungry."

It was visible how [Hero] tried to collect themself. To force themself to keep calm despite [Villains] teasing and the growling of their companion.

[Villain] saw [Heros] fight for control, even though they were loosing more of it with every passing second.

"Well...", the criminal drawled and gestured towards the dog, "I guess we have a solution to that..."

They let go of the leash.

[Heros] eyes widened.

"[Villain], don't-!!"


Brown-black fur was flashing into the light and [Hero] jerked up their hands with a desperate scream.


The monster sank its' sharp teeth into [Heros] forearm. Crimson blood.

They violently tried to shake it off, but it didn't let go.

Wouldn't give up its' prey.

"Call it back, [Villain]!!"

It bit down again.

"Call it back!!!"

Oh god, it would kill them, if [Villain] didn't do something!

It would tear them apart.

Oh god, their arm.

"[Villain], do-" [Hero] choked on the words.

Docked tail.

Sharp teeth.

They couldn't think straight.

Listed dog.


Their brain filled with black mist.

Couldn't breathe.

They were going to suffocate.

[Villains], voice, ringing in their ears: "Tell me what I want to hear."

Had nothing.

Gone in the abyss.

"I-I c-an't, I-"

No air.

They were suffocating.

Didn't [Villain] see that they were fucking suffocating?

[Hero] only shook their head. They couldn't breathe. There was no air around to fill their lungs with. Underwater.

A cold hand harshly grabbed their collar, pulling them up. "Calm down, you useless piece of shit!"

[Hero] yelped, when [Villains] fist connected with their ribcage. The crack was clearly audible.

"It's not that hard to talk, you fuckin' wussy!"

They dumped them on the ground.

Cold concrete. The smell of trash and piss in the run-down part of the city no one would search [Hero] in. Dirt that mixed with [Heros] own tears.

...And [Villains] voice, sharp as a knife.

They couldn't take it.

Couldn't take [Villain] standing nearby, as they gasped for the air that didn't seem to enter their lungs. Couldn't take it when [Villain] knelt down and grabbed their face with a cruel grin.

Where was the dog?

[Villain] only gave a chilly laugh.

"I sent her away." Then, sneering: "I can get her back if you want."

[Hero] frantically shook their head.

"I don't have anything!", they wheezed against the hands that had grabbed their wet cheeks. "Please, I don't have anything!"

An awfully triumphant grin formed on the criminals face. They pulled [Hero] closer.

"Huh...? What was that word?", [Villain] crooned in an almost gentle tone of voice.

Only now, [Hero] noticed what they just had said. Blood shot up their face.

"Say it again for me, come on. Or do you want one more round..?", [Villain] purred.

[Hero] sobbed.


No more.

They couldn't take more.

Eventually, the need for survival pushed away the last bit of dignity inside of them, when they whispered:

"I-... P-please don't get it back... Please, [Villain]..."

The criminal pondered for a moment before shrugging their shoulders with a wide grin. "Hm. I guess you really are as useless as you claim. Still... Hearing you beg was worth the shot."

They stood up and gave [Hero] a last painful kick in their stomach.

"Tell me, does your team know what a sissy you are?"

[Hero] remained quiet.

The words hurt.

Hurt more than the kick, the broken rib or the arm.

Hurt, because they were true.

"If you were one of my henchmen, I would've killed you for being such a disgrace. You're lucky that your team is pitiful enough to keep you..."

[Villain] turned to leave, stepping out of the alley and whistling to get the dog. A last aspersion to put the boot in:

"Your weakness is really disgusting... You're pathetic, [Hero]."

[Villain] was long gone when [Hero] finally got up. Cold wind blew on their wet cheeks and their shaking body. Only too slowly, they managed to stop the wheezing. Took too long to get aware of their surroundings.

They were safe.

They were safe now.

With a pang, [Villains] voice echoed through their head:

You're pathetic, [Hero].

They let out a dry sob.

[Villain] was right.

It was true.

It was true and [Hero] knew it.

...They knew it wasn't rational.

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2 years ago

Feel free to join! ☺️

Haven’t posted on this blog in forever (may have forgot it existed), however I’ve been very actively playing Pokémon go for a solid year and looking to form an xp challenge group where 10-20 people all add each other’s codes and interact daily to receive a couple million xp in the end. 10 ppl = 1 mil for ultra lvl up and 2 mil for best lvl up.

Friendship challenge group info~

How it works:

1)Add my code and comment with your code so that others may add you too

2)accept as many peoples requests as you would like. You don’t have to add everyone.

3)send/open gifts, battle, or raid for interactions!

Send and win battles for interaction consist of one person putting in 10cp mons (whoever accepts the battle) while the person sending the battle ends up the winner. (Great for getting hearts with your buddies and also going towards medals! Take turns to help each other out)

4) all friendship level ups will take place on community days so make sure to send everyone you’re leveling up with a gift to open if they’re a time zone ahead of you.

5) on community day as soon as you open your app put on a lucky egg, and trigger (open) gifts of those you are leveling up with. People in time zones ahead of you will have already opened theirs as the day progresses so everyone gets the double xp no matter what time zone you are or when you decide to play.

Optional: I can set up a discord group for easier coordinating things such as raids and battling you can join if you want to

My trainer code: 9851 0655 4831

Feel free to message if there’s any questions

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2 years ago

“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”

— John Green