My Name Is Becca!
my name is becca!⭐️
requests are open!🌙
i debatably overuse exclamation points
- teen wolf*
- CoD*
- marvel
- the artful dodger
- bridgerton
- shameless*
- tlou
- plus size reader to death idec if i have no clue who she’s paired with i’ll read that story sick
* current obsession
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More Posts from Theking-mustdie
*marauders making bracelets*
sirius: making a blue/white beaded one that says moony cause he can’t be bothered to learn how to tie the knots
remus: trying to do the hardest knot and using brown, beige, and light brown colors
james: making a gold and red easier knot one
peter: using all shades of green and makes multiple braided ones
regulus: doesn’t make any, but accepts the other red and gold one james makes for him
dorcas: mixing beaded and knotted together to make a really intricate pretty purple and black bracelet
marlene: makes a billion “test” bracelets until she finally makes one red and black one that she wears
mary: makes the beads into heart designs to make a heart bracelet
lily: makes the lesbian flag out of beads and then makes one for marlene out of string
barty: ties one string around his wrist
evan: makes a cute green and black one that barty immediately asks for
pandora: blue, purple, and pink mix of beaded and knotted that everyone asks how she did.
*marauders each carving a pumpkin*
moony: carving an intricate galaxy
sirius: remus
james: a snitch
regulus: jackolantern
peter: flowers
marlene: “i kissed ur mom”
dorcas: astrology signs
lily: really good landscape scene
barty: a dick
evan: horrible smiley face
pandora: butterfly
mary: hearts
marlene going to a rock concert for her birthday with sirius and pit tickets and dorcas being the security guard who split up a fight between a guy harassing marls and sirius.
dorcas threw out the guy, and if she got marlene’s number, then that was between her and marlene.
*marauders hiking*
remus: elected not to go with his bum hip
sirius: leads the group, but always gets lost
peter: takes a picture of every plant
james: wants to climb every branch and go into every river
regulus: “you want ME to go OUTSIDE with the BUGS?”
lily: silently climbing, enjoying the pretty view, and loving peter’s photos
dorcas: actually knows how to properly hike and is ahead of everyone else
marlene: walking with dorcas, but is perpetually out of breath
barty: taking selfies with evan at every photo op
evan: cluelessly following barty, hoping they’re not lost
pandora: loving all the insects on the path
mary: surprisingly a good hiker, takes photos for her insta
*marauders having a bonfire*
james: lighting sticks on fire and drawing in the air with them
remus: cuddling with sirius on a chair
sirius: cuddling with remus and eating so many s’mores with firewhiskey
peter: doodling with a blanket
dorcas: drinking and talking with marlene about quidditch
marlene: ate one s’more and is sleeping on dorcas as she “talks” to her
lily: making everyone the perfect s’more
mary: talking with sirius about hogwarts gossip
regulus: taking pictures of everyone looking stupid