Marlene Mckinnon X Dorcas Meadows - Tumblr Posts

I saw a headcanon about Barty is hard of hearing and uses hearing aids. Which makes me think. Imagine that Evan, Barty, the Marauders and the girls went to smoke somewhere hidden and Evan and Barty is smoking that definitelly is not legal. Some teachers comes, everyone hides what they are smoking and the teacher starts asking them what are doing here. Barty had forgotten his hearing aids and doesn't hear anything and just casually keeps smoking weed.

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7 months ago


dorcas: hear me out, bio degradable sex toys

marlene: now that’s not a nice thing to say about men

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1 year ago

marlene *climbing on dorcas’ lap*: you’re so comfy, cas

dorcas *running her hands through marlene’s hair*: yeah yeah just don’t fall asleep i gotta go to class in half an hour

marlene *half asleep*: mhm

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1 year ago

marlene: don’t tell dorcas, but i’m going to take her on a picnic date!

james: oh my god that’s so cute!


james: reggie, guess what!

james: marlene is going to take dorcas out on a surprise picnic date!

*even later*

dorcas *smirking*: so you’re taking me out on a picnic date, huh?

marlene: …JAMESSSSSS

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1 year ago

*the marauders having a pool party*

james: splashing people in the pool

remus: reading in a sun chair

sirius: putting his feet in and distracting remus

peter: relaxing in a float

marlene: teaming up w/ james to splash

dorcas: standing in the shallow end, drinking

mary: tanning

lily: trying to get james and marlene to stop splashing

barty & evan: making out in the corner

regulus: yelling at james who’s splashing him

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1 year ago

marlene going to a rock concert for her birthday with sirius and pit tickets and dorcas being the security guard who split up a fight between a guy harassing marls and sirius.

dorcas threw out the guy, and if she got marlene’s number, then that was between her and marlene.

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1 year ago

*marauders each carving a pumpkin*

moony: carving an intricate galaxy

sirius: remus

james: a snitch

regulus: jackolantern

peter: flowers

marlene: “i kissed ur mom”

dorcas: astrology signs

lily: really good landscape scene

barty: a dick

evan: horrible smiley face

pandora: butterfly

mary: hearts

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1 year ago

*marauders thrifting*

moony: looking at the sweaters

marlene: looking for shirts to crop

sirius: looking at jewlery and black clothes

james: “this would look so great on you!”

peter: looking at the trinkets

dorcas: browsing with marlene but not really looking

barty: finding all of the funny shirts to buy

evan: laughing at all of the shirts barty pulls

mary: looking at jewlery w/ sirius

lily: actually finding the cute clothes

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1 year ago

*marauders making bracelets*

sirius: making a blue/white beaded one that says moony cause he can’t be bothered to learn how to tie the knots

remus: trying to do the hardest knot and using brown, beige, and light brown colors

james: making a gold and red easier knot one

peter: using all shades of green and makes multiple braided ones

regulus: doesn’t make any, but accepts the other red and gold one james makes for him

dorcas: mixing beaded and knotted together to make a really intricate pretty purple and black bracelet

marlene: makes a billion “test” bracelets until she finally makes one red and black one that she wears

mary: makes the beads into heart designs to make a heart bracelet

lily: makes the lesbian flag out of beads and then makes one for marlene out of string

barty: ties one string around his wrist

evan: makes a cute green and black one that barty immediately asks for

pandora: blue, purple, and pink mix of beaded and knotted that everyone asks how she did.

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1 year ago

*marauders hiking*

remus: elected not to go with his bum hip

sirius: leads the group, but always gets lost

peter: takes a picture of every plant

james: wants to climb every branch and go into every river

regulus: “you want ME to go OUTSIDE with the BUGS?”

lily: silently climbing, enjoying the pretty view, and loving peter’s photos

dorcas: actually knows how to properly hike and is ahead of everyone else

marlene: walking with dorcas, but is perpetually out of breath

barty: taking selfies with evan at every photo op

evan: cluelessly following barty, hoping they’re not lost

pandora: loving all the insects on the path

mary: surprisingly a good hiker, takes photos for her insta

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1 year ago

*marauders making a cake*

remus: “eyeballing” measurements

sirius: eating as much batter that moony will allow

james: walked off cause he got impatient and will come back to ice

lily: getting annoyed by everyone else, super precise

peter: sitting on the other side of the counter, watching

dorcas: the designated “stir-er”

marlene: makes the icing

pandora: comes up with decoration

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1 year ago

happy second day of fall! for you-

dorcas *roasting s’mores*: *rolling eyes* marlene they’re supposed to be golden, not burnt

marlene *burnt marshmallow all over her face*: cas, i will do what i very well please, and right now, i will burn as many marshmallows as i would like.

dorcas: *sighs under her breath* like a toddler, i swear

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1 year ago

*marauders on a fall day in the park*

james: jumping into leaf piles

regulus: raking the leaves into piles

remus: sitting on a bench, reading a book

lily: also sitting on the bench with her legs on remus’ lap

sirius: trying to catch leaves as the fall from the trees as padfoot

marlene: trying to prove to sirius she can make a “leaf-man”

dorcas: helping marlene (doing it all for her)

mary: taking fall aesthetic photos

pandora: taking photos of mary and everyone else

barty: rolling down the hill

evan: making sure barty doesn’t manage to kill himself

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1 year ago

*marauders having a bonfire*

james: lighting sticks on fire and drawing in the air with them

remus: cuddling with sirius on a chair

sirius: cuddling with remus and eating so many s’mores with firewhiskey

peter: doodling with a blanket

dorcas: drinking and talking with marlene about quidditch

marlene: ate one s’more and is sleeping on dorcas as she “talks” to her

lily: making everyone the perfect s’more

mary: talking with sirius about hogwarts gossip

regulus: taking pictures of everyone looking stupid

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