Pandalily - Tumblr Posts
Being a non-swiftie in the marauders fandom is so funny, because all the fic titles are lyrics from her songs, and I don’t recognize any of them, so I’m always like “why the fuck did the author name it that?!?!” But then I figure out it’s a song and it’s makes more sense.
ALRIGHTY I have a jegulus fic being edited, and a pandalily fic being finished!

Oh my stars I just found the PandaLily fic I was writing a bit ago and don’t know what to do with it. I’m thinking I’ll edit it and post it? But I might really hate it
ALRIGHT I posted the Pandalily fic❤️ please be kind! It was my first time writing them and I struggled to get their characters right. But I want to write more!

I coloured the sketch.

New post up on insta!
Harry being raised by 2 dads, 2 moms, and a fuck ton of queer aunts and uncles >>>
Bro didn't know what straight people were til he was like 14
Him and Luna would sit together and look so confused when a straight couple walked past one day in the hall so they both went home and had to ask wtf that was
Pandora and Lily

For @theinvisiblemuseum of course <3
pandalily but like lily is a very logic-feet-on-the-ground-i-believe-what-i-see type of girl, and finds dora /infuriating/ because she just talks and talks about little creatures, and auras, and prophecies, and always looks like she knows more than everyone else.
the worst part is when lily tries to tell her everything she says makes zero sense, dora just looks at her, all smiles, with an "oh, darling, you just gotta pay more attention to your surroundings, i can teach you if you want"
it drives lily INSANE, she needs to kiss that girl.
Pandalily seem like they have a whole seperate love language with each other's hairs(tying it, braiding it, combing it, etc) it's just something that do frequently and take a lot of comfort in it
Pandalily - an anonymous request
Biting her nails and pacing back and forth, Lily murmured to herself, trying to gain some semblance of confidence.
"Do I tell her I fancy her? Flirt with her a bit? Compliment her? Maybe I should ask Dorcas how she feels? Maybe...I should like, touch her hair? Ugh, this is so complicated!" she lamented, throwing her hands in the air.
"Lils, with all the love in the world, you're being thick," Marlene said simply, rolling her eyes. "Pandora fancies you, too. Just tell her."
"Easy for you to say! Dorcas kissed you in front of the whole damn school!" Lily snapped.
Marlene just chuckled, probably remembering the Quidditch game that past year. "Fair enough."
"Maybe I'll start by asking her to study together. Oh! I can say I need help with Divination. And then while she helps me, I can slowly start...I dunno, touching her hand, or something," Lily said, biting her lip nervously.
But before Marlene could give her opinion, Dorcas and Pandora arrived at the Entrance Hall. Marlene quickly disappeared with her girlfriend, so Lily turned to the blonde and took a deep breath. "Pandora, can I have help with something?" she asked, heart beating in her throat.
"Oh, sure! But before I do, I was thinking. We should go to Hogsmeade together on Saturday," Pandora said simply, smiling and taking Lily's sweaty hand.
"I-" Lily blinked, trying to steady her whirling mind. "Like a date?"
"Yes. I quite like you," the other girl grinned, admitting it like it was the easiest thing in the world.
"I...I like you too," Lily murmured, beaming, cheeks pink.
"Now, what did you need help with?" Pandora asked, tucking a strand of hair behind Lily's ear, making her blush even more.
"Taking Marlene's advice, apparently."
Marauders era girls headcannons bc they deserve appreciation
Part 1: Lily Evans
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
- lesbian
- she/her
- the biggest case of comphet you've ever seen
- plus sized icon and she owns it
- first friend at school was Mary, they met on the train and immediately clicked
- had a crush on Mary for years but never realized that's what it was
- had untamable hair for years 1 and 2 but in year 3 she finally mastered her own hair
- loves wearing one small braid in her hair
- always had a mary Poppins ass bag. You need something? She has it in her bag
- never let's anyone cheat off her except Mary and marlene bc she trusts them and would die for them
- met marlene through Mary, soon enough they became a trio
- her nails are always chipped and way too short from working sm
- after hogwarts she wanted to go into either potions or healing, maybe some combination. And she wanted to go off and visit new places, she didn't want to settle down she wanted to go on adventures
- she always had top marks in everything except transfiguration, she struggled there
- she had a book club with Remus and regulus, her and remus introduced regulus to a lot of muggle literature and he introduced them to his favorite poets
- she ran a study group for anyone who wanted to come. She also tutored anyone who asked
- she started the hogwarts debate team, where she became unlikely friends with barty. They were extremely competitive and their debates ran hours
- tried to be sneaky and help marlene with dorcas bc she knew marls was hopeless on her own
- was never actually into James romantically, it was more comphet, but they did end up becoming amazing friends once he stopped trying to just woo her
- she could tell regulus was into James and coaxed the truth out of him, and then let him talk about it. They bonded over it actually bc he couldn't understand why she didn't want him, and those conversations helped her come to terms with her sexuality a little bit
- she listened to remus talk about sirius for hours on end and in turn she'd talk about mary
- in year 6 she couldn't stop staring at pandora, and regulus noticed and approached lily about it. That year, they helped each other with james and pandora, telling them what kind of things they like
- she likes flower pressing and knitting and she collects grandma spoons
*marauders each carving a pumpkin*
moony: carving an intricate galaxy
sirius: remus
james: a snitch
regulus: jackolantern
peter: flowers
marlene: “i kissed ur mom”
dorcas: astrology signs
lily: really good landscape scene
barty: a dick
evan: horrible smiley face
pandora: butterfly
mary: hearts
*marauders making bracelets*
sirius: making a blue/white beaded one that says moony cause he can’t be bothered to learn how to tie the knots
remus: trying to do the hardest knot and using brown, beige, and light brown colors
james: making a gold and red easier knot one
peter: using all shades of green and makes multiple braided ones
regulus: doesn’t make any, but accepts the other red and gold one james makes for him
dorcas: mixing beaded and knotted together to make a really intricate pretty purple and black bracelet
marlene: makes a billion “test” bracelets until she finally makes one red and black one that she wears
mary: makes the beads into heart designs to make a heart bracelet
lily: makes the lesbian flag out of beads and then makes one for marlene out of string
barty: ties one string around his wrist
evan: makes a cute green and black one that barty immediately asks for
pandora: blue, purple, and pink mix of beaded and knotted that everyone asks how she did.

i love pinterest
*marauders hiking*
remus: elected not to go with his bum hip
sirius: leads the group, but always gets lost
peter: takes a picture of every plant
james: wants to climb every branch and go into every river
regulus: “you want ME to go OUTSIDE with the BUGS?”
lily: silently climbing, enjoying the pretty view, and loving peter’s photos
dorcas: actually knows how to properly hike and is ahead of everyone else
marlene: walking with dorcas, but is perpetually out of breath
barty: taking selfies with evan at every photo op
evan: cluelessly following barty, hoping they’re not lost
pandora: loving all the insects on the path
mary: surprisingly a good hiker, takes photos for her insta
my roman empire is dead, gay wizards
*marauders on a fall day in the park*
james: jumping into leaf piles
regulus: raking the leaves into piles
remus: sitting on a bench, reading a book
lily: also sitting on the bench with her legs on remus’ lap
sirius: trying to catch leaves as the fall from the trees as padfoot
marlene: trying to prove to sirius she can make a “leaf-man”
dorcas: helping marlene (doing it all for her)
mary: taking fall aesthetic photos
pandora: taking photos of mary and everyone else
barty: rolling down the hill
evan: making sure barty doesn’t manage to kill himself
self care is putting the “fluff” tag when you search in the marauder fandom