themanfromnantucket - There once was a man from Nantucket...
There once was a man from Nantucket...

1782 posts

This Is Why You Should Always Drink On An Empty Stomach

This is why you should always drink on an empty stomach

There was once a big oaf named McGill,

Who quite stupidly drank himself ill.

He threw up wine corks,

Two meals with three forks

And a chewed-upon five dollar bill.

More Posts from Themanfromnantucket

12 years ago

Hello world!

Dear Internet,

Welcome to my tumblr!



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12 years ago

This one's a bit gross, but if you have an iron stomach and the same sick sense of humor that I do, I urge you to read below the cut (it's worth it).

Like A Snickers, For The Undead

There once was a Vampire named Jack,

Who had a severe hunger attack.

It may seem disgusting to you,

But he sucked a used Kotex or two.

To a Vampire, that’s just a light snack.

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12 years ago

Let it be known: I am one of those rare New Yorkers who actually likes pigeons, but I still think this song is the bee's knees.

No pigeons were harmed in the making of this film.


Edit: Turn on the Closed Captioning - it makes the entire experience feel like an avant-garde art film.

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12 years ago


Obble-y Gobble-y

Legions of Zombies! They'll

Beat you and bite you 'till

You're turned as well.

Dubious research in


Lead to this outbreak we

Can't seem to quell.

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