You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED
903 posts
Duck's Man: So Let Me Get This Straight, Thomas Managed To Get All The Students To Over Throw The Teachers
Duck's man: So let me get this straight, Thomas managed to get all the students to over throw the teachers while using the lunch tables as barriers and custom made weapons out of school supplies like a war, used people crawling through the vents to take over the principals office, and declared the school a separate country?
Edward: Yes.
Duck's man: I am this close to withdrawing funding from your school.
Edward: What-I-Uh-EHH?!?!?!?
Hiro: This school is an absolute disaster, I'm doing a favor for all of you.
Edward: Well, what about my fucking money???? My job???? MY LIFE?????
Hiro: You can just get a new job.
Edward: .....Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, continue what you're doing. I'm quitting this shithole of a job.
anessadreams liked this · 9 months ago
mrlittledinosuar69420 liked this · 9 months ago
asktheoriginalorder liked this · 9 months ago
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More Posts from Unpopularvivian
Ryan: *Snoring*
Hank: Ryan! Do you want to fail this class!?
Ryan: I've only been getting four hours of sleep with all this work!
James: Statistically we need six to eight hours of sleep!
Hank: I couldn't agree more. *Gestures to whiteboard*

Hank: It's because of fucking Satan.... I hate that bitch so much....
Ryan: All of us do!
Thomas on Prom night hopping on Xbox with the boys: Ryan! You down for Halo?
Ryan: Bet! Then we gotta load up Minecraft.
*One hour later in a relaxing Minecraft world.*
Ryan: Hey Thomas?
Thomas: Yeah what's up?
Ryan: I don't know if it's just me, but maybe we made a mistake not going to prom.
Thomas: What you talking about?
Ryan: Sure the school is chaotic as hell, but some of my funniest memories are from there. I've laughed harder than I have anywhere else, we've seen a fucking love story bloom between the quiet kid and the stressed kid, and we declared the school an entirely new fucking country. So while we have the chance, lets make some more memories.
Thomas: I mean...
Ryan: It's not too late.
Thomas: Alright get a suit on and I'll meet you outside school in thirty minutes.
Ryan: Bet, talk soon.
Thomas: See you there bro!
*At the prom*
Percy: Wait...Is that....THOMAS AND RYAN!?!?
Thomas: Hey Percy! What's up bro?
Ryan: We came here to make some more chaotic memories!
Percy: Well, that's good to know. By the way, the food here is fucking delicious.
Thomas: Damn really? Shotgun for the cupcakes!
Ryan: Not if I get there first!
Diesel: *Djing at the prom*
Thomas and Ryan: Percy what is up!
Percy: Yeah so Duck is shutting down the school.
Ryan: What!?
Thomas: Where the fuck is he?
Percy: He should be over the snack table.
Thomas: I am going to have a word with him. And I mean that seriously, not gonna kill him.
*Thomas then walks over to the snack table*
Thomas: Hey Duck. Why the FUCK are you trying to shut down the school!??!?
Duck: Because this school is an absolute mess. It isn't suitable in the Great Western Way!
Thomas: Can you shut up about the Great Asshole Way for one second?!?
*Duck then points a gun at Thomas*
Thomas: Oh shit...
*one dance fight later*
Diesel: With the smoothness of a rockstar Thomas comes out on top!
Thomas: WOOOOO!!!!
Ryan: Up top!
*Loud high five*
Duck: I'm gonna need to hire Edward again.
James: Let's cheer for the king of dance!
*Everybody then lifts up Thomas in the air and start chanting his name*
Everybody: Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
*Duck proceeds to walk outside of the school. Outside, Duck presses some numbers on his phone before waiting for the caller to respond*
Duck: Hey hello?
Edward: What the-? Duck?!? What are you calling me for???
Duck: Listen. I need to come back to the school and shut it down with me.
Edward: Tsk. Fuck no.
Duck: What?!?
Edward: Listen Great Western weirdo, I quit my job for a reason. It was giving me an ass load of headaches, the students here are menaces and I don't even have time to be with my husband!
Duck: Wait, you have a husband?
Edward: Yeah? His name is Toby. Anyways, I'm far happier now and if you try to get me to rejoin the school. Then you can kiss my ass goodbye.
*Edward then proceeds to hang up*
Sir Topham Hatt: Hello assholes, I'm back because Hank has been arrested for arming Phillip with a rocket launcher.
Thomas: Yo! I'm back.
Sir Topham Hatt: Your also late!
Thomas: Fuck. You.
Percy: Wait, what?!!? Bro, how!??!
Sir Topham Hatt: Don't know but I hope you little shits learn a thing or two.
Thomas: Hey Percival! Did you miss me?
Percy: Not really.
Thomas: Bruh....