Ttte Ryan - Tumblr Posts
Sir Topham Hatt: So class, I know your assignment was due for today but I'm extending it to next week.
Thomas: Phew, I didn't do it.
Mavis: We had an assignment?
Emily: I stayed up all night finishing it-! *Rips paper.* Shit.
Sir Topham Hatt: But the essay is still due today. I'll be coming around to collect them, Ryan your first.
Ryan: Okay.
Sir Topham Hatt: Ryan you had two weeks to write this essay.
Ryan: ...yeah? Sir Topham Hatt: When did you start? Ryan: Last night.
Sir Topham Hatt: You can't wright an essay overnight! *Later*
Sir Topham Hatt: Class you have one hour to write this essay, beging.
Ryan: *On the verge of snapping*
Ryan: *Clenching his fists* But you said that you can't write an essay overnight! Emily just did that and now she's on the verge of breaking down! What this? Reverse psychology!?!?
Sir Topham Hatt: Ryan, I want you to GET OUT OF THE CLASSROOM NOW!!!!
This month of October in this year, I'm already drawing and painting a picture of Ryan and Sonny are both talking about Thomas, who got seriously ill after the incident in Japan while working with Hiro and Kenji in the Japanese Railway.

Edward: Ryan I can't believe your here in my office, what did you do? Ryan: The tacher's mad because I questioned his logic.
Edward: What logic?
Ryan: He said that I couldn't do an essay overnight but then gave us one hour to write one.
Edward: What the hell that doesn't make any sense.
Ryan: I really don't know what the hell is wrong with Sir Topham Hatt!
Edward: Okay Ryan. You know what? I am going to teach him a lesson. Watch.
*Edward then stands up and goes to Ryan's classroom. Ryan then follows him*
Edward: Sir. Do you think I should let my hair down?
Sir Topham Hatt: What? No! Of course not! You look great with that high man bun.
Edward: *Loosens his hair* How about now?
Sir Topham Hatt: Actually never mind, put it back-
*Edward then picks Sir Topham Hatt and yeets him out of the window*
The class: ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ
Ryan: ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ
Ryan: Fuck...I shouldn't mess with Edward....
*Planning a school play*
Mavis: Oh my Lady this play is a mess! Ryan, Stop messing around with the lights! Thomas actually do something! AND FOR THE LOVE OF KING GODRED WHAT IS THAT SMELL!?
James: Sorry, that's my perfume.
Edward: This school is a disaster
Percy: More like a madhouse.
Edward: Yeah, you're right. This madhouse is a disaster.
Emily: *Snoring*
Sir Topham Hatt: EMILY! WAKE UP!
Emily: Gah! Sir I only slept for thirty minutes last night, please!
Sir Topham Hatt: School is not a place to sleep!
Rosie: Will home is not the place for schoolwork!
Ryan: Nah!
Thomas: I have never seen Rosie clap back like that before!
Edward: I don't think I've ever been in the room when she speaks before!
Rosie: You're not the principal of this school. So I want you to mind you DAMN MOTHERFUCKING BUSINESS BITCH!!!!!!
*The class starts cheering for Rosie*
Sir Topham Hatt: *Starts crying*
Ryan: Yo it's gonna be prom soon.
Percy: Oh I forgot about that, you going?
Ryan: Nah, I'm gonna spend the night gaming.
Thomas: Man prom is over rated.
Sir Topham Hatt: Thats because you couldn't get a date even if you tried.
Thomas: You're wrong sir! That's because I'm aro ace! Meaning, I don't give a fuck about dating! Video games for life! I'm just surprised on how you even got your wife in the first place.
Ryan: Ooooohhhh!
Percy: Ha! Got him!
Sir Topham Hatt: Thomas you little shit-
Percy: Hey-
Hank: No! Everyone shut up!
Rosie: The hell is wrong with you?
Hank: You are spending this class being quiet, and doing the fifty assignments I've assigned you.
Ryan: I'm gonna kill him.
Rosie: Better hurry or I'll beat you too it.
Ryan: Then it'll be a team effort.
Gordon: How about we not kill people this time?
Ryan: When I'm done with him I'm coming for you next.
Percy: Dude, Gordon's right. Why the fuck do we keep killing people who do stupid shit! You guys just saw Hank banish Thomas to the shadow realm for 10 years! So let's all actually do his shit or all of us will be next.
Gordon: Percy, thank Lady for making you the only other person with a braincell.
Percy: No problem.
*The class grumbles and starts doing the fifty assignments that Hank assigned to them*
Ryan: *Snoring*
Hank: Ryan! Do you want to fail this class!?
Ryan: I've only been getting four hours of sleep with all this work!
James: Statistically we need six to eight hours of sleep!
Hank: I couldn't agree more. *Gestures to whiteboard*

Hank: It's because of fucking Satan.... I hate that bitch so much....
Ryan: All of us do!
Sir Topham Hatt: Why are you late?
Ryan: Remember when you said Yesterday "the bell does not dismiss you, I dismiss you"?
Sir Topham Hatt: What about it?
Ryan: Well if the bell does not dismiss me, it does not tell me when to get here on time.
Sir Topham Hatt: Get out of my class Ryan.
Ryan: Why cause I was five minutes late? You weren't even in class yesterday.
Sir Topham Hatt: True, but that's not important.
Ryan: Wha- yeah it is, it's way more important for you to be here than us!
Sir Topham Hatt: The substitute gave you homework yesterday, put it on my desk on your way out.
Ryan: I finished it in class yesterday, I put it on your desk.
Sir Topham Hatt: Ryan why are all your questions from 1-8 exactly the same as Gordon's?
Ryan: Oh I don't know, maybe it's because we were answering the same questions. *To Thomas* Can you believe this? Hey toss me a pencil.
Sir Topham Hatt: No talking during class!
Ryan: Why are you teaching during my conversation?
Sir Topham Hatt: To the principal's office, now!
Ryan: Fine, can I go to the bathroom on the way there?
Sir Topham Hatt: What for?
Ryan: .... To open the chamber of secrets, WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
Sir Topham Hatt: OUT!
Ryan: Okay fine! I'm going!
*Ryan then walks out of the classroom*
Percy: You know what? He has a point.
Sir Topham Hatt: Percy, do you want to join him as well?!?!
Percy: Yeah.
Sir Topham Hatt: I-Uh-I give up...
Thomas: Whattup?
Percy: So Rosie and Emily are definitely going to prom.
Thomas: Not surprised there.
Percy: Somehow found a date.
Thomas: Your kidding.
Percy: No joke, and apparently Daisy is going.
Thomas: Does Daisy even go to this school?
Percy: Like hell if I know.
Thomas: How the hell did you even get a date anyway? You don't even like girls or boys.
Percy: Well, Daisy was suppose to go to prom with Ryan and Mavis but the both of them were busy. So, she asked me if I could be her "date".
Thomas: Wait, Daisy has two bitches?
Percy: Yeah?
Thomas: .......What.....
Thomas: So who's gonna die first today?
Ryan: I got money on Mavis, She was irritated earlier.
Gordon: My money's on James.
Percy: fifty bucks on Thomas.
Thomas: Hey!
Sir Topham Hatt: Guys, it does not pain me in the slightest to say Rosie died of a heart attack last night.
Whole class: ........
Thomas: Did not expect that.
*Ugly sobbing can be heard in the room*
Thomas: Ah great, that Emily is bawling her eyes out...
Percy: How the hell did Rosie even die of a heart attack anyways????
Sir Topham Hatt: The cause was unknown. It was very sudden and unexpected. May Rosie rest in peace.
Whole class except for Emily: Maybe.....No....
Ryan: Alright well enjoy prom you guys.
Sir Topham Hatt: You were saying? Cause you guys have a fifty page book report due the day after.
Everyone in class: WHAT!?
*Gun shot*
Rosie: Surprise motha fucka.
The class: WAIT, YOU'RE NOT DEAD?!?!?!!?
Rosie: Say goodbye fat bitch.
*Rosie then shoots Sir Topham Hatt in the chest*
Rosie: Now who's going prom with me?
*Everybody in the classroom starts cheering as Emily runs towards Rosie and hugs her tightly*
Rosie: The "heart attack" that I had was a fake-out.
Thomas on Prom night hopping on Xbox with the boys: Ryan! You down for Halo?
Ryan: Bet! Then we gotta load up Minecraft.
*One hour later in a relaxing Minecraft world.*
Ryan: Hey Thomas?
Thomas: Yeah what's up?
Ryan: I don't know if it's just me, but maybe we made a mistake not going to prom.
Thomas: What you talking about?
Ryan: Sure the school is chaotic as hell, but some of my funniest memories are from there. I've laughed harder than I have anywhere else, we've seen a fucking love story bloom between the quiet kid and the stressed kid, and we declared the school an entirely new fucking country. So while we have the chance, lets make some more memories.
Thomas: I mean...
Ryan: It's not too late.
Thomas: Alright get a suit on and I'll meet you outside school in thirty minutes.
Ryan: Bet, talk soon.
Thomas: See you there bro!
*At the prom*
Percy: Wait...Is that....THOMAS AND RYAN!?!?
Thomas: Hey Percy! What's up bro?
Ryan: We came here to make some more chaotic memories!
Percy: Well, that's good to know. By the way, the food here is fucking delicious.
Thomas: Damn really? Shotgun for the cupcakes!
Ryan: Not if I get there first!
Diesel: *Djing at the prom*
Thomas and Ryan: Percy what is up!
Percy: Yeah so Duck is shutting down the school.
Ryan: What!?
Thomas: Where the fuck is he?
Percy: He should be over the snack table.
Thomas: I am going to have a word with him. And I mean that seriously, not gonna kill him.
*Thomas then walks over to the snack table*
Thomas: Hey Duck. Why the FUCK are you trying to shut down the school!??!?
Duck: Because this school is an absolute mess. It isn't suitable in the Great Western Way!
Thomas: Can you shut up about the Great Asshole Way for one second?!?
*Duck then points a gun at Thomas*
Thomas: Oh shit...
Diesel: *Hyping up the crowd*
Ryan: Gotta record this shit!
James: Already on it.
Percy: they look sick as hell, we're in a dark gym with disco lights, and Diesel is playing some awesome tunes! This is insane.
Rosie: Three, two, one, go!
*Duck starts by doing the Rumba. Thomas strikes back by doing the Cha-Cha real smooth.*
Duck: What the?-
Thomas: Ha! Forget it Duck, I'm the number 1 best dancer in this school! You can't defeat me!
*Without warning, Duck throws a table at Thomas, who barely dodges it*
Thomas: Woah dude, what the hell?!?!
Duck: I will do ANYTHING to get this school shut down!
Percy: I don't know about that... ๐
Duck: What do you mean by that?!?
*Distracted, Duck didn't see Thomas running towards him and kicking him in the face, knocking him out*
*one dance fight later*
Diesel: With the smoothness of a rockstar Thomas comes out on top!
Thomas: WOOOOO!!!!
Ryan: Up top!
*Loud high five*
Duck: I'm gonna need to hire Edward again.
James: Let's cheer for the king of dance!
*Everybody then lifts up Thomas in the air and start chanting his name*
Everybody: Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
*Duck proceeds to walk outside of the school. Outside, Duck presses some numbers on his phone before waiting for the caller to respond*
Duck: Hey hello?
Edward: What the-? Duck?!? What are you calling me for???
Duck: Listen. I need to come back to the school and shut it down with me.
Edward: Tsk. Fuck no.
Duck: What?!?
Edward: Listen Great Western weirdo, I quit my job for a reason. It was giving me an ass load of headaches, the students here are menaces and I don't even have time to be with my husband!
Duck: Wait, you have a husband?
Edward: Yeah? His name is Toby. Anyways, I'm far happier now and if you try to get me to rejoin the school. Then you can kiss my ass goodbye.
*Edward then proceeds to hang up*
Edward: Well fuck you I'm your subsitute cause sir Topham Hatt quit after prom.
Ryan: Feels god to be back.
Rosie: Anyone wanna get shot to celebrate?
Everyone: ....
Rosie: Come on, I'm the quiet kid I can make that joke.
Edward: Rosie, nobody wants to get shot.
Rosie: Awww....
Thomas: Anyways. Hey Edward. Why did you quit your job?
Edward: Because it was shitty.
Thomas: Oh. Relatable.
Conner: Alright so we all know theres more water on earth than land-
Ryan: Wrong!
Conner: How so?
Ryan: There's more land under the water.
Connor: Actually, you're correct.
Ryan: Finally! A teacher with braincells!
*Class raking a test*
Emily (smart kid): *Finishes test*
Mavis (Smart kid 2): Huh?
Ryan: You are unworthy of your position in the class.
Mavis: I am worthy!
James: Unworthy!!
Mavis: You realize what I sacrificed to be this!?
James: What? Your dignity?
*Vine boom sound*
Mavis: ....Run and hide.
James: What?
*Mavis then proceeds to jump on James and starts punching the shit out of him*
Thomas: *Slams his backpack on the desk* Kay frankly I don't understand how every pride thing works, but what I do know is Duck is in the LGTBQ+ community and I need someone to explain it.
Ryan: Bro ask Rosie and Emily, they're literally the gayest mothafucka's I have ever seen.
Rosie: *Cocks gun* You got a problem with that?
Ryan: That's an entirely different sentence!
Percy: Edward, Henry, Gordon and BoCo are all fucking gay. And I heard that Toby is transmasc and bisexual.
Thomas: Everybody in this school are gay as fuck.