yakuly - Yakully

Ansiosa | 23 y | Caprica

718 posts

Yakuly - Yakully

⍉ 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 ⍉


❤️ Chapter: Cicero...

❤️ Words: 1.223

❤️ Warnings: fight, cursing, mention of sex, sex, murder, blood, death, shooting, gun, shooting gun.

❤️A/N: Posting once again since tumblr hates me. But anyway, enjoy!

Do not be silly. I might even have liked Charlie, after all, he knew how to appreciate the great star and woman that I am… The problem is, he thought it was a good idea to appreciate my sister. As if she were as excellent as I am…


I knew I was destined for greatness from a very young age, but it all started to take on big proportions when I turned 15. Yes, my body had already started to develop more than other girls, so I attracted more attention from boys. I realized that I got some favors if I wore more revealing clothes, and I have to be honest, the feeling of power that these little moments gave me was indescribable!

My sister, Veronica, didn't have a voluptuous body, but she had charisma and charm, and she also managed a few things in her favor, just by blinking her beautiful eyes and leaning in slightly. Basic flirting.

Our father wasn't a flower that smelled, and our mother we didn't know, so I had to start working early. But no place wanted a 15-year-old girl with huge cleavage and tight skirts to work. None but "Chicago's Fire Ball". I started at the bottom, of course, but waiting tables just wasn't for me. So I soon learned to dance like the women there, I learned to sing, and then I worked my way up to the stage.


I had a conversation with the owner of the bar, and he assured me that if Elô, the "head" of the dancers, approved, I could be on stage. It was then that I had a brilliant idea: what could be better than one me, dancing? Two 'I'!

That day, I came home, made my sister my copy - a lesser version of me, but still similar enough - and taught her one of the choreographies that I memorized just by looking at it, adding acrobatics in the sequences. The next day we had a job.

On that day, "The Kelly Sisters" was born. Two perfect girls dancing as one. We were identical, perfectly in sync, flexible, and on top of that, we were hot. We gained fame fast, and then we were in every bar and club that called us. We slept with every man (and even women) until I met Charlie.


Charlie became some kind of partner and adviser. He was amazing! Hot, good-looking, ambitious, and most importantly, he was obsessed with me. He always made comments about how I was doing, and how he would like to "fuck me right". Yeah, I liked being appreciated as I should.

So we were called to perform at a big bar, and we stayed at the nearest hotel, Cícero, just until the show started. We bought drinks to celebrate, and we stayed in my room.

Veronica brought out some specialty cigarettes, and we were making the most of it. We talked about everything, which was pretty much nothing for someone sober, and Charlie kept his kisses and groping blatant and sassy.

We ran out of ice, and as we all know, I'm the real star, so I should be at least a little soberer than Veronica, so I volunteered to go to the big shed behind the building to get some more.

I put on my robe and went. It ended up taking a little longer than expected, as a group of men met me on my way, and mind you, they were fans! I shouldn't leave them thumb-sucking when they see… well when they see me! I answered them calmly, I laughed charmingly, and I let them touch me discreetly, but not deliberately, I invited them to go watch at the bar, and then I went to my room.


That's when I found them. Charlie and Veronica were rehearsing one of our acts, apparently number 17, the "inverted eagle".

While Charlie was sitting in the chair, with his pants down, Veronica balanced herself, with her hands on the man's thighs, head down, sucking him, while keeping her legs wide open, so that he could also suck her.


To say I lost my mind is putting it mildly. I slammed the door, and pushed Veronica's legs, making her fall to the floor.

"What the hell is that?!" I spit in disbelief. The ice bucket that was in my hands, soon flew towards the two, who were trying to protect themselves, cover themselves and hold on at the same time, not getting much of anything.

"Calm down Soyeon!" The bitch who shares the stage said, eliciting a snarky laugh from me.

"Calm down?! How long have you guys been fucking? Huh?!" I confess that I started screaming while throwing everything I saw ahead at the two.

"We've never…" Charlie tried to say, but it was obvious I was lying. They probably followed the stunt sequence, in the perfect order. I remembered that he carried a pistol for 'our protection', I run towards it, and as soon as I take it from his suitcase, I point it at the two, who are trying to protect themselves without success.

"Soyeon, think about it…" Once again my sister speaks, with her hands raised, but seeing her skirt falling, made me angrier than before.

"Think? Think about what? How you two were fucking behind my back this whole time?!" I ask, shocking even myself with my outward calm. My blood boiled, but my handheld was still like a rock.

"You forget that I created you. I created you." I look at my sister before continuing to speak, already deciding what needs to be done. "I made you a copy of me. A very nasty and less hot copy of me!" I let out a snarky laugh, seeing the tears roll down my sister's face, and Charlie calculating how long he had to get out of there.

Not a lot.

"I am the real attraction! I'm the one they want!" I say, unlocking the gun, watching them both freeze in place. "you've always been a setback in my life. I hope the fuck was worth it."


I don't know how many times I fired, but I know it was enough to get my face dirty, more than half of the room, and still draw attention from the whole hotel. I need to be quick, so I practically fly to my suitcase, stuffing all the clothes that were outside, and hiding the gun among the pieces. I put on an overcoat over my clothes, and I run out of the hotel and run to the bar where the performance was going to take place.

I never needed Veronica, and it won't be now that that fucker is going to pass me by.

I keep walking, taking some shortcuts and alleys. When I arrive, I'm late, so I can only hide the bag and wash my hands with their blood and introduce myself.


When I reach the backstage of the bar, I'm late, and I run so I can get on stage on cue. That's when I realize my hands are dark, dirty, and sticky.

Blood. In my hand. Veronica and Charlie's blood. They died. I killed them…

I don't have time to focus on that, so I get onstage, and I'm even sexier and hotter than ever. The audience is more receptive than ever, I can feel everything. But you can hear the sirens - lots of sirens - approaching the place. And I knew there was no more time.

I enjoyed every minute of that performance, and when I'm done, I see the cops walk in the front door, and they point those guns at me. In the end, I am taken under thousands of flashes of journalists who arrived at the bar seconds later, I may even be arrested, but I never lose a single moment under the spotlight.


[Transcript of Defendant's Apprehension]

I think that's enough rambling, what's your name?

Don't you know my name baby? Damn, I'm going to be upset…

Ma'am, please just tell me your name.

Jeon Soyeon, baby!

And how old are you?

But my God! Is that something you ask a lady? Where are your manners?!

Your age, my lady?

23, and if you put your sarcasm aside, we can have some fun, what do you think?

Ma'am, please cover up. Anyway, why are you being arrested?

Because I shot my sister and my husband, but don't worry, I'm harmless to you!

And what was your lady's motivation?

They both thought it was a good idea to cheat on me. Do you think it was a good idea for them to fuck behind my back, baby?

Okay, okay… how do you declare?

What do you think? Innocent. They should know better than that!

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More Posts from Yakuly

2 years ago

⍉ 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉


❤️ Capítulo: Cicero

❤️ SoyeonxMaleReader

❤️ Palavras: 1.394

❤️ Avisos: Traição, marido tóxico, briga, Xingamentos, menção de sexo, assassinato, tiros, cigarros, sangue, morte.

Não seja tolo. Eu posso até ter gostado de Charlie, afinal, ele sabia bem como apreciar a grande estrela e mulher que sou... O problema, é que ele pensou que fosse uma boa ideia apreciar minha irmã. Como se ela fosse tão excelente como eu...


Eu soube que estava destinada a grandeza desde muito nova, mas tudo começou a levar grandes proporções quando fiz 15 anos. Sim, meu corpo já começara a se desenvolver mais do que das outras garotas, portanto chamava mais atenção dos garotos. Percebi que conseguia alguns favores, se usasse roupas mais reveladoras, e tenho que ser sincera, a sensação de poder que esses pequenos momentos me davam, eram indescritíveis!

Minha irmã, Verônica, não tinha um corpo voluptuoso, mas tinha carisma, charme, e também conseguia algumas coisas ao seu favor, apenas piscando seus belos olhos, e se inclinando levemente. Flertes básicos.

Nosso pai não era flor que de cheire, e nossa mãe não conhecíamos, então tive que começar a trabalhar cedo. Mas nenhum lugar queria uma garota de 15 com rum enorme decote e saias justas para trabalhar. Nenhum, menos o "Chicago's Fire Ball". Comecei por baixo, é claro, mas servir mesas não era pra mim. Então logo tratei de aprender a dançar como as mulher dali, aprendi a cantar, e aí trabalhei meu caminho até o palco.


Tive uma conversa com o dono do bar, e ele me garantiu que se Elô, a "chefe" das dançarinas aprovasse, eu poderia estar no palco. Foi então que tive uma brilhante ideia: o que pode ser melhor que uma eu, dançando? Duas 'eu'!

Naquele dia, voltei pra casa, fiz minha irmã minha cópia - uma versão menos de mim, mas ainda sim, semelhante o suficiente - e a ensinei uma das coreografias que decorei apenas de ver, adicionando acrobacias nas sequências. No dia seguinte, tínhamos um trabalho.

Naquele dia nasceu portanto, "As irmãs Kelly". Duas garotas perfeitas dançando como uma pessoa só. Éramos idênticas, tínhamos uma sincronia perfeita, flexíveis, e além de tudo, éramos gostosas. Ganhamos fama rápido, e então estávamos em todos os bares e clubes que nos chamassem. Dormimos com todos os homens (e até mulheres) até que conheci Charlie.


Charlie virou algum tipo de sócio e acessor. Ele era incrível! Gostoso, boa pinta, ambicioso, e o mais importante: era obcecado por mim. Sempre fazia comentários sobre como eu estava, e como gostaria de "me comer de jeito". É, eu gostava de ser apreciada como deveria.

Então fomos chamados para nos apresentar em um grande bar, e ficamos no hotel mais próximo, o Cícero, só até o show começar. Compramos bebida para comemorar, e ficamos no meu quarto.

Verônica trouxe alguns cigarros especiais, e estávamos aproveitando tudo ao máximo. Conversamos sobre tudo, o que era basicamente nada, para quem estivesse sóbrio, e Charlie deixava seus beijos e apalpadas, evidentes e atrevidas.

Ficamos sem gelo, e como todos sabemos, sou a verdadeira estrela, então deveria ficar ao menos um pouco mais sóbria que verônica, então me voluntariei para ir até o grande galpão atrás do prédio para pegar mais.

Vesti meu roupão e fui. Acabei por demorar um pouco mais que o esperado, pois um grupo de homens me encontrou no meu caminho, e veja bem, eles eram fãs! Não deveria os deixar chupando dedo, ao verem... bem, ao me verem! Os atendi com calma, ri charmosa, deixei que me tocassem discretamente, mas não deliberadamente, os convidei para ire assistirem no bar, e então segui para meu quarto.


Foi quando os encontrei. Charlie e Verônica estavam ensaiando um de nossos números, ao que parece, o número 17, a "águia invertida".

Enquanto Charlie estava sentado na cadeira, com as calças abaixadas, Verônica se equilibrava, com suas mãos nas coxas do homem, cabeça pra baixo, o chupando, enquanto mantinha suas pernas bem abertas, pra que ele pudesse também a chupar.


Dizer que perdi a cabeça é o mínimo. Bati a porta, e empurrei as pernas de verônica, a fazendo cair no chão.

"Que porra é essa?!" Cuspo incrédula. O balde com gelo que estava em minhas mãos, logo voou na direção dos dois, que tentavam se proteger, se cobrir e se segurar ao mesmo tempo, não conseguindo muito de nada.

"Calma Soyeon!" A vadia que divido o palco disse, tirando uma risada sarcástica de mim.

"Calma?! Há quanto tempo que vocês tão fodendo? Hã?!" Confesso que comecei a gritar enquanto jogava tudo que via pela frente nos dois.

"Nós nunca..." Charlie tento dizer, mas tava na cara que era mentira. Eles provavelmente seguiram a sequência de acrobacias, a ordem perfeita. Lembrei que ele carregava uma pistola pra 'nossa proteção', corro em direção da mesma, e assim que a pego de sua mala, aponto para os dois, que tentavam se proteger sem sucesso.

"Soyeon, pensa bem..." Mais uma vez minha irmã se pronuncia, com as mãos levantadas, mas ver sua saia caindo, me deu mais raiva que antes.

"Pensar? Pensa no que? Em como vocês dois estavam se fodendo pelas minhas costas esse tempo todo?!" indago, chocando, inclusive a mim mesma com minha calma exterior. Meu sangue fervia, mas minha mão se mantinha parada como uma rocha.

"Vocês se esquecem que eu criei vocês. Eu criei você." Olho para minha irmã antes de continuar a falar, já decidida do que era necessário fazer. "Fiz de você, uma cópia de mim. Uma cópia bem chula e menos gostosa de mim!" Solto uma risada sarcástica, vendo as lágrimas rolarem pelo rosto de minha irmã, e Charlie claramente calculando quanto tempo ele teria para sair dali.

Não muito.

"Eu sou a verdadeira atração! Sou eu quem eles querem!" Digo, destravando a arma, vendo ambos congelarem no lugar. "vocês sempre foram um atraso na minha vida. Espero que a fodinha tenha válido a pena."


Não sei quantas vezes atirei, mas sei que foi o suficiente pra sujar meu rosto, mais da metade do quarto, e ainda chamar atenção do hotel todo. Preciso ser rapidsa, então praticamente vôo para minha mala, socando todas as roupas que estavam pra fora, pra dentro, e escondendo a arma entre as peças. Visto um sobretudo por cima da roupa, e saio correndo do hotel e corro para o bar onde a apresentação iria... irá acontecer.

Nunca precisei de Verônica, e não vai ser agora que aquela fodida vai me passar pra trás.

Sigo andando, pegando alguns atalhos e becos. Quando chego, estou atrasada, então só posso esconder a mala e lavar as mãos com seus sangues e me apresentar.


Quando chego na coxia do bar, estou atrasada, e corro para poder subir no palco na deixa certa. É quando percebo minhas mãos escuras, sujas e grudentas.

Sangue. Na minha mão. Sangue de verônica e Charlie. Eles morreram. Eu os matei...

Não tenho tempo pra focar nisso, então subo no palco, e sou ainda mais sexy e gostosa do que nunca. O público está mais receptivo do que nunca, consigo sentir tudo. Mas é possível ouvir as sirenes - muitas sirenes - se aproximando do lugar. E eu soube que não teria mais tempo.

Aproveitei cada minuto daquela apresentação, e quando acabo, vejo os policiais entrarem pela porta da frente, e apontarem aquelas armas para mim. No fim, sou levada sob milhares de flashes de jornalistas que chegaram ao bar segundos depois, posso até ser presa, mas jamais perco um só momento sob os holofotes.


[Transcrição da Apreensão da Ré]

Acho que já chega de enrolação, qual seu nome?

Você não sabe meu nome bebê? Poxa assim vou ficar chateada...

Senhora, por favor, só me diga seu nome.

É Jeon Soyeon, bebê!

E qual a sua idade?

Mas meu Deus! Isso é algo que se pergunte para uma lady? Onde estão os seus modos?!

Sua idade, minha lady?

23, e se deixar esse seu sarcasmo de lado, nós podemos nos divertir, o que acha?

Senhora, por favor, se cubra. Enfim, Por que a senhora está sendo presa?

Por que atirei na minha irmã e no meu marido, mas não se preocupe, pra você sou inofensiva!

E qual foi a sua motivação da senhora?

Os dois acharam que é foi uma boa ideia me trair. Você acha que foi uma boa ideia eles foderem pelas minhas costas, bebê?

Tá, tudo bem...como a senhora de declara?

O que acha? Inocente. Eles deveriam saber melhor que isso!

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2 years ago

Então, digamos que eu tenha um mini one shot do Jimin (inspirado em uma cena de "Greese"), um imagine em duas partes talvez três quem sabe, com o Han Jisung, e um reaction do Monsta X... Só não sei o que postar primeiro, alguma ideia?

So, let's say I have a Jimin mini shot (inspired by the "Greese" movie), a Han Jisung imagine two parts, maybe three, who knows? , and a Monsta X reaction... I only font know which one to post it first, any ideas?

Ento, Digamos Que Eu Tenha Um Mini One Shot Do Jimin (inspirado Em Uma Cena De "Greese"), Um Imagine

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2 years ago

⍉ 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 ⍉



❤️ Chapter: Cicero...

❤️ Words: 1.223

❤️ Warnings: fight, cursing, mention of sex, murder, blood, death

Do not be silly. I might even have liked Charlie, after all, he knew how to appreciate the great star and woman that I am… The problem is, he thought it was a good idea to appreciate my sister. As if she were as excellent as I am…


I knew I was destined for greatness from a very young age, but it all started to take on big proportions when I turned 15. Yes, my body had already started to develop more than other girls, so I attracted more attention from boys. I realized that I got some favors if I wore more revealing clothes, and I have to be honest, the feeling of power that these little moments gave me was indescribable!

My sister, Veronica, didn't have a voluptuous body, but she had charisma and charm, and she also managed a few things in her favor, just by blinking her beautiful eyes and leaning in slightly. Basic flirting.

Our father wasn't a flower that smelled, and our mother we didn't know, so I had to start working early. But no place wanted a 15-year-old girl with huge cleavage and tight skirts to work. None but "Chicago's Fire Ball". I started at the bottom, of course, but waiting tables just wasn't for me. So I soon learned to dance like the women there, I learned to sing, and then I worked my way up to the stage.


I had a conversation with the owner of the bar, and he assured me that if Elô, the "head" of the dancers, approved, I could be on stage. It was then that I had a brilliant idea: what could be better than me, dancing? Two 'I'!

That day, I came home, made my sister my copy - a lesser version of me, but still similar enough - and taught her one of the choreographies that I memorized just by looking at it, adding acrobatics in the sequences. The next day we had a job.

On that day, "The Kelly Sisters" was born. Two perfect girls dancing as one. We were identical, perfectly in sync, flexible, and on top of that, we were hot. We gained fame fast, and then we were in every bar and club that called us. We slept with every man (and even women) until I met Charlie.


Charlie became some kind of partner and adviser. He was amazing! Hot, good-looking, ambitious, and most importantly, he was obsessed with me. He always made comments about how I was doing, and how he would like to "fuck me right". Yeah, I liked being appreciated as I should.

So we were called to perform at a big bar, and we stayed at the nearest hotel, Cícero, just until the show started. We bought drinks to celebrate, and we stayed in my room.

Veronica brought out some specialty cigarettes, and we were making the most of it. We talked about everything, which was pretty much nothing for someone sober, and Charlie kept his kisses and groping blatant and sassy.

We ran out of ice, and as we all know, I'm the real star, so I should be at least a little soberer than Veronica, so I volunteered to go to the big shed behind the building to get some more.

I put on my robe and went. It ended up taking a little longer than expected, as a group of men met me on my way, and mind you, they were fans! I shouldn't leave them thumb-sucking when they see… well when they see me! I answered them calmly, I laughed charmingly, and I let them touch me discreetly, but not deliberately, I invited them to go watch at the bar, and then I went to my room.


That's when I found them. Charlie and Veronica were rehearsing one of our acts, apparently number 17, the "inverted eagle".

While Charlie was sitting in the chair, with his pants down, Veronica balanced herself, with her hands on the man's thighs, head down, sucking him, while keeping her legs wide open, so that he could also suck her.


To say I lost my mind is putting it mildly. I slammed the door, and pushed Veronica's legs, making her fall to the floor. "What the hell is that?!" I spit in disbelief. The ice bucket that was in my hands, soon flew towards the two, who were trying to protect themselves, cover themselves and hold on at the same time, not getting much of anything.

"Calm down Soyeon!" The bitch who shares the stage said, eliciting a snarky laugh from me.

"Calm down?! How long have you guys been fucking? Huh?!" I confess that I started screaming while throwing everything I saw ahead at the two.

"We've never…" Charlie tried to say, but it was obvious I was lying. They probably followed the stunt sequence, in the perfect order. I remembered that he carried a pistol for 'our protection', I run towards it, and as soon as I take it from his suitcase, I point it at the two, who are trying to protect themselves without success.

"Soyeon, think about it…" Once again my sister speaks, with her hands raised, but seeing her skirt falling, made me angrier than before.

"Think? Think about what? How you two were fucking behind my back this whole time?!" I ask, shocking even myself with my outward calm. My blood boiled, but my handheld was still like a rock.

"You forget that I created you. I created you." I look at my sister before continuing to speak, already deciding what needs to be done. "I made you a copy of me. A very nasty and less hot copy of me!" I let out a snarky laugh, seeing the tears roll down my sister's face, and Charlie calculating how long he had to get out of there.

Not a lot.

"I am the real attraction! I'm the one they want!" I say, unlocking the gun, watching them both freeze in place. "you've always been a setback in my life. I hope the fuck was worth it."


I don't know how many times I fired, but I know it was enough to get my face dirty, more than half of the room, and still draw attention from the whole hotel. I need to be quick, so I practically fly to my suitcase, stuffing all the clothes that were outside, and hiding the gun among the pieces. I put on an overcoat over my clothes, and I run out of the hotel and run to the bar where the performance was going to take place.

I never needed Veronica, and it won't be now that that fucker is going to pass me by.

I keep walking, taking some shortcuts and alleys. When I arrive, I'm late, so I can only hide the bag and wash my hands with their blood and introduce myself.


When I reach the backstage of the bar, I'm late, and I run so I can get on stage on cue. That's when I realize my hands are dark, dirty, and sticky.

Blood. In my hand. Veronica and Charlie's blood. They died. I killed them…

I don't have time to focus on that, so I get onstage, and I'm even sexier and hotter than ever. The audience is more receptive than ever, I can feel everything. But you can hear the sirens - lots of sirens - approaching the place. And I knew there was no more time.

I enjoyed every minute of that performance, and when I'm done, I see the cops walk in the front door, and they point those guns at me. In the end, I am taken under thousands of flashes of journalists who arrived at the bar seconds later, I may even be arrested, but I never lose a single moment under the spotlight.


[Transcript of Defendant's Apprehension]

I think that's enough rambling, what's your name?

Don't you know my name baby? Damn, I'm going to be upset…

Ma'am, please just tell me your name.

It's Jeon Soyeon, baby!

And how old are you?

But my God! Is that something you ask a lady? Where are your manners?!

Your age, my lady?

23, and if you put your sarcasm aside, we can have some fun, what do you think?

Ma'am, please cover up. Anyway, why are you being arrested?

Why I shot my sister and my husband, but don't worry, I'm harmless to you!

And what was your lady's motivation?

They both thought it was a good idea to cheat on me. Do you think it was a good idea for them to fuck behind my back, baby?

Okay, okay… how do you declare?

What do you think? Innocent. They should know better than that!

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2 years ago

pra melhorar o dia, hoje tem a posse do lulis!!

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2 years ago

Queria tanto poder ter ido aaaaaa

Brazil Crowds Really Don't Disappoint In Being Loud

Brazil crowds really don't disappoint in being loud

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