A3! Misumi - Tumblr Posts
Summer troupe rob a bank-
this was a fun one!!!
Tenma: tenten offered to just pay for the troupe's budget, but noooo?? Robbing a bank is fuunnn?? He'd have to go with misumi to make sure any triangles don't throw him off.
Muku: the lookout! Muku is a nervous, but speedy boi, so if he sees anyone coming he'd be able to run over to the rest of the troupe and get them outta there!!
Yuki: he suggested it!! Poor boy needs money to finance his fabric and accessories for costumes. Sakyo will be vv confused when they suddenly have their over-budget costumes paid for
Misumi: u already know how good misu is at hopping around walls and evading capture. He's the one sneaking in! Unfortunately, he would be easily distracted if any of the décor in the bank is shaped vaguely triangular
Kazunari: kazu is the one who learned the hours of the bank and the security guards. Also got into the security system! He wanted to play "heist music" too but tenten vetoed that idea :')
annotation hcs (summer troupe pt 2)
here’s the rest of the summer troupe!! reminder that requests are open~~ Misumi: cute triangles allll over the cover!! What else did you expect lol. I feel like he would painstakingly draw a triangle border around the pages. Or he could use washi tape with a cute triangle design!! In terms of annotating his lines, I think there would honestly be minimal notes on the actual lines, there seems to be more decoration for fun. (spoiler warning here!!!!!) Masu has been learning ab theatre since he was little so i feel like a lot of delivery and projection would come quickly for him. Loses his script on occasion, but he’s off book pretty quick, so it usually isn't a problem
Kazunari: i think kazu’s notes are definitely methodological. I think since he’s already in uni he already has a set system for taking notes that he’s been using for a couple of years and that he’s comfortable with. I feel like he probably has vv aesthetically pleasing notes! He might also have a couple of sketches in the margins when he gets inspired during rehearsal and while studying lines. probably doesn’t lose his script too often!
just in case, cw: potentially dangerous accident, mild cursing I think it's plausible to imagine that misumi is always in the theatre during all tech rehearsal, even when he has nothing to actually do. It seemed to be that once props and tech came in, misumi followed. But no one really minded because he didn't disrupt rehearsals. Now, no one in mankai really knew why misumi is always around during tech until one day during a very tech/prop heavy scene in a short mixed troupe play. Everyone was on heavy time constraints and tech week kinda became tech 3.5 days. Due to the rush, not everything on the catwalk was secured properly, and a stagehand had to run up to hand off a toolbag to someone working right above the stage. The toolbag falls. Before anyone can notice, misumi runs onto stage and tackles tsumugi. The toolbag, full of metal tools, fell onto the stage, crushing the wooden prop tsumugi was standing on. The entire theatre fell silent for a minute, then as one body, izumi and the cast ran over to misumi and tsumugi to just hold them for a minute. It was scary as hell for the people who had never seen an near-accident like that, and rattled the people who had seen worse. Since then, posters were put up by the catwalk to secure all loose items and misumi enlisted hisoka to stand by during complicated productions. ~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry if this one feels a bit rushed, i had hit a mini writer’s block and this was the first thing i could come up with! i will be finishing up any requests that have been sent in, and i thank you all for being patient with me !! :)
Misumi and kazu regularly re-enact the entire duck song. (Perfectly every time may I add!!)
Tenma hates it because it doesn't make sense??? Why doesn't the duck just get some himself?? It's so repetitive?? (He’s never seen the video before the first mini “performance”)
Tsuzuru and omi are silently suffering through hell every single time. But the triangle buds look like they’re having so much fun so they can never bring themselves to voice their frustrations. (Their little brothers used to play the song on repeat so they’ve been suffering this pain for years.)
Sakyo just leaves the room. (But he’s secretly happy that they’re all laughing and getting along)
Taichi, Kumon, and Citron join in if they happen to be there when it starts! (Once by chance all 3 of them were in the common room and they all joined in. In total 5 people were singing at once and it was chaos. )
Hi! Are you still taking requests? I would like to do one if it’s possible.
How about Izumi forgetting things because our girl is trying to manage 20 men and side jobs in other theaters? For example, she is coming down from her room to lounge to drink a water but when she enters in, she just forgets what she was going to do and everyone asks “Director, why are you just standing there lol” and she starts to question herself in a comedic sense lolol
Thank you in advance.
Sajnknfdakjsnfs ok this is actually hilarious!!!
-Izumi literally does so much work, and yet she seems to keep up a very chipper and fun attitude. Like?? How does she do it????
-(Being in the vicinity of curry probably just gives her a boost of energy)
-I feel like Izumi would be the type to keep working until her brain cannot process words anymore, so she's in the kitchen holding what she thinks is a napkin to wipe off the counter. (She's actually holding some of Yuki’s fabric that he just finished pinning together.)
-Yuki’s dramatic gasp of horror was enough to snap Izumi out of it and immediately start apologizing to him. He then ordered her to go to take a nap, and strangely enough, Izumi didn’t even question it.
-Tsumugi has bumped into her in the garden. She was just,,,.standing there,.,.mayhaps she was photosynthesizing? Is the director a flower now? He was so tempted to take his watering can and sprinkle a little bit on her head, but he kinda just, gently tapped on her shoulder until she floated back to earth. Apparently she was going out for groceries and her brain just shut down the second she stepped outside.
-After a couple of these incidents, Sakyo has Sakoda bring him a copy of Izumi’s schedule every week and he’ll go through the list, looking for things to take off her plate so she can get enough rest in. he’ll also ask Winter troupe to look after her a bit because he trusts them to be gentle with it.
-Izumi has found herself getting invited to tea by Homare every Wednesday, and Guy, Azuma, and Tsumugi meditate and burn incense with her on occasion.
-Hisoka and Misumi were enlisted to watch to make sure she doesn’t space out anywhere dangerous, and to make sure to drag her to take naps when necessary.
i thought this'd be funny asf omg so can you sort mankai actors by whether they can whistle or not?? it's okay if u don't but i just think it'd be rlly funny lmaooo
Ajdkfhdnkd this was fun!! I also threw in izumi, matsukawa, and sakoda for funsies!
Can whistle and is good at it: itaru, citron, chikage, tsuzuru, misumi, banri, taichi, azuma, guy, matsukawa, tetsuro
Can whistle mostly well: yuki, kazunari, omi, azami, homare, sakoda
Cannot whistle and is fine with it: sakuya, masumi, muku, juza, sakyo, tsumugi, hisoka
Cannot whistle and is furious/upset about it: tenma, kumon, tasuku, Izumi
Tenma once put his hand flat on the hot end of an iron because he "didn't know where the heat came out of". Yeaaa, that hand burned and it was real ouchie for about a week. Thankfully, Misumi helped him out with holding things around the dorm. As far as anyone at school knows, he got burned while catching a hot pan that would have fallen on his director, like the total gentleman he is. (Banri laughs his ass off every time one of the kids from Tenma's class comes by Mankai to check on the ‘hero’.)
CONTENT WARNING: this piece is about disordered eating [nothing very graphic, but mentions of some of the milder side effects of not eating well for a somewhat extended period of time] so please please take caution in reading
I honestly think Taichi may struggle with eating properly. Like, I can see him feeling super nervous during the middle of spring, because ‘oh jeez, summer is coming and I totally gained weight, I know I did, ah shit.,,’. He’d get worried about how he has a smaller frame compared to the other guys in Mankai, and especially the guys in his troupe. Like, Omi is huge. When he’s in a bad headspace, just standing up near Omi makes him feel so scrawny and pathetic. So he starts eating in a very unbalanced manner. While simultaneously trying to lose his ‘winter weight’ and gain muscle, Taichi starts skipping meals and doing strenuous workouts way more often than his body can handle. He starts sneaking into the kitchen late at night, trying to find something to stave off his hunger so he can sleep. He starts feeling dizzy and lightheaded multiple times a day. He can barely help Yuki sew anymore because his seams keep going crooked and he’s just too woozy and ‘God it's warm in here’ ‘Shit I'm freezing’ ‘Dude I’m fine I swear! (I feel sick)’ and he can't keep track of where the needle is going. Two and a half weeks of this. He feels terrible. Not only is his body struggling to keep up with his activities and schoolwork, he feels incredibly guilty for lying to everyone. Because, let's be real, some of the older members of Mankai know something is up with Taichi. Izumi can see that something is wrong, but she can't pinpoint exactly what. Kazu is worried about his peppy little bro seeming so wiped out at 3 in the afternoon. And Omi. Shit. It feels horrible lying to him. And smiling while lying to his face? Taichi feels nauseated every time he does it.
“I ate already!!”
“Oh don't worry, I had a big lunch, I’m just not hungry for dinner!”
“Haha, I’ll tell ya if I’m hungry Omimiiii!”
Three weeks. Three weeks of this. And Taichi is in the kitchen at 2 in the morning, with a sad little sandwich in his cold hand. And he stubs his toe.
And apparently that was the last fucking straw.
And he slides down the side of the countertop to curl up into himself on the floor. And he cries. And he cries. Juza was the first one who found Taichi curled up on the floor and got scared. Unsure of how to proceed, he gently laid his hand on the little boy’s shaking back. Opening his arms, allowing Taichi to lean in and be held, asked who he would be comfortable talking with. And now we have Omi and Izumi sitting on the couch with Taichi, comforting him and listening attentively as he tells them everything. No more lying. Never again. I promise. I'm so sorry. Omi and Izumi glanced at each other for a moment, and the two minds as one body, proceeded to reassure this kid in front of them. “Taichi, its ok”
“Listen to me, hey hey, look at me please? Taichi, listen please.”
“It's okay Nanao. I promise. We love you.”
“We care about you. I promise.”
“It’s alright.”
“It's okay.”
“We love you”
All Taichi can do is cry harder, cradled in Izumi and Omi’s arms, surrounded by the warmest reassurance he’s felt in a while. Omi and Izumi spend the next few hours calming Taichi down, re-assuring him that they’re here for him, that they still love him, that they’ll always love him. that they could never be mad at him for something like this. And Izumi chokes a little bit between ‘like’ and ‘this’. Someone in her care, god, a child in her care was hurting so bad and she couldn't help sooner? She could have helped with this one. She knew what it felt like to…no, she knows what it feels like, she, oh god, she knows and it’s bad. She’s tensed up to hell and back, she will not cry right now, this is not about her. but of course, Taichi notices. And he silently leans his forehead against her shoulder in assumed understanding. Omi notices and he keeps one hand on Taichi’s knee and one hand slides to the middle of Izumi’s back. Warm. Solid. Safe.
Tucked up on the couch like this, Taichi falls asleep first. Omi and Izumi can’t bring themselves to sleep yet though, and they both sit there for a little over an hour, in rapt contemplation of the boy between him, and the way he looked younger when he was asleep. There was a quiet comfort in how they both laid a hand each on Taichi’s back, in how Izumi’s hand tentatively searches for Omi’s behind the cushion between them, and how Omi gently catches it, and holds on to her, absolutely swept with a sense of fierce protectiveness, of reverence, and a sickening twist of fear and deep seated care for the two sleeping bodies next to him.
Misumi just so happened to wake up earliest that morning, having planned to cut up some triangle shaped fruits for Natsugumi’s picnic later that day. Yawing and wrapping his crochet blanket [courtesy of Yuki] to bunch up on his shoulders, he sleepily shuffled into the living room, walking to pull aside the curtains to let in some sunlight almost on autopilot, when he stopped in the middle of the carpet, standing stock still. Oh boy. Something deeeefinitely happened here. Something not very nice at all. As quiet as he could, Misumi tip-toed over to the couch, gently laying his blanket over Taichi and Omi, and slid off his hoodie to cover up Izumi. As darling as they looked, all cuddled up, Misumi’s heart absolutely ached seeing how desperately it seemed Taichi was clutching onto the hem of Omi’s shirt, how protectively the two adults had been sitting around Taichi. Putting aside the fruit for now, Misumi thought it best to put on a pot of water to make some black tea for the little group when they woke up. It’s what his grandfather did whenever Misumi was feeling all sad and run-down. While the water boiled he snuck around to the rooms of anyone he guessed could have been awake that early, Chikage and Itaru, Tasuku, Kazunari and Kumon, he even flagged down Kamekichi and asked him to keep the living room clear of any visitors till the trio woke up. Bustling around the kitchen, he couldnt help but softly giggle as he heard Taichi yawn and stretch out, one arm hanging off of the couch, and Misumi caught himself blushing a little as he turned around to see Omi [still half asleep], pulling Izumi closer, who, in turn, snuggled in, with her hand resting on the back of Taichi’s head. Pretty cute.
tetsuro, omi, guy, tasuku, chikage, and misumi are all [individually] strong enough to pick up almost everyone in mankai. thus, anyone who wants it will get regular pick-upsies!!! everyone loves picking up muku bc hes such a sweet little fella :”)))) def the baby of mankai. almost everyone is strong enough to lift izumi in a princess carry and shes strong enough to lift quite a few troupe members too!! [teeechnically hisoka can too but he usually will not bother..,.,he does make exceptions for sakuya and muku tho,.,.,] azuma gets VERY giggly when he’s picked up,,.,ough,.,swoons,.,,.he is so special to me,,.,omi was veryyy hesitant when taichi asked him if he wanted someone to try and pick him up, so tai-chan obviously enlisted the help of guy and tetsuro to see if either of them were strong enough. turns out, both were!!! omi was blushing and smiling as FUCK it was vv cute
i will tell u a secret tho,.,.hisoka once picked up homare bridal style and homa HASNT SHUT UP ABOUT IT SINCE!!!! HE WAS SO ENAMOURED!!!! so!!! homare started regularly lifting weights with tasuku [he may have had to convince homa not to start lifting with 30 pound weights and mayyybe work his way up instead…] and after a good few months of spouting poems about exercising, he was finally able to lift hiso!!! good job homare!!!!
Summer Troupe
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- got any grapes?
- affectionate and positive s/o (hcs)
- fairytales
-yuki sewing hc
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-cuddles n comfort!
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-muku, saku, homare, and shakespeare (hc)
- muku’s pottery
-texting habits
-strong s/o
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- tech week (hc)
- got any grapes?
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- got any grapes?
- he’s....a theatre kid
-stick n pokes
-sandwich time!!!!!
-cosplayer s/o
-sibling shenanigans
commission ~★
If pastas were triangle shaped… Wouldn’t that be so cool?

Curious goofballs
Diavolo, Kalim and Misumi

Yes M'lord
Barbatos, Jade and Guy

(I had way too much time on my hands-)
Gaming buds
Levi,Idia,Itaru and Banri

Strict disciplinary implementors
Lucifer,Riddle and Sakyou

Smol and sassy trio
Luke,Epel, and Yuki